Инфоурок Иностранные языки КонспектыПлан-коспект урока-праздника по теме :"Halloween" для 6 класса УМК Верещагина И.Н.

План-коспект урока-праздника по теме :"Halloween" для 6 класса УМК Верещагина И.Н.

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Английский языка 6 класс

УМК: Верещагина И.Н.

Тема урока-праздника:                                  Традиции и обычаи праздника  «День всех святых»


Идея урока-праздника:                                  познакомить ребят с обычаями и традициями

празднования этого дня  в англоязычных странах

(на  примере США)


Форма урока-праздника:                               соревнование между группами ребят с элементами



Сюжет урока-праздника:                               успешное решение предложенных заданий даёт 

право группе ребят накопить определённое 

количество баллов, обозначенных  жетонами,

и в конце урока-праздника получить хорошую или отличную отметку и приз.


                                     Триединая  дидактическая цель:


I РАЗВИВАЮЩАЯ:                                             развитие творческой фантазии и инициативы в

                                                                        осуществлении  иноязычной речевой деятельности,

а также развитие  познавательных интересов учащихся,

воли, самостоятельности,   познавательных умений

и коммуникативных способностей.


II ПРАКТИЧЕСКАЯ:                                            провести практику речевой деятельности в аудировании,

активизировать лексику по теме: «HALLOWEEN»,  

продемонстрировать умение читать стихи, осуществить

контроль полученных новых знаний о празднике.


III ВОСПИТАТЕЛЬНАЯ:                                      воспитывать у учащихся чувство уважения к истории и

культуре страны изучаемого языка, а через это и к своей 

родной национальной культуре.


Оборудование:                                                  праздничные газеты, набор картинок по теме:

                                                                         «Символы   праздника». Свечи и подсвечники.

Магнитофон и кассеты.  Костюмы,  эмблемы с символами, жетоны, фонарик из тыквы 

                                                                                темные шторы, сладости.


Плакаты:                                                               «Long live all witches and wizards! »

               «Down with the people».











                                                      План праздника

(Зал украшен наборами картинок по теме:  «Символы Дня всех святых»,горят свечи, гости сидят в зале)


Teacher:   Dear guests! You know autumn is not only harvest time but it is time for many holidays in different countries. F.eg. in Russia from ancient times people have been celebrating rich harvest and lots of weddings take place in autumn. We celebrate the 7 th of November in autumn too. But today we shall speak about one famous and curious holiday in English- speaking countries-Halloween. I think you know that it is celebrating on the 31st of October. So lets meet our main characters of Halloween.


(Под звуки музыки в зал входят главные персонажи праздника, они представляются гостям и  рассаживаются за столы с надписями: ведьмы, привидения, скелеты, чёрные коты.)


Teacher:  Oh! I see so many strange and mysterious quests. What are you doing here, I wonder?

Pupils: We want only treats and nothing more.

Teacher: Treats? Let me think! Oh! I have an idea! Let’s have some competition, because we have an interesting holiday today. But you should demonstrate all your knowledge and skills on the topic: «Halloween» and only then you will get some tasty treats. Do you agree?

Pupils: Yes, we do.

Teacher: Do you know the main symbol of Halloween?

Pupils: Yes. It is a pumpkin.

Teacher: Do you know the main colors of Halloween?

Pupils: Yes. Orange and black.


(раздаётся стук в дверь, входит главный персонаж праздника  « Тыква» в сопровождении монстров.)


Jack: Hello, dear witches, ghosts, black cats, skeletons and other friends of mine! We have gathered here to celebrate the most important holiday for us- Halloween, haven’t we?

My name is Jack-o’ Lantern and here is my lantern made from pumpkin. As you see I’ve cut out slifs for two eyes, a nose, a mouth and put a lit candle inside. Now I want to put this main symbol of our holiday in the middle of the room.

 Oh! I have forgotten to introduce you to my friends. These are my funny monsters.

Teacher: Oh! So many monsters you have got?

Jack: Yes. They will help me, but if you need some monsters, they can help you too.

Teacher: Oh! It’s a great idea! I need only 4 monsters. They will try to do the task and get extra points for each team. Now I want to give them symbols.

The task for you is to find the way to the Jack-o’Lantern full of candy in the middle. I’ll give you pencils and erasers and the paper with your task.

Jack: Dear friends of mine! I have just brought this special Halloween tree. Now let’s name all the Halloween’s symbols.

What symbols of Halloween do you know? What can you see in the tree?

Jack: All right.

Teacher: Dear Jack! We are going to have a funny competition. Would you like to be our main judge?

Jack: Yes. I have brought so many things for all participants. Let’s have a look on those unusual cans.

My dears! What do you think? What is there inside them? I’ll help you. Look at these sticky labels.

This can is full of rabbits’ eyes. This one is full of cats’ ears. This can is full of dragons’ tails. This one is full of bears’ paws. Do you want to get them? I think you do. And you will have them, but for the right answers. So lets start.

( Джек снимает  по одному персонажу с дерева, начинается представление команд)




                                                   TASK# 1:  Визитные карточки команд.

 (Визитная карточка команды: «Ведьмы»)


 A witch wears a tall black hat,

A witch has a big black cat.

She sits on a broomstick as she goes by

And « O-oo-oo-ooh»is her cry.

A witch wears tall black hair,

A witch flies through the air.

She sits on a broomstick as she goes by

And «O-oo-oo-ooh» is her cry.

A witch has a book of spells,

Her secrets she never tells.

She sits on a broomstick as she goes by

And «O-oo-oo-ooh»is her cry.


Jack: Thank you , witches.

Teacher: How many points have they got?

Jack: I want the black cats introduce themselves.


(Визитная карточка команды: «Чёрные коты».)


We are the black cats

We like to eat grey rats

We can jump and run

Just for little fun.

Our heads are black,

Our paws are big,

Our eyes are green

We have come to Halloween.


Jack: Thank you black cats. You are so beautiful and funny.

Teacher: How many points have they got?

Jack:  I want the skeletons introduce themselves.


 (Визитная карточка команды: «Скелеты»)


A woman in the churchyard sat


She saw three corpses carried in

Very tall and very thin.

The woman to the corpses said,

«Shall I be like you when I’m dead? “

“You’ll be like us when you are dead,”

Woman to the corpses said



Jack: Thank you, skeletons. You are so scary.

Teacher: How many points have they got?

Jack: I want to the ghosts introduce themselves.





 (Визитная карточка команды «Приведения»)


A cold and starry darkness moans

And settles wide and still,

Over a jumble of tumbled stones

Dark on a darker hill.

An owl among those shadow walls

Gray against gray,

Of ruins and battle weeds, calls

And a soundless swoops away.

Rustling over scattered stones

Dancers hover and sway,

Drifting among their own bones

Like the webs of the Milky Way.


Jack: Thank you. You are the best ghosts.

Teacher: How many points have they got?

Now let’s see your results. Look at the blackbord.Let’s count. Each team has got the same amount. Good luck! And now the next task for you.


                                                                   Task #2: Find the odd word.


1. October, November, December, September.

2. Witches, ghosts, black cats, chickens.

3. Masks, costumes, garlands, jeans.

4. Candles, jack-o’lantern, pumpkin, water-melon.


                                                                  Task#3: Puzzle


Teacher: It’s high time to guess the puzzle and make up 3 sentences with the words on the topic:”Halloween”

The right words: October, black, Halloween, witch, ghost, pumpkin, trick, monster, party, treat.


                                                                  Task#4: Guess the riddles.


1. What animal sleeps all the winter with its head hanging down? (a bat)

2. What goes over the floor and then stands in the corner? (a broom)

3. The funny fellow’s on the watch,

    He doesn’t sleep by day,

    He stands in our garden

    And frighten birds away (a scarecrow)

4. A face so round and eyes so bright.

    A scary mouth with a jolly grin.

    No arms, no legs- just head to chin! (Jack-oLantern)


                                                             Task#5: Аудирование текста.


 1.Чтение слов по транскрипции.

2. Чтение слов за учителем.

3. Запомни и назови перевод слов.

4. Напиши правильно слова.

5. True or False.



                                                       Task#6: Make funny faces.


Teacher: Let’s have some activities. You have got glue, scissors, and pencils. I’ll give you colored paper.

Make funny symbols of Halloween and represent your symbols. Explain, please. What symbols have you done?


                                                       Task#7: A game” Snowball”


1. ---------------- is one of the best ---------------- for children.

2. American children--------------- Halloween ___________.

3. Children wear--------- and colorful -------------------.

4. The most popular costumes are ----------, ------------ and -------.

5. The traditional Halloween colors are --------------- and ----------.

6. The children walk door to door and shout:”-------------“.

7. People give them treats- ----------, --------------- or ----------.

8. If they don’t give treats children can play a ---------- like splashing -------------- in their faces.

Halloween, holidays, celebrate, on October 31, costumes, masks, orange, ghosts, witches, skeletons, trick or treat, fruit, sweets, money, trick, water.


Jack: Your results are:

Teacher: So dears! Our competition is over.

Jack: Dear skeletons, ghosts, witches, black cats! I am very satisfied with your work. You were very active, talented, clever, creative and funny. But I must go. Good bye!

Pupils: Trick or treats!

Jack: Oh! I have forgotten about treats! You have been waiting for treats for the whole day. So Where is our magic book I wonder?

Teacher: What book?

Jack: The book of spells.

Teacher: I know witches have got it.

Jack: Witches! Will you give me the book please! Thank you. Let’s find the recipe of making treats.I have just found. Teacher! Help me please.


 Take a large saucepan.

Put 5 rabbits’ eyes and 4 dragons’ tails.

Say:  “Abracadabra pin, pan, pee”.

Now you have got the magic recipe!


Add 6 cats’ ears and 3 bears’ paws .

Put some sugar and pour some water.

Say:  “Abracadabra pin, pan, pee”.

Now you have got the magic recipe!


Teacher: Jack I see some tasty things in this saucepan.

Jack: OK! Well done! My friends! Help yourselves!


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