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План проекта по английскому языку, посвященный Рождеству и Пасхе, и сопроводительные материалы

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Человек1:  We are going to show you how people celebrate Christmas in the UK and Russia.

Заставка cо словом «Food»

Человек крупным планом перед камерой.

Человек1:  Both Russians and the British have a festive dinner on this day.  But their menu is different.

Заставка «the UK»

Сцена 1

Накрыт стол с едой.  Рядом стоит елка. Видны чулки и праздничные венки.  За столом сидит Человек 2. Перед ним находятся блюда с едой. Человек начинает говорить, глядя в камеру.

Человек 2: The Christmas Dinner is the main Christmas meal and is traditionally eaten at midday.  A traditional Christmas dinner in Britain consists of bacon (показывает рукой на бекон, камера показывает бекон крупным планом, опять возвращается к лицу человека),  chestnut stuffing, pigs in a blanket, roast turkey, bread source, roast potatoes, gravy, cranberry sauce,  brussel sprouts, roasted chestnuts, parsnips, christmas pudding (каждый раз камера показывает блюдо крупным планом после того как человек его называет).

После того как он все перечислил, Человек 2 накладывает себе в тарелку блюда и начинает их есть.: Yummy!

Сцена 2

Камера охватывает стол, на котором стоит заварочный чайник, чашки, блюдца (должен быть красивый сервиз) и различные сладости. Рядом стоит елка. Видны чулки и праздничные венки. За столом сидит Человек 2.  Человек начинает говорить, глядя в камеру.

Человек 2: Then the British have Christmas tea. They usually  have Christmas tea at about 6 pm.  People eat Christmas cake, mince pies and other sweets (каждый раз камера показывает блюдо крупным планом после того как человек его называет).

После того как он все перечислил, Человек 2 накладывает себе в тарелку блюда и начинает их есть.: Delicious

Заставка «Russia»

Сцена 3

Накрыт стол с едой.  Рядом со столом стоит елка. За столом сидит Человек3. Человек начинает говорить, глядя в камеру.

Человек3: On Christmas Eve the meal is called “The "Holy Supper" and consists of twelve servings in honor of the 12 apostles. The 12 servings typically consist of: Soup, Lenten bread called "pagach", Grated garlic, Honey, Baked cod, Fresh fruit including Apricots, Oranges, Figs and Dates or Stewed fruit including prunes and apricots, nuts, a meal of Kidney beans with shredded garlic potatoes with peas, Parsley Potatoes, Kapusta (sauerkraut), Bobalki which are small biscuits combined with poppy seed - Some bobalki are served with sweet cabbage or sauerkraut, Red Wine. A special dish called kutya is served on Christmas Eve made of berries, walnuts, sugar and poppy seeds. (каждый раз камера показывает блюдо крупным планом после того как человек его называет)

После того как он все перечислил, Человек 2 накладывает себе в тарелку блюда и начинает их есть.: Not bad!


Заставка «Activities»

Сцена 4

Человек крупным планом перед камерой.

Человек 1: Both Russians and the British decorate the Christmas tree and place presents under it.(Кадр, на котором люди украшают елку. Под елку кладут несколько коробок в оберточной бумаге.)Both in Russia and the UK the celebration of Christmas is a very important time for churches. Almost every church has special services or celebrations. (Вставочные кадры из видео с ютуба с изображением Рождественских служб).  People in both countries sing carols. But they also have some different customs and traditions.

Заставка «the UK»

Сцена 5

Человек 4: At night before Christmas people sing carols. (После этих слов раздается звонок в дверь. Человек оглядывается на звук, затем  поворачивает голову обратно к камере). Do you hear that? Let’s open the door and see who this could be. (Идет к двери.  Открывает дверь. За дверью стоят хористы). Hello!

Хористы: Good evening!

Человек 4: Please, come in.

Хористы заходят в дом и исполняют песню Silent Night. Человек 4 стоит рядом и слушает

Silent night, holy night

All is calm, all is bright

Round yon Virgin Mother and Child

Holy Infant so tender and mild

Sleep in heavenly peace

Sleep in heavenly peace


Заставка «Russia»

Сцена 6

Человек 5: In Russia people also sing carols, but they do it in the morning and it’s mostly popular with children. Young children go from house to house on the first day of Christmas carrying a star and singing carols and getting sweets from adults. It is called Kolyadki. (После этих слов раздается звонок в дверь. Человек оглядывается на звук, затем  поворачивает голову обратно к камере). I also heard something. Let’s have a look. (Идет к двери.  Открывает дверь. За дверью стоит ребенок со звездой в руках).

Ребенок рассказывает стих

В пелена завёрнут Он, средь овец и коз
Наш Спаситель был рождён -- Иисус Христос!
Лишь Иосиф и Мария радостно глядят,
Как лежит Младенец мирно -- чудное дитя!

Человек 5 дает ему конфеты.

Заставка «the UK»

Сцена 7

Человек 4: (Держит в руках рождественскую открытку. ) At Christmas in Britain people exchange Christmas cards (После этих слов к нему подходит человек и со словами Merry Christmas! Дает ему открытку. Человек 4 дает открытку в ответ и говорит Merry Christmas!)

Сцена 8

Человек 4: (Человек 4 с другими людьми сидит за праздничным столом )They listen to traditional Christmas speech of the British Monarch which is broadcasted on the television. (После этих слов он берет пульт и включает телевизор. На экране телевизора появляется королева)

Сцена 9

Человек 6:(Стоит с хлопушкой в руках) Table setting includes the use of best china and glassware and a cracker for everyone. It’s a small cardboard tube covered in a brightly coloured twist of paper, filled with small gifts. Everyone holds their cracker in their right hand and pulls their neighbours cracker with the free left hand. The one, who has the biggest part of the cracker in his hands wins. (После этих слов к нему подходит человек с еще одной хлопушкой, они скрущивают руки, берут хлопушку в правую руку и тянут левой рукой хлопушку соседа).

Сцена 10

Человек 7:(Сидит около изголовья кровати с чулком в руках): On Christmas Eve, younger kids hang up their stockings on the ends of the beds or by the chimney for the Father Christmas. This character is based on the real saint nicholas , who was bishop of myra, a turkish town. He is the patron saint of children, merchants and sailors. The night before Christmas Father Christmas piles all the toys onto his sleigh and rides across the sky with his nine reindeers. (Вешает свой носок на изголовье кровати).

Сцена 11

Человек7: (стоит под омелой) People decorate their houses with mistletoe.  It is thought that kissing under the mistletoe could mean deep romance or lasting frienship. (К нему подходит другой человек и они целуются)

Сцена 11

Человек7: (с рождественским венком в руках) Also people decorate their houses with Christmas wreaths. It is used to decorate the house. It is made of bits of tree, holly and ivy, mistletoe and usually red bows. The holly and the ivy. It was believed to have magical powers and the ability to drive demons away. The traditional colours of christmas, red and green , come from this plant. (Вешает рождественский венок)

Заставка «Russia»

Сцена 12

Человек 5 (с емкостью, напоненной водой): During Christmastime, a priest visits every home accompanied by boys carrying vessels of holy water. A little water is sprinkled in each room, which is believed to usher in happiness and fortune to them. (после этого ходит по дому и брызгает водой во всех комнатах)

Сцена 13

Человек 8: Another interesting custom is Svyatki fortune telling. There are a lot of ways Russians told fortunes. For example, melting wax then pouring it quickly into cold water or snow was believed to predict events surrounding the fortune teller or those close to her. (Камера показывает девочек,  которые капают в емкость с водой воском и пытаются рассмотреть пятно).

Сцена 14

(Вся группа целиком за праздничным столом. Кто-тоодин говорит ) We hope now you know how people celebrate Chtistmas in Britain and Russia. We wish you Marry Christmas !












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To make this video, at first we searched for the information on the Internet. We used the information from Youtube videos, and www.slideshare.net, www.timeanddate.com, projectbritain.com, topmarks.co.uk, www.bbc.com             websites. Secondly, we compared customs and traditions of celebrating Christmas in the UK and Russia.  We compared them according to the following parameters: date, food, symbols and activities. Thirdly, we prepared food, made Christmas cards, crackers, Cristmas wreaths and stocking and decorated Christmas tree. Then we shot a video, using a camera/ipad. To cut picture, we used  VideoPad Video Editor.

This video is about Christmas. Christmas is a Christian holiday that honors the birth of Jesus (whom Christians believe is the Son of God), and a cultural holiday for non-Christians. The Catholic and Protestant Churches use a calendar called the Gregorian calendar. That’s why the English celebrate the birth of Jesus on the 25th of December. The Eastern Orthodox Church still uses the Julian Calendar. That’s why in Russia Christmas is celebrated on the 7th of January.


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The UK

Common features


What it stands for


Christmas (wcontrol theans "Feast day of Christ") is a Christian holiday that honors the birth of Jesus (whom Christians believe is the Son of God), and a cultural holiday for non-Christians.



Most Christian countries of the world use a calendar called the Gregorian Calendar. That’s why  most Christians, such as those of the Catholic and Protestant Churches, celebrate the birth of Jesus on December 25.


The Eastern Orthodox Church still uses the Julian Calendar. That’s why in Russia Christmas is celebrated on the 7th of January.


Roasted turkey Christmas cake Christmas pudding Mince pies

The traditional plum pudding is served with little treasures hidden inside it and people who find it are considered lucky for the whole year.


A special dish called kutya is served on Christmas Eve made of berries, walnuts, sugar and poppy seeds. On Christmas Eve the meal is called “The "Holy Supper" and consists of twelve servings in honor of the 12apostles. The 12 servings typically consist of:Soup,Lenten bread called "pagach",Grated garlic, Honey,Baked cod,Fresh fruit including Apricots, Oranges, Figs and Dates or Stewed fruit including prunes and apricots,Nuts,A meal of Kidney beans with shredded garlic potatoes with peas, Parsley Potatoes,Kapusta (sauerkraut),Bobalki which are small biscuits combined with poppy seed - Some bobalki are served with sweet cabbage or sauerkraut, Red Wine


Father Christmas

 This character is based on the real saint nicholas , who was bishop of myra, a turkish town. He is the patron saint of children, merchants and sailors.

The night before Christmas Father Christmas piles all the toys onto his sleigh and rides across the sky with his nine reindeers.

British children write letters to Father Christmas and throw them into the fireplace so they float up the chimney to the North Pole. If letters get burn, they need to be rewritten.


The holly and the ivy

    It was believed to have magical powers and the ability to drive demons away. The traditional colours of christmas, red and green , come from this plant




1)At night before Christmas people sing carols.

Текст песни Silent Night

Silent night, holy night

All is calm, all is bright

Round yon Virgin Mother and Child

Holy Infant so tender and mild

Sleep in heavenly peace

Sleep in heavenly peace

(Тихая ночь, святая ночь,

Все затаилось перед свершившимся чудом,

Пред Девой Марией с младенцем,

Святым младенцем

Спи младенец блаженным сном,

Спи блаженным сном.)

Silent night, holy night!

Shepherds quake at the sight

Glories stream from heaven afar

Heavenly hosts sing Alleluia!

Christ, the Saviour is born

Christ, the Saviour is born

(Тихая ночь, святая ночь,

В трепетном молчании замерли пастухи,

С небес спускается сияние

После хвалебной песни Господу

Родился Христос-Спаситель

Родился Христос-Спаситель)

Silent night, holy night

Son of God, love's pure light

Radiant beams from Thy holy face

With the dawn of redeeming grace

Jesus, Lord, at Thy birth

Jesus, Lord, at Thy birth

(Тихая ночь, святая ночь,

Родился Сын Божий,

И любовь озарила все чистым светом

И с рассветом на землю

опустилась святая благодать

Родился Сын Божий,

Родился Сын Божий)



Some churches in Great Britain have a Christingle service (a carol service that originated in Scandinavia) on the fourth Sunday of Advent. After the service, every child received an orange and candle wrapped in a red ribbon to represent Jesus, his blood and his love for the world.


On Christmas Eve, younger kids hang up their stockings on the ends of the beds or by the chimney for the Father Christmas.


On Christmas morning, presents are opened up.


The Christmas Dinner is the main Christmasmeal and is traditionally eaten at mid-day.Table setting includes the use of best china and glassware and a cracker for everyone. It’s a small cardboard tube covered in a brightly coloured twist of paper, filled with small gifts.

Everyone holds their cracker in their right hand and pulls their neighbours cracker with the free left hand. Meal starts with a toast and popping of the crackers


They eat Christmas tea about 6 pm.


The traditional Christmas speech of the British Monarch is broadcasted on the television.


Most houses in Britain, will have a tree of some sort or other which they will decorate and will place the presents under it.

People decorate their houses with mistletoe.

(It is thought that kissing under the mistletoe could mean deep romance or lasting frienship.) and Christmas wreaths

 (It is used to decorate the house. It is made of bits of tree, holly and ivy, mistletoe and usually red bows.)


Christmas pantomime

is a popular form of theatre performed at christmas. It includes songs, dance, buffonery and audience participation.


People exchange Christmas cards.

The celebration of Christmas is a very important time for churches. Almost every church has special services or celebrations.


People visit family and friends.


People sing carols.


Most houses have a tree of some sort or other which they decorate and place the presents under it.


People have The "Holy Supper"


A Christmas ceremony of great significance here is the blessing of individual homes. During Christmastime, a priest visits every home accompanied by boys carrying vessels of holy water. A little water is sprinkled in each room, which is believed to usher in happiness and fortune to them.


Another popular custom here is that of young children going from house to house on the first day of Christmas carrying a star and singing carols and getting sweets from adults. It is called Kolyadki.


Svyatki fortune telling may still be done today (though mostly for fun). There were many ways Russians told fortunes in times of old. For example, melting wax then pouring it quickly into cold water or snow was believed to predict events surrounding the fortune teller or those close to her.


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Выбранный для просмотра документ Easter Speech.docx


To make this video, at first we searched for the information on the Internet. We used the information from Youtube videos, and www.slideshare.net, www.timeanddate.com, projectbritain.com, topmarks.co.uk, www.bbc.com             websites. Secondly, we compared customs and traditions of celebrating Easter in the UK and Russia.  We compared them according to the following parameters: date, food, symbols and activities. Thirdly, we prepared food, made Easter cards, Paschal candles, palm crosses and decorated eggs. Then we shot a video, using a camera/ipad. To cut picture, we used  VideoPad Video Editor.

This video is about Easter. Easter is the oldest and the most important Christian Festival, the celebration of the death and coming to life again of Jesus Christ. The Easter story includes Maundy Thursday (the Last supper leading to the Eucharist), Good Friday (the day on which Jesus was crucified) and Easter Day (the day on which Jesus came back to life). However, Easter in Britain has its beginnings long before the arrival of Christianity. Many theologians believe Easter itself is named after the Anglo-Saxon goddess of the dawn and spring – Eostre. Easter is the story of Jesus' last days in Jerusalem before his death. Easter is called a moveable feast because the date of Easter changes every year. The reason for this variation in the date of Easter is that Easter always falls on the first Sunday following the full Moon (the Paschal Full Moon) after the 21st of March. If the Full Moon falls on a Sunday then Easter is the next Sunday. Easter Sunday can fall on any date from the 22nd of March to the 25th of April. In western churches such as in the UK, America and Australia use the Gregorian calendar. That’s why in England it will be celebrated on the fifth of April. The Russian Orthodox Church celebrates Easter according to the Orthodox calendar, and it can occur in April or May. That’s why in Russia it will be celebrated on the twelfth of April.

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The UK

Common features


What it stands for

However, Easter in Britain has its beginnings long before the arrival of Christianity. Many theologians believe Easter itself is named after the Anglo-Saxon goddess of the dawn and spring – Eostre. Easter is the story of Jesus' last days in Jerusalem before his death.

Easter is the oldest and the most important Christian Festival, the celebration of the death and coming to life again of Jesus Christ. The Easter story includes Maundy Thursday (the Last supper leading to the Eucharist), Good Friday (the day on which Jesus was crucified) and Easter Day (the day on which Jesus came back to life).



05 April, 2015

Easter Sunday can fall on any date from 22 March to 25 April. In western churches such as in the UK, America and Australia use the Gregorian calendar

Easter is called a moveable feast because the date of Easter changes every year.

The reason for this variation in the date of Easter is that Easter always falls on the first Sunday following the full Moon (the Paschal Full Moon) after 21 March. If the Full Moon falls on a Sunday then Easter is the next Sunday

12 April, 2015

The Russian Orthodox Church celebrates Easter according to the Orthodox calendar, and it can occur in April or May.


Good Friday At Easter people eat hot cross buns which have a cross shape on the top.  There is a nursery rhyme about it

Hot cross buns, hot cross buns,
one a penny, two a penny,
Hot cross buns.
If you have no daughters,
give them to your sons,
One a penny, two a penny,
Hot cross buns.

Easter Day

Boiled eggs are traditionally served at breakfast.

Roast lamb, is the traditional meat for the main meal on Easter Day. It is served with mint sauce and vegetables.

The traditional Easter pudding is custard tarts sprinkled with currants and flat Easter biscuits.

Simnel cake is baked for tea. The Simnel cake is a rich fruitcake covered with a thick layer of almond paste (marzipan).  Eleven balls of marzipan are placed around the top to represent the eleven true disciples.


Pace Eggs are hard boiled eggs with patterned shells.

Russian Easter  foods include kulich (Russian Easter bread), paskha (a dish made from cheese and other ingredients, usually formed into the shape of a pyramid), eggs, and other foods. Eggs and cakes are frequently decorated with the letters XB (in English, KH V, short for “Khristos Voskres,” Christ is Risen!)


Rabbits have always been a symbol of fertility. In the UK children believe that if they are good the "Easter Bunny " will leave (chocolate) eggs for them.

The Paschal candle is made of pure white wax and is marked with a cross, an Alpha, and an Omega, the first and last letters of the Greek alphabet. The 4 numbers of the year are marked between the arms. This symbolises that Christ has been, is now and always will be with humanity.

Members of the congregation hold small crosses made of palm leaf, both to remember the palm leaves which the people of Jerusalem waved when Jesus arrived, and to remember the cross on which he died.


Easter eggs are a symbol of spring and new life.


Pussywillows symbolize triumph and victory.


Palm Sunday In many churches, during Palm Sunday services, large palm branches are carried in processions. Members of the congregation hold small crosses made of palm leaves,

Maundy Thursday Members of the royal family  take part in Maundy ceremonies, they distribute money and gifts. At the ceremony which takes place annually on Maundy Thursday, the sovereign hands to each recipient two small leather string purses. One, a red purse, contains food and clothing; the other, a white purse, contains silver Maundy coins consisting of the same number of pence as the years of the sovereign's age.

Holy Saturday. The Easter vigil service is the first Easter service, and takes place on the night of Holy Saturday. The Paschal candle, decorated with studs to celebrate Christ's wounds, may be lit from the fire and carried into the church where it is used to light the candles of the worshippers..

Easter Day1 Christians gather together on Easter Sunday for a Sunrise Service.

2Egg Jarping (Egg Tapping) is an activity that takes place on Easter Day. Players tap their opponents’ eggs until one breaks. The winner goes through to the next round, and so on until there is only one egg left unbroken.

3 Easter cards and gifts may be exchanged. Chocolate eggs are given to children.

4 Small chocolate eggs are hidden for the children to find on the traditional Easter Egg Hunt.

Easter Monday Egg rolling is very popular in England and is an Easter Monday sport. Hard-boiled eggs are rolled down a hill. he winner's egg may be the one that rolls the farthest, survives the most rolls, or is rolled between two pegs.

People go to church.


Good Friday    During Easter is very  typical to clean the house

It’s called  “ Spring Cleaning”.


Eggs are decorated.



The week before Easter, Palm Sunday, is called “Pussywillow Sunday.”  Russia doesn’t have too many palm trees, and traditionally pussywillows, which begin to bloom right around Easter, symbolized triumph and victory, just like palm trees did in ancient Palestine.  Leading up to Palm Sunday, you can buy pussywillows all over town.


On Saturday night, quite late (just before midnight), the congregation gathers. Many people bring Easter food to have them  blessed by the priests. Everyone lights a candle. At midnight, everyone walks around the church with their candle in a solemn procession to celebrate the Resurrection of Christ. Afterwards the congregation heads inside for the service, which is very long.


The Sunday morning starts from visiting neighbors and giving away Easter eggs.  It is especially popular with children. The common phrase you can hear on that day is: "Khristos voskres!" (Christ is risen!), which is to be followed by "Voistinu voskres" (Truly He is risen! This traditional greeting followed by hugging and triple kissing is called "kiss of peace".




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    THE UK


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  • FOOD

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Сцена 1

Hello. We’re going to tell you how people celebrate Easter in the UK and Russia/

Заставка cо словом «Food»

Сцена 2

Человек крупным планом перед камерой.

Человек1:  (Держит крашеное яйцо в руках. Говорит на камеру).Both Russians and the British cook pace eggs at Easter. Pace Eggs are hard boiled eggs with patterned shells. Easter eggs are a symbol of spring and a new life. Boiled eggs are traditionally served at breakfast.  But it’s the only common dish. Let’s see what people usually eat in the UK and Russia on this day.

Заставка «the UK»

Сцена 3

Накрыт стол с едой.  За столом сидит Человек 2. Перед ним находятся блюда с едой. Человек начинает говорить, глядя в камеру.

Человек 2:  At Easter people eat hot cross buns which have a cross shape on the top.  (указывает на блюдо, затем камера опять возвращается к его лицу) There is a nursery rhyme about it (появляются остальные члены команды и начинают петь):

Hot cross buns, hot cross buns,

one a penny, two a penny,

Hot cross buns.

If you have no daughters,

give them to your sons,

One a penny, two a penny,

Hot cross buns. (остальные члены команды исчезают из кадра)

Roast lamb, is the traditional meat for the main meal on Easter Day. It is served with mint sauce and vegetables. The traditional Easter pudding is custard tarts sprinkled with currants and flat Easter biscuits. Simnel cake is baked for tea. The Simnel cake is a rich fruitcake covered with a thick layer of almond paste (marzipan).  Eleven balls of marzipan are placed around the top to represent the eleven true disciples. (каждый раз камера показывает блюдо крупным планом после того как человек его называет).

Заставка «Russia»

Сцена 4

Накрыт стол с едой.  Рядом со столом стоит елка. За столом сидит Человек3. Человек начинает говорить, глядя в камеру.

Человек3: Russian Easter  food includes kulich (Russian Easter bread), paskha (a dish made from cheese and other ingredients, usually formed into the shape of a pyramid), eggs, and other food. Eggs and cakes are frequently decorated with the letters XB (in English, KH V, short for “Khristos Voskres,” Christ is Risen!) (каждый раз камера показывает блюдо крупным планом после того как человек его называет).

Заставка «Activities»

Сцена 5

Человек крупным планом перед камерой.

Человек1:  Both Russians and the British go to the church on this day. Also during Easter it is very  typical to clean the house. Its called “Spring Cleaning”. (на заднем фоне, за человеком, видно, как люди протирают пыль, моют полы и окна). But other customs and traditions are different.

Заставка «the UK»

Сцена 6

Человек 4: (стоит перед зажженной пасхальной свечой) lThe Easter vigil service is the first Easter service, and takes place on the night of Holy Saturday. The Paschal candle may be lit from the fire and carried into the church where it is used to light the candles of the worshippers.  It is made of pure white wax and is marked (указывает на узор на свече) with a cross, an Alpha, and an Omega, the first and last letters of the Greek alphabet. The 4 numbers of the year are marked between the arms. This symbolizes that Christ has been, is now and always will be with humanity.

Сцена 7

Человек5 на переднем плане. За ним на верху холма стоят люди с яйцами в руках.

Человек 5: The British play a lot of funny games on this day. They play egg rolling. It is very popular in England and is an Easter Monday sport. Hard-boiled eggs are rolled down a hill. The winner's egg may be the one that rolls the farthest, survives the most rolls, or is rolled between two pegs. (после этого камера крупным плагом берет людей. Тем бросают свои яйца с холма и начинают бежать за ними)

Сцена 8

Человек5 на переднем плане. За ним стоят люди с яйцами в руках.

Человек 5: Also people play Egg Jarping (Egg Tapping). It is an activity that takes place on Easter Day. Players tap their opponents’ eggs until one breaks. The winner goes through to the next round, and so on until there is only one egg left unbroken. (После этого крупным планом показывается как люди ударяют своими яйцами о яйца других людей)

Сцена 9

Человек5 на переднем плане

Человек 5: Another popular activity is egg hunt. Small chocolate eggs are hidden for the children to find. (показывается, как люди с корзинками ищут яйца и находят их в неожиданных местах)

Сцена 10

Человек 6 (с пасхальной открыткой в руках и шоколадным яйцом): Easter cards and gifts may be exchanged. Chocolate eggs are given to children. In the UK children believe that if they are good the "Easter Bunny " will leave (chocolate) eggs for them. (обменивается после этого открыткой и яйцом с другим человеком.)

Заставка «Russia»

Сцена 11

Человек 7: (Команду сначала показывают общим планом перед храмом рядом с «Панорамой». У каждого в руках зажженная свечка и яйцо. Затем берут крупным планом лицо говорящего)On Saturday night, quite late (just before midnight), the congregation gathers. Many people bring Easter food to have them  blessed by the priests. Everyone lights a candle. At midnight, everyone walks around the church with their candle in a solemn procession to celebrate the Resurrection of Christ.

Сцена 12

Человек 8: The Sunday morning starts from visiting neighbors and giving away Easter eggs. (звонок в дверь. Идет открывать дверь, продолжая говорить) It is especially popular with children. The common phrase you can hear on that day is (открывает дверь):

«Christ is risen! " (произносит ребенок за дверью)  

Truly He is risen! (произносит человек 8. Затем обнимаются и целуются в обе щеки три раза)

Сцена 13

Вся команда целиком

We hope we managed to explain how people celebrate Eater in Russia and the UK. Happy Easter!





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Тема исследовательского проекта: Особенности празднования Пасхи и Рождества в Англии и России.

Цель: развитие коммуникативных навыков учащихся и создание условий для активного применения языковых знаний учащихся по теме особенности празднования Пасхи и Рождества в Англии и России на практике.


1 Обучающие:

1 Ознакомление обучающихся с лексикой по теме Пасха и Рождество.

2 Ознакомление обучающихся с обычаями и традициями празднования пасхи/рождества в России и Англии.

3 Ознакомление обучающихся с основами монтажа видео, создания презентаций.


2 Развивающие:


1 Способствование развитию навыков работы с информацией

2 Способствование развитию навыков работы в команде

3 Способствование развитию навыков критического мышления

4 Способствование развитию творческого мышления




1Способствование воспитанию патриотизма у учащихся.

2Способствование воспитанию уважительного отношения к культуре других стран.


Планируемые результаты:


1После завершения проекта учащиеся смогут:

А) Рассказать о традициях празднования Пасхи и Рождества в России и Англии.

Б) Овладеть культурой командной работы

В) Приучиться творчески мыслить

Г) Овладеть навыками сравнительного анализа

Д) Овладеть некоторыми основами монтажа видео и создания презентаций


2 После завершения проекта учащиеся усвоят большое количество социо-культурной информации


Ход проекта:


1 этап

Ученики были ознакомлены с целью проекта (создание видео о том, как празднуют Рождество/Пасху в России и Великобритании). Были разделены на две команды. 



2 этап

Ученики должны были провести сравнительный анализ информации, полученной с сайтов www.slideshare.net, www.timeanddate.com, projectbritain.com, topmarks.co.uk, www.bbc.com в соответствии со следующими  критериями: что праздник символизирует,  дата праздника, традиционные блюда, развлечения. Также они должны были подготовить иллюстративный материал.


3 этап

На основе составленного сравнительного анализа ученики должны были подготовить сценарий обучающего видео о традициях празднования Пасхи и Рождества в Англии и России. Учитель объяснил детям структуру видео (вначале показать что общего, потом различного, подготовить заставки, продумать вступление и заключение, в каждой сцене вначале рассказать о традиции, потом показать ее).


4 этап

Ученики должны были приготовить традиционную еду, пасхальные свечи, пасхальные и рождественские открытки, хлопушки, найти елку, венок, чулок, подготовить заставки, используя PowerPoint (с детьми был проведен инструктаж по использованию программы).


5 этап

Ученики должны были отработать произношение и снять видео на камеру, планшет или телефон


6 этап

Ученики должны были смонтировать видео, используя PowerPad Video editor (с детьми был проведен инструктаж по использованию программы).


7 этап

Ученики должны были подготовить речь для презентации видео (трафарет первого абзаца был дан учителем, структура речи была обговорена с учителем). Презентация видео другой команде.



Сценарий седьмого этапа:


1 Приветствие.  Вводные слова:


Учитель: Hello. Today is the final stage of your projects. Today you are presenting your videos. Look at your desks. There you can see tables which you should fill in while the other team is presenting their video. You should understand what common customs and traditions people have in Russia and the UK and what customs and traditions are different. Do you have any questions? (ученики отвечают)


So, the first team, come to the blackboard to present your video.


2 Презентация видео первой команды. Вначале они говорят речь, затем показывают свое видео.


3 Обсуждение видео первой команды:


1Учитель: What common dishes do Russians and the English have?

Ученики: Both Russians and the English have sweets on this day.

2 Учитель: What dishes are different?

Ученики: In the UK people cook roast turkey and potatoes, Christmas pudding, mince pies, a Christmas cake. And in Russia people cook Lenten bread, Honey, Fresh fruit, Stewed fruit, cabbage, bobalki, and kutya.

3Учитель: What common activities do Russians and the English have?

Ученики: Both Russians and the British go to the church on this day.  They decorate the Christmas tree and sing carols.

4Учитель: And what customs and traditions do Russians have on this day?

Ученики: They bless their houses with holy water and tell fortunes.

5 Учитель: And what customs and traditions do the English have on this day?

Ученики: They exchange Christmas cards, listen to Queen’s speech, pull crackers, decorate their houses with Christmas wreaths and stockings.

4 Презентация видео второй команды. Вначале они говорят речь, затем показывают свое видео.


5 Обсуждение видео первой команды:


1Учитель: What common dishes do Russians and the English have?

Ученики: Both Russians and the English cook pace (пейс) eggs.

2 Учитель: What dishes are different?

Ученики: In the UK people cook hot cross buns, roast lamb and simnel (симнэл) cakes. And in Russia people cook kuliches and pascha.

3Учитель: What common activities do Russians and the English have?

Ученики: Both Russians and the British go to the church on this day. Also they clean up the house.

4Учитель: And what customs and traditions do Russians have on this day?

Ученики: Many people bring Easter food to have it blessed by the priests. They exchange pace eggs and sweets and say «Christ is risen! Truly He is risen!

5 Учитель: And what customs and traditions do the English have on this day?

Ученики: They play different kinds of games: egg rolling, egg tapping, and egg hunt. Also they light Paschal candles and exchange Easter cards.


6 Подведение итогов учителем.

Учитель выставляет оценки согласно разработанной системе оценивания.


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