Инфоурок Иностранные языки КонспектыПлан урока "Historical buildings. Buckingham Palace"

План урока "Historical buildings. Buckingham Palace"

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Grade: 10                  Theme: Historical buildings. Buckingham Palace              Date: 10

Objective: To develop communication skills

Main goals:


• learning to understand spoken English

• training cross-cultural literacy of students

• Learning the culture of communication


• Development of interest to regional geographic material

• Formation of respect for the culture of the country of studied language

• Educating the children a sense of beauty


• Training in Listening Comprehension

• The development of reading skills and the ability to use additional literature and Internet resources

• Increased use of regional geographic vocabulary in speech and writing mode

• frontal


During the classes

1. Org. moment

2. Repetition.

Checking homework.

Presentation “ Famous Faces” (1)

3. Введение нового страноведческого материала.

From the history of Buckingham Palace

Read the text and fill in the gaps with the words given in the box. Be ready to retell.

   Duke    lived     residence         Palace             cost   

From the history of Buckingham Palace

Buckingham ______ was built in 1703 for the _______ of Buckingham.

In 1762 the English King George III bought this palace and it _____ 28. 0000 pounds. He restored this building.

Queen Victoria _______ there for 64 years. She also rebuilt this building.

The present façade was planned by Sir Aston Webb in 1913. Buckingham Palace is the official ________ of the Queen.

In 1993 the palace was opened for the tourists for the first time.

Buckingham Palace was built in 1703 for the Duke of Buckingham.

In 1762 the English King George III bought this palace and it cost 28. 0000 pounds. He restored this building.

Queen Victoria lived there for 64 years. She also rebuilt this building.

The present façade was planned by Sir Aston Webb in 1913. Buckingham Palace is the official residence of the Queen.

In 1993 the palace was opened for the tourists for the first time.

4. Record historical facts in a notebook




5. Country studying. What can you say about Buckingham Palace?

Buckingham Palace

Buckingham Palace is the official London residence of the Queen. It is also administrative headquarters of the monarchy. It is a working building with the officies.

It has a police station, two post offices, a hospital, a bar, 2 sport clubs, a disco, a cinema, a swimming pool. There are 600 rooms and 3 miles of red carpet. About 700 people work in the palace (2)

6. Country studying: Some interesting fats about the palace

Interesting facts

From 1993 the palace was opened to the tourists.

We can see the magnificent State Rooms, the Grand Stairs, the Throne Room, the Music Hall, the Picture Gallery, the Embassy Room, the Concert Room, the Ball Room, the Green, White, Blue Rooms there.

IMPORTANThttp://cdncache-a.akamaihd.net/items/it/img/arrow-10x10.png visitors go to the Palace each year. More than 50,000 people are entertained at Buckingham Palace They are the leaders, diplomats, politicians, industrialists, businessmen, sport personalities, celebrities and the people from all other walks of British life.

Twice a year – in January and June - the Queen presents them medals. They are ordinary men and women who have done something very brave, doneIMPORTANThttp://cdncache-a.akamaihd.net/items/it/img/arrow-10x10.png work in their community.

7. Country studying: traditions

The Сhanging of the Guards

The Сhanging of the Guards takes place in front of Buckingham Palace. It starts at 11.30 every morning in summer and winter and lasts about 30 minutes. What happens is simple. Simple but very colorful, musical too. Because there is always brass band music.

The Changing of the Guards is one of London’s most popular tourists attractions and it is absolutely free.

The Trooping of the Colour

The Queen was born on 21 st of April in 1926 at Bruton Street, London. The queen has two birthdays. One ( the real one ) is on April 21st, but she also has an official birthday in June.

To celebrate this there is always a special ceremony at Horse Guards Parade near Buckingham Palace. A regiment of 2,000 soldiers and 200 horses take part in the two-hour ceremony. They all march or “ troop” past the Queen ( and also past their regimental flag or “ colour”) In the past, “ trooping the colour” happened before battles to show soldiers which flag to follow.

  • The Queen sends a telegram to anyone in Britain or the Commonwealth on their 100 th birthday. How does she know when it is someone ‘s 100 th birthday? Usually because their relatives or friends write to Buckingham Palace. ( They have to send a copy of the birth certificate, too) The Queen sends 200 “ birthday telegrams” per year.
  • Buckingham Palace is the official London home, but she has several other palaces, castles and private homes. They are Windsor Castle, Sandringham, Kensington Palace, Balmoral Castle.

1.     Buckingham Palace - Букингемский дворец

2.     residence - резиденция

3.     is located - расположен

4.     annual - ежегодный

5.     should book - следует заказать

Buckingham Palace is the Queens official London residence and is used to receive and entertain guests on state, ceremonial and official occasions for the Royal Family.The Palace is located between The Green Park, Hyde Park and St. James's Park.State Rooms, Ballroom & GardensBuckingham Palace's 19 state rooms, ballroom and gardens are open to visitors during August and September while the Queen makes her annual visit to Balmoral.The State rooms house some of the Royal family's greatest treasures including paintings and the finest French and English furniture. Visit the spectacular Palace Ballroom and tour the Palace gardens with views of the west front of the Palace and the lake.There is an entry fee and tickets are limited so you should book ahead if possible.
Buckingham Palace is the Queens official London residence and is used to receive and entertain guests on state, ceremonial and official occasions for the Royal Family. The Palace is located between The Green Park, Hyde Park and St. James's Park.

State Rooms, Ballroom & GardensBuckingham Palace's 19 state rooms, ballroom and gardens are open to visitors during August and September while the Queen makes her annual visit to Balmoral. The State rooms house some of the Royal family's greatest treasures including paintings and the finest French and English furniture. Visit the spectacular Palace Ballroom and tour the Palace gardens with views of the west front of the Palace and the lake. There is an entry fee and tickets are limited so you should book ahead if possible.

Вопросы к статье

1.     What is Buckingham Palace?

2.     Where is Buckingham Palace located?

3.     When are 19 state rooms and gardens open to visiters?

4.     Tickets are limited, aren't they?


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