Инфоурок Английский язык ПрезентацииМет. разработка и презентация урока английского языка в 9 классе по теме "Прогулка по Голливудскому бульвару"

Мет. разработка и презентация урока английского языка в 9 классе по теме "Прогулка по Голливудскому бульвару"

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Описание презентации по отдельным слайдам:

  • A walk down Hollywood Boulevard

    1 слайд

    A walk down Hollywood Boulevard

  • As a general rule the most successful man in life is a man who has the best i...

    2 слайд

    As a general rule the most successful man in life is a man who has the best information.
    Benjamin Disraeli

  • Audrey Hepburn:1954,”Holidays in Rome”(nomination “The best actress of the...

    3 слайд

    Audrey Hepburn:
    1954,”Holidays in Rome”
    (nomination “The best actress of the year”)

    Marilyn Monroe never got the “Oskar” but always took place in the ceremony.

  • Russian   films   which    got    the “Oscar”1943, "Defeat of the German troo...

    4 слайд

    Russian films which got the “Oscar”
    1943, "Defeat of the German troops under Moscow" (the “best documentary film”)

    1968,”War and Peace"
    (the "Best film in foreign language" )
    1975,“Dersu Usala”
    (the "Best foreign film“)
    1980,"Moscow disbelieves" tears”
    (the "Best foreign film“)
    1995,”The "Tired by the sun".

    2000,“The Old man and the sea”

  • Who is this?    What is he(she) famous for?

    5 слайд

    Who is this?

    What is he(she) famous for?

  • Madonna

    6 слайд


  • Sharon   Stone

    7 слайд

    Sharon Stone

  • Walt  Disney

    8 слайд

    Walt Disney

  • Steven  King

    9 слайд

    Steven King

  • Jack  Nicolson

    10 слайд

    Jack Nicolson

  •      Sylvester  Stallone

    11 слайд

    Sylvester Stallone

  • 1.Madonna

                                         2.Jack Nicolson


    12 слайд


    2.Jack Nicolson

    4.Steven King

    5.Sharon Stone

    6.Walt Disney
    What were they before they started their careers?

  • 1.Madonna – a cashier at Dunkin Doughnuts2. Jack Nicolson – a mail sorter3....

    13 слайд

    1.Madonna – a cashier at Dunkin Doughnuts
    2. Jack Nicolson – a mail sorter
    3. Sylvester Stallone – a lion cage cleaner
    4. Steven King –a concierge
    5. Sharon Stone – MacDonald’s server
    6. Walt Disney – an ambulance driver

  • Let’s discuss!1. If you start your career early, you’re likely to be successf...

    14 слайд

    Let’s discuss!
    1. If you start your career early, you’re likely to be successful.
    2. If you don’t get a good education, you’re unlikely to achieve anything.
    3. If you have talent and work really hard, you’re sure to be successful.
    4. If you have a low self-esteem, you are unlikely to be successful.
    5. If you have good looks and talent you’re sure to be successful.

  • What is important to be successful?

I’m sure that….

In my opinion …..


    15 слайд

    What is important to be successful?

    I’m sure that….

    In my opinion …..

    There is no doubt for me that…

  • «Главное условие успеха, есть терпение»               Лев Толстой.«Если Вы ве...

    16 слайд

    «Главное условие успеха, есть терпение» Лев Толстой.
    «Если Вы верите в то, что сможете добиться успеха, и если думаете, что не сможете, то и там, и там Вы правы».
    Генри Форд.
    «Только те, кто не боится больших неудач, смогут достичь большого успеха.» Роберт Кеннеди
    «Есть много способов сделать карьеру, но самый верный из них — родиться в нужной семье» Дональд Трамп
    «Женщинам карьера дается труднее, ведь у них нет жены, которая толкала бы их вперед.» Я.Ипохорская
    «Мечта карьериста: вместо служебной лестницы иметь эскалатор» Зиборов А.
    «Самая великая слава приходит не к тому, кто никогда не падал, а к тому, кто поднимается выше после каждого своего падения.» Нельсон Манделла
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"A  Walk  Down
Hollywood  Boulevard"







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-Дарьино,17.02.2016 г.-

     Тема урока:   A Walk Down Hollywood Boulevard

Класс: 9

Цели  урока:


1.Активизировать и закрепить в речи лексику по теме “Walking down  Hollywood  Boulevard»

2. Научить высказываться о составляющих успешной карьеры в дискуссии по теме.

3.Познакомить с советскими (российскими) фильмами, получившими премию «Оскар» (2016год-Год Российского кино)


1.Развивать навыки  устной речи в беседе по теме «Что нужно, чтобы добиться успеха»

2.Развивать навыки аудирования   теме «Занятия звезд Голливуда до того, как они добились успеха»

3.Развивать навыки чтения с полным пониманием по диалогу урока


1. Воспитывать уважение ко всем профессиям.

2. Показать обучающимся, что трудолюбие и упорная работа - самое главное в том, чтобы добиться успеха в карьере.


Задачи урока:

1.Повторить лексику по теме “Walking down the Hollywood  Boulevard». 

2. Проверить проектные работы обучающихся по проекту «A Film Review Club».

3.Развивать навыки аудирования текста о занятиях знаменитостей до того, как они стали успешными в Голливуде.

4. Прочитать диалог урока с полным пониманием и поиском заданной информации.

5. Развивать навыки устной речи в высказываниях по теме «Что нужно, чтобы добиться успеха»


Оборудование:  презентации обучающихся своих проектов,  песня «Голливуд» в исполнении Мадонны, аудиозаписи к уроку, интерактивная доска, презентация к уроку «A Walk Down Hollywood Boulevard»

Учебное пособие: К. Кауфман, М. Кауфман «Happy English.ru», 9 класс – Обнинск. Титул, 2007 .-256 стр. 









                                            ХОД  УРОКА                           


1.Начало урока. Введение в языковую атмосферу, снятие речевого дискомфорта


1.     Приветствие. Беседа с дежурным о дате и дне недели, отсутствующих.

Before we start our lesson I’d like to remind you that we began working on a project “A film review club” You should prepare reports about your favourite film or  actor or  film director and illustrate your story with pictures and photos.  You still have time for doing it, till the end of this term. But today we’ll listen to some of your classmates with their presentations. These are ……. Be ready to ask questions and assess the work. Who wants to begin?

        (выступления двух-трех обуч-ся с презентациями)

2. Сообщение целей и задач урока.

Слайд 1

The topic of our lesson is “A Walk Down Hollywood Boulevard”

    Now open your student’s book on p.162 and read the the task of ex.1

 What will we talk about today?

-That’s right; Today in the lesson we should find together the answer to the question “What is  important  to be successful in the carrier?”

Слайд 2

 As a motto of our lesson I offer you the words of  Disraeli, the famous English  politician  and prime-minister of  England in Victoria time.

He said,”  As a general rule the most successful man in life is a man who has the best information”

                                       (отключить ММП)


2.Повторение. Систематизация знаний.

First of all let’s remember some words which we'll need to talk about success.

1.     Активизация  изученной ранее лексики


- Name the word according to its definition:

  1. All the actors in the film.                                           ( a cast)

  2. No tickets left.                                                            (All tickets are sold out)

  3. The first time the film is demonstrated.                 ( a premiere)

  4. If a book or a film makes you fall asleep

    you can say that it’s ….                                              (boring)

  5.  The name of a most famous film award.                (the “Oscars”)

  6. The most unusual monument to success and fame

           in Hollywood Boulevard.                                    (the Walk of Fame)


- Give the definition of the words:

  1. L.A                                                     (the short name of  Los Angeles)

  2. Hollywood                                         (a suburb of L.A., the place where the

                                                                  biggest and most famous film studios are)


  3. western                                          (a typical genre of American films in which

                                                         the main characters are cowboys and Indians)

  4. the Kodak  Theatre                     ( a famous theatre in Hollywood  Boulevard

                                                             where  Oscar Night takes place)

  5. a celebrity                                        (The person who is rich and famous)                                       


2. Речевая зарядка.

 Well done. Now let’s remember some facts about Los Angeles and Hollywood.                        Please, answer my questions:

1. What is Los Angeles famous for? (It’s famous for Hollywood, the star factory)

2. What are the names of the most famous and biggest film studios in Hollywood?

(Universal, Fox, Warner Brothers, Paramount, Columbia, NGM)

3. Where do celebrities live in Los Angeles?

(They live in the suburbs of LA, in Beverly Hills and Malibu)

4. What is Hollywood Boulevard famous for?

(It’s famous for the Walk of Fame. It’s a sidewalk with bronze stars set on the concrete).

5. What genre of films do you know? What’s you favourite genre of films?

6.  What  important event of show biz takes place in the Kodak Theatre?

                     (Oskar Night does)

7. We have 2 pictures of the famous American actresses in our class room. Do you know their names? Who’s that? And that?

                     (Marilyn Monroe and Audrey Hepburn)

8. Did they get an Oskar? Do you know it?

                                    (включить ММП)

Слайд 3


  OK, Marilyn Monroe had never got the Oskar, but Audrey Hepburn got the Osсar  in 1954  for the film “Holidays in Rome”

The year 2016 is declared by President Wladimir Putin as the Year of Russian cinema.

You know Russian cinema has a very rich history and its own traditions.

Do you know what  Russian films or  actors  got the Osсar?

I’ll tell you…..


Слайд 4

The first Soviet film which got the "Oscar" in 1943 was the film "Defeat of the German troops under Moscow" made by  film directors Leonid Varlamov and Ilya Кapalin, The  nomination - the “best documentary film”

Next was a historical film "War and Peace" of Sergey Bondarchuk  in 1968, in the nomination the "Best film in foreign language"

In 1975  the film “Dersu Usala” was awarded with
the "Oscar” as  the "Best foreign film".  The plot is based on the book of Vladimir
Аrsenyev. The film director was  the famous Аkira Кurosava from Japan.

Next "Oscar" was given to the picture of  Vladimir Menshov   "Moscow disbelieves" tears in 1980. This film was watched by  about 90 million people

In post-soviet time only one  Russian film got the "Oscar" in 1995.

It was the film by Nikita Mikhalkov the "Tired  by the sun".

Last time, in 2000 the  animated film "Old Man and the sea"  by Alexander Petrov got this prestigious  American Academy award. 

                                     (выключить ММП)

2.     Основная часть урока.

(включить ММП)

  Famous films, famous actors, actresses and film directors, camera men and musicians. What made them famous and successful?

Let’s go back to the question of our lesson:“What is  important  to be successful in the carrier?”

1)    p.162 ex.1 Listen to the words and repeat them after me. Explain me their  meaning!


2)    p.162 ex.3 Listen the conversation  and answer the questions:

                   ( 6 вопросов в задании к упражнению)


 Well, from the dialogue we have found out that Jack complains that he has to work as a guide in LA and doesn’t have a chance to star in the film in Hollywood.

But many well-known people from Hollywood didn’t work as actors or film directors at first. They began their carriers as waitress, drivers, cashiers, post delivers etc.


Слайд 5

 Who is this? What is he(she) famous for?

Do you know these people? Guess: who is this? What is he (she) famous for?

                                ( звучит песня «Голливуд»)


                  Who is singing?

    Слайд 6-Madonna

    Слайд 7-Sharon   Stone

    Слайд 8-Walt  Disney

    Слайд 9-Steven  King

    Слайд 10-Jack  Nicolson

    Слайд 11-Sylvester  Stallone


3) Развитие навыков аудирования

  Слайд 12

   Let’s do ex.4

     Try to match the star with his/her first job. You have 1 min. to do this task!

(В это время на доске рисуется таблица с именами актеров, обучающиеся должны сказать их профессию до работы в Голливуде, учитель записывает их мнения на доске+имена детей, кто высказал предположение))

 Now tell me your results. Use the word combinations written on the blackboard:


I am sure that…

 I think that…

In my opinion …

Maybe …..




Jack Nicolson


Sylvester Stallone


Stephen King


Sharon Stone


Walt Disney



5) Проверка догадок .  Now listen and check yourself.


Слайд 13 – занятия звезд до начала голливудской карьеры.

 Now correct your mistakes! (те, кто выступали, исправляют свои ошибки)


I thought that…..But actually he/she was  a…..

I was sure ….            But in fact he/she worked as…

I am glad I wasn’t wrong.   …. worked in reality as….


6)  Развитие навыков  устной речи. (задания на слайде)

Слайд 14


      Now let’s discuss some statements about how to be successful.

   You should tell me your opinion  to the problems, given on the slide.

 Use the expressions from the Conversation Bricks in Ex.5.

   Please, choose the statement you like.

You can agree or disagree but prove your opinions with examples from the text or think of  your own examples. You have 1 min. to  think of!


1. If you start your career early, you’re likely to be successful.


2. If you don’t get a good education, you’re unlikely to achieve anything.


3.     If you have talent and work really hard, you’re sure to be successful.



4. If  you have a low self-esteem, you are unlikely to be successful.



5. If you have good looks and talent you’re sure to be successful.



4.Заключительный этап урока.


1) Подведение итогов урока


 Слайд 15


  Our lesson is going to end. Now answer the question which was given you at the beginning of the lesson:

What is  important  for you personally to be successful in the carrier?

Use the words combinations given on the slide.

                              (опрос мнений в быстром темпе)

Did you like the lesson? What was new or interesting for you? Will it help you in your future life to get success?

2) Оценки (с комментариями)

3) Домашнее задание (инструктаж)

 Стр. 168   упр. B. + a short essay “My plan how to be successful in my future career”


Слайд16 - афоризмы об успехе и карьере


  I’d like to finish our lesson with the words of  famous  and respectable people about carrier and success. Some of them are serious, some are a bit humorous.

Just read them and  have fun! I hope they will help you to build your own carriers and get success in life.

                                   The lesson is over. Good bye!














1. If you start your career early, you’re likely to be successful.


Many people think that if you start your career early, you’re likely to be successful. But in fact many young actors stopped starring in the films when they grew up. For example Macaulay Culkin who played the role of Kevin in “Home alone”. He was a very promising child actor but now when he’s grown up, he doesn’t get any more roles.



2. If you don’t get a good education, you’re unlikely to achieve anything.


 I agree with the statement that  If you don’t get a good education, you’re unlikely to achieve anything. I think that good education gives a lot of advantages in the future profession.  We all know that many famous and successful politicians have got a very good high education. For example, our President Wladimir Putin.




3. If you  have talent and work really hard, you’re sure to be successful.


In general hard work and talent are the only things that matter.

 Very true but we need good connections and a lot of luck.

 Remember the singer Walery Obodzinsky! He didn’t have a musical education but he was talented, worked very hard and became very famous and successful.



4. If  you have a low self-esteem, you are unlikely to be successful.


 I agree with the statement that If  you have a low self-esteem, you are unlikely to be successful. Somebody with a low self-esteem is unlikely to have many ambitions. I think that Jack has a low self-esteem. He doesn’t believe in himself. Jack is unlikely to be successful in his career.



5. If you have good looks and talent you’re sure to be successful.


 Everybody says that if you have good looks and talent you’re sure to be successful.

It’s true. Think about Sylvester Stallone, Sharon Stone or Jack Nicolson.

They  became legends. But don’t forget they had to work very much to be so successful.



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