Инфоурок Иностранные языки Другие методич. материалыMODERN ENGLISH TEACHING IN PRIMARY SCHOOL.


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                                                   Akhmetova Z.Y.

Teacher of English at the Pedagogical

College after ZH.Dosmukhamedov.


“A good teacher is like a candle – it consumes itself to light the way for others.”

Mustafa Kemal Ataturk.


                  The main goal of teaching a foreign language is to encourage children to use the target language in their life. It means developing their communicative skills, competency and culture. Therefore at the lessons of foreign languages the teachers should use some strategies which encourage students to be active participants of the lessons, to develop their communicative skills, to form their interest and motivation to study the language. Teaching English as a foreign language also means developing the student`s language abilities. Nowadays, to prepare Modern English Teachers in Primary schools, it`s one of the  main aims among Teachers` Training colleges. We all know that  teaching  students to foreign languages  is very difficult. And we must give them very huge information about foreign languages, to speak more in English, to use more videos etc. Students will be active participants with the computer, using technology as a “cognitive tool” and I want to give some  projects for example.

Overdub: To use the example of a multimedia Web page with audio and text

described above, a presentational material would play an audio file automatically. An interactive material would allow users to click on parts of the text transcript to hear sections of the audio. Users would have control over what sections to play and in what order. Students can watch a video clip, then record their own narration or dialogue to fit the clip. Each student’s recording can be shared with the instructor

and/or with other students. The teacher can give students feedback on their recording.

Storyteller: : Students upload pictures to their space on the server, arrange them in order, and record themselves narrating a story or description based on the pictures. Instructors can give feedback on the stories. These two projects underscore the constructivist principle that learners actively develop their own knowledge and understanding, and the principle of dynamic applications that are flexible and can be modified with ease. In order to complete their tasks, learners must organize, plan, practice, and self-evaluate their language production. The video clips and pictures provide a context for their planning.Students are producers, not consumers, of the end product. Since the students have full control over their product, and the program is dynamic, they can make adjustments to their production based on feedback from instructors.

Annotated Videos: Teachers create cultural or linguistic annotations to video clips. Videos can be recorded live to the server with a Web camera, or uploaded to the server for storage. The annotations appear at determined time codes in the video. Students access the video clips at their own pace. The video playback can stop at the time codes, when the annotations appear. Alternatively, the program can be used in a constructivist mode, with students creating their own annotations for themselves and for each other.

This project highlights the principle of interactivity. In order to achieve the benefits of this program, learners will have to actively interact with the video and annotations. Learners can also add their own annotations to the video, which will be available to all other learners.

Teacher training should be concerned with two elements:

1. Subject Knowledge – ensuring that the future teachers know and understand enough about what they are to teach to be able to teach it effectively;

2. Subject Application – ensuring that the future teachers know and understand enough about how to teach what they are to teach to be able to do so effectively.

This table suggests how the elements of subject knowledge and subject application underpin effective teaching of a foreign language.

Now, more about teaching in primary schools. The necessity of teaching foreign language to children with special needs is in the fact that they can successfully implement their human rights and become useful citizens of their country. Today they are included in regular classes and learn English at primary schools. Since the purpose of special needs is to compensate the lack of their intellectual activity, which enables large part of them after a period of correction successfully continue their education in regular mainstream/ inclusive secondary school environment, there is a need to pay attention to the particular structure of English lessons in primary school with special needs. Thus, the structure of the English language lesson for children of the inclusive classes in primary school must meet both the general requirements for the lesson in general and have special characteristics. The beginning of the lesson includes the following stage: organizational moment, the subject and the purpose of the lesson, speech exercises. It has two important  functions: organizing students to work in the class and creating a foreign language atmosphere for the purpose of transferring students in foreign language activity. Due to the structure the main part of the lesson is depend on the type of the lesson. It can include such components as presentation of new material, training students in the use of the material in the colloquial speech, practice in speech activity, summarizing studied, testing and evaluation of knowledge and skills, correction of  learning, combined lesson. When planning the introduction of new material it is important to determine the amount of material, the sequence of its presentation and the cost of time for explaining and training of the material. Children with special needs experience difficulties in fulfilling the instructions in the process of their activity. Teachers should help them to control their actions in the process of work, should teach children to compare the results with the sample and evaluate them. It is important to remember that the basis of  self-regulation of children with special needs-self-control has not been formed. Control of speech skills and abilities can be done in two ways. The first is the current control, i.e one that is carried out directly during the lesson. It is necessary to take into account the increased excitability and instability of attention of the children requires the use of various forms of repetition individual and frontal  interrogation, implementation of oral and written assignments and the use of different fairy-tells material and different types of competitions. The second type of control is performed on the stage of completion of  a particular topic or period of study and entitled as thematic and final control. In this case the control can be a part of a lesson or a lesson has an evaluation function. The final part of a lesson or the end of the lesson should summarize what has been achieved in the classroom.  Teaching in primary schools requires patience, creativity, communication and careful planning. Primary school students are quite young so you must keep their age in mind when setting up the classroom and planning activities. Lessons learned in primary school will be taken with your students as they progress to secondary school and beyond so it is important to create an environment in which it is easy to learn.

The primary teacher needs to acquire a sound knowledge of:

• The sound system of the language – accurate pronunciation/intonation

• The alphabet and the numbers

• Personal language – yourself, your family, where you live

• Descriptive language – people, animals, clothes, houses, town, weather, food and


• Affective language - likes/dislikes, feelings, emotions, aches and pains, praise, terms of endearment

• Classroom language - daily routine, greetings, instructions, teacher language for organising pupil activities, pupil language for asking for permission, for help, for solving problems

• Language to cover activities from other curriculum areas such as maths, or physical education

• Language needed to play games; to teach children poems, songs, tongue-twisters;

to tell and act out with the children simple popular stories in the foreign language.

Children will want to learn English and other new languages for several reasons, like the ability to perform better in school, increase in self-confidence and understanding the world and its cultures.

Some advice for  primary English teachers:

·     Children are often more confident in themselves when they learn English as a second language. Because they are learning new words, definitions and grammar rules, students feel a sense of accomplishment for their achievements. Once children understand the benefits of learning, they may become even more eager to study other languages in addition to English. English can also improve their social and business skills in the future.


·     Children will enjoy learning about other countries, people and places through studying English. Many countries speak English and students will be exposed to their customs and traditions through learning new vocabulary and practices. Children may also become interested in learning about other countries, cultures and languages because of their interest in English and the cultures of English-speaking countries.

Creative Activities

·     Children should realize that by learning to speak English, they are increasing their ability to perform other creative activities. Because learning second languages helps children to exercise and strengthen the faculties of the brain, they often become better at other creative activities. Even things like math and sports will become simpler because students will be increasing their usage of the brain's gray matter, which helps to process information and to improve sensory perception and memory.

Speaking English at Home

·     Children and adults are prone to learning language through immersion, and speaking English in the home exposes children to the language. Young children especially like to imitate parents, so using simple English phrases at home can influence a child's English vocabulary. Speaking English at home also reinforces that the English language is important to the family and children have a positive impression of learning the new language.


·     Books can be educational and entertaining for children. Picture books can be helpful for children to learn new English words through association with an illustration they recognize. English translations of a child's favorite books from her native language can also be a valuable resource for comprehension of English words. Seeing English words in context or with illustrations can be helpful to recognize the many English homonyms that are often difficult for those learning the language.

Modern mathematical education in Primary Schools.

·       Young children "do" math spontaneously in their lives and in their play. Mathematical learning for young children is much more than the traditional counting and arithmetic skills. It includes a variety of mathematical sections of among which the important place belongs to geometry. We've all seen preschoolers exploring shapes and patterns, drawing and creating geometric designs, taking joy in recognizing and naming specific shapes they see. This is geometry- an area of mathematics that is one of the most natural and fun for young children.

How to Teach Music in Primary Schools

·       Music is often used a way to express creative energy by its creators. It even has the power to provide enlightenment, provoke anger or to lift the spirits of listeners. While individual preferences may lead to disagreements of what constitutes "good" music, the all-encompassing power of music allows for these differences of opinions to coexist. If your aim is to share musical knowledge and appreciation with young children, providing a balanced view is essential. Use a variety of dynamic methods to teach primary school children the value of music. Use songs to introduce English to your children. Songs are a great way to get the language into their minds, while giving them melody as a way to retain the words. Start out with easy songs such as the ABC song. As the child's language abilities progress, you can introduce more complex songs.

Using Internet

·       Use animated stories to help you teach. The bright colors and careful pronunciation of English-language animated films and television shows captures children's attention, while making it easy for them to understand. These shows are created for children who are learning English as their native language, but they also are a great way to work on language acquisition for non-native English speakers. Start out with children's shows such as Dora the Explorer, which is available online, and progress to longer, more complex stories such as animated Disney movies. Use the Internet as a resource. The internet has many sites created to help children learn English through games, songs and other activities. This will allow the child to acquire grammar and vocabulary skills, as well as important and valuable computer skills.The easiest time to learn a language is as a child. Children can use the abilities they are developing to acquire their native language to develop skills in other languages as well. English is a particularly useful language to teach a child, as it is commonly used as an international language throughout the world. In teaching English to young learners it is essential to consider how children learn. There are recognized stages of cognitive development that every child passes through, and teaching material should take account of this. There is also a very great need for the motivation to learn English for both the pupils and the teachers. Now in our country the priority is to prepare Modern English Teachers in primary school. And in conclusion, I want to finish my essay with the words of  William Arthur Ward  “ The mediocre teacher tells.  The good teacher explains.  The superior teacher demonstrates.  The great teacher inspires.”                                       


www. IATEFL.com

www.journal of modern English teacher; wwwkiproject.org/net.com

The Language Instinct: How the Mind Creates Language

New York: HarperPerennial.for foreign language learning in the 21st Century

Tabors PO, Dr – One child, two languages: a guide for preschool educators of children learning English as a second language. Baltimore Md 1997

Polome EC and Hill CP – Language in Tanzania. Oxford University Press 1980

Singleton D – Language acquisition and the age factor. Clevedon 1989

Learning and Knowing Mathematics in a Computer-Rich School. Norwood,

Journal of Computer-based Instruction 20, 86-94.

Pinker, S. (1995).



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“A good teacher is like a candle – it consumes itself to light the way for others.” Mustafa Kemal Ataturk. The main goal of teaching a foreign language is to encourage children to use the target language in their life. It means developing their communicative skills, competency and culture. Therefore at the lessons of foreign languages the teachers should use some strategies which encourage students to be active participants of the lessons, to develop their communicative skills, to form their interest and motivation to study the language. Teaching English as a foreign language also means developing the student`s language abilities. Nowadays, to prepare Modern English Teachers in Primary schools, it`s one of the main aims among Teachers` Training colleges. We all know that teaching students to foreign languages is very difficult. And we must give them very huge information about foreign languages, to speak more in English, to use more videos etc. Students will be active participants with the computer, using technology as a “cognitive tool” and I want to give some projects for example.

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