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Поурочный план по английскому языку "Transport in Britain "

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Transport in Britain. Modal verbs and their equivalents

(be able to, have to, ought to, to be told to do something).


Type of the lesson: Theoretical, combined lesson.

Aims of the lesson: Presentation of the new material.

1. Educational: to enrich students’ vocabulary, to form fluency logical thinking, to discover for themselves from the context sometimes confusing rules connected with grammar.

2. Developing: to develop students’ speaking skills and habits in writing and listening,

3. Bringing up: to bring up love and interest to the subject, to develop students’ self-working skills.

The method of teaching: Critical thinking, work with group, independent work.

Inter subjects connection:  Kazakh and Russian languages.

The visual aids, distributing materials: computer, projector, slides with vocabulary, text, grammar table and exercises.

The course of the lesson

Organization stage:

1. Greeting: Good morning (afternoon), students.

2. Classroom expression: Who is on duty today? Who is absent today? What date is it today? What day is it today? What is the weather like today? What was your home task?

3. Aims of the lesson.

4. Questioning and checking the passed material.

5. Study new material.                        


Read and translate the text.


Transport in Britain


    You can reach England either by plane, by train, by car or by ship. The fastest way is by plane.  London has three international airports: Heathrow, the largest, connected to the city by  underground; Gatwick, south of London, with a frequent train service; Luton, the smallest, used for charter flights.

    If you go to England by train or by car you have to cross the Channel. There is frequent service of steamers and ferryboats which connect the continent to the south – east of  England..

   People in Britain drive on the left and generally overtake on the right. The speed limit is 30 miles per hour ( 50 km/h)  in towns and cities and 70 m.p.h on motorways.

    When you are in London you can choose from four different means of transport: bus, train, underground or taxi. The typical bus in London is a red double – decker. The first London bus started running between Paddington and the City in 1829. It carried 40 passengers and cost a shilling for six kms.

    The next to arrive were the trains; now there are twelve railway stations in London. The world’s first underground line was opened between Baker St. and City in 1863. Now there are ten underground lines and 273 underground station in use. The  London underground is also called the Tube, because of circular shape of its deep tunnels.


Answer the question:

1. What is fastest way of traveling?

2. How many airports are there in London?

3. What kind of service helps to cross the Channel?

4. What does typical bus in London look like?



Modal verbs and their equivalents

(be able to, have to, ought to, to be told to do something).


Возможность что-нибудь сделать (могу, умею)

I can play the piano, (умею)

Не can answer the question, (может) I cannot swim, (не умею)

He cannot understand, (не может)


Can you sing? (умеете?)

Can you help me? (можете?)

I could not ski when I was little, (не умел)

She could not jump so high, (не могла)


Эквивалент глагола CAN

Не is able to do it. (может, в состоянии)

Не was able to do it yesterday, (мог)

He will be able to do it tomorrow, (сможет)

He has been able to swim since childhood.

(умеет с детства)


Упр. 1. Переведите на русский язык. Напишите предложения в прошедшем и будущем временах.


1. Mike can run very fast. 2. They can understand French. 3. Kate can speak English well. 4. My brother can come and help you in the garden. 5. Can you speak Spanish? 6. Can your brother help me with mathematics? 7. His little sister can walk already. 8. The children cannot carry this box: it is too heavy. 9. My friend cannot come in time. 10. This old woman cannot sleep at night.



Разрешение (можно)

You may take my pen. (можете)

You may not touch it. (нельзя)

May I come in? (можно?)

Предположение (может быть)

It may rain soon, (может быть, пойдет дождь)

Take care: you may fall, (можешь упасть)


То be allowed to

Эквивалент глагола MAY

We are allowed to stay at home.

(нам разрешают) We were allowed to stay at home.

(нам разрешили) We shall be allowed to stay at home.

(нам разрешат)


Упр. 2. Переведите на русский язык. Напишите предложения в прошедшем и будущем временах.

1. May I go to the post-office with Mike? 2. May I take Pete's bag? 3. Don't give the vase to the child: he may break it. 4. May we take notes with a pencil? 5. You may not cross the street when the light is red. 6. May I shut the door? 7. May I invite Nick to our house? 8. You may go now. 9. If you have done your homework, you may go for a walk. 10. Don't go to the wood alone: you may lose your way.




You must respect your parents, (должны)

You must not go there, (нельзя)

Must I learn it by heart? (должен?)

Предположение должно быть

It must be cold outside, (должно быть)

То have to

Эквивалент глагола MUST

have to go there.

(надо) had to go there.

(пришлось) shall have to go there, (придется)

I don't have to go there.

(не надо) I didn't have to go there.

(не пришлось) I shan't have to go there, (не придется)

Do you have to go there? (надо?)

Did you have to go there? (пришлось?)

Will you have to go there? (придется?)


Упр. 3. Переведите на русский язык. Напишите предложения в прошедшем и будущем временах.

1. You must work hard at your English. 2. You must learn the words. 3. Must we learn the poem today? 4. It must be very difficult to learn Chinese. 5. You must not talk at the lessons. 6. Everybody must come to school in time. 7. Don't ring him up: he must be very busy. 8. You must not make notes in the books. 9. I must help my mother today.

Упр. 4. Переведите на русский язык.

1. I had to do a lot of homework yesterday 2. She had to stay at home because she did not feel well. 3. Pete had to stay at home because it was very cold. 4. Mike had to write this exercise at school because he had not done it at home. 5. They had to call the doctor because the grandmother was ill. 6. Why did you have to stay at home yesterday? — Because my parents were not at home and I had to look after my little sister. 7. I have not written the composition. I shall have to write it on Sunday. 8. We did not have to buy biscuits because granny had baked a delicious pie. 9. Will you have to get up early tomorrow?


Упр. 5. Перепишите следующие предложения в прошедшем времени.

1 It is already twenty minutes past eight. You must go or you will be late for the first lesson. 2. I am very tired. I feel I must go to bed at once, or I shall fall asleep where I am sitting. 3. We can't wait for them any longer; we must ring them up and find out what has happened. 4. I am thinking hard, trying to find a solution of the problem. There must be a way out. 5. It is quite clear to everybody in the family that he must start getting ready for his examination instead of wasting time. 6. It is impossible to do anything in such a short time. I must ask the chief to put off my report. 7. I don't mean that you must do everything they tell you.


To have to — to be to


ТО HAVE TO — вынужденная необходимость

ТО BE TO — необходимость по договоренности, плану или приказу

I have to go there. — должен (вынужден)

I am to go there. — должен, предстоит, (договорились, или такое расписание)

I had to go there — пришлось

I was to go there — предстояло


Упр. 6. Переведите на русский язык.

1. I was to wait for her at the railway station. 2. We were to go to the cinema that afternoon. 3. They were to start on Monday. 4. He was to telephone the moment she was out of danger. 5.  Roses were to be planted round the pond. 6. There was to be a discussion later on. 7. We were to get there before the others. 8. He was to tell her where to find us. 9. She was to graduate that year. 10. She was to wear that dress at the graduation party. 11. He is to come here at five o'clock. 12. The train was to leave at five-fifteen.

Home task.

1.    To learn by heart vocabulary notes.

2.                 Retell the text “Transport in Britain.

     Аyapova Т., Form 10 Ex.6  p.25

Summarizing the lesson:

1.   Explain the home task.

2.   Evaluation of the students’ answers.

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