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Подборка упражнений на тему "Present Perfect vs Past simple"

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Упражнение 1. Complete the pairs of sentences. Use the Present Perfect or the Past Simple in the other.

  1. I (know)  _______ her for six years.

I (know) _______  him when I was at school.

  1. He (live) _______  in Paris from 1997 to 2000.

He (live) _______  in New York since 2001.

  1. Where's Pete? I (not see) _______  him for ages.

I (not see) _______  Pete last night.

  1. We (be) _______  at primary school from 1993 to 1998.

We (be) _______ in this class since September.

  1. I (not watch) _______  this video yet.

I (not watch) _______ a video at the weekend.


Упражнение 2. Put the verbs in brackets in the Past Simple or in the Present Perfect.

1.  I ________ (never/ be) to the USA. I ______ (want) to go there last summer but I couldn’t.

2.  He _______ (live) in this street all his life.

3.  His father ________ (come back) to London last Sunday.

4.  Yan __________ (write) a letter to Nick two days ago.

5.  He ________ (send) his letter yesterday.

6.  They  ________  (just/ buy) some postcards.


Упражнение 3. Fill in last night, ever, ago, just, yet, always in the right place.

1.  Nick’s uncle went to Russia 3 years.

2.  Mr. Rambler has come back from Belarus.

3.  Nick has wanted to visit Belarus.

4.  Mr. Rambler saw Yan.

5.  They haven’t visited this old castle.

6. Have you been to England?


Упражнение 4. Choose the correct option.

  1. She has /‘s had a moped since she was 15.
  2. We took /‘ve taken a taxi to town that morning.
  3. We played /'ve played volleyball last night
  4. I'm really hungry. I didn’t eat / haven’t eaten since last night.
  5. They visited/ ‘ve visited Colorado last summer.


Упражнение 5. Put the verbs in brackets in the Past Simple or in the Present Perfect.

1. Maria (get) ______ some bad news last week. She (be) ______ sad since she (get) ______  the bad news.

2. I  (start) ______  school when I was five years old. I (be) ______  at school since I (be) ______  five years old.

3. I  (change) ______ my job three times this year.

4. I  (change) ______  my job three times last year.

5.  The weather was hot and dry for many weeks. But two days ago it (rain) ______.

6.  Tom (break) ______  his leg five days ago. He’s in hospital. He (be) ______  in hospital since he (break) ______  his leg.

7.  Are you going to finish your work before you go to bed? — I (finish) ______  it (already). I (finish) ______  my work two hours ago.


Упражнение 6.  Put the verbs in brackets in the Past Simple or in the Present Perfect.

1. I (have, just) ______   a nice pot of coffee. Would you like a cup?

2. I (see, not) ______   Steve this morning yet.

3.  Carol and I are old friends. I (know) ______   her since I (be) ______   a freshman in high school.

4.  Maria (have) ______   a lot of problems since she (come) ______   to this country.

5. I  (go) ______  to Paris in 2003 and 2006.

6.  A car came round the corner and I (jump) ______   out of the way.

7.  Don’t throw the paper away because I (not to read) ______   it yet.

8.  Is Jim going to eat lunch with us today? — No. He (eat) ______   (already).He (eat) ______   lunch an hour ago.

9.  Since we (start) ______   doing this exercise, we (complete) ______  some sentences.

10. I (be) ______   never to Italy.


Упражнение 7. Put the verbs in brackets in the Past Simple or in the Present Perfect.

1.  You (ever work) ______ in a shop?

2. I (work) ______ at my uncle’s shop when I was younger.

3.  It’s the first time I (be) ______ on a ship.

4.  Ann is looking for her key. She can’t find it. She (lose) ______ her key.

5.  How many symphonies Beethoven (compose) ______?

6.  Look! Somebody (spill) ______ ink on the notebook.

7.  You (have) ______ a holiday this year yet?

8.  You (see) ______ any good films recently?

9. He (have, not) ______ any problems since he (come ) ______ here.


Упражнение 8. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Past Simple или Present Perfect

1. I  (cut) ______ some flowers from my garden yesterday. I (cut) ______  lots of flowers from my garden so far this summer.

2. I  (not / see) ______  Tom lately.

3. The artist (draw) ______  a picture of sunset yesterday. She (draw) ______ many pictures of sunsets in her lifetime.

4. I  (feed) ______ birds at the park yesterday. I (feed) ______  birds at the park every day since I (lose) ______  my job.

5. Ann (wake up) ______  late and (miss) _______ her breakfast on Monday.

6. I (forget) ______  to turn off the stove after dinner. I (forget) ______  to turn off the stove a lot of times in my lifetime.

7.  The children (hide) ______ in the basement yesterday. They (hide) ______  in the basement often since they (discover) ______  a secret place there.

8.  The baseball player (hit) ______ the ball out of the stadium yesterday. He (hit) ______ a lot of homeruns since he (join) ______  our team.

9.  We first (meet) ______ in 2001. So we (know) _______  each other for 8 years.


Упражнение 9. Put the verbs in brackets in the Past Simple or in the Present Perfect.

1. She (change) ______  a lot since she left school.

2. I  (see) ______ this film and I don’t want to see it again.

3.  Jazz (originate) ______  in the United States around 1900.

4.  Tom Hanks  (win) ______  an Oscar several times already.

5.  Long ago, they (build) ______  most houses out of wood.

6.  Scientists still (not/find) ______  a cure for cancer.

7.  Sean (eat, never) ______  Chinese food before.

8.  In my first job, I (be) ______  responsible for marketing.

9.  The last job I (apply) ______ for required applicants to speak some Japanese.

10.  The first modern Olympics  (take) ______  place in Athens more than a hundred years ago.

11. I am writing in connection with the advertisement which (appear) ______  in December.


Упражнение 10. Complete the sentences. Use the Present Perfect or the Past Simple.

My family and I (move) from London to Cardiff last summer, so we (live) in Cardiff for seven months now. I miss my friends in London. My best friend is called Megan. We (meet) at primary school, so I (know) her for nine years. Unfortunately, I (not see) her since last summer.

I go to Greystone Secondary School in Cardiff. I (be) at the school since last September. At first I (not like) it because I (not have) any friends here. But the students in my class are really nice and I'm happy here now.


Упражнение 11. Correct the mistakes in these sentences.

  1. We lived here since 1997.
  2. I've been ill since two days.
  3. How long do you know him?
  4. Susie has seen a good film last night.
  5. We've finished our homework just.
  6. I've already wrote three letters.


Упражнение 12. Complete the sentences. Use the Present Perfect or the Past Simple.

Helen:  That's a nice tennis racket. Is it new?

Andy: No, (I/have) ________ it for about a year, but ( I/not play) _______ with it very much. ( I/buy) ________ it in Florida.

Helen: When ( you/go) ________ to America?

Andy: ( I/go)  ________ there with my family in the spring.

Helen: What was it like?

Andy: Great! (I/stay) ___________ with my penfriend.

Helen: Is your penfriend American?

Andy: Yes. ( I/have) ________ an American penfriend for two years. (he/come) __________   to England last summer.

Helen: (I/not meet)  _______ him.

Andу: No, (you/be) ______ on holiday in Turkey.


Упражнение 13. Choose the correct form of the verb.

  1. We went/ ‘ve been to the seaside last summer.
  2. I finished / ‘ve finished my homework. Can I go out now?
  3. I was /‘ve been ill three month ago.
  4. Have you been / Did you to the shop? I need some stamps.
  5. My hobby is fishing. I’ve caught / caught a lot of fish.
  6. Jenny is in Oxford today, but she was /has been in London yesterday.
  7. I played /'ve played basketball when I was younger, but l don’t play now.
  8. I’ve already seen / already saw 'Shrek'.
  9. Julie has been / was ill since Tuesday.
  10. I didn't see / haven't seen Josh since 1998.
  11. We've stayed / stayed at our grandparents for three days. We arrived home yesterday.
  12. The dog went / has gone to sleep an hour ago.
  13. I had / ‘ve had a cat for two years. It’s  name is Willis.
  14. I’ve waited / waited for a bus for twenty minutes. Then I decided to walk.


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