Инфоурок Иностранные языки Конспекты"Poetry is the queen of languages" атты Абай оқулары (5-10 сынып)

"Poetry is the queen of languages" атты Абай оқулары (5-10 сынып)

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Abai’s reading contest


“Poetry is the queen of languages”











 Конкурстың мақсаты:  Оқушылардың шығармашылық мүмкіндіктерін дамыта отырып, ағылшын тіліне деген қызығушылықтарын арттыру және өзге тілді үйрене отырып өз тілін құрметтей білуге  тәрбиелеу.

Көрнекілігі:  киіз үйдің ішкі көрінісі безендірілген зал, тақырып жазылған баннер, компьютер, видеопроектор.


- Good day, dear  teachers, pupils, participants  and guests!  We are glad to meet you at our school. Today we shall organize the contest including the best creative works of Abai Kunanbaev.

- You know that this year we celebrate Abai’s 170th- anniversary. According to these events we are going to hold Abai’s reading district contest called “Poetry is the queen of languages”. Welcome to the party!

- There are 15 participants from 13 schools of our district. And today they want to show their talents. Let me call them on this stage!

 Let me introduce you with our jury.

 - Abai Kunanbayev was a great poet, musician, translator, philosopher and political activist of our country. He wrote about nature, love, men.

  -Abai wrote 45 edification words which are his philosophical principles. Abai made brilliant translations of the famous poets as Pushkin, Lermontov, Krilov and Goethe.

- He wrote a lot of lyrical poems full of inspirations, feeling of the delight, to pride of folk and love to Motherland.

 - So, It’s time to start the competition. I’m going to call the first participant of the contest. Uteuova A is the pupil of the 10th grade, She has prepared the poem “Spring”.

 - One of the best works, more exactly masterpieces of Abai is his edification words.                  A. Abdeshova  would like to present extracts from the 19th word of edification.

 -  Zheksengalieva Akerke  wants to read Abai’s popular poem “Summer”.

-  Book of Words  created by the great thinker constitute an ethnic philosophical work. This creation of his is an exploration of Kazakh national life in the second half of the 19th century. He influenced social affairs in the country where he lived.
Saying “good luck” to our pupils, I call Mukhambetzhanov Asilzhan. He studies at our school, in the 8th form. He performs “the 2nd edification word” of Abai.


1.     - The song “In the silent luminous night”. It will be performed by Amantayeva E.

2.      - The next participant   Zhasulanova Azinurai   wants to read Abai’s popular poem “Autumn”.

3.     - “Abai’s major work is The Book of Words, a philosophic treatise and collection of poems where he encourages his fellow Kazakhs to embrace education, literacy, and good moral character in order to escape poverty, enslavement and corruption. Now, we listen to some expressions from the 19th word of Abai. On the scene – Saginov Ali.

4.      - The song “Black of my eye”. It is performed by Bisenbayeva A.

5.      -The poem “summer”. It will be performed by Shaihiyev Sh.

6.        -The name of Abai is known worldwide just as Shakespeare, Goethe, and   

    Pushkin is well-known in many countries, because his great words became a spiritual patrimony of not only one nation, but of the entire humankind. 

 Gilmanova K.  performs the 22nd word of edification of Abai.

7.     - Using his poetic and musical talents, Abai reached the youths of the auls and communicated his message to them. His treatment of the four seasons of the year: "spring", "summer», "fall", and "Winter" includes several innovative features.  Just now, Tuleugalieva A.  recites the poems about seasons of the year.

8.       - The next participant is Eshkayev S. is the student of the 8th grade. He’ll sing the song “Through windless night the glinting moon”.

9.       - In the summer of 1886 A. Kunanbayev wrote his splendid poem   “Summer”. The poem was translated into different languages. And Karagayeva N. will read this poem.

10. - Abai’s poems are one of the most important landmarks; they can provide an opportunity to get on with today’s difficult life and complex moral problems. Abai at all times remains the thinker who can help you find appropriate responses to the most important questions of life.

Our last participant is  Dauletkereyeva B. will read the poem “Summer”.  


     -Our participants have finished performing. While our jury is making the conclusion we want to show the scene “Young Abai”. It is performed by the pupils of the 6th, 7th, 8th, and the 9th forms. Enjoy the play. Abai was 13.He was going back from madrasah.

Edil: - The President of Kazakhstan N.Nazarbayev said “It`s blessing — to learn Abai`s poems by heart. But it would be better if Abai`s deep though is and sincere revelation wouldn`t be reiterated socially in vain, but be a basis for our everyday matters. One has to strive for it. It is the only demonstration of our loyalty to wise invocation and will of Abai, our children`s duty before the memory of Teacher of Kindness and Justice”. The name of Abai Kunanbayev will remain in our heart.


 - Our competition is over. Thanks a lot to participants and to teachers who prepared them. - Good bye!



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