Инфоурок Иностранные языки КонспектыМетодическая разработка по теме "Спорт"

Методическая разработка по теме "Спорт"

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Тема урока: «Спорт» (Sport)

Предмет: английский язык                    Класс: 7                       

Тип урока: Обобщение пройденного материала с элементами вводной познавательной информацией.

Урок по теме “Sport “(Спорт) составлен по учебнику Way Ahead 6 Unit 5.


Цель урока: Повторение пройденного материала по теме «Спорт», повышение мотивации

к изучению английского языка средствами информационных технологий.

Задачи урока:

Образовательные: 1. Активизировать изученные лексические единицы по теме «Спорт»,

тренировать учащихся в их употреблении.

                                 2.Ознакомить учащихся с новыми речевыми структурами, учить использовать эти структуры в речи.

Развивающие:       1.Развивать навыки диалогической речи, внимания, память, навык письма.

                                 2.Развитие способности логически излагать свою точку зрения.

Воспитательные: 1.Учить положительно реагировать на создавшиеся проблемы и находить пути их решения.

                                2.Воспитывать уважение к стране изучаемого языка, культуру общения.

Тип урока: Обобщение пройденного материала с элементами вводной познавательной информацией.

Формы работы: индивидуальная, фронтальная, парная, групповая.

Оснащение: П.К. учителя, экран, проектор, слайды с фотографиями по теме «Спорт», карточки с заданиями, карточки с моделями высказываний, магнитофон.

I Начало урока. Организация класса, речевая подготовка.


           Good morning boys and girls! I’m glad to see you?

           Sit down please. I think you are fine today. So look at each other smile and       wish a nice day.

      « Звучит мелодия из песни «В хоккей играют настоящие мужчины…»

 Определение темы урока, постановка цели и задачи урока.


            Children  you  know, I’m from a sport loving  family. I like swimming.   My husband is fond of cycling. My son likes to play basketball. Do you like sport?  What is your favorite kind of  sport?

           Children, how do you think is sport a hobby or a healthy way of life?

 What sports games do you like to play with your family? Do you prefer    team or individual sports?

               Is sport important in your family?

(Речевая подготовка проводится в режиме  Т>P1,P2,P3,P4,P5 и т.д  Учитель выборочно спрашивает учащихся )

Учитель: Tell me please, what is the topic of our lesson today?

Ученики: The topic of our lesson is “Sport”.

Учитель: Yes, you are right. Today we are going to speak about sport and the role which it plays in our life. At the lesson we’ll revise the words we’ve studied before, learn new words connected with sport, listen to some information about popular kinds of sport.                                                                        ( 4мин)

 II Введение новой лексики ( отработка лексики по теме « Спорт» )

               а)Введение в тему

Учитель : Children tell me please, what sports do people in Russia go in for?

Ученик 1: Many sports are popular in Russia, such as hockey, football, tennis, basketball, volleyball, figure skating, swimming. Sporting activities are a part of daily life in Russia.

Учитель : What are the reasons of popularity of sports in the USA?

Ученик 2: Americans pay much attention to physical fitness. There is a large choice of sports in America. This can be explained by the size and variety of the country. There are five major American sports : hockey, volleyball, baseball, football and basketball.

Учитель : How can you prove that sports play an important part in Britain?

Ученик 3: The British are a sports- loving nation. Cricket, soccer, rugby, tennis, badminton, canoeing were all invented in Britain.                           (3 мин)


            b) Чтение текста с целью извлечения информации.

                Develop your reading skills. What’s the sport ?

(Учащимся раздаются карточки с описанием определённого вида спорта. Учащиеся внимательно читают и называют тот вид спорта о котором идёт речь. На доске карточки с видами спорта. Слова предворительно                     отрабатываются и переводятся.

Приложение 1.Учащиеся поочереди отвечают на вопрос, используя опорный материал с доски.)                                                        (3 мин)                   

              c)  Отработка лексико – грамматических структур

                  (Повторение правил употребления Рresent Perfect Сontinuos)

                       На доске:  Once a week                    Present Perfect Continuos

                                          Twice a week                  (have/has + been +Ving)

Учитель: Now children look at the screen, name these kinds of sport.

                  Who knows, what is this? Rise your hands.

                   How many of these sports can you name?

              (Учащиеся смотрят на экран и называют виды спорта)

(Учитель выборочно вызывает учащихся, ответы учащихся сопровождаются показом слайдов. Использование ПК учителем. Документ Microsoft Word Приложение 2 )

Учитель :I like swimming. I swim once a week. I have been swimming for two years.

(Учащиеся выбирают любой вид спорта и отвечают  по образцу используя опорный материал с экрана и доски)

Ученик 1: I like swimming . I swim twice a week. I have been swimming for two years.

Ученик 2: I like tennis. I play tennis three times a week. I have been playing tennis for six months.

Ученик 3:I like to play basketball. I play basketball twice a week. I have been playing basketball for three years.

( Учитель выборочно спрашивает учащихся Р4, Р5, Р6….)   (2 мин)


Динамическая пауза: Зарядка для шеи, плеч «Stretching exercises»                   (Приложение 3 )                                                                                     (2 мин)

Учитель : You are going to listen stretching exercises. Come up to me and stand in a circle. Listen and follow the instructions.

(Учащиеся по команде  диктора выполняют упражнения  вместе с учителем стоя в круге)

                d)  Тренировка лексико –грамматических структур.

                      Задание для учащихся.

               ( Использование ПК учителем . Документ Microsoft Word . На экране появляются вопросительные предложения. Работа в парах , учащиеся составляют диалоги используя опорный материал с экрана )

 Учитель : What sport do you do?

Ученик :   I play volleyball.

Учитель : How often do you play voleyball?

Ученик : I play volleyball three times a week.

Учитель : How long have you been playing ?

Ученик : I have been playing for two years.

( Выполнение задания проходит в режиме Р1>P2, P3>P4, P5>P6…….)                                           

                                                                                                                  (3 мин)

            e)  Развитие навыков аудирования.

Учитель : Children you are going to listen two children are talking about sports.

                   Note down all information you are going to listen.


(Прослушивание аудиокассеты 1. Приложение 4. Учитель выборочно спрашивает учащихся.)

 Учитель: Whtat do children say about sports?                                                                                    

Ученик 1: Ben likes simming. He swims three times a week. He has been swimming since he was ten.

Ученик 2 :Mary likes tennis. She has been playing tennis for about two years.


(Прослушивание аудиокассеты 2. Приложение 5 . Учитель выборочно спрашивает учащихся)

Учитель : How many names of sports can you find?                                                                             

Ученик 1: There are six .

Учитель : What  sports do children go in for?

Ученик 2: Football, basketball, volleyball, swimming, running, tennis.

Ученик 3 : Mark plays football.

Ученик 4 : Sally plays basketball.

Ученик 5 : Amy plays volleyball, tennis and goes swimming.

Ученик 6 : Joe goes running.


III  Знакомство с эктремальными видами спорта. ( Extreme sports)

Учитель: Сhildren  tell me please, have you ever tried any extreme sports?

                 Can you name some of them?

(Учащиеся поочереди отвечают на поставленные вопросы) (На экране появляются фотографии и лексика по теме « Экстремальные виды спорта». Использование ПК учителем. Документ Microsoft Word Приложение 6)

Учитель: Now children look at the screen and repeаt after me.

(Работа с лексикой, учащиеся за учителем хором повторяют  и переводят слова)

Учитель: 1. Tell me please, Why are they extreme sports?

                  Why are they dangerous?

(Учитель указывает поочереди на разные фотографии с экстремальными видами спорта.Учащиеся отвечают на поставленные  вопросы используя опорный материал с доски и экрана.)

Ученик1: I think rock climbing is dangerous because you can fall off from a wall.

Ученик2: For me bungee jumping it is the risk of heart attack, you can lose consciousness.

Ученик3: In my opinion hang gliding is dangerous because you can fall from high altitude.

Ученик4: Snowboarding is dangerous because you can lose control due to high speed, it is risk of bone breaking.

Ученик5:I think skateboarding is risk of losing balance and fall.

Ученик6:I think surfing is risk of drowning.

Ученик7: In my opinion jet skiing is dangerous because of very high speed which may result in the loss of consciousness, heavy fall.

Учитель: Children can you tell me which extreme sports is also an Olympic event?

Ученик: Snowboarding is included as an Olympic event.

Учитель: Thank you very much, you are so talented pupils.

                                                                                                                   ( 7 мин) Релаксация : (Зарядка) Учитель: Children  if you want to be strong, sportive       and healthy you should do exercises. Stand up please, listen to me and follow my instructions.

( Учащиеся выполняют зарядку, звучит мелодия из песни « В хоккей играют настоящие мужчины…» Приложение 7)                    ( 2 мин)

3. Учитель: Children do you know that if you want to try any extreme sports you should have following skills such as:

                 Stamina                             Agility

                 Sense of balance               Coordination

(На доске карточки со словами, учащиеся повторяют хором за учителем и переводят слова)

Учитель: Now children I want you to complete the chat and put ticks where it necessary.

(Учащимся раздаются карточки с таблицей , ученики заполняют таблицу ,а затем говорят какие качества по их мнению необходимы для определённого вида спорта.)                                                                 (3 мин)

VI Заключительный этап урока. Рефлексия .

1.Учитель: Сhildren today you have made a wonderful trip into the interesting and attractive world of sport.

                  Do you like our lesson? What new information have you learnt?

                  How do you think why it is so important to go in for sport?

                  Why is it  important to have healthy way of life?

(Учащиеся поочереди отвечают на поставленные вопросы, высказывают своё мнение )                                            (2 мин)

2. Выставление оценок.

    Учитель: Children thank you very much for your good work and excellent activity during our lesson.

                     I’ve got prizes for you. I’ve got medals. I’d like to award you with these medals.

(Проходит награждение, вручение медалей)

                «5» - красные медали, «4»- синие медали.

3. Домашнее задание: To write a composition” My favourite sportsman”(2 мин)


Приложение 1

What ‘s the sport?

(Macmillan Exam Skills for Russia ‘Reading and writing’стр.42-43)

1.I’m not so keen on the field events such as The javelin and the high jump, but I love all the Track events, especially the 1500 m.  (athletics)



2. And it’s a goal! What a match! So, that’s three two to Blackburn… six more minutes till half-time. (Football)



3. I think there’s a real feeling of achievement once You get to the top. You know, it’s just man against Nature, and you’ve actually done it. It’s a great feeling!   (rock climbing)



4.I tried it for the first time when we were on holiday last summer. I spent about fifteen minutes practicing on the beach: standing on the board, holding the sail, trying to keep my balance. But as soon as I actually got in the water I couldn’t stay on at all.   (windsurfing)


5.It’s a bit like tennis in that there’s a net and You’re trying to get the ball over the net. But you don’t have a racket, and you hit the ball With your hands or your wrists .You’ve got to hit the  ball before it touches the ground.       (volleyball)  




6.The course at St Andrew’s is one of the most challeng courses in the country . Even the most experienced professionals sometimes end up stuck in the sand, or losing their ball in the lake. (golf)



7. They don’t have a pool at school, so I usually take the kids to the local leisure centre every Saturday afternoon. They love it. Nicola usually does lengths, and Adam just splashes around in the shallow end.             (swimming)



Приложение 2


                  Tennis                         Volleyball                           Cycling


         Basketball                               Football                                 Swimming      


                 Athletics                           Hockey                           Boxing


Приложение 3 (Stretching exercises)

                                              Динамическая пауза.

(Listen and do.  Tape 16 “WayAhead Unit 5.)

These are stretching exercises.

Head rolling: First, lean your head to the left. Next, lean your head to the right       Now very slowly, roll your head forwards…, sideways…,  backwards…,                     And round to the front again.

Shoulder circles: First , lift your shoulders up and down. Then, very slowly                                Circle them back…, forwards…, and up. Do this seven times.

Smiling: Smiling is a good exercise! First make a sad face. Then smile.                              A really bid smile. Rise your eyebrows at the same time. Smile…, smile…, smile…, stop! Do this three times.


Приложение  4

(Listening- note taking. Tape 17 WayAhead . Unit 5)

Ben:Hello! My name is Ben. I’m 14 years old and I like swimming.

 I swim at school three times a week and I usually go to the beach once a            

week. I’ve been swimming since I was ten.

Mary: Hi! My name is Mary and I like tennis. I usually play at the sports club.

            I’ve been playing tennis for about two years now and I play about once

            a week. That’s in summer ,of course.


Приложение 5

(Listening. Tape 18 WayAhead. Unit 5)

How many names of sports can children find.

Narrator:      Mark has only been playing football for two years.

                       But he is really good.

Small boy:     How long have you been playing football?

Mark:            Since I was nine.

Small boy:     How often do you play?

Mark:            I play nearly every day.

Narrator:      Sally usually plays basketball after school.

                       She is in the school team.

Amy:             Don’t you like volleyball?

Sally:   I like basketball better. I’ve been playing for the school for three   years.

Narrator: Amy has been swimming at the sports club for a year. She also plays tennis twice a week.

Sally:  You are very fit. What sports do you do?

Amy:  I spent a lot of time here at the sports club. I’ve been coming here since last year. I swim and play tennis.

Narrator:   Joe enjoys running. He’s been running since April.

Alex:  How often do you run?

Joe:  In the spring I run every day. I’ve been training for the 100 metres this year.

Приложение 6    (Extreme sports)


        Rock climbing                Parachuting                         Hang gliding   



                      Freestyle skiing                                           Surfing

5101.jpg 2047_4.jpg

           Skateboarding                                                       Sky Surfing



Приложение 7 (Релаксация )


Pick up, put down, stand up, turn round.

Clap left, clap right, clap up, clap down.

Look left, look right, look up, look down.

Turn round, sit down, touch something brown!

Point to your teacher, point to the door.

Look at the window, look at the floor.

Stand on your left leg, stand on your right.

Now sit down, touch something white.

Put up your hands, and touch your toes.

Cross your fingers, hold your nose.

Bend your knees ,and shake your head.

Stamp your feet, touch something red!

Приложение 8 (карточки с таблицей)

Учащиеся заполняют таблицу,а затем сравнивают свои ответы.





In line skating

Skate boarding









































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