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Урок+презентация «Семейные ценности»

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Term I     Unit I


Lessоn 8


Learning to ask about a country and its people




Главная цель - развитие коммуникативной культуры и социально-культурной образованности учеников, позволяющих уча­ствовать в социально-бытовой и учебно-профессиональной сфере.


Обучающие цели:


по фонетике - тренировка чтения слов в транскрипции по данной тематике, улучшение произносительных навыков при об­суждении выпуска семейного журнала;


по лексике - повторение и активизация лексического мате­риала по данной тематике; применение ранее изученного лексиче­ского материала в новых ситуациях общения;


по грамматике - применение ранее изученного грамматиче­ского материала в новых ситуациях общения (ролевая игра «Засе­дание редакционного совета семейного журнала», выпуск семей­ных журналов);


аудирование - практика в восприятии речи на слух с опорой на наглядность;


проектная технология - обучение проектной технологии:


1-й этап

Подготовка, определение темы и целей по данной тематике: «Заседание редакционного совета семейного журнала», выпуск семейного журнала

2-й этап

Планирование (определение источников инфор­мации, определение способа представления результатов - заседа­ние редакционного совета), выпуск журнала

3-й этап

Исследование проблемы (определение формата семейного журнала, подбор материалов для написания статей по различной тематике, подбор необходимых наглядных материалов (фотографии, рисунки и т. д.))

4-й этап

Достижение результатов (работа над фонетикой, лексикой и грамматикой используемого материала)

5-й этап

Представление результатов (презентация материалов для семей­ного журнала заседание  Редакционного совета)




Развивающие цели:


говорение - развитие монологической и диалогической речи;


письмо - развитие навыков письма (статьи разного характера в журналах);


чтение - развитие навыков и умений выразительного чтения.


Воспитывающие цели:


- воспитание любви и внимания к близким людям;


-  воспитание терпения (толерантности) и уважения в отношениях с близкими людьми.





I. Introduction.


The objectives of the lesson.


Today we keep speaking about the family as one of the most essential values of people’s life. Today we’ll produce the mock-up of the magazine ‘Happy Life’

We’re going to discuss the materials submitted to the  magazine and to prepare your materials for the presentation.


II. Warming-up activities.


People are becoming more aware of the importance of the family network. When the traditional family unit breaks down everything goes with it, but if you have parents, grandparents, the structure is more stable.  The understanding of the importance of the family problems, demographic situation in our country is the cause why 2008 is announced as the Year of the Family in our country.


III. Phonetic activities.  


When we think about our family it is usually associated with our household, the place where we live with our relatives.


Look at the blackboard. Here you can see some transcribed proverbs. Read them correctly and be careful about stress.


Home, sweet home!

East or West, home is best.

There's no place like home.


Put them down into your sheet paper.


Mr. McEwen narrated about his family home. Listen to his interview, fill in the gaps in the dialogue. Besides you should be ready to answer the question: ‘What is Mr. McEwen’s attitude to his house?’



journalist  This is BBC Radio Four. Welcome to the third programme in our series A Family Home. Today I'm with Mr Charles McEwan of West Ham, London. Mr McEwan lives in the (1)________Mr McEwan, good evening.

mr mcewan   Good evening.

journalist   Tell us about this house and your family. Were you born here?

mr mcewan  Yes, I was born here (2)__________ years ago.

journalist   The house must have lots of happy memories, then.

mr mcewan   Oh yes, lots of them.

journalist   Are these photos of your family?

mr Mcewan   Yes. This is my grandfather. He was from Scotland.

journalist   He wasn't English, then.

mr mcewan   No, he was Scottish. He was a won­derful musician. He had a (3)______. He had a wonderful sense of humour. And this is my grandmother.

journalist  Was she Scottish too?

mr mcewan   No, she was English. She was from London. In fact, she was born near here in (4) __________. She was often ill. She had a (5)__________. She was very calm and quiet.

journalist  And is this your mother and father?

mr McEWAN  Yes. My father was a teacher. When I was a boy, I was in his class at school. He had a good (6)____________, too.

 journalist Was he a good teacher?

 mr McEWAN   I think so. He was very kind to the children. He was very (7)_______. It wasn't so difficult to work with him.

journalist  This is a lovely house. Was your family very rich?

 mr McEwan   No! We weren't poor, but we weren't  rich.

journalist  Was that your car?

 mr mcewan  Yes, my father was very (8)_______ of his car.

journalist What was it? mr mcewan   It was a Ford. He had it for about ten years.

journalist   Is this your mother?

mr Mcewan  Yes, she was very kind and gentle.

journalist  She was very pretty too.

mr Mcewan  Yes, perhaps, but for me she was just my mother.

journalist  Were you the only child?

 mr Mcewan   No, there were five of us. Two girls and three boys. We had some

(9)_________ together. There was no television, but we had a radio. It was nice (10)____________________ in the evenings together.

journalist  And it still is nice to listen to good radio programmes like "A Family Home". Thank you, Mr McEwan.



                     (1)family home      (6) sense of humor

(2) forty-five               (7) calm

(3) violin                     (8) proud

(4) 1905                      (9) wonderful fun

(5) heart problem      (10) listen to the radio


1. What do you value in family relations most?


sharing (mutual)       understanding                 protection                           trust  

respect                                security                        comfort                            privacy


The family is considered to be one of the nature's masterpieces.

Every masterpiece is born in pain, so it would be a mistake to think that a happy family doesn't face any problems. Can you name them?


(Pupils name the problems: the lack of privacy, ….)


One of them is the misunderstanding between children and their parents, so-called ‘generation gap’.

It is a well-known fact that at a certain age children tend to think that they are very different from their parents. Their parents’ val­ues, behaviour are too old-fashioned. And children know better. However as a rule they owe their par­ents much more than they think they do. A famous writer once said: "When I was 20 I used to think "How stupid my father is". Now I am past 50, I keep thinking "How wise my father was".



Some teenagers dream to live on their own, to be independent.

And what do you think? Is it always good to be on your own?


To be on your own is bad because…

To be on your own is good because…

  • There is nobody around you
  • Nobody feels jealous of you
  • Nobody is interested in you
  • You have to run everything in your house
  • Nobody wants to know what you are up to
  • There is no lack of privacy
  • You don’t work for others like an unpaid slave



IV. Reading.



And now I’d like you to read a story about the complicated period in people’s life – adolescence.

It’ll be the expressive reading with the elements of dramatization.


1. Read the text, then put the sentences (a-1) in the logical order.




One day I walked down N. street. It was raining. I felt lonely. No sun, no green trees, no smiling faces. November was in my soul.

I saw a monument. I didn't know who the figure was. Frankly speaking, it mattered nothing to me. But I came across a crazy idea: to talk to him.

'Hi! I am as alone as you are.'

To my surprise he said: 'Hi!’ I was shocked! I have never heard the voice of a monument.

'I see you are shocked. Don't you know that monuments can talk like people?'

'But why haven't people ever heard your voice?'

'Alas! People have never tried to talk to us. You think we are a mere mass of marble or bronze. I observe people and think a lot about them. They are passing by so fast, and nobody looks around! Have you ever looked at the sky? Have you ever seen the stars?'

'I'm sorry for the mankind. But in our practical world we suffer from a lack of time. We can't spend it on such stuff’, I tried to explain.

'But then how cruel and selfish you are! In my first life (when I was a man) I was like you. I wanted to be at the top. All people wanted to be at the top! But I was the best!'

'Oh, I know who you are. You are Napoleon, aren't you?' I guessed.

'Foolish girl! You are so naive!'                                                    

'Stop! Don't forget that you are only a monument.'

'Sorry. You - people - are all quite the same.'

'Forgive me, please.'

The monument kept silent for several minutes and for those minutes I waited. Frankly speaking, I felt admiration talking to him. Then I said, "Hi, Mr. Napoleon! What are you thinking about?"

'Are you still here? I am thinking about eternal things. But why are you here? Your parents are worrying about you. They are waiting for you. Your mom has already cooked a tasty dinner, your dad is sitting and watching TV as usual; your brother is listening to his crazy music. They love you. Go home and don't disturb me!'

After his words I thought: 'Really, what am I doing here? Alone,  in the rain? It's simply my dangerous age - teen age, as my mom says'.



Put the sentences (a-1) in the logical order.

a. Your parents are worrying about you.

b. To my surprise the monument began speaking.

c. What am I doing here?

d. November was in my soul.

e. How cruel and selfish you are!

f. A crazy idea came to my mind.

g. I observe people passing by.

h. I felt lonely.

i. It's simply my teen age.

j. They love you.

k. I'm thinking about eternal things.

1. It was raining.




So, it’s not easy to make head or tail of oneself at this period. Youth is really a difficult time, isn’t it?

Here is an exercise in which I believe we’ll find some advice.



2. Read the text below. Use the word given in capitals at the end of each line to form a word that fits in the space in the same line.



Every day we have to make important (1)________.                               DECIDE

It is very hard to make them in (2)________, because                             YOUNG

we are not children, for (3)________the world is so                                WHO

simple and not yet adults, who have life experience.

In this (4)_________period teenagers are very                                       TRANSIT

(5)________; full of self-criticism, frequent changes                               CHANGE

of mood, (6)________with their appearance. Teenagers                         SATISFY

are also easily (7) _______________                                                   INFLUENCE

by others. And just in this period a great number of people begin to smoke,

communicate with (8)________groups. But I think,                                 DIFFER

you should love and respect(9)_____family, in order to find the right       YOU

way in life and place in (10)________. I guess, you                                 SOCIAL

should not only follow your wishes, but also fulfil all

your duties in time, control (11)_________. I would like                          YOU

to say that we shouldn't be (12)________. Ignorance                                LITERATE

makes (13)_________a sore point. So, we are                                          EMPLOY

(14)_________persons and we should respect                                          RESPONSE

(15)_________and other people, too. And to respect                                 WE

yourself means to wish yourself (16)_________and                                  HAPPY

try to make your dreams come true.


ignorant - невежественный                           literate - грамотный, образованный







What is this life if, full of care,

We have no time to stand and stare!


No time to stand beneath the boughs,

And stare as long as sheep and cows.


No time to see, when woods we pass,

Where squirrels hide their nuts in grass


No time to see, in broad daylight,

Streams full of stars, like skies at night.


No time to turn at Beauty’s glance

And watch her feet, how can they dance.


No time to wait till her mouth can

Enrich that smile her eyes began.


A poor life this is, if full of care

We have no time to stand and stare.


W.H. Davies (1871 – 1940)



IV. Preparation.


Teacher: You have been preparing for this project in the course of the whole unit. Now you will discuss the materials submitted to the magazine with all the members of your group.

And then you will prepare your materials for presentation.



  1. Pupils work in groups:




 “Leisure time”

Editorial Group: Designer, Picture editor, Technical  editor


They prepare their materials for presentation.

They choose the materials which will be submitted to the magazine.


2.  Pupils read the criteria for the competition.


You are all journalists and you are going to participate in a “Magazine competition”. Please read the criteria for the competition.

Magazine competition criteria

The magazine should cover all the topics, which are:

- family values;

- teenage problems in a family;

- how to bridge the "generation gap";

- agony aunt advice.

All journalists should have equal participation in producing the magazine.

The magazine should have:

1) a title;

2) a list of features and articles with names of authors;

The magazine should be:

- interesting;

- attractive

All the materials should be reader-friendly (clear, accurate lan­guage, logical).

A single article shouldn't exceed one printed page.



















3. Pupils choose the Chief who will:


a) ensure that the articles are ready by the agreed deadline.

b) help to summarize the prepared materials and advise how to speak briefly presenting the article

c) take notes of key decisions




V. Project


1. Discussion of the section’s materials submitted to the magazine with all the members of the group.


2. Presentation of the materials submitted to the magazine by all the groups.


Editor-in-chief (Pi). Good day dear friends! Now we are to discuss all the materials submitted to the magazine "Happy Family”


Technical editor (T). We have got some articles for our MAGAZINE.

I give the floor to the Editorial group. They’ll present the magazine's visual style.


Designer (P4). The layout of the cover is ready! The cover will be blue. Besides, I'm going to include a lot of photos of different fami­lies.


Picture editor (P5). As a picture editor, I have chosen some interesting pictures that could be used with this or that material. I think we are going to include some songs and poems for mothers and fathers.


Correspondent (P1) Here are some.


Technical editor (T). “Leisure time” Section


Correspondent (P2) There will be a song for mothers and a poem for grandmothers. And besides, it is necessary to include some material about, for example, American family holidays.


Correspondent (P3) My article is about Father's day in America. This material is modern and interesting!


Technical editor (T). “Lifestyle” Section


 Correspondent (P1)


 Correspondent (P2) I'd like to propose my arti­cle about changes in family life of Britain. In recent years there have been many changes in family life of Britain. I think this material is very important.


Correspondent (P3)


Technical editor (T). “Youngster” Section


Correspondent (P1)


 Correspondent (P2)


Correspondent (P3) We have a teenager's   letter. This girl writes about her problems with the parents and sisters. And we've got a letter of advice in agony column.


Technical editor (T). So, I think, everything is ready for our magazine! Let's collect all the material together.

I'd like to say some words about our magazine "Happy family":

-  On the first page there'll be the song for our dear mothers "More".

- On the second page you'll see the article about family values. The author of the article writes about eternal values: love, caring, re­spect.

- On the third page you'll read a teenager's letter. This letter is about generation gap in our country.

- And of course, we've got a letter of advice in agony column.

-  Besides, you'll read a very interesting article about American family holidays.

Our magazine will be full of impressive photos and exciting pic­tures. So this magazine is worth reading,


6. Follow-up.


Pupils look through the materials of different groups and evaluate them according to the criteria stated above.

The Chiefs express their opinion about the group’s work.



Self-evaluation card for student






Not quite


Are all the rubrics included?





Does the magazine prove the participation of all group members?





Do you like the title?





Are the materials interesting?





Is the magazine reader-friendly?





Is the magazine attractive?





Evaluation card for teacher


Group work:

participation in group work









task achievement


appropriateness of language





VI. The conclusion of the lesson.

Homework: prepare for grammar test












  Date_____________   Name ____________________ Form _______



  1. What are these proverbs?





  1. Listen to the interview, fill in the gaps in the dialogue.

      Answer the question: ‘What is Mr. McEwen’s attitude to his house?’



journalist  This is BBC Radio Four. Welcome to the third programme in our series A Family Home. Today I'm with Mr Charles McEwan of West Ham, London. Mr McEwan lives in the (1)________Mr McEwan, good evening.

mr mcewan   Good evening.

journalist   Tell us about this house and your family. Were you born here?

mr mcewan  Yes, I was born here (2)__________ years ago.

journalist   The house must have lots of happy memories, then.

mr mcewan   Oh yes, lots of them.

journalist   Are these photos of your family?

mr Mcewan   Yes. This is my grandfather. He was from Scotland.

journalist   He wasn't English, then.

mr mcewan   No, he was Scottish. He was a won­derful musician. He had a (3)______. He had a wonderful sense of humour. And this is my grandmother.

journalist  Was she Scottish too?

mr mcewan   No, she was English. She was from London. In fact, she was born near here in (4) __________. She was often ill. She had a (5)__________. She was very calm and quiet.

journalist  And is this your mother and father?

mr McEWAN  Yes. My father was a teacher. When I was a boy, I was in his class at school. He had a good (6)____________, too.

 journalist Was he a good teacher?

 mr McEWAN   I think so. He was very kind to the children. He was very (7)_______. It wasn't so difficult to work with him.

journalist  This is a lovely house. Was your family very rich?

 mr McEwan   No! We weren't poor, but we weren't  rich.

journalist  Was that your car?

 mr mcewan  Yes, my father was very (8)_______ of his car.

journalist What was it? mr mcewan   It was a Ford. He had it for about ten years.

journalist   Is this your mother?

mr Mcewan  Yes, she was very kind and gentle.

journalist  She was very pretty too.

mr Mcewan  Yes, perhaps, but for me she was just my mother.

journalist  Were you the only child?

 mr Mcewan   No, there were five of us. Two girls and three boys. We had some

(9)_________ together. There was no television, but we had a radio. It was nice (10)____________________ in the evenings together.

journalist  And it still is nice to listen to good radio programmes like "A Family Home". Thank you, Mr McEwan.












< 5



3. Is it always good to be on your own?


To be on your own is bad because…

To be on your own is good because…

  • There is nobody around you
  • Nobody feels jealous of you
  • Nobody is interested in you
  • You have to run everything in your house
  • Nobody wants to know what you are up to
  • There is no lack of privacy
  • You don’t work for others like an unpaid slave


3. Read the text, then put the sentences (a-1) in the logical order.




One day I walked down N. street. It was raining. I felt lonely. No sun, no green trees, no smiling faces. November was in my soul.

I saw a monument. I didn't know who the figure was. Frankly speaking, it mattered nothing to me. But I came across a crazy idea: to talk to him.

'Hi! I am as alone as you are.'

To my surprise he said: 'Hi!’ I was shocked! I have never heard the voice of a monument.

'I see you are shocked. Don't you know that monuments can talk like people?'

'But why haven't people ever heard your voice?'

'Alas! People have never tried to talk to us. You think we are a mere mass of marble or bronze. I observe people and think a lot about them. They are passing by so fast, and nobody looks around! Have you ever looked at the sky? Have you ever seen the stars?'

'I'm sorry for the mankind. But in our practical world we suffer from a lack of time. We can't spend it on such stuff’, I tried to explain.

'But then how cruel and selfish you are! In my first life (when I was a man) I was like you. I wanted to be at the top. All people wanted to be at the top! But I was the best!'

'Oh, I know who you are. You are Napoleon, aren't you?' I guessed.

'Foolish girl! You are so naive!'                                                    

'Stop! Don't forget that you are only a monument.'

'Sorry. You - people - are all quite the same.'

'Forgive me, please.'

The monument kept silent for several minutes and for those minutes I waited. Frankly speaking, I felt admiration talking to him. Then I said, "Hi, Mr. Napoleon! What are you thinking about?"

'Are you still here? I am thinking about eternal things. But why are you here? Your parents are worrying about you. They are waiting for you. Your mom has already cooked a tasty dinner, your dad is sitting and watching TV as usual; your brother is listening to his crazy music. They love you. Go home and don't disturb me!'

After his words I thought: 'Really, what am I doing here? Alone,  in the rain? It's simply my dangerous age - teen age, as my mom says'.


Put the sentences (a-1) in the logical order.


a. Your parents are worrying about you.

b. To my surprise the monument began speaking.

c. What am I doing here?

d. November was in my soul.

e. How cruel and selfish you are!

f. A crazy idea came to my mind.

g. I observe people passing by.

h. I felt lonely.

i. It's simply my teen age.

j. They love you.

k. I'm thinking about eternal things.

1. It was raining.











< 7


4. Read the text below. Use the word given in capitals at the end of each line to form a word that fits in the space in the same line.



Every day we have to make important (1)________.                               DECIDE

It is very hard to make them in (2)________, because                             YOUNG

we are not children, for (3)________the world is so                                WHO

simple and not yet adults, who have life experience.

In this (4)_________period teenagers are very                                       TRANSIT

(5)________; full of self-criticism, frequent changes                               CHANGE

of mood, (6)________with their appearance. Teenagers                         SATISFY

are also easily (7) _______________                                                   INFLUENCE

by others. And just in this period a great number of people begin to smoke,

communicate with (8)________groups. But I think,                                 DIFFER

you should love and respect(9)_____family, in order to find the right       YOU

way in life and place in (10)________. I guess, you                                 SOCIAL

should not only follow your wishes, but also fulfil all

your duties in time, control (11)_________. I would like                          YOU

to say that we shouldn't be (12)________. Ignorance                                LITERATE

makes (13)_________a sore point. So, we are                                          EMPLOY

(14)_________persons and we should respect                                          RESPONSE

(15)_________and other people, too. And to respect                                 WE

yourself means to wish yourself (16)_________and                                  HAPPY

try to make your dreams come true.












< 7








What is this life if, full of care,

We have no time to stand and stare!


No time to stand beneath the boughs,

And stare as long as sheep and cows.


No time to see, when woods we pass,

Where squirrels hide their nuts in grass


No time to see, in broad daylight,

Streams full of stars, like skies at night.


No time to turn at Beauty’s glance

And watch her feet, how can they dance.


No time to wait till her mouth can

Enrich that smile her eyes began.


A poor life this is, if full of care

We have no time to stand and stare.


W.H. Davies (1871 – 1940)





Self-evaluation card for student






Not quite


Are all the rubrics included?





Does the magazine prove the participation of all group members?





Do you like the title?





Are the materials interesting?





Is the magazine reader-friendly?





Is the magazine attractive?








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Представленный материал может быть использован для проведения урока в 10 классе по учебнику «New Millennium». Ранее изученный лексический, грамматический материал применяется в новых ситуациях общения (ролевая игра «Заседание редакционного совета семейного журнала). В урок включены задания на словообразование, по чтению, аудированию. Результатом данного урока является создание журнала «Family Magazine».В материалы урока включен «Activity Sheet» для учащихся, после каждого задания - шкала для самооценки выполненного задания. 

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    Гончарова Инна Викторовна
    Гончарова Инна Викторовна
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Курсы со скидкой

Курс профессиональной переподготовки



500/1000 ч.

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  • Сейчас обучается 24 человека из 17 регионов

Курс профессиональной переподготовки

Немецкий язык: теория и методика преподавания с применением дистанционных технологий

Учитель немецкого языка

300 ч. — 1200 ч.

от 7900 руб. от 3650 руб.
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Курс профессиональной переподготовки

Английский язык: теория и методика преподавания с применением дистанционных технологий

Учитель английского языка

300 ч. — 1200 ч.

от 7900 руб. от 3650 руб.
Подать заявку О курсе
  • Сейчас обучается 79 человек из 28 регионов
  • Этот курс уже прошли 53 человека

Курс повышения квалификации

Методика обучения немецкому языку

72 ч. — 180 ч.

от 2200 руб. от 1100 руб.
Подать заявку О курсе
  • Этот курс уже прошли 27 человек


Детская нейропсихология: особенности, диагностика, исследования

6 ч.

780 руб. 390 руб.
Подать заявку О курсе
  • Сейчас обучается 119 человек из 43 регионов
  • Этот курс уже прошли 56 человек


Управление стрессом и психологическими состояниями

2 ч.

780 руб. 390 руб.
Подать заявку О курсе
  • Сейчас обучается 78 человек из 32 регионов
  • Этот курс уже прошли 56 человек


Интеллектуальная собственность: медиа и фотографии

4 ч.

780 руб. 390 руб.
Подать заявку О курсе
  • Сейчас обучается 44 человека из 24 регионов