Инфоурок Английский язык ПрезентацииПрезентация по английскому языку на тему "There is are"

Презентация по английскому языку на тему "There is are"

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Описание презентации по отдельным слайдам:

  • Конструкция there is / there are

    1 слайд

    Конструкция there is / there are

  • Конструкция “there is/there are” обозначает
    «есть, находится».
   Мы испо...

    2 слайд

    Конструкция “there is/there are” обозначает
    «есть, находится».
    Мы используем её, чтобы рассказать о
    местоположении каких-либо предметов, объектов.

    There is a hospital in this street.
    На этой улице есть больница.

    There are some chairs in the kitchen.
    На кухне находится несколько стульев.

  • is или are?There is a – единственное число.
There are – множественное число....

    3 слайд

    is или are?
    There is a – единственное число.
    There are – множественное число.

    There is a museum in our town.

    There are two museums in our town.

  • Схема утвердительного предложения

 There is a computer on the table.


    4 слайд

    Схема утвердительного предложения

    There is a computer on the table.

    There are two books in my bag.

    There is
    There are

  • Схема отрицательного предложенияThere is not a table in the room.
В комнате н...

    5 слайд

    Схема отрицательного предложения
    There is not a table in the room.
    В комнате нет стола.
    There are not chairs in the kitchen.
    На кухне нет стульев.
    There is
    There are

  • Образование общих вопросов There is a book on the table. Is there a book on t...

    6 слайд

    Образование общих вопросов
    There is a book on the table.
    Is there a book on the table ?
    There are children in the room.
    Are there children in the room ?

  • Схема вопросительного предложенияIs 
ArethereЧТОГДЕ?Is there  a computer on t...

    7 слайд

    Схема вопросительного предложения
    Is there a computer on the table?

    Are there two books in my bag?

  • Is there a book on the table ?Are there children in the room ?Yes, there is....

    8 слайд

    Is there a book on the table ?
    Are there children in the room ?
    Yes, there is. / No, there isn’t.
    Yes, there are. / No, there aren’t.
    Краткие ответы

  • There _____ two cups of tea on the table.
There _____ some milk in the cup.

    9 слайд

    There _____ two cups of tea on the table.
    There _____ some milk in the cup.
    There _____ an orange in the salad.
    There _____ six balls in the box.
    There _____ some cheese on the plate.
    There ______ a blue chair at the door.
    There _____ five chicks and a hen on the farm.
    There _____ a table and nine desks in the classroom.
    There _____ a big window to the left of the door.
    There _____ three rooms in our country house.
    Ex.1. Вставьте is или are.

  •  Ex. 2. Write in There is / There are.

_________ some sandwiches in the frid...

    10 слайд

     Ex. 2. Write in There is / There are.

    _________ some sandwiches in the fridge.
    _________ a biscuit on the plate.
    _________ some jam on the table.
    _________ some cornflakes in the cupboard.
    _________ some sugar in the glass.
    _________ two cups of tea on the table.

  • Ex.3. Составь и прочитай предложения. 
Запиши любые 5 из них.

    11 слайд

    Ex.3. Составь и прочитай предложения.
    Запиши любые 5 из них.

  • Ex.4. Write in Is there or Are there. Go to your kitchen. Give short answers....

    12 слайд

    Ex.4. Write in Is there or Are there. Go to your kitchen. Give short answers.
    Yes, there is.   Yes, there are.   No, there isn't.   No, there aren't.

    _____________ any sausages in the fridge? __________.
    _____________ any sugar in the cupboard?___________.
    _____________ any rolls on the table?_______________.
    _____________ any eggs in the fridge?_______________.
    _____________ any jam in the fridge?________________.
    _____________ any biscuits in the cupboard?__________.

  • Ex. 5. Напиши каждое предложение в отрицательной и вопросительной форме.


    13 слайд

    Ex. 5. Напиши каждое предложение в отрицательной и вопросительной форме.

    There are many pupils in the classroom.
    There is some meat on the plate.
    There are four parks in the city.

  • Ex. 6. Составь и запиши предложения.

1. pears / there / ten / in the / are /...

    14 слайд

    Ex. 6. Составь и запиши предложения.

    1. pears / there / ten / in the / are / bag / .
    2. aren’t / pupils / there / classroom / in the / .
    3. an egg / on the / there / plate / is / ?
    4. on the / there / a / cat / chair / is / white / .
    5. a turtle / on / there / isn’t / farm / this / .
    6. at the / two / bikes / door / are / there / ?

  • Ex. 7.  Что имеется в холодильнике? Посмотрите и напишите. Несколько предложе...

    15 слайд

    Ex. 7.  Что имеется в холодильнике? Посмотрите и напишите. Несколько предложений уже сделаны для примера.
    There's some cheese.
    There are some apples.
    There’s a cucumber.

  • Ex. 8. Circle the correct word.

There is / There are a big hall downstairs....

    16 слайд

    Ex. 8. Circle the correct word.

    There is / There are a big hall downstairs.
    There is / There are two bathrooms upstairs.
    There is / There are beautiful trees in the garden.
    There is / There are a kitchen downstairs.
    There is / There are three bedrooms in the house.

  • Ex. 9.  Find the differences

Пример: There's some coffee in picture 1....

    17 слайд

    Ex. 9.  Find the differences

    Пример: There's some coffee in picture 1.
    There isn't any coffee in picture 2.

  • Ex. 10. Write in There's / There’re.

_______________ a kitten in the kitchen...

    18 слайд

    Ex. 10. Write in There's / There’re.

    _______________ a kitten in the kitchen.
    _______________two puppies in the bathroom.
    _______________five mice in the living-room.
    _______________a hamster in the hall.
    _______________three tortoises in the bedroom.
    _______________ a budgie in the garden.
    _______________ three mice under the cupboard.
    _______________four tortoises under the carpet
    _______________ a cat near the cupboard.
    _______________two dolls on the chair.
    _______________ a rabbit under the chair.

  • Ex. 11. Circle the correct answer.
1.Is the...

    19 слайд

    Ex. 11. Circle the correct answer.
    1.Is there a fridge in the kitchen?
    a. Yes, there is.              b. No, there isn't.
    2. Are there two cupboards in the kitchen?
    a. Yes, there are.           b. No, there aren't.
    3. Are there any telephones in the kitchen?
    a. Yes, there are.           b. No, there aren't.
    4. Is there a cooker in the kitchen?
    a Yes, there is.            b. No, there isn't.

  • Ex.12. Circle the correct word. Give short answers about your room.

Is / Are...

    20 слайд

    Ex.12. Circle the correct word. Give short answers about your room.

    Is / Are there a sofa in the room?________________
    Is / Are there any chairs? ______________________
    Is / Are there any lamps? ______________________
    Is / Are there a wardrobe in the room? ___________
    Is / Are there two armchairs? __________________
    Is / Are there a carpet on the floor? _____________

  • Ex. 13. Write in isn't or aren't.

There ________a sofa in the room.
There __...

    21 слайд

    Ex. 13. Write in isn't or aren't.

    There ________a sofa in the room.
    There ________any armchairs.
    There ________ any lamps.
    There ________a bookcase.
    There ________a bed.
    There________any books.

  • Ex.14.  Find the differences
Пример: There's a fireplace in picture 1....

    22 слайд

    Ex.14.  Find the differences
    Пример: There's a fireplace in picture 1. There’s no fireplace in picture 2.

  • Ex.15. Write the sentences in your exercise-book.

1. the living-room / There...

    23 слайд

    Ex.15. Write the sentences in your exercise-book.

    1. the living-room / There's / in / a sofa
    2. in / isn't / the kitchen / There / a mirror /
    3. the bedroom / there / in / Are / beds / two / ?
    4. Are / wardrobes / the hall / there / in / two /?
    5. a lamp / there / Is / room / your / in / ?

  • Ex. 16 Circle the correct sentence.

1.  a. There are armchair in the room.

    24 слайд

    Ex. 16 Circle the correct sentence.

    1. a. There are armchair in the room.
       b. There are two armchairs in the room.
    2. a. There's a sofa in the bedroom?
       b. Is there a sofa in the bedroom?
    3. a. There's a TV in the flat.
         b. This is a TV in the flat.
    4. a. Are there chairs in the hall?
       b. Are there any chairs in the hall?

  • Ex.17. Make up sentences.

1) the bathroom, a mirror, in, is, there.
2) 3 cha...

    25 слайд

    Ex.17. Make up sentences.

    1) the bathroom, a mirror, in, is, there.
    2) 3 chairs, are, there, the table, near.
    3) behind, a lake, is, the house, there?
    4) many, there, in, toys, the box, are?
    5) isn't, in, a cat, there, the bedroom

  • Ex. 18. Read the sentences. Draw your picture.

There is some food in the fri...

    26 слайд

    Ex. 18. Read the sentences. Draw your picture.

    There is some food in the fridge. There is some cheese 0n the shelf. There are some sausages to the right of the cheese. There are two cucumbers on the shelf. There is a red tomato to the left of the cucumbers. There is some cabbage behind the tomato.

  • Ex.19.  Fill in is/are, was/were.

There _______ two banks in our street.

    27 слайд

    Ex.19.  Fill in is/are, was/were.

    There _______ two banks in our street.
    There _____ a cafe behind the supermarket last year. Now there _______ a museum there.
    There _____ a cinema and a sports centre to the right of the park.
    Five years ago there_____two shops in Central Square. Now there_____ two cafes, a theatre and a cinema.

  • Ex. 20. Draw where these things are.

    There are two books on the table. T...

    28 слайд

    Ex. 20. Draw where these things are.

    There are two books on the table. There is a cat under the table. There is a box between the table and the TV. There is a vase to the right of the chair. There is a ball behind the TV. There is a shoe in front of the chair.

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