Инфоурок Английский язык КонспектыМетодическая разработка урока английского языка на тему "Sports and Olympic games"

Методическая разработка урока английского языка на тему "Sports and Olympic games"

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Тема урока: “Sports and Olympic games”

Класс: 6

Оборудование: ПК, проектор

Наглядность: картинки по теме «Спорт», раздаточные карточки с заданиями.


1.       Обобщить и расширить знания учащихся по теме «Спорт и Олимпийские игры»

2.       Совершенствовать навыки и умения


1.       Образовательные:

-расширить знания учащихся по данной теме;

-закрепить лексический и грамматический материалы;

2.  Развивающие:

-развитие навыков говорения, чтения, письма и аудирования;

-развитие памяти, логики, мышления и активности учащихся;

3. Воспитательные:

-повысить мотивацию к изучению английского языка;

-воспитать умение работать в команде и индивидуально;

-привить интерес к спорту.

Ход урока:

1.       Организационный момент. Приветствие. Диалог с дежурным.

Учитель: Stand up, please! Good evening, boys and girls! Nice to see you!Let’s greet our guests!Take your seat.

Who is on duty today?

Who is absent?

What is the date today?

What day of the week is it today?

What is your homework for today?

Today we’re going to speak about sport and games. Let’s have a look at the plan of our lesson.



„  1. Warming up

„  2. Homework check

„  3. New Grammar Material

„  4. History of the Olympic Games

„  5. Game

„  6. Results and rewards

„  7. Poems and a song

„  8. After action review, homework


2.       Фонетическая разминка. Активизация лексики.

Учитель: First of all let’s do some phonetic exercises. Look at the screen and repeat all together after the speaker.







Ski-jumping etc.


3.       Проверка домашнего задания. Повторение лексики по теме «Спорт».

Учитель: It’s time to check your homework. Your task was to revise the vocabulary connected  with sport. Look at the screen – the task is to give the Russian equivalents to the English words.



Принимать участие


Проводить соревнования


Олимпийские игры

Командные виды спорта

Водные виды спорта

Заниматься спортом




4.       Ответы на вопросы учителя. Активизация говорения.

Учитель: Let’s talk a little about sport. Everybody knows that sport plays a great role in our life. I’ve got several questions to you:

-Do you like sport?

-Why sport is so important in our life?

-What kind of sport do you prefer? Why?

-Do you like your PT lessons? What do you do at your PT lessons?

Thank you! You can see three proverbs on the screen. Let’s read them and try to translate.

Health is above wealth.

A sound mind in a sound body.

In sports and journeys men are known.


And there are some sentences about sport. We’re going to read and translate them.


Sport plays a very important role in our life.

All over the world people of different ages are very fond of sport and sport games.

Sport makes people healthy, keeps them fit, more organized and better disciplined.

It unites people of different classes and nationalities.


5.       Грамматический материал. Индивидуальная работа.

Учитель: Today we’ve got a new grammar material.You’ll know how to use the words DO, PLAY and GO with kinds of sport.Let’s read the rule.

В зависимости от вида спорта можно выбрать глаголы playdogo, которые используются в таких случаях:

Play – используется с командными видами игр с мячом

(play footballplay basketball)

Go – используется с такими видами спорта, которые заканчиваются

на -ing (go skating, go skiing, go jogging, go climbing)

Do – используется с теми видами спорта, в названии которых

отсутствует -ing (do yoga, do aerobics); исключение: do boxing

Учитель: And now let’s do an exercise. You should choose: do, play or go.


6.       Доклад на тему «История Олимпийских игр». Активизация говорения и аудирования.

Учитель: How do you think why today are we speaking about the Olympic Games? Why is it the topic of the hour? Where do they take place? I think it’s a great event for our country! The Olympic Games have already finished. Do you know the results? And one more question – Do you know the Olympic motto?

Let’s listen to the history of the Olympic games.2 of you have prepared the report on this topic. Class, you should write down some important facts.

The world's greatest international sports games are known as the Olympic Games.

The Olympic emblem is five interlinked rings: blue, yellow, black, green and red. Any national flag contains at least one of these colours.

The original Olympic Games began in ancient Greece in 776 B.C. These games were held every fourth year in honour of God Zeus at the place called Olympia.

The first modern Olympic Games were held in Athens in 1896. Since then the Olympics are held every fourth year in different countries.

The ancient Greeks had no winter sports. Only in 1924 the first Winter Olympic Games were held in France.

Summer and Winter Games are held separately. The Summer Games are held during the summer season. They last for 16 days. The next Summer Games will be held in Brazil in 2016.(Rio de Janeiro)

Winter Olympic Games usually take place in February.


Thank you for your report! Can you tell me do you know the Symbols of these Olympic games?


7.       Физкультминутка.

Учитель: Stand up, everybody! Let’s do some physical exercises and sing together!


8.       Игра. Работа в командах. Активизация чтения, письма.

Учитель: And now we’re going to play. We’ve got 3 teams. Let’s get acquainted with our teams. Please, all the teams, introduce yourself and your motto!

You’ll get 4 tasks and particular time on each one. You should do all the tasks as quick as possible and as correct as possible. The first team is the Sportsmen, the second one is the Champions and the third one is the Winners! Are you ready? Let’s go!

Look at the screen! The first task is to find the names of sport. You’ll get 2 min for this task!


The second task is to write the names of sportsmen who…You’ll get 2 min for this task!

How do you call a person who:



b) plays football


с) does gymnastics


d) plays hockey


e) does the high jump


f) plays tennis


g) goes cycling


h) does sports


i)climbs a mountain


j) plays volleyball




l) skates



The third task is to do the Crossword! It’s the most difficult task and that’s why you’ll get 4 min for it!


And one more task is left. You should put the letters in the correct order! You’ll get 2 min for this task!

 1. erccso                       

2. cktracera                   

3. incamohp                 

4. ngsurfi                       

5. bongxi                       

6. calseitht                                                          

7. ticomtipeon           



9.       Результаты и награды.

Учитель: Thank you, everybody! You’ve been extremely active !And now let’s sum up the results of our game! The first team has got …points, the second team has got …points, and the third one has got…points. And the first prize and gold medals will go to ….The second prize and silver medals will go to…And the third prize and bronze medals will go to…



10.   Стихотворения. Песня. Говорение, аудирование.

Учитель: I know that today you’ve prepared beautiful poems about sport! Let’s listen to your poems.The first poem is called “Sport”. The second poem is called “Choose your sport”.


Sports inspire us

to compete.

Winning over losing

is much more sweet.

We do it because

we love the game.

Life without sports

would not be the same.

Plenty of water,

we must constantly drink.

As we push our bodies

to their very brink.

   We sacrifice everything

  for our team,

  because a championship

  is our only dream.


Choose Your Sports

Let's turn off our video games,

and run outside.

From so many sports,

we may choose and decide.

Baseball, soccer

and basketball are fun,

Let's grab some friends

and play in the sun.

In baseball, you will be

running around.

When you hit the ball,

it's a beautiful sound.

In soccer  you pass the ball,

using your feet,

Drink lots of water

and watch out for the heat.

Whatever sports

you decide to play,

Enjoy them with friends,

each and every day.


Thank you! And our lesson is coming to its end and I’d like to tell you – it doesn’t matter what kind of medals you have got today as the main thing is not to win but to participate!And anyway today all of you are the Champions!Let’s sing a piece of a song “We are the champions”.


11.   Заключительный момент. Рефлексия. Домашнее задание.

Учитель: Boys and girls, can you tell me what have we done today and what have we learnt today?

Write down your homework for the next lesson. You are to write down a mini-composition on the topic “ Sport in my life”. From 10 to 15 sentences in your copybooks.

And the most active students today have got the excellent marks. They are…

Now stand up, please! Our lesson is over, thank you, good-bye!

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