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Обучение написанию эссе в формате ЕГЭ

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Метод 4 квадратов для написания логичного эссе


1.      Read the essay and say what is wrong according to Criteria 1 and 2? (no paraphrase, not logical, no good argumentation or examples).

2.      Read the topic sentence and underline KEY WORDS.

3.      Think of synonyms and antonyms to the KW to paraphrase it.

4.      Decide which opinion you tend to agree with.

5.      Fold a sheet of paper into 4 and write 2 opposite opinions in the center. Yours must be on the left.

6.      Think of 3 key words/ phrases to prove your opinion and rit them down in the upper left corner.

7.      Add examples, arguments or reasons why you think so.

8.      Share your opinions with your partner. Listen to your partner and give a counter argument.

S 1 listening and giving a counter argument.

S 2 listening and giving a counter argument.

9.      Write down the arguments of your partner into the upper right corner and your counter arguments into the lower right corner.

10.  Read all the arguments, choose the best ones, reread the ones chosen and check if they sound logical.

11.  Write an essay. Don’t forget about the opening supportive sentence, the opening opposing sentence, and the opening counter argument sentence. Be sure to use linking words.



Science is the first thing to be financed in the modern world.


There is no doubt that this issue is quite debatable and people differ greatly in their attitudes towards it. Nowadays some people say it is the first thing to be financed, others consider it less important.

I tend to agree with the latter. Firstly, there is no doubt science is important and must be financed, but there are more urgent problems that we already have to solve, like poverty or ecology, for instance. We need thousands of new jobs to control poverty. Secondly, science needs much money.

However, there are people who think science must be the world's top priority. They say that science has made our lives as easy as they are now compared to the lives of our ancestors several hundred years ago, so we should keep pushing the progress to make life even easier and more pleasant. Another reason for their propensity is that it is economically beneficial to invest in science.

Still, I cannot agree with those people. If most of the financial resources go into scientific research instead of more urgent needs, soon most of the world will lie in ruins while a small group of the richest people enjoys the results of the scientific progress, which is not the outcome that everyone can expect.

To wrap it up, I think it is safe to say that science is definitely not the top priority when it comes to distribution of the world's financial resources. (239 words)



Different ways to replace the Key Words



Science is the first thing to be financed=


The first thing we should finance is science.

Science should be financed as a matter of priority.

Science is the first thing that should be financed.

Science must be (the world’s) top priority.

Most of the financial resources must go into scientific research.

Science is an urgent issue that needs to be funded.





































Bank of arguments



Science should be financed as a matter of priority.


Scientists are able to solve a lot of environmental problems which people face nowadays, for example, global warming and high level of pollution.

It is economically beneficial to invest in science because scientific developments grow in popularity today.

Funding science is really useful since scientists research new drugs and ways of treatment which will be able to help people all over the world.

Science has made our lives as easy as they are now compared to the lives of our ancestors several hundred years ago, so we should keep pushing the progress to make life even easier and more pleasant.



Others consider it impossible to justify the amount of money spent on such projects.


There are several areas in which the money could be invested better.

There are more urgent problems that we already have means to solve, like poverty or ecology, for instance.

Health care should be the first thing to be financed instead of science because it is much more important in a great deal of countries in today’s world.

Science is risky in economic terms, since the percentage of successful projects is far from one hundred.

It took decades to make use of those discoveries and thus improve people's lives; meanwhile most of the world's population still lives by the old ways.

Most of the world will lie in ruins while a small group of the richest people enjoy the results of the scientific progress, which is not the outcome everyone except for that group.

If governments spent less money on science, then they would be able to help solve some of these problems such as population control, elimination of diseases like cholera, global warming and food shortages. It seems to me that all of these issues are more important because they affect the lives of millions of ordinary people.

It is very costly and provides few real benefits.






Essay model


Paragraph 1

There is no doubt that this issue is quite debatable and people differ greatly in their attitudes towards it.

Some people tend to think that the first thing we should ...

Others, on the contrary, have an opposite opinion.

Paragraph 2

I tend to agree with the former ( latter) / From my point of view, …



Paragraph 3

However, there are people who think differently. These people consider that this allegation is untrue. One of the reasons for their propensity is that …

Paragraph 4

I cannot agree with these people. In my opinion, …

Paragraph 5

To sum up, I believe that this issue is quite controversial and I am able to take into account other people’s points of view. Despite that, I do think that …

My conclusion is that ...




1)more urgent problems





2)science needs much money -

need thousands of new jobs to control poverty








less important







must be (the world’s) top priority

1)should keep pushing the progress to make life easier and more pleasant


2)economically beneficial to invest in science






1)most of the world will lie in ruins

a small group of the richest enjoys the results of the scientific progress


science is not the top priority when it comes to distribution of the world's financial resources.














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