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Открытый урок по английскому языку на тему Праздник сказок

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КГУ «Центр внешкольной работы и детского творчества

отдела образования акимата города Тараза»

«Тараз қаласы әкімдігінің білім бөлімінің мектептен тыс жұмыс және

 балалар шығармашылық орталығы» коммуналдық мемлекеттік мекемесі





« Театрализация на уроках английского языка как средство снятия языкового барьера, развития устной речи учащихся и повышения мотивации изучения английского языка»















Тараз 2017

«Праздник сказок» “A fairy tale festival”



Систематизировать знания по теме «Сказки» с использованием грамматических структур в прошедшем времени, способствовать развитию коммуникативных навыков, расширению филологического кругозора.


1)    Образовательная:

·                                 Знакомить детей с литературой стран изучаемого языка, с культурой англоязычных стран.

·                                 Учить работе в команде.

·                                 Пополнять словарный запас.

·                                 Тренировать четкое произношение.

·                                 Учить пользоваться интонациями, выражающими основные чувства.

·                                 Снимать зажатость и скованность, формировать интерес и мотивацию к дальнейшему изучению английского языка.

2)    Развивающие:

·                                 Развивать зрительное и слуховое внимание, память, наблюдательность, находчивость, фантазию, воображение, образное мышление.

·                                 Развивать коммуникативные, социальные и культурные навыки.


3)     Воспитательные:

·                                 Активизировать познавательный интерес детей.

·                                 Воспитывать навыки межличностного общения.

·                                 Воспитывать доброжелательное отношение друг к другу.



Ход мероприятия.


Звучит музыка, на сцену выходит королева.

Queen: Dear friends, I am glad to see you. I am the queen of the party. Today I have many guests. Look, this is one of them.

Пол веселую музыку выходит Шалтай- Болтай, пританцовывая и весело напевая.


Hello dear guests! My name is Humpty Dumpty. I live in Great Britain. The English children love me very much. But once,

Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall

Humpty Dumpty had a great fall

All the king’s horses and

All the king’s men

Couldn’t put Humpty Dumpty

Together again.


Humpty, do you have friends?


Of course, I do.


Where are your friends?


Look, here they come.


The boy author: There is a Little house in the forest. A mouse runs by.

Mouse: - Little house, little house! Who lives in the little house?

The girl author: Nobody answered, and so the mouse begins to live in a house.

The boy author: A frog runs by.

Frog: Little house, little house! Who lives in the little house?

Mouse: I’m a mouse. And who are you?

Frog: I’m a frog. Let’s live together. 

The girl author: So the mouse and the frog begin to live together. A hare runs by.

Hare: Little house, little house! Who lives in the little house?

 -I am a mouse. - I am a frog. And who are you? -And I am a hare. Let’s live together. 

The boy author: So the mouse, and the frog, and the hare begin to live together. A cock runs by.

Cock: Little house, little house! Who lives in the little house?

-I am a mouse. - I am a frog. - I am a hare. And who are you?

Cock: I am a cock. Let’s live together. 

The boy author: A fox runs by.

Fox: Little house, little house! Who lives in the little house?

-I am a mouse. - I am a frog. - I am a hare, I am a cock.  And who are you?

Fox: I am a fox. Let’s live together. 

The girl author: So the mouse, and the frog, and the hare, and the cock, and the fox begin to live together.

The boy author: A wolf runs by.

Wolf: Little house, little house! Who lives in the little house?

 -I am a mouse. -I am a frog. -And I am a hare. -And I am a cock.-And I am a fox. And who are you? - I am a wolf. Let’s live together.  

The boy author: So they begin to live together. A bear runs by.

Bear: - Little house, little house! Who lives in the little house?

 -I am a mouse. -I am a frog. - I am a hare. –I am a cock. I am a fox. - I am a wolf. And who are you?

Bear: I am a bear! Let’s live together. 

“You are too big”. - say the animals. “You can not live in this house!”

Bear: Yes, I can.

The boy author: Horror the bear and he done onto the roof!    

The girl author: Poor animals now they have no house.

Mouse: Let’s build a new house!

All together: Let’s build a new house!

The boy author: The new house is nice and big. The bear live in that house!

Queen: It’s so great. Your friends are in the new house now.


Yes, they are! But there are no all my friends.

 Queen: Really! Will you introduce me to other friends?

Humpty: Of course, I will! Do you know Red Riding Hood?

Queen: Yes, of course! She has got a Granny. Let’s watch how she is!

The Little Red Riding Hood

Слышится звуки леса и рычание медведя.

The following is the story script that can be used for role play. There are some characters in the story such as mother, red riding hood, wolf, grandmother, and woodcutter. The play can be practiced by grade five or six students.

Narrator: Once there was a little girl who lived with her mother in a house at the edge of the forest. The little girl always wore a red cloak and hood that grandmother had made for her. That's why everyone, even her mother, called her Little Red Riding Hood. One day Little Red Riding Hood's mother said to her:

Mother: Grandmother is not feeling well. I have packed a basket with fruit, cakes and honey. Will you take it to her?

Red Riding Hood: Yes, Mom.

Mother: Be careful going through the forest. And don't talk to anyone on  the way. Grandmother is waiting for you.

Red Riding Hood: Ok, Mom bye.

Narrator:  Red Riding Hood took the basket and set off through the forest  but she soon forgot her  mother`s  words.

Red Riding Hood: The  flowers are so beautiful. I`ll  pick them for grandma

Wolf: Good Morning , my dear! Where are you going on this fine day?

Red Riding Hood: Oh good morning! I am going to visit my Grandmother. She is ill and I am bringing her fruit, cakes and honey.

Wolf: You  are a kind girl. Look ! There are some lovely  yellow flowers over there.

Red Riding Hood: Oh yes, thank you!

Narrator: Little Red Riding Hood put down her basket and began to pick flowers. Meanwhile, the wolf slipped away and sped to the other side of the forest. When he came to Grandmother's home, he crept up to the door and knocked.

Grand Mother: Who is it?

Wolf: It’s me, Red Riding Hood. I have brought you fruit, cakes, and honey.

Grand Mother: Come in dear. The door is open.

Narrator: When the wolf was inside  , he hide grandmother in the cupboard . Then he crawled into bed to wait for Red Riding Hood.  Before long there was a knock at the door.

Wolf: Who is it?

Red Riding Hood: It’s me, Red Riding Hood. I have brought you fruit, cakes and honey, and a bunch of pretty  flowers to cheer you.

Wolf: Come in. The door is open.

Narrator: Little Red Riding Hood went in and stood for a moment in the doorway.

Red Riding Hood: Oh, Grandmother!  You have big ears!

Wolf: The better to hear you with, my dear. Come closer.

Narrator: Little Red Riding Hood walked closer to the bed.

Red Riding Hood: Oh, Grandmother! You have big eyes!

Wolf: The better to see you with my dear. Come closer.

Red Riding Hood: Oh, Grandmother! You have big nose!

Wolf: The better to smell you with my dear. Come closer.

Narrator: Little Red Riding Hood walked even closer to the bed.

Red Riding Hood: Oh, Grandmother! You have big shiny teeth!

Wolf: The better to eat you with!

Red Riding Hood: Help! Help!

Woodcutter: Go away or I’ll kill you!

Narrator: The Wolf run away

Red Riding Hood: Oh, Grandmother! How happy I am to see you!

Grand Mother: And I am happy to see you, too.

Narrator: Grandmother gave Little Red Riding Hood a hug. Then Little Red Riding Hood, Grandmother, and the woodcutter sat down to feast on fruit, cakes, and honey. They all lived happily from that day on, never to be troubled by the wicked wolf again.


Queen: All is well that ends well. Humpty, your friends are so nice!

Humpty: Thank you, Queen! My next friend is very beautiful! Would you like to see her?

Queen: Yes of course! Who is she?

Humpty:  A Pretty Butterfly.

Сказка “Pretty Butterfly ” (кукольный театр).

Author: Once upon a time in a green-green field there lived a butterfly. She was so pretty! Her hair was long, her dress was bright, her eyes were large and deep, her voice was charming! When she sang – all the creatures gathered around and listened with admiration!
Worm: Good morning, pretty Butty!
Butty: Hi, Worm!
Worm: Your song is so funny and nice!
Butty: I know that!
Worm: You are so beautiful, Butty! I love you very much!
Butty : Haw-haw-haw!
You are ugly like a beast!
I am pretty – have you missed?
I don’t love you! You are so ugly!
Worm: I am ugly today, and you are cruel always! You have no heart and you don’t love anyone! Good bye!
Butty: I have a heart! I love myself! And everyone loves me!
Author: Poor Butterfly! She didn’t understand anything! She sang her songs and danced on the green field with her silly friends!... One day there came a small Mosquito!
Mosquito: Hello, pretty Butterfly!
Butty: Hello, small Mosquito!
Mosquito: I love you very much!
Butty : 
You are very-very small
Go away! And that is all!
 I don’t love you!
Mosquito: You are so cruel! Good bye!
Author: Then a poor fly came to the green field!
Fly: Hello, pretty Butterfly!

Butty: Hello, poor Fly!
Fly: I love you very much!
Butty You are stinky like a pig –They are dirty and so big!
I don’t love you!
Fly: You are so cruel! Good bye!
 Author: Then a busy Bee flew to the green field!
Bee: Hello, pretty Butterfly!
Butty: Hello, busy Bee!
Bee: I love you very much!

Busy, busy, busy bee,I don’t love you – you love me!
 I don’t love you!
Bee: You are so cruel! Good bye!
Author: Once an ugly Spider came!
Spider: Hello, sweet Butterfly!
Butty: Hello, ugly Spider!
Spider: I love you very much!
Butty : 
Once a spider fell in love –He was flying like a dove!
 I don’t love you!
Spider: It doesn’t matter! I am hungry! I will eat you!
 Butty: Oh, no! Help me! Somebody, anybody, please, help me!
Author: Suddenly a handsome boy-butterfly came!
Boy: Let her out! 
Spider: I don’t think so, you, gentle butterfly!
Boy: Then – be ready to die! (
храбрый мальчик-бабочка прогоняет паука)
 Butty: Who are you, stranger?
Boy: I’m a Worm! Do you remember?
Butty: But you are so beautiful now!
Boy: Yes, I am, and you still have no heart!
Butty: Oh, no! I have a heart! I can feel it! You’ve saved my life and now I love you!

Boy: Then let’s have a party!
Song and dance: La cucaracha!
Author: That was a great party! The meadow didn’t sleep all night long! And all the girls found their boys! I was their and I found my boyfriend, too! (a Spider). 
Be Happy, Our Friends! Let’s dance together!


Queen: Do you afraid of a wolf?

Humpty: Yes, I do and what about you?


The old wolf (A fairy-tale)

Автор 1: Once upon a time there lived a wolf. He was very-very old. His teeth were broken, his eyesight was very bad. He was stupid and always very hungry!

Мелодия «Ох, рано, встает охрана»

SONG: I’m happy, clever, brave and really strong,

I’m old I have no teeth, my tail is long,

I want to eat just something I can find.

That’s only thought that lives deep in my mind.

I’m hungry, I’m very hungry.

Автор 2: Бедный старый глупый волк, чего только у него не было: зубов не было, еды не было, и умом Бог обделил!

Автор 1: Once he went to the farm to find some food.

Автор 2: И только он залез в хлев как навстречу ему выходит корова Дуняша – добрейшей души животное, любящая всех воспитывать и перевоспитывать!

Cow: Oh, you, poor wolf, you have lost your way! I will help you!

Wolf: You are a silly cow! I will eat you!

Cow: Nonsense! You are not so stupid to eat me! Well! I decided to let you live here, in my house! You will do the morning exercises, eat grass and oats and… oh, where are you, my poor pupil?

Мелодия из фильма «Титаник»

SONG: Every night in my dreams I see you, I feel you,

That is why I know you are so bad.

Far across the distance and spaces that are new,

You have come for a lesson, I’m glad.

        Near, far, wherever you are

        I believe you’ll return for the task,

        You must be polite and kind, etcetera…

        Please, come with me for a lesson, just once, I beg you, I ask!

Cow: I must find him!

Автор 1: Poor wolf was so scared that he ran away as fast as he could!

Автор 2: Не хотелось волку на старости лет траву жевать и уроки вежливости изучать!

Автор 1: So he went on trying to find something to eat. Once he went to the meadow.

Автор 2: И вдруг видит – на лугу пасется жеребенок.

Мелодия «Дуэт принцессы и трубадура»


Wolf: What a silly-silly horsie, please come here my sweet!

I am hungry, I’m thirsty, I’m so glad you to meet!

Horse: I’m sorry, I can’t help you

Because I don’t want to die.

Wolf with no teeth it’s so new,

You want to eat me, but why?

Wolf: Why? You ask me – I can tell

You are so tasty meat

What a perfect, yummy smell –

You’re the one I want to eat!

Wolf: Oh, horsie-horsie-horsie-horsie, come here, I will eat you!

Horse: Haw-haw-haw! You are the old wolf! You can’t eat me! You have no teeth!

Wolf: Oh, no! I have teeth! Look!

Автор 1: The horse kicked a stupid wolf and ran away! A poor wolf was broken.

Автор 2: А коленка-то как у него болела! Кошмар!

Автор 1: He was sitting and thinking, but he still was very hungry – so he went further.

Автор 2: И вдруг навстречу ему идет портной, песни поет да аршином железным помахивает, вот тут-то бы волку и сбежать поскорее, так нет, решил счастья попытать!

Мелодия «Такая-сякая»


Wolf: Oh my tailor nice to meet you

Give me your leg I want to eat you

I’m so hungry – a thing is cruel

That no one wants to be a fuel!

Tailor: Oh poor-poor wolfie!

Wolf: I’m thirsty like a hare!

Tailor: Oh poor-poor wolfie!

Wolf: I’m hungry like a bear!

Wolf: oh, tailor, my sweet tailor, I will eat you!

Tailor: O.K. you may eat me, but at first let me measure your belly! It is so small and I’m so big! May I?

Wolf: Yes, you may! But faster, please I’m very hungry!

Автор 1: The tailor took the wolf’s tail and began to beat the stupid wolf.

Tailor: Arshine far, arshine wide! Arshine far, arshine wide!


Автор 1: The poor wolf hardly escaped!

Автор 2: Плетется волк, зализывает раны, да пеняет себе: какая разница какого у меня размера живот, можно было хоть кусочек отгрызть! Так ругал себя волк и вдруг видит – пасется на горе и на горе ему большой козел!

Мелодия «Дуэт короля и принцессы»


Wolf: I am wolfie, I am old, but I’m very brave

Goat, get into my belly, there you’ll be save

I am hungry, I just need a little food…

Goat: You might eat me, if you could!

Wolf: Oh, my dear goat, I’m so hungry, I will eat you!

Goat: O.K. You may eat me, but you have no teeth!

Wolf: I am not so stupid now! I will not open my jaws!

Goat: If you open your jaws – I will get inside by myself and it will be easy for you to swallow me!

Wolf: That’s a great idea!

Автор 1: The goat put the gag into the wolf’s jaws, bound his paws and called his friends.

Автор 2: Пришли жеребенок и портной, и давай над бедным волком смеяться – издеваться! И тут как волшебная фея появилась корова Дуняша!

 Cow: Few! You are evil boys! Why are you jeering at poor old wolf! He even has no teeth! You are cruel, impolite guys! Go away! I will help my new pupil! Are you ready for a lesson?

Автор 2: И забрала корова Дуняша волка к себе на перевоспитание!

Автор 1: She was so happy! She thought that she was the happiest cow in the world!

Автор 2: Ну а что волк думал по этому поводу – об этом история умалчивает!


Queen: I think the cow will be good teacher!

Humpty: Do you know mother goat?

Queen: Yes, of course! She has got a funny seven young kids.


Мюзикл “Wolf and seven young kids”.


Once upon a time there lived  a goat who had 7 goats.

Do you know this fairy-tale? Certainly! Its name’s ‘’The Wolf  and 7 Goats’’!

It’s an old fairy-tale

But in a new way!

Well, there lived  a goat with her  7 kids in a  house.

(входит коза)


Din-don, I am your mummy, I am your mummy,

I love you!


Din-don, We are your children, We are your children,

We love you too!

So It can be–sometimes you are very sad,
  troubles they have  happened to you…
Mummy will be always your best friend-
Everytime, she will be with you.


Din-don,  my dear children, my dear children,

I love you!


Din-don,  our  Mummy, our Mummy,

We love you too!



Oh, dear kids, My goatlings!

I ‘ve to go to the garden!

There is a wolf that is angry,

He can come to us, he is hungry!

Listen to me! You should be quiet!

Then everything will be all right!

Listen to me! You should be quiet!

Then everything will be all right!

Oh, dear kids, you should lock the door!

Don’t listen to strangers anymore!

I ‘m fearing for you, dear kids!

Be obedient! That is all you need!

Listen to me! You should be quiet!

Then everything will be all right!

Listen to me! You should be quiet!

Then everything will be all right!


Dear Mummy! Don’t worry!

Dear Mummy! Be happy!

(Коза уходит с корзиной в огород)


(в это время звуки дружной песни доносятся до волка, который мирно спал в лесу. Он просыпается…)



Oh, it’s very noisy!

Who is so naughty?

Your mother’s here! You should open the door!

I’m hungry.  And can’t wait anymore!

(и направляется к дому козы)

Подбирается к дому



Your voice is not like the voice of my mum!

Your tune is so false, you are not our mum!


How long I‘ve tried to be very nice!

And today you can’t my voice recognize!



Your voice is not like the voice of my mum!

Your tune is so false, you are not our mum!



Oh, I’ve to die in front of the door!

Can’t I come in anymore?


Hey! Just open and do not play a fool!

I’ m ill, that’s why my voice is not so cool!

(расстроенный  волк  уходит. Вдруг его осеняет мысль, что недалеко живет мастер вокала Сockerel Peter)

Вывеска «choirmaster»

(Волк стучит в дверь):


Good morning, Mister Peter!

Help me, dear Peter!

I’ve got ‘bad ear for music

What’s your magical spell?


Help me, dear Peter!

Teach to sing me so well!



Сockerel Peter

You have to warm up every day!

You ‘d sing away! You ‘d sing away!


(Волк  распевается):



I ‘ve already come back home, dear kids!

I ‘ve already come back home, dear kids!

I ‘ve already come back home, dear kids!

I ‘ve already come back home, dear kids!

Радостный Волк бежит обратно к дому козы и поет тоненьким голоском: Im happy!



I’m happy!

Your mother’s here! You should open the door!

I’m hungry! And do not wait anymore!

Козлята открывают дверь…словами «Mummy!!!!»…

Загорелся волчий взгляд:


Hey, dudes! Game over! Time out!



(сначала медленно, потом все быстрей!!!)






(Волк, глядя на козлят, пускается вместе с ними в пляс! Незаметно они все вместе удаляются на полянку, танцуя)

А в это время Коза, вернувшись из огорода и увидев пустой дом, плачет):



Oh, dear kids, where are all of you?

What’ll your Mummy do without you?

If you were not so naughty,

You would be with me, sons and daughters.


If you believed me…  oooh!

I would be happy…..oooh!

I love you very much ….oooh!

Where are my kids?....oooh!

Коза идет куда глядят глаза и видит … на полянке… волка и своих козлят, играющих вместе. Все они рады («Mummy»!!!) и волк тоже .

Взявшись за руки, танцуют все вместе.


На сцену выходят все участники праздника, они исполняют песню

« The more we are together».

The more we are together,

Together, together,

The more we are together,

The happier we are.

For my friend is your friend

And your friend is my friend.

The more we are together,

The happier we are.


Dear friends, our party came to the end. Thank you and good-bye!




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Урок театрализация "Fairy tale festival" поможет детям раскрыть себя в качестве маленьких актеров. Театрализация на уроках английского языка поможет детям снять языковой барьер. Сценки наполнены чувством и красками. Дети с радостью вживаются в роль своего персанажа. Дети получили колосальеый опыт и наслаждения от открытого урока.

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    Овчинникова Асия Салимжановна
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Курс профессиональной переподготовки



500/1000 ч.

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Курс повышения квалификации

Особенности подготовки к сдаче ЕГЭ по английскому языку в условиях реализации ФГОС СОО

36 ч. — 180 ч.

от 1700 руб. от 850 руб.
Подать заявку О курсе
  • Сейчас обучается 207 человек из 46 регионов
  • Этот курс уже прошли 1 247 человек

Курс профессиональной переподготовки

Педагогическая деятельность по проектированию и реализации образовательного процесса в общеобразовательных организациях (английский язык)

Учитель английского языка

300 ч. — 1200 ч.

от 7900 руб. от 3650 руб.
Подать заявку О курсе
  • Сейчас обучается 32 человека из 17 регионов
  • Этот курс уже прошли 18 человек

Курс повышения квалификации

Письмо: методика подготовки учащихся к ОГЭ по английскому языку

36 ч. — 180 ч.

от 1700 руб. от 850 руб.
Подать заявку О курсе
  • Сейчас обучается 73 человека из 32 регионов
  • Этот курс уже прошли 249 человек


Самопознание и личностный рост

3 ч.

780 руб. 390 руб.
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Теоретические аспекты трекинга и менторства

2 ч.

780 руб. 390 руб.
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Основы работы в After Effects

3 ч.

780 руб. 390 руб.
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