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Plan of the lesson


Theme :  « Free time activities »                                                                         Date: 21.02.2017

Subject: English

Type of the lesson: combined lesson

Aims and objectives: to organize the pupil's activity in learning English, promote their general education and cultural growth



- oral speech practice

- listening activity

- to develop the speech, memory and attention

- to develop pupil's logical thinking

- to involve pupils into communicative activities

- the upbringing the interest, accuracy and discipline


Expected results :

- knowledge of lexis

- right usage of new lexis

- ability to speak on covered theme using "My hobby is… -ing", " I like  -ing …."," She/he likes ….-ing",

- ability to understand spoken English


Didactic material and equipment:                                         Methods of teaching:

- slides                                                                                       - speech exercises

- tape                                                                                         - oral approach

- cards                                                                                       - writing       

- technics                                                                                   - reading

                                                                                                  - work in pairs

Plan of the lesson


1. Motivation. Preliminaries.

2. Phonetic exercises ( tongue twisters )

3. Checking up of the homework

4. Watching the video

5. Aims of the lesson

6. Basket of ideas

7. New vocabulary

8. Doing exercise ( matching )

9. Sing a song : " Free time song "

10. Speaking “What is missing?”

11. Reading : text "Watching TV"

12. Listening " true/false sentences "

13. Writing: missing words

14. Reflection


Lesson procedure :

Teacher : Good afternoon ! I'm glad to see you today. Show me your smiles! Smile to each other ! Good! Let's begin our lesson. Answer my questions:



I.  Motivation.

1) Preliminaries:

Who is on duty today?

What date is it today?

What day is it today?

How are you ?

How is he/she ?

 Who is absent ?

Can you swim?

Can you read?

Can you write?

Can you fly?

Can you jump?

Can you sing  songs ?

Now open your copybooks, write the date, class work.  Now I see that everybody is ready for the lesson .


2)  Phonetic exercises ( tongue twisters ) :


Fat frogs flying past fast.

Six sharp smart sharks.


3) Teacher : today you will get jettons for each answer : red - excellent job ; green - good job

Checking up of the homework: ( pupils have to change with copybooks and check the home tasks )                ex.9 p. 122 ( Put the words into the correct column )

        use, food, good, fruit, new, look, school, do, June, full, woman, you





















II. Realization:


1)Watching the video: repeat the words " Hobbies , activities "


a) play computer games

b) play chess

c) write stories

d) draw

e) paint

f) sing songs

g) take photos

h) ride a bicycle

i) skate

j) read

Now say me the theme of our lesson today. Right you are: "Free time activities"

Teacher : this lesson we are going to ( the aims of the lesson ):  

- speak about our hobbies

- write new words

- read the text

- watch videos

- do exercises

- play a game

- sing songs



Teacher : now say me what kind of hobbies do you know ? ( basket of ideas ). How smart you are!

The world of hobbies is very big. There are a lot of hobbies.




2) New vocabulary : let's read the new words ( pupils are given cards with the words to write them at home) Each pupil then should repeat the words by himself / herself.


      watching TV [ˈwɒʧɪŋ ˌtiːˈviː] - смотреть телевизор

      playing tennis [ˈpleɪɪŋ ˈtɛnɪs] - играть в теннис

      running [ˈrʌnɪŋ] - бег

      listening to music [ˈlɪsnɪŋ tuː ˈmjuːzɪk] - слушать музыку

      taking photographs[ˈteɪkɪŋ ˈfəʊtəgrɑːfs] - фотографировать

      skiingskiːɪŋ] - кататься на лыжах

      swimming [ˈswɪmɪŋ] - плавание

      playing football  [ˈpleɪɪŋ ˈfʊtbɔːl] - играть в футбол

      playing computer gamespleɪɪŋ kəmˈpjuːtə geɪmz] - играть в компьютерные игры

      gardening [ˈgɑːdnɪŋ] - заниматься садоводством

      dancing [ˈdɑːnsɪŋ] - танцы, танцевать

      reading [ˈriːdɪŋ] - чтение

      travelling [ˈtrævlɪŋ ] - путешествовать

Teacher : Open your diaries and write the home task. Home task : to learn the new words.

3) Doing exercise:  ex.2 p. 123( книга Аяпова 2015г.) Look at the pictures and match them with the activities

a. watching TV - 6

b. playing tennis - 8

c. running - 7

d. listening to music - 5

e. taking photographs - 3

f. skiing - 9

g. swimming - 1

h. playing football - 4

i. playing computer games - 6

4) Teacher : I think that you are tired , let's sing a song and dance: " Free time song "

5) Speaking: ( развитие навыков говорения по теме “ Free time activities ” )

 Teacher: Let’s play an interesting game. It is called “What is missing?” You can see some pictures on the board. How many pictures can you see?

Pupil: We can see 6 pictures.

Teacher: What can you see in these  pictures?

Pupil 1: I can see reading

Pupil 2: I can see watching TV\ dancing\playing football\ playing computer games\ gardening

Teacher: Try to remember as many words as you can. Close your eyes. Open your eyes.  What is missing?

Pupil:  dancing

Teacher: right you are. It is “dancing”.

Try to say one or two sentences using the new phrase "My hobby is… -ing", " I like  -ing …."


6)  Reading ( развитие навыков чтения по теме “ Free time activities ” )

Teacher: And now we are going to work with a text. First  I want  you to read and translate the story about one hobby. After that  you tell me what  hobby is it.



1. People like watching different TV programmes. 2. This hobby is interesting. 3. They like watching political programmes, news, films, music programmes, sport programmes, comedies. 4. Children like cartoons. 5. This hobby helps people to relax , to listen to classical music, to see famous people. 6. This hobby is a good friend for people. (watching TV)


7) Listening : (развитие навыков понимания информации на слух по теме “ Free time activities ”) True/false sentences. ( Teacher asks pupils questions according to the text. Pupils should show the cards with words TRUE/FALSE )

a) people don't like watching different TV programmes ( false )

b) this hobby is interesting ( true )

c) people don't like watching political programmes ( false )

d) people like watching sport programmes ( true )

e) this hobby is a good friend for people.( true )


8) Writing. Pupils are given the task to write positive and negative sentences about three people using the structure " She/he likes ….-ing".


Teacher: Look at the smart board. Fill in the missing words 






playing tennis

















Tom likes………….and……. He doesn’t like……………and …………..

Alison likes………,………….and…………..She doesn’t like……………

Jack likes ………..and…………… He doesn’t like……and………………..


III. Reflection: Подведение итогов урока. Рефлексия.

-          Now our lesson is going to the end and I want to thank everybody.

 Now you know the names of different hobbies. Let’s remember what is hobby. What hobbies have we discussed today? 

-          Now  you can tell about your hobbies and about your friend’s hobbies. And I enjoyed your work very much. Let's count your jettons and put marks .


Ребята по кругу высказываются одним предложением, выбирая начало фразы из рефлексивного экрана на доске:

ü  Сегодня я узнал…

ü  Было интересно…

ü  Было трудно…

ü  Я выполнял задания…

ü  Я смог…

ü  Меня удивило…

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