Инфоурок Английский язык Другие методич. материалыМетодическое пособие для контроля навыков диалогической речи на среднем этапе обучения ИЯ «Let’s speak English»

Методическое пособие для контроля навыков диалогической речи на среднем этапе обучения ИЯ «Let’s speak English»

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государственное бюджетное образовательное учреждение

 среднего профессионального образования Ростовской области

«Константиновский педагогический колледж»







Методическое пособие

для контроля навыков диалогической речи

на среднем этапе обучения ИЯ

«Lets speak English»









Автор: Щепеткова Анна

студентка 4 «И» курса

специальность 050303.52

Иностранный язык














Константиновск, 2013




Данное методическое пособие предназначено для учителей иностранного (английского) языка, а также для учеников и их родителей.

Цель данного пособия – дать методические рекомендации преподавателям иностранного языка для проведения эффективного разноуровнего контроля по развитию навыков диалогической речи на средней ступени обучения иностранного языка.

Пособие представляет собой сборник упражнений, предназначенный для контроля навыков диалогической речи учащихся 6-9 классов.

Данное пособие состоит из текстов и упражнений в обучении диалогической речи. Материал построен на достоверном, аутентичном материале, который отражает потребности детей 13-16 лет.

Также методическое пособие составлено на основе собственного опыта, опыта учителей, работающих над проблемой обучения диалогической речи на средней ступени обучения иностранного языка.
































Предисловие……………………………………………………………………...2Контроль диалогических навыков………………………………………………..4

Topic 1: City, countryside, infrastructure. Skills of social life…………………….4

Topic 2: Leisure time……………………………………………………………..10


































Контроль диалогических навыков


Topic 1: City, countryside, infrastructure. Skills of social life.


1. Прочтите диалог по ролям.

1.1)*  Представьте, что вы потерялись в большом городе, спросите дорогу до парикмахерской/магазина/станции метро/почтового отделения. Составьте собственный диалог, аналогичный данному.

How can I go to the police station?

Man: Are you OK?
Robin: Yes, I’m fine now, thanks. But where am I? 

Man: You’re in Marbury. This is the library.
Robin: Oh, OK. Listen, do you know the way to the police station?
Man: The police station. Yes, it’s easy. You turn left at the next road, Mill Street…
Robin: Turn left, OK…
Man: Then go straight about 200 meters. Then you get to the post office.
Robin: The post office.
Man: Yes, it’s on the right.
Robin: On the right, OK.
Man: Next to the post office, turn right into Beech Road.
Robin: Beech Road. OK.
Man: Go along the road, then turn left at the bookshop, into Lime Avenue.
Robin: Yes, OK.
Man: The police station is in Lime Avenue. It’s at the end of the street, on the left.
Robin: OK, thanks very much.

Man: Not at all. You are welcome.


2.* Расположите реплики диалога в правильном порядке.

2.1) Прочтите диалог по ролям.

A) Speaker 2:  On the contrary, it will be rather boring: only work and absolutely no entertainment. There are no cinemas and theatres in the mountains. Besides, it’s always cold there and life can be really dangerous because of severe weather conditions. Let’s live in a small town at the seaside. The climate is warm and nice there. We could open a small hotel near the sea and have lots of tourists. It’s not hard to run a private hotel. Besides, we’ll have an opportunity to communicate with people from all over the world. It’s exciting!

B) Speaker 1: First of all, the air in the countryside is fresh and there is no pollution. I ’11 be able to grow fruit and vegetables for my family and we will enjoy a healthy lifestyle. Besides, I’ll live in my own house with lots of rooms. I think it’s better than living in a small stuffy flat in the city.

C) Speaker 2: If I could choose, I would prefer to live in a big-city like London. It’s a wonderful city with lots of museums to visit and sights to enjoy. I’ll be able to walk in beautiful parks and spend my free time in a pub.

D) Speaker 2: As for me, I don’t mind noise and pollution. But if I live in a city, I’ll be able to find an interesting job and earn a lot of money.

E) Speaker 1: If you had an opportunity to choose, where would you live?

F) Speaker 1: I can’t agree with you. It’s difficult to find a job in a big city. You might not be able to find a job in the area that you enjoy and you’ll have problems with getting to work. As for me, I would prefer to work for myself and live somewhere in the countryside.

G) Speaker 2: I would agree with you but, in my opinion, there is nothing to do in the countryside. You’ll soon get bored with such a lifestyle. In addition, I think it’s very hard to grow fruit and vegetables. You’ll have to work hard all day long. And in case of bad weather, you can lose all your crops. Farming is definitely not my cup of tea.

H) Speaker 2: I completely agree with you.

I) Speaker 1: I don’t think it’s a good idea to live in a big city. Well, it’s great to come to London as a tourist but if you live there all the time, I’m sure you will be fed up with all these sights and museums. Just think about noise, pollution and traffic jams during rush hours. Besides, accommodation in big cities is rather expensive because there aren’t enough houses for everybody.

J) Speaker 1: OK. What about living in the mountains? The air and water in the mountains are exceptionally clean and we would be able to enjoy magnificent mountain views.

K) Speaker 1: If you agree, we’ll choose to live at the seaside.

L) Speaker 2: Why?

M) Speaker 1: Not exactly. We could work as tourist guides in summer and in winter we could teach tourists downhill skiing. Our life will be easy and exciting!

N) Speaker 1: Great idea! There is no pollution at the seaside and we can enjoy a healthy lifestyle. We could go to the beach early in the morning or late in the evening and swim in the sea. And we could eat lots of fruit and vegetables.

O) Speaker 2: But what shall we do for a living? I think it’s impossible to find any work in the mountains.

P) Speaker 2: And if we get bored with the sea and the sun we could go to the cinema or to a disco with our friends. So, what place do you think we should choose?


3. Переведите диалог на английский язык.

- С какой платформы убывают поезда на Мазервилль?

- Платформа 14,направо вверх и вниз, подземный уровень.

 - Когда убывает следующий поезд?

 - 10.30 с центрального вокзала Глазго.

- Когда он прибывает на конечную станцию?

- Вы будете в Мазервилле в 11.04. Дорога туда занимает приблизительно


- Мне нужно будет пересаживаться на другой поезд?

- Нет, не нужно. Расстояние маленькое.

- Сколько стоит билет?

- В одну или обе стороны?

- Туда и обратно.

- Билет в один конец стоит 20$. Обычный билет в туда и обратно стоит вдвое больше.

- Но вы можете приобрести билет с возвращением в тот же день, что выйдет дешевле.

- Большое спасибо.

- Для меня это удовольствие.


Центральный вокзал Глазго –

Glasgow Central

Билет с возвращением в тот же день –

a day return

Пребывать на конечную станцию –

 to get in

Пересаживаться на другой поезд –

 to change

В обе стороны - return

В одну сторону - single


4.**Прочтите текст о  детстве в сельской местности. Обсудите преимущества и недостатки детства в городе, узнайте мнение собеседника, выскажите своё мнение, аргументируйте свой выбор.

Should children grow up in the countryside or in a city?

Nowadays, technological development is directed to such people-crowded places such as big cities, resulting in significant differences of lifestyles between people living in the town and in the countryside. It is said that big cities are no longer suitable for bringing up children. In my point of view, I strongly agree that children should grow up in the countryside. Being close to nature, children in the countryside are likely to improve both physical and mental behaviors better than those who are in the city. In the rural areas, children are endowed with real nature that affects to the development of children.

First, fresh air in the countryside provides children with good health. Research has it that more and more children in the town nowadays are exposed to allergy on account of pollution from both vehicles and factories. On the other hand, children living far away from any high technologies are liable to be much healthier. Polluted air is a main cause to destroy the health of everybody, especially children.

Another benefit of living in the countryside is that a majority of children spend their free time wisely. After coming back from school or during vacations, most of the city-dwelling children waste their time by watching TV or playing video games. Big cities have limited areas and hardly furnish people in the communities with public places for relaxing such as park and playgrounds. Therefore children in the cities are limited to conducting useless or even harmful activities. In contrast, rural children devote their leisure time playing with others in large open fields or helping their parents look after their cattle. As a result, not only be rural children so strong from everyday exercise, but they also spend their time in a meaningful way by helping their parents do some work.

Finally, children in the countryside may become more considerate man than those who are in the big city. In the cities, there are very high rate of rivalry.


only stay at home and watch TV

broaden children’s horizons

prepares a child more for what real life is like

a lot of interesting and exciting places to visit

chance to receive better education.

get lost or hurt

develop many hobbies

Polluted air

cannot provide big playground for children

living far away from any high technologies

sense of community



5.* Воспроизведите диалог, восстанавливая реплики пассажира.

5.1) Прочтите диалог по ролям.

At the Airport

a customs officer:  Can I see your passport?       

a passenger: ________________

a customs officer: Have you anything to declare?

a passenger: ________________

a customs officer: What’s the purpose of your visit?    

a passenger:________________     

a customs officer:  Well, would you mind opening this bag, please. 

a passenger:________________

a customs officer:  Thank you. Right. That’s all. You can go through now.

a passenger:________________      


6. **Опираясь на данный текст, обсудите с другом ваш населенный пункт, нравится ли он вам? Есть ли куда сходить? Насколько развита инфраструктура? Хотели бы вы переехать в другое место? Почему?

What it is like to live in a small town?

Many people, who live in a small town, daydream about what it would be like to get out of their towns (Sometimes I daydream about it, too because I am young and want to see how the other people live and to know something new which I have never met before. But I adore my hometown!!! They told that their towns were boring but I find interesting to live in a small town.

I have lived in the town since I was born there. For example, we (my friends, my mum and of cause I went skating a few hours ago. And it had a lot of fun. Tomorrow I am going to English club. People who do not want to live in a small town because they find it very boring. But I believe it depends on what kind of person you are. If you are boring, it will be boring for you everywhere probably even in a very big city. But if you can entertain yourself, you will have fun everywhere. Finally, if you want you can find pluses and mines everywhere because it depends on your attitudes. As for me, one of the best pluses of living in a small town is clear air. Also, people who live around you!


7. * Расширьте диалог (добавьте фразы приветствия; узнайте, свежие ли фрукты, когда в магазин  поступят бананы, киви, свежая зелень; оцените обслуживание в магазине; пожелайте удачного дня)

7.1) Прочтите диалог по ролям.

At the Greengrocer’s

Customer: Will you show me these oranges? Where are they from?

Shop assistant: These are Spanish oranges. They are sweet and fresh.

Customer: Yes, I see. I’ll take three.

Shop assistant:  Look at these dark grapes. They are very nice. We’ve got them today.

Customer: Fine. I’ll take a bunch of grapes. My children like grapes.

Shop assistant: — What about some strawberry?

Customer: Oh! I like it very much, but it’s winter now. Strawberry is very expensive.

Shop assistant: Three oranges and a bunch of grapes. Is that all?

Customer: Yes, thank you.


8. Прочтите диалог по ролям

8.1)* Составьте диалог, аналогичный данному. Представьте, что девушка решила подстричься, но ещё не решила какую стрижку она хочет, парикмахер дает ей совет не стричься слишком коротко. Также в салоне ей предлагают сделать маникюр и массаж.

At the hairdressers (В парикмахерской)

Mary Brown is a pretty young woman. She takes pains to look beautiful. Two weeks have passed since Mary went to the hairdresser’s. Now she decided to change her style altogether. She made an appointment with her hairdresser, but she is a bit late.

Mary: Good morning! I am afraid, I am a bit late.

H: Good morning. Don’t worry, I have a vacancy now. Is it a long time since you had your hair died? Do you want it died black?

M: I’d like a haircut first. Please, cut my hair short.

H: Are you sure? Your hair is beautiful. Let’s have it trimmed.

M: Oh, no. 1 am sick and tired of long hair. Cut it short, please and then die it blond.

H: Shall I give you a shampoo?

M: Yes, please. I like herbal shampoo.

H: Your hair is dry. Honey shampoo would be better.

M: Fine. Let it be honey. What type of dye do you have?

H: I’ve got a very good French dye. It has only been on sale for a month.

M: It won’t take long, will it?

H: It will take about an hour. Are you in a great hurry?

M: Unfortunately I am. My husband will be waiting for me near our favorite restaurant in an hour and a half. Today is our wedding anniversary.

H: Congratulations! Then you’d better have your hair dried with a hair-drier.

M: All right. You may set it as well… Is there anybody in the beauty parlour now?

H: I’ll try to find out. What would you like?

M: I’d like a massage and a good make up. ,

H: Just a moment… They can take care of you in fifteen minutes.

M: I’m lucky. I am sure I’ll be in time.





Topic 2: Leisure time


1. Прочтите диалог по ролям.

1.2)* Обсудите с другом ваши музыкальные вкусы, обоснуйте свой выбор. Является ли музыка вашим увлечением? Умеете ли вы играть на каких-либо инструментах? Пригласите друга посетить концерт популярного исполнителя на ближайших выходных.

Bill : What are you listening to?

Lucy : I'm listening to the radio.

Bill : I know that. Who are they playing?

Lucy : Guess.

Bill : I think that's the Beatles, right?

Lucy : That's right. How did you know that?

Bill : In my country everyone knows who they are. They're famous.

Lucy : Really?

Bill : Of course. My parents saw them at a concert a long time ago.

Lucy : Did you know that they're from England?

Bill : Yes, of course.

Lucy : What kind of music do you usually listen to?

Bill : I listen to everything, but my favorite is Pop.

Lucy : I see. Who's your favorite singer?

Bill : Celine Dion.

Lucy : I like her too. She's got a great voice.



2. **Опираясь на данный текст, спланируйте совместный досуг с вашим другом, предложите сходить в кино/посетить матч/сходить в кафе/пройтись по магазинам.

Making plans for free time.

In my opinion it is always better to plan our free time because although it is considered leisure time but some people might need it to get certain things done that could not have been finished if they were left to be done another time.

Probably for most grown-ups free time is only during their weekends which are usually for one or two days only. It is actually a very short period of time if you have lots of things to be done. For this reason planning for leisure time is very important because there are lots of things that needs to be done and not all of these things are for fun.

For adults, leisure time is not only about waking up late, spending the whole day in bed or in front of the television and reading some magazines. In fact if it is well planned, free time can be used to meet our friends, go to a restaurant, go to the cinema, go shopping or even read a nice book. Others may use it to do more important things such as taking up a new hobby or studying if they are students. Consequently their time needs to be organized very well in order to accomplish all the things they need to do compared to the short time they have.

On the other hand, if we do not keep a list or a schedule of the things that we should do, we may only finish a thing or two but time will never be enough for us to accomplish all the tasks we have. It seems to me that leisure time should not be left without planning because it is really important to many people.


3.*Расставьте реплики диалога в правильном порядке.

3.1)  Прочтите диалог по ролям.

A - Mary: You're more active than I am. I like reading, photography, and computers.

B - Mary: Well, I know what you need for your birthday!

C - Mary: Dan, what do you like to do in your spare time?

D - Dan: The last one. When I was in high school, I was a pitcher.

E - Dan: That's right. I use the library's computers when I read my email.

F -  Dan: I don't know much about computers. All I have is a typewriter.

G - Dan: I like to play sports.

H - Mary: Really, but you can't get on the Internet with that!

I - Mary: Which sport do you play the most - volleyball, basketball, football, or baseball?


4.* Переведите диалог на английский язык.

4.1) Прочтите диалог по ролям.

- Что будет по каналу BBC-2 в 8 часов?

- На сколько я знаю, телевикторина.

- Ты не против, если я ее посмотрю? Я не могу ее пропустить.

- Нет, я сам ждал, что бы ее посмотреть. Но потом я хочу посмотреть сериал.

- Хорошо, потом переключим.


quiz programme - телевикторина

switch over - переключать


5.* Переведите диалог на английский язык.

5.1) Прочтите диалог по ролям


- Мне интересно, где Элен? Я звонил ей целый час, но ее нет дома.

- Если она не дома, значит - в театре.

- Она что - театрал?

- Да, знаешь, она от них с ума сходит. Она не пропускает ни одного нового балета в Опере.

- В Опере? А что там сегодня? Ах, да, спящая красавица, премьера.



theatre goer - театрал

премьера - first night


6.* Воспроизведите диалог, восстанавливая реплики первого говорящего.

6.1) Прочтите диалог по ролям.

Speaker 1: Was there anything good on TV last night?

Speaker 2: Yes, there was an interesting nature programme.

Speaker 1: _______________________

Speaker 2: "The Gentle Giant".

Speaker 1: _______________________

Speaker 2: It was all about gorillas and the way they live.

Speaker 1: _______________________

Speaker 2: It was just so interesting and the photography was excellent.

Speaker 1: _______________________

Speaker 2: From 7 to 8.

Speaker 1: _______________________

Speaker 2: Yes, it's going to be repeated next Sunday.


7.** Опираясь на текст, побеседуйте с другом и сравните досуг британских и русских подростков, спросите у друга о том, как он проводит свой досуг, расскажите о своих хобби, объясните свой выбор.

Leisure time of British teenagers.

The majority of teenagers in Great Britain spend their free time as everywhere in the world. The average young person spends about 19 hours in front of the television. According to the government report nearly three-quarter of young people have TV sets in their rooms. Besides watching TV, other activities like cinema going and sport remain popular. In Wales, the report says that some 50 percent of boys play football throughout the winter while a great number of girls also play football, although they are in general prefer swimming and tennis.

Listening to music is also a part of time spending. Tape-recorders, CD-players and the concerts of pop music are the subject of every day talk of teenagers.

As children grow older they turn from playgardens or homes to streets where they meet and talk and start develop their confidence. Street life includes groups of friends who meet together in the streets, squares and parks, or visit town centers to do window-shopping and "see what's going on".


8. Прочтите диалог по ролям.

8.1)* Составьте диалог, аналогичный данному. Вы знаете, что ваш друг киноман, пригласите его вступить в клуб любителей кинематографа, узнайте какой последний фильм он посмотрел, порекомендуйте ему что-нибудь интересное.

Book club

Sharon: Hey John, can I talk to you for a minute? 
John: Sure, what's up? 
Sharon: I wanted to let you know about a book club I joined a couple months ago. I know you do a lot of reading so I thought you might want to come with me next month. 
John: Oh, that sounds like fun. When does the group meet? 
Sharon: Usually the last Saturday of the month at 9:30 in the evening. Is that too late for you? 
John: No, I think that's ok. What do you talk about in the group? 
Sharon: Well, every month we choose a new book and then during the next meeting we discuss it. 
John: What book are you reading now? 
Sharon: The Kite Runner. 
John: I've heard that's a good book. What's it about? 
Sharon: It is a good book. I'm almost finished. The book is about a boy who grows up in Afghanistan during the 1980s. It's called the Kite Runner because the main character takes part in a kite flying competition. 
John: That sounds really interesting. I'd love to come. 
Sharon: Ok, great. The next meeting isn't for another two weeks, so you still have time to read the book.


















Topic 1: City, countryside, infrastructure. Skills of social life.

2. E, C, I, D, F, L, B, G, J, O, M, A, N, P, K, H


3. - Which platform for Motherwell, please?        

- Platform 14, right up and down, underground level.     

- When does the next train leave, please?   

- 10.30, from Glasgow Central.

- When does it get in?    

- You will be in Motherwell at 11.04. It takes roughly about half an hour to get there.    

- Do I have to change?   

- No, you needn’t. It’s a short distance.      

- How much is the ticket?       

- Single or return?

- Both.       

- One single costs $ 20. The normal return ticket costs double the single fare but. 

- You can buy a day return, which is cheaper.      

- Thank you very much.

- It’s my pleasure.


5. At the Airport

a customs officer:  Can I see your passport?

a passenger:  Certainly, here it is.      

a customs officer: Have you anything to declare? 

a passenger:  Nothing.   

a customs officer: What’s the purpose of your visit?      

a passenger: I’m attending a conference in London.       

a customs officer:  Well, would you mind opening this bag, please.  

a passenger: There you are.     

a customs officer:  Thank you. Right. That’s all. You can go through now. 

a passenger:  Thank you.


Topic 2: Leisure time.

3. C, G, I, D, A, F, H, E, B.


4. - What's on BBC-2 at 8 o'clock?

- As far as I can remember there's a quiz programme.

- Would you mind if I watch it? I mustn't miss that.

- No, I've been looking forward to it all evening myself. But then I want to see the serial.

- O.K. we'll switch over.


5. - Where's Helen now, I wonder? I've been calling her for an hour but she isn't at home.

- If she isn't in, she is at the theatre then.

- Well, is she a theatre-goer like that?

- Yes, she's crazy about theatre, you know. She never misses any new ballet at our Opera House.

- At our Opera House? And what's on there tonight? Oh, yes, "Sleeping Beauty", the first night.

6. Speaker 1: Was there anything good on TV last night?

Speaker 2: Yes, there was an interesting nature programme.

Speaker 1: What was it called?

Speaker 2: "The Gentle Giant".

Speaker 1: What was it about?

Speaker 2: It was all about gorillas and the way they live.

Speaker 1: What was so special about?

Speaker 2: It was just so interesting and the photography was excellent.

Speaker 1: Really? What time was it on?

Speaker 2: From 7 to 8.

Speaker 1:I'm sorry I missed it. Is there going to be another chance to see it?

Speaker 2: Yes, it's going to be repeated next Sunday.






Список использованной литературы


Английский разговорный язык: практическое пособие по развитию устной речи / В. А. Миловидов. – М.: Астрель, ВКТ, 2010. – 288  с.


Большой англо-русский словарь/сост. В. К. Мюллер, А. Б. Шевнин, М. Ю. Бродский, - М.: АСТ; Екатеринбург: У - Фактория, 2010. – 1536 с.


Как это сказать по-английски. Учебник для детей и взрослых+CD Аудиокурс. / И. Гивенталь, А. Задорожная. – СПб.: Питер, 2012. – 352 с.: ил.


Настольная книга преподавателя иностранного языка: Справ. пособие/

Е. А. Маслыко, П. К. Бабинская, А. Ф. Будько, С. И. Петрова. – 5-е издание., стереотип.- Мн.: Выш. шк., 2007. – 522 с.


Новейшие английские темы и диалоги [Текст]. — Харьков:

Книжный Клуб «Клуб Семейного Досуга»; Белгород: ООО

«Книжный клуб “Клуб семейного досуга”», 2009. — 416 с.


Общение на английском: телефон, факс, E-mail, деловая переписка: учебное пособие / Серена Мёрдок-Стерн; пер. с фр. И. И. Максименко. – М.: Астрель: АСТ, 2007. – 142, [2] с.


Скалкин В. Л. Обучение диалогической речи (на материале английского языка): Пособие для учителей. – К.: Рад. шк., 2007. -158 с.


55 устных тем по английскому языку для школьников. 5-11 кл./ Т. Ю. Журина.. – 12-е изд., стереотип. М.: Дрофа, 2007. – 158, [2] с.  (Библиотечка «Дрофы»).


400 тем по английскому языку для школьников, абитуриентов, студентов и преподавателей./Сост. Ю.В. Куриленко. - Москва: ЗАО «БАО-ПРЕСС»,

ООО «ИД «РИПОЛ классик», 2005. - 608 с.


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Презентация к уроку английского языка на тему: "Давайте поговорим о Европе. Разделительные вопросы" (9 класс)
  • Учебник: «Английский язык», Вербицкая М.В., Маккинли С., Хастингс Б., Миндрул О. С., Твердохлебова И. П. / Под ред. Вербицкой М.В.
  • Тема: Unit 3. Europe, Europe
  • 16.01.2022
  • 330
  • 49
«Английский язык», Вербицкая М.В., Маккинли С., Хастингс Б., Миндрул О. С., Твердохлебова И. П. / Под ред. Вербицкой М.В.

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500/1000 ч.

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Курс повышения квалификации

Современные методы развития навыков эффективного и уверенного общения на английском языке у старших школьников

72/108/144 ч.

от 2200 руб. от 1100 руб.
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  • Сейчас обучается 129 человек из 39 регионов
  • Этот курс уже прошли 677 человек

Курс профессиональной переподготовки

Английский язык: теория и методика преподавания с применением дистанционных технологий

Учитель английского языка

300 ч. — 1200 ч.

от 7900 руб. от 3650 руб.
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  • Сейчас обучается 83 человека из 28 регионов
  • Этот курс уже прошли 53 человека

Курс повышения квалификации

Письмо: методика подготовки учащихся к ОГЭ по английскому языку

36 ч. — 180 ч.

от 1700 руб. от 850 руб.
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  • Сейчас обучается 72 человека из 32 регионов
  • Этот курс уже прошли 250 человек


Библиотечная трансформация: от классики до современности с акцентом на эффективное общение и организацию событий

4 ч.

780 руб. 390 руб.
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  • Сейчас обучается 20 человек из 15 регионов
  • Этот курс уже прошли 36 человек


Управление персоналом и коммуникация в команде

6 ч.

780 руб. 390 руб.
Подать заявку О курсе
  • Сейчас обучается 34 человека из 19 регионов


Управление личной продуктивностью менеджера

10 ч.

1180 руб. 590 руб.
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