Инфоурок Иностранные языки КонспектыПлан- конспект урока общеметодологической направленности в 7 классе «We are going camping» по УМК Кауфман

План- конспект урока общеметодологической направленности в 7 классе «We are going camping» по УМК Кауфман

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План- конспект урока общеметодологической направленности

в 7 классе

«We are going camping»




Ермолина Анна Алексеевна

учитель иностранного языка




г. Нарьян-Мар


We are going camping

Цели урока: 


- коммуникативно-речевое развитие учащихся;

- формирование у учащихся деятельностных способностей и способностей к структурированию и систематизации изучаемого предметного содержания;

- формирование способности учащихся к новому способу действия, связанному с построением структуры изученных понятий и алгоритмов.


- развитие настойчивость и умение преодолевать трудности для достижения намеченной цели;

- формирование их социальной компетентности.


- развитие логического мышления, коммуникативных умений и применение их на практике.

Задачи урока:

развитие умений в монологической и диалогической речи;
- активизация изученных лексических единиц и речевых образцов;
- умение систематизировать и обобщать полученные знания.

- развитие творческого воображения и мышления;
- формирование умения коллективного речевого взаимодействия;
- развитие речевой активности;

- формирование лингвистической и социокультурной компетенций;
- умение аргументировать свою точку зрения с целью формирования единого мышления;
- воспитание культуры учащихся средствами иностранного языка.

Компьютер, экран телевизора.
Презентация в Power Point. 

1. Начало урока. Организационный момент.

T: Good morning, children! Good morning, our dear guests!

Let's watch a video.


 Children, who can guess what the topic of our conversation is? (“We are going camping”)

(Слайд 2)

2. Самоопределение к деятельности.

We have already been speaking about camping and holidays for several lessons. So, what shall we learn today?

(- train speaking skills

- review the words of our topic

- review grammar- degrees of comparisons, the definite article, Past Simple)

Yesterday I saw an announcement in the Internet. Look at the screen. I'm very sorry, but Rob is lost.


T: As you remember the children went camping, but Rob is lost and they can't come back without him. So, they asked us for help because we are from Russia, too. To find him we should join Misha and his friends.


3. Актуализация знаний.

We know that all the friends are from different countries. So, let's revise some countries and their languages. Fill in the table as in the example.

(Слайд 3)























6. Развитие навыков письма.

T: First of all we should remember some facts about Rob which can help to find him. Fill in the file about Rob.

(Слайд 4)


Full name ……………………………

Family name.........................................

Sex (male/female)

Place of birth ………………………

Nationality …………………………..

Country …............................................

What does he do?……………………

Interests ….......………………………

What is he like? ……………………...


7. Развитие лексических навыков

T: Next we should pack our bags. What are the first words you remember of when thinking about camping?

T: Great. Let's decide which of the equipment we should take and what for using the model.

(Слайд 5)

We will need …..... to …......... .

We will need a sleeping bag to sleep in it.


8. Физкульт минутка

 Camping is an active type of pastime, so I want you to be active, too. Let's do some exercises. Stand up.


8. Развитие навыков устной речи

1). T: Our equipment is ready. Now I want you to work in groups. Each group has its own task. Use the cards, glue and scissors to help you. After discussion in groups one of you will come to the board to share the information with us.

1. What are the first things we should do during camping?

2. What should you do if you get lost?

3. Make up a dialogue. Discuss what the most important and the least important things for going camping are.


2) T: At last we are in the forest with Rob's friends. Let's imagine that you are Rob's friends  who lost him. I'll ask you questions and you will answer them. Open your books at page 39 to remember the facts about Rob and his friends during camping.

- Was Rob ready for going camping?

- What happened during your camping?

- So, what did Rob do?

- Did he like the food?


9. Развитие грамматических навыков

T: So, let's sum up everything using the right form of the adjectives and verbs in brackets as in the example

(Слайд 6)

Rob was …..... (weak) than Misha because he couldn't …...... (carry) his backpack.

Rob was weaker than Misha because he couldn't carry his backpack

a) Misha was ….... (strong) than Rob because he …...... (carry) Rob's backpack.

b) Rob was …... (slow) of all because he …...... (not have) trainers.

c) Rob wasn't as ......... (good) as gold because he …....... (not help).

d) Rob was …..... (sad) of all because he ….... (not like) anything.

e) Rob was …....... (helpful) because he …..... (do) nothing.

f) Misha's face was as ….... (red) as a beetroot because of Rob's behaviour.

T: My next question to you is: When did you see Rob for the last time?

(The last time we saw Rob was when we were sitting around the campfire.)

T: And what were you doing?

(We were telling stories about our last holidays and different sights.)

T: Oh, I think, I understand! Rob went to Moscow to go sightseeing. Let's use the model and try to guess where he is now. Don't forget about the definite article where necessary.

(Слайд 7-8)

Maybe he is in …..... .

Maybe he is in Red Square.


T: Of course, he is in the hotel because he was so tired and liked nothing during camping.


10. Лексический тест с вариантами ответов на вопросы по теме “camping”.

What kind a camper are you? Choose your answer.
1. At the weekend you normally…

A. spend a day on the sofa and watch TV
B. spend your time with friends
C. walk your dog or go jogging

2. Which character do you like best?
A. Harry Potter
B. Robin Hood
C. Peter Pen

3. You are lost in the forest. What will you do?

A. climb up the tree and cry

B. sit on the ground and wait for help

C. use the compass and try to find the way

4. You are camping near the lake. There is no hot water to wash your hair.

A. you won’t wash your hair and wait for your cosy bathroom

B. you’ll warm up some water in the cauldron and ask someone to help you

            C. you’ll wash your hair in the lake

5. What is fun about sleeping in the tent?

A. it’s not my idea of fun

B. you can have a good fight and a good laugh in a tent

C. it’s good for you to sleep on fresh air

6. You are camping. You get up early in the morning. Everybody is asleep. What will you do?

A. read a book

B. cook breakfast

C. make a campfire

7. You are going by car, so you can take one heavy thing. What will you take?

A. a TV

B. a cassette recorder

C. a boat

8. When you go camping, your backpack is normally very heavy because you carry

A. a lot of warm clothes

B. a lot of tasty snacks

C. a lot of things for your friends

9. When you get home after camping what is the first thing you do?

A. go to the bathroom and have a long hot bath

B. phone all your friends and tell them all about your adventures

C. go to the kitchen and have something to eat

Mostly As – You are a SLEEPING BAG. Camping isn’t your idea of fun. The ground is cold and the backpack is heavy. So it’s better for you to go by car. But you are clever. If something happens. you have good ideas which help everybody. And your friend realy like to listen to your stories by the campfire.
Mostly Bs – You area CAMPFIRE. Everybody likes you. You are always the centre of any group. You sing, you dance, and you make jokes. Camping without you isn’t fun. But you are always ready for difficult situations – you need your friends like a campfire needs a lot of wood.
Mostly Cs – You are a TORCH. You are a very good camper and will survive in any situation. You always help your friends if they ask for help. You can make a campfire and cook food, you can carry heavy things. There is one problem: Your light is very important, but it is not warm enough.



11. Окончание урока. Подведение итогов.

T: Thank you for your work today. It was wonderful. And now tell me what  things you have revised?


12. Рефлексия.

If you liked our trip name the adjectives, describing it

(wonderful, the most interesting, amazing, fantastic, great, exciting)

13. Домашнее задание.

You have no homework for our next lesson because holidays are coming

At our next lesson we will have a chance to get more information about the children's adventures.

Our lesson is over. Good- bye.



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