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Политические системы РФ и Великобритания

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Описание презентации по отдельным слайдам:

  • The political Systems Of the Russian Federation and the united kingdom of...

    1 слайд

    The political Systems

    Of the Russian Federation

    and the united kingdom of Great

    Britain and northern Ireland

  • The  Russian  Federation

    2 слайд

    The Russian Federation

  • ANSWER     THE      QUESTIONSWhat kind of state is the Russian Federation acc...

    3 слайд

    What kind of state is the Russian Federation according to the Constitution?
    When was the new Constitution of the Russian Federation adopted?
    Who is the head of state in our country?
    What political parties do you know in Russia?
    What are the national symbols of Russia?

  • The national Symbols

    4 слайд

    The national Symbols

  • PHONETIC      DRILL legislative branch of power
 executive branch of power

    5 слайд

    legislative branch of power
    executive branch of power
    judicial branch of power
    to elect the head of state
    to appoint Prime Minister
    to approve the appointment
    to examine the bill
    to pass a new law
    to sign a law
    to represent
    the national anthem
    the coat-of-arms
    two- headed eagle
    three-coloured banner

    законодательная ветвь власти
    исполнительная ветвь власти
    судебная ветвь власти
    выбирать главу государства
    назначать Премьер Министра
    одобрять назначение
    рассматривать законопроект
    принимать новый закон
    подписывать закон
    государственный гимн
    двуглавый орёл
    трёхцветное знамя

  • PHONETIC       DRILLthe Federal government -
the Federal Assembly –    
the F...

    6 слайд

    the Federal government -
    the Federal Assembly –
    the Federation Council –
    the State Duma –
    the deputy -
    the Chairman of
    the government –
    Ministers -
    the Supreme Court –
    the Constitutional Court
    Regional Courts
    Федеральное правительство
    Федеральное собрание
    Совет Федераций
    Верховный Суд
    Конституционный суд
    Региональные суды

  • Translate into english1. Федеральное собрание представляет законодательную ве...

    7 слайд

    Translate into english
    1. Федеральное собрание представляет законодательную ветвь власти.
    2. Правительство представляет исполнительную ветвь власти.
    3. Верховный Суд, конституционный суд и региональные суды
    представляют судебную ветвь власти.
    4. Народ (люди) выбирает главу государства – президента.
    5. Президент назначает председателя правительства – премьер-министра.
    6. Государственная Дума должна одобрить назначение.
    7. Федеральное собрание принимает новый закон.
    8. Президент подписывает закон.
    9. Национальные символы нашей страны – государственный гимн,
    трёхцветное знамя и двуглавый орёл.

  • Political       System     of   Russia   Russia is a presidential republic....

    8 слайд

    Political System of Russia
    Russia is a presidential republic.
    The President is the head of the state.
    He is commander-in-chief of the armed forces
    and is elected directly by the people.

  • The  federal  assembly – the   legislative  branch  of  power  consists of

    9 слайд

    The federal assembly – the legislative branch of power consists of

    The Federation Council
    (Совет Федераций)
    (two representatives from each subject)

    The Duma
    (450 deputies)

  • The    executive  branch of power
in   Russia   belongs  to  the  government....

    10 слайд

    The executive branch of power

    in Russia belongs to the government.
    The president appoints the chairman of the government (prime minister) and Ministers, but the duma must approve his appointment.

  • The    judicial  branch of powerIs    the    system   of   courts:...

    11 слайд

    The judicial branch of power
    Is the system of courts:

    The supreme court
    The constitutional court
    Regional courts

  • Moscow     Red   Square

    12 слайд

    Moscow Red Square

  • The  state  kremlin  palace

    13 слайд

    The state kremlin palace

  • The president of the Russian federation  v.v. Putin

    14 слайд

    The president of the Russian federation v.v. Putin

  • Federal  assembly  meeting

    15 слайд

    Federal assembly meeting

  • The  federation  council

    16 слайд

    The federation council

  • The state  duma

    17 слайд

    The state duma

  • The  meeting  of  the  state  duma

    18 слайд

    The meeting of the state duma

  • The house of the government

    19 слайд

    The house of the government

  • Chairman of the government (prime minister) d.A. medvedev

    20 слайд

    Chairman of the government
    (prime minister) d.A. medvedev

  • The cabinet of ministers of the russian federation

    21 слайд

    The cabinet of ministers of the russian federation

  • The supreme court of the Russian federation

    22 слайд

    The supreme court of the Russian federation

  • The constitutional court of the russian federaion

    23 слайд

    The constitutional court of the russian federaion

  • The political system of the Russian federation

    24 слайд

    The political system of the Russian federation

  • The united kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

    25 слайд

    The united kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

  • The national Symbols

    26 слайд

    The national Symbols

  • The political system of great britainParliament                           

    27 слайд

    The political system of great britain
    the House of Commons
    the House of Lords
    Monarch Сonstitutional
    a cabinet of ministers
    a department to rule
    to reign
    to be responsible to
    Палата Общин
    Палата Лордов
    Конституционная монархия
    кабинет министров
    быть ответственным перед

  • Great  Britain  is  a  parliamentary   monarchyThe Queen Elisabeth II is  the...

    28 слайд

    Great Britain is a parliamentary monarchy
    The Queen Elisabeth II is the official head of the state.
    She reigns, but doesn’t rule.
    She represents the country, signs bills, participates in different charity funds.

  • Buckingham palace - queen 'residence

    29 слайд

    Buckingham palace - queen 'residence

  • Westminster  abbey

    30 слайд

    Westminster abbey

  • The Houses of parliament

    31 слайд

    The Houses of parliament

  • PARLIAMENT- the legislative branch of power consists ofThe House Of Commons...

    32 слайд

    PARLIAMENT- the legislative
    branch of power consists of
    The House Of Commons
    (651 members of Parliament are elected
    by the people);
    It makes laws;
    discusses political problems.
    The House of Lords (over 1,100 permanent, non-elected members, they inherit their seats
    from their fathers.
    Members are called
    life peers.
    It examines and revises
    bills from the House
    of Commons;
    Can delay bills for one year.

  • British    parliament

    33 слайд

    British parliament

  • The house of commons

    34 слайд

    The house of commons

  • The house of lords

    35 слайд

    The house of lords

  • The executive branch is the government 1. The largest party in the Commons fo...

    36 слайд

    The executive branch is the government
    1. The largest party in the Commons forms
    the government
    2. The government is headed by
    the Prime Minister, who is the leader of the party
    that has won the election.
    3. The Prime Minister is appointed
    by the monarch.
    4. The Prime Minister chooses the Cabinet
    and non-cabinet ministers.

  • David Cameron - prime minister of great Britain

    37 слайд

    David Cameron - prime minister
    of great Britain

  • Parliamentary Democracy.How does it work? Britain is a parliamentary democra...

    38 слайд

    Parliamentary Democracy.
    How does it work?
    Britain is a parliamentary democracy with a constitutional monarch.
    Queen Elisabeth II is the head of state, but she has no real power.
    In law the queen is the head of the executive branch and a part of the
    legislative branch but in fact her role is mostly ceremonial.
    She acts on the advice of her ministers.
    In Britain it is Parliament that has the power. Parliament makes laws.
    It is made up of the House of Lords and the House of Commons.
    The members of the House of Lords are permanent- mostly lords and people
    who have been made lords for life. The lords can revise and even delay bills.
    They have real influence in politics. The Commons have much more real power.
    The members of the Commons are elected by the people. They control the
    executive branch and discuss most important political problems.
    The largest party in the Commons forms the government and its leader
    becomes the Prime Minister. The people do not elect the Prime Minister directly.
    Officially Parliament appoints Prime Minister. The Prime Minister chooses
    the Cabinet and non-cabinet ministers. They are all collectively responsible
    for the government, the executive branch, and individually responsible for
    their department.

  • So,The Queen,
the head of the UKappointsThe Prime Minister.
the head of the g...

    39 слайд

    The Queen,
    the head of the UK
    The Prime Minister.
    the head of the government
    The Cabinet of ministers
    are responsible to
    The House of Commons
    The Parliament
    The House of Lords
    Executive branch
    consists of

  • Fill   in   the   Gaps1.  Britain is a … democracy  with a constitutional … ....

    40 слайд

    Fill in the Gaps
    1. Britain is a … democracy with a constitutional … .
    2. Queen Elizabeth is the … of state, but she has no real … .
    3. In Britain it is … that has the power.
    4. Parliament is made up of the … of …
    and the … of… .
    5. The largest party in the … of … forms the government and its leader becomes … … .
    6. Officially … appoints the Prime Minister.

  • ANSWER   THE   QUESTIONS1. What kind of state is Great Britain?
2. Who is th...

    41 слайд


    1. What kind of state is Great Britain?
    2. Who is the head of the state in Great Britain?
    3. What are the houses of Parliament
    in Great Britain?
    4.Who has the real power in Great Britain?
    5. Who is the head of the government?
    6.Whom does the Prime-Minister choose?

  • Find the correct statement
1.   A. The Queen votes on the bills. 
      B. Th...

    42 слайд

    Find the correct statement

    1. A. The Queen votes on the bills.
    B. The Queen signs the bills.
    2. A. The Queen has mostly representative functions.
    B. The Queen rules the country in fact.
    3. A. The government represents the legislative branch of power.
    B. The government represents the executive branch of power.
    4. A. Parliament represents the legislative branch of power.
    B. Parliament represents the executive branch of power.
    5. A. The House of Commons controls the government.
    B. The government controls the House of Commons.

  • Homework
  give a summary:
“The Political System of Great Britain”

Good Luck!

    43 слайд


    give a summary:
    “The Political System of Great Britain”

    Good Luck!

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«Политические системы Российской Федерации

и Соединённого Королевства Великобритании

 и Северной Ирландии»




















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Тема: «Политические системы России и Великобритании».


Цель урока: способствовать систематизации и обобщению материала о политических системах России и Великобритании.

Задачи урока:

Образовательные: совершенствовать знания об особенностях    политических систем России и Великобритании, совершенствовать умения слушать, читать с извлечением нужной информации, создать условия для обсуждения студентами полученных знаний о политических системах России и Великобритании;

Развивающие: способствовать развитию познавательных и творческих способностей студентов, их способностей к самообучению;

Воспитательные: способствовать воспитанию уважительного отношения к истории и культуре своей страны и стран изучаемого языка и формированию устойчивого интереса к предмету;

Здоровьесберегающие технологии: учитывая физиологические и психологические особенности обучающихся, способствовать охране их здоровья.

Тип урока:   комбинированный

Методы: репродуктивный, продуктивный, наглядно–иллюстративный, частично- поисковый;

Оснащение: компьютер, мультимедийный проектор, экран, аудиозапись.


Наглядность: слайды, презентация по теме: «Политические системы России и Великобритании», стенгазета «Политические системы России и Великобритании»


Учебно-методическое обеспечение:


1. Карпова Т.А. Английский для колледжей. Учебное пособие. М.: Издательско-торговая корпорация «Дашков и К», 2013. 320 с.

2. Кузовлев В.П. Английский язык: учебник для 10-11 кл. общеобразовательных учреждений.  М.: Просвещение, 2009. 350 с.

3.  Полякова Т.Ю. Английский язык для инженеров. Учебник.  М.: Высшая школа, 2010. 463 с.



1.     festival.1september.ru (информация по грамматике анг.языка)

2.     www.zavuch.ru (схема открытого урока)

3.     pedsovet.org (оформление метод. разработки)

4.     engblog.ru (информация по фонетическим упражнениям)

5.     nsportal.ru (информация по диалогической речи)

6.     lingvana.ru (тексты для аудирования)

     7. www.study.ru  (информация о Великобритании)   


План урока


I   Организационный момент. (5мин.)


1.      Приветствие.

2.      Сообщение темы и цели урока.

3.      Речевая зарядка. (слайды 3,4)



II  Основная часть урока. (30 мин.)

      1. «Политическая система России»

       Работа с лексическим материалом

        а) Фонетическая зарядка. (слайды 5,6)

        б) Автоматизация лексического материала (слайд 7)

      2. Систематизация материала по теме «Политическая система России»

        а) Чтение и перевод предложений из презентации (слайды 8,9,10,11)

        б) Монологические сообщения обучающихся по теме. (слайды 12-23)

         в) Диалогическая речь по теме «Политическая система России» (сл. 24)

     3.«Политическая система Великобритании» (слайды 25 -26)

        а) Работа с лексическим материалом по теме (слайд 27)

        б) Чтение и перевод предложений из презентации (слайды 28-37)

     4. Аудирование текста “Parliamentary Democracy. How Does It Work?”

       со зрительной опорой (слайд 38)

     5.  Выполнение заданий к тексту

        а) Работа со схемой политической системы Великобритании (слайд 39)

       б) Чтение предложений с пропущенными словами (слайд 40)

        в) Ответы на вопросы (слайд 41)

     6. Закрепление  материала – выполнение тестового задания (слайд 42)



III Заключительный этап. (5мин.)


        1. Домашнее задание. (слайд 43)

        2. Подведение итогов урока, выставление оценок.












Ход урока.


I. Организационный момент.


1. Приветствие.


2. Сообщение темы и целей урока


Good morning dear friends! I’m happy to see you at our lesson!

 We are all citizens of the Russian Federation.

In my opinion a man can’t live outside a state.

The life of citizens depends on the political system of the state.

I аm convinced that every citizen has to know everything about it.

At the previous lessons we learnt a lot about the political system of Russia.

Today we are going to summarize your knowledge about it and discuss the political system of Great Britain.


3. Речевая зарядка. (слайд 3)

What kind of state is the Russian Federation according to the Constitution?

When was the new Constitution of the Russian Federation adopted?

Who is the head of state in our country?

What political parties do you know in Russia?

What are the national symbols of Russia?

(Звучит гимн Российской Федерации) (слайд 4)

II Основная часть урока

1. «Политическая система России»

     Работа с лексическим материалом (слайды  5,6)

а) Фонетическая отработка лексики по теме

At first let’s remember what you know about the political structure of Russia.

Let’s start with phonetic drill. Look at the screen and repeat after me.


legislative branch of power

executive branch of power

judicial branch of power

to elect the head of state

to appoint Prime Minister

to approve the appointment

to examine the bill

to pass a new law

to sign a law

to represent

the national anthem

the coat-of-arms

two- headed eagle

three-coloured banner

the Federal government -

the Federal Assembly –   

the Federation Council – 

the State Duma –             

the deputy -

the Chairman of

the government –

Ministers -

the Supreme Court –        

the Constitutional Court

Regional Courts

законодательная ветвь власти

исполнительная ветвь власти

судебная ветвь власти

выбирать главу государства

назначать Премьер Министра

одобрять назначение

рассматривать законопроект

принимать новый закон

подписывать закон


государственный гимн


двуглавый орёл

трехцветное знамя

Федеральное правительство

Федеральное собрание

Совет Федераций






Верховный Суд

Конституционный суд

Региональные суды




б) Автоматизация лексического материала

Составление предложений со словосочетаниями (слайд 7)

And now let’s make up sentences with these word combinations


1. Федеральное собрание представляет законодательную ветвь власти.

2. Правительство представляет исполнительную ветвь власти.

3.Верховный Суд, конституционный суд и региональные суды

   представляют судебную ветвь власти.

4. Народ (люди) выбирает главу государства – президента.

5. Президент назначает председателя правительства – премьер-министра.

6. Государственная Дума должна одобрить назначение.

7. Федеральное собрание принимает новый закон.

8. Президент подписывает закон.

9. Национальные символы  нашей страны – государственный гимн, трёхцветное знамя и двуглавый орёл.



2.  Систематизация материала по теме «Политическая система России»


 а) Чтение и перевод предложений из презентации обучающимися.

  (слайды 8, 9,10,11)


б) Монологические сообщения обучающихся по теме.  (слайды 12-23)


   Now let’s summarize what we have learnt about the political system

  of the Russian Federation.



The political system of Russia

1.  The Russian Federation is a presidential (or a constitutional) republic.

2.  The President is the head of the state and is elected directly by the people.

3.  In fact he has much power, he controls all the three branches of power.

4. The President has his administration, but it's not part

     of the Federal Government. (слайды 12-14)

5.  The Federal Assembly represents the legislative branch of power.

6.   It consistsof two houses: the Federation Council

    and the State Duma, which make laws.

7.  The Duma consists of 450 deputies.

8.  There are two representatives of each subject in the Federation Council.

9.  Every law must be approved by the State Duma,

    the Federation Council and signed by the President. (слайды 15-18)

10. The Federal Government represents the executive branch of power.

11. The President appoints its head, the Chairman of the Government,

       but the Duma must approve his appointment. (слайды 19-21)

12. The judicial branch of power consists of the Constitutional Court,

     the Supreme Court and Regional Courts. (слайды 22-23)



в) Диалогическая речь по теме «Политическая система России» (слайд 24)


      A. – Hi,Vladimir! Glad to see you.

B. – Hi,  Aleksey! Glad to see you too.

A.   – Have you prepared for your History classes?

B.    – Yes, I have. Our home task is to tell about the state system

  of the Russian Federation.

A.   – But I was busy yesterday. Could you help me?

B.    – Certainly. Hope that you know who the head of our country is?

A.   – Naturally. The President, who is the commander-in-chief of the

  armed forces. He also appoints ministers in the government.

B.    – That’s fine. Do you know what branches the federal government

Consists of?

A.   – I wish I knew.

B.    – You see, the federal government includes the three branches:

legislative, executive and judicial. The Federal Assembly represents

the legislative branch of power. It's made up of the two houses:the

Federation Council and the State Duma.The executive power belongs …

    А. – Oh, sorry for interrupting you. I know about it. It belongs to

     the Government, which is headed by the Prime Minister.

   B. – Good for you. And the judicial power is represented by the

         Constitutional Court, the Supreme Court and the regional courts.That’s all.

  A. – I don’t know how to thank you

  B. – Not at all. It was a real pleasure for me to do it.

3. «Политическая система Великобритании» (слайды 25,26)

    а) Работа с лексическим материалом по теме (слайд 27)

   We start to discuss “The Political system of the United Kingdom

   of Great Britain and Northern Ireland”. Let’s begin with the new words.

   Look at the screen and repeat after me, please. 



the House of Commons     

the House of Lords             


Monarch                               Сonstitutional


a cabinet of ministers

a department                  

to rule                               


to be responsible to


Палата Общин

Палата Лордов





кабинет министров




быть ответственным перед



б) Чтение и перевод предложений из презентации  (слайды 28-37)

    Let’s read sentences about the political system of Great Britain and

    try to translate them.


4. Аудирование текста“Parliamentary Democracy. How does it work?”     

   со зрительной опорой.  (слайд 38)

   Teacher: Now we will listen to the text about the political system

   of Great Britain, after listening to the text we’ll do some other work


5. Выполнение заданий по прослушанному тексту.


а) Обсуждение схемы политической системы Великобритании

    из презентации (слайд 39)

   We have listened to the text, now look at the screen and let’s discuss

   the scheme of the political system of Great Britain. Please, let’s begin


б) Look at the screen and fill in the gaps.(слайд40)


1.  Britain is a … democracy with a constitutional….

2.  Queen Elizabeth is the … of state, but she has no real  … .

3.  In Britain it is … that has the power.

4. Parliament is made up of the … of … and   the … of… .

5. The largest party in the …forms the government and its leader becomes  …… .

6. Officially … appoints the Prime-Minister.



в) Ответы на вопросы (Слайд41)

    Answer the questions


1. What kind of state is Great Britain?

2. Who is the head of the state in Great Britain?
3. What are the houses of Parliament in Great Britain?

4.Who has the real power in Great Britain?
5. Who is the head of the government?

6. Whom does the Prime-Minister choose?


6.  Закрепление материала. (5 мин.)


    Выполнение письменного теста  (Слайд 42)


Great Britain


 1.  A. The Queen votes on the bills.

      B. The Queen signs the bills.

2.  A. The Queen has mostly representative functions.

     B. The Queen rules the country in fact.

3.  A. The government represents the legislative branch of power.

     B. The government represents the executive branch of power.

4.  A. Parliament represents the legislative branch of power.

     B. Parliament represents the executive branch of power.

5.  A. The House of Commons controls the government.

     B. The government controls the House of Commons.


III  Заключительный этап. (5мин.)


 1. Домашнее задание  (Слайд 43)

     Подготовить сообщение по теме

    «Политическая система Великобритании»


2. Подведение итогов урока, выставление оценок.

    Our lesson is coming to the end. Thank you for your work.

    It was such a pleasure to work with you.Your marks are -------

   The lesson is over! Good-bye!


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