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Проект по английскому языку"Traffic rules"

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Everybody knows that we must obey a number of rules to be safe on roads. If we don’t follow them, we are not only putting ourselves at danger, but we are putting at risk other people’s lives.

I have chosen this topic, because I was wondering why do people continue breaking the traffic rules and what can be done to make it stop happening Besides, I was interested how things are going with road accidents in the UK and how different are the traffic rules in Russia and the UK. I would like to remind others of the importance of observing traffic rules. That's why my research can be really actual. The aims of my research are:  - to learn about the “Highway Code” to find similarities and differences between the codes of Russia and Great Britain,

-  to investigate the possible causes of traffic violations.

       The objectives of my work are:

- to compare the traffic rules un Russia and Great Britain,

- to search statistics of traffic accidents,

- to conduct a social survey among friends,

- to analyze the results of the social survey and make a conclusion.

I have collected the necessary information about the topic and I can say that there are a lot of differences in the Highway Code in Russia and the UK, but there are also a lot of similarities. The differences are more about drivers. Traffic rules for pedestrians are similar in Russia and the UK. Statistics of both countries says that people break the rules unfortunately. People die and get injured in accidents. Statistics of road accidents in Russia is worse than in the UK.

The problematic issue of my project is: why do people break the traffic rules? To answer it I decided to interrogate some adults and children whether they know traffic rules and follow them.

    I conducted the research among the students of my form and their parents. I made a number of simple, but vital questions.

I asked them if they know the traffic rules and do they always cross the road correctly/ follow the rules while driving.   If they violate traffic rules, why.

    I interviewed 30 people, including 22 children and 8 adults.

After analyzing the questionnaires, I saw all 22 children and 8 adults (100%) answered positively the 1st question: do you teach your child/ do your parents teach you the rules of behavior on the road, in transport?  So parents teach their children the rules of the road safety.

 Also, all 8 adults answered positively the 2d question: do you always cross the road correctly/ follow the rules while driving? It’s great that these adults don’t break the traffic rules, but unfortunately it is only a small number of respondents and it is impossible to say that the majority of adults behave in a responsible manner and always follow the safety rules. I myself have seen many times the adult people violating the traffic rules.

As for children, not all of them said that they follow the rules strictly. 14 people said “yes”, 5 people said “not always”, 3 people said “no”.

   Among the reasons why do people break the Highway Code are the following: only 1 person said he doesn't know the rules, 7 people want to shorten the way and don't want to look for the traffic lights or a zebra crossing and 20 people break the rules, when they are in a hurry. 2 people confirmed they don’t break the rules.

For this project I have collected the necessary information about the topic, analysed it, conducted the survey and made the project. We found out that parents teach their children the rules of the road, but they often do not comply with them. Children, imitating their parents, begin to break the rules, considering their compliance optional.

      Based on the results of my work, children themselves are the most common cause of road accidents. The ignorance of the basic principles of traffic rules leads to this, so as indifferent attitude of adults to the behavior of children on the roadway and a negative example of adults. Also, children often understand that they violate traffic rules, and nevertheless do it because they want to quickly get to the right place and do not think about the possible terrible consequences of their act, hope that they will have time to cross the road without problems.

      In order to reduce the number of road traffic injuries, it is necessary not only to increase the level of knowledge, but also to change the attitude to the existing rules, to develop sustainable positive habits in children and adults.

     In conclusion, I would like to say that regular revise of traffic rules is necessary because students forget the rules very quickly and begin to violate them, exposing themselves and their health to great danger.

      For my part, I decided to make a booklet for my classmates, which contains the basic rules on the road for pedestrians and cyclists, as well as I will give a classroom hour, where the guys and I will revise the safety rules on the road.

Take care of yourself and follow the traffic rules!




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Правила дорожного движения в России и Великобритании.

Гришкова Михаила

Руководитель Белкина Анна Викторовна, учитель английского языка

НСО, г. Бердск, МБОУ СОШ№10 «Пересвет», 6 класс.

Объектом исследования являлись основные правила дорожного движения в России и Великобритании и знания ПДД обучающихся школы №10 «Пересвет». Статистика дорожно-транспортных происшествий на дорогах России значительно хуже, чем, например, в Европе, в частности в Великобритании, где строгий контроль за соблюдением ПДД позволяет минимизировать аварийные ситуации на дорогах. Вопросы безопасности дорожного движения остаются чрезвычайно проблемными во всём мире и в нашей стране, в частности.

Цель работы: проведение сравнительного анализа основных действующих в России и в Великобритании правил дорожного движения и анализ причин, по которым чаще всего происходят дорожно-транспортные происшествия. В этой связи были рассмотрены следующие вопросы: чем отличаются правила дорожного движения в России и Великобритании; какова статистика дорожно-транспортных происшествий в обеих странах; уровень знания правил дорожного движения учащимися школы №10; отношение учащихся и их родителей к необходимости соблюдения ПДД.

Работа построена на следующих источниках: нормативно-законодательные акты обеих стран, научная и учебно-методическая литература, статьи в периодических изданиях; результатах анкетирования и опроса, учащихся школы №10 и их родителей.

Исследование проводилось помощью методов изучения литературы по теме исследования, сравнительного анализа, социального анкетирования, бесед, обобщения результатов.

По результатам работы были сделаны следующие выводы:

1.      Соблюдение ПДД в Великобритании контролируется более строго, чем у нас в стране. Несоблюдение правил дорожного движения карается высокими денежными штрафами, которые в отличие от нашей страны в десятки раз больше.

2.      Причиной дорожно-транспортных происшествий чаще всего являются спешка и невнимательность людей, отрицательный пример взрослых и их безучастное отношение к поведению детей на проезжей части.


Rules of the road in Russia and the UK.

Mikhail Grishkov

The tutor of the project Belkina Anna Viktorovna, teacher of English

NSO, Berdsk, MBOU school №10 "Peresvet", grade 6.

The object of the study was the basic rules of the road in Russia and the UK and the knowledge of traffic rules of students of school №10 "Peresvet". Statistics of road accidents on the roads of Russia are much worse than, for example, in Europe, particularly in the UK, where the strict control over the observance of traffic rules minimizes emergency situations on the roads. Road safety issues remain extremely problematic throughout the world and in our country in particular.

 The aim: to conduct a comparative analysis of the the traffic rules in Russia and in the UK and to analyze the reasons why traffic accidents occur most often. In this regard, the following issues were considered: how do the rules of the road in Russia and the UK differ; What is the statistics of traffic accidents in both countries? level of knowledge of the rules of the road students of school number 10; attitude of students and their parents to the need to comply with traffic rules.

                      The work is based on the following sources: regulatory and legislative acts of both countries, scientific and educational literature, articles in periodicals; the results of the survey of students of school number 10 and their parents.

The study was conducted using the methods of studying the literature on the research topic, comparative analysis, social survey, interviews, summarizing the results.

Based on the results of the work, the following conclusions were made:

1.     Compliance with traffic rules in the UK is controlled more strictly than in our country. Failure to comply with the rules of the road is punishable by high monetary penalties, which, unlike our country, are ten times more.

2.     2. The cause of road accidents are most often the haste and inattention of people, the negative example of adults and their indifference to the behavior of children on the roadway.

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Фестиваль исследовательских проектов школьников «Учение с увлечением» для 5-11 классов в 2018-2019 учебном году









Работу выполнил:

 Гришков Михаил, ученик 6 класса,

МБОУ СОШ №10 «Пересвет»

Руководитель: Белкина Анна Викторовна,

Учитель английского языка

МБОУ СОШ№10 «Пересвет»



















Secondary comprehensive school №10 "Peresvet"






Research project

"Traffic rules in Russia and Great Britain"



The project was made:

 by the pupil of

the 6-th form

Grishkov Mikhail

The tutor of the project:

the teacher of English

Belkina Anna Viktorovna



















Introduction …………………………………………………………….c.4

Chapter I. Highway Code in Russia and Great Britain

1.     Comparison of traffic rules in Russia and England…………………с.5-6

2.     Statistics of traffic accidents ………………………………………..с.7-8

Chapter II. Practical research

1.     A social survey among friends.........................................................с.4 – 6

2.     Analysis of the results..........................................................................с.7


3.     Bibliography………………………………………………………….9

Appendix 1. General statistics of road accidents on the territory of the Russian Federation and the UK for 2018…………………………………………….с.13

Appendix 2. Survey for children……………………………………………с.14
Appendix 3.  Brochure "Remember!" ……………………………………...с.15












Everybody knows that we must obey a number of rules to be safe on roads. If we don’t follow them, we are not only putting ourselves at danger, but we are putting at risk other people’s lives. Every day I hear reports of traffic accidents and in some cases, people get seriously injured or even die. Every time we go to school or to the store, we run the risk of getting into an accident on the road.

Many factors can lead to traffic accidents. Irresponsible and careless actions of drivers, inclement weather and distracted driving are major factors. Walking is becoming more dangerous every day. Experts blame some of the increase in distracted driving, and now distracted walking can be just as dangerous. Distracted walking incidents are on the rise, and everyone with a cell phone is at risk.  Our habit to stay in touch on our smartphones can often lead to danger.

       I have chosen this topic because I was wondering why do people continue breaking the traffic rules and what can be done to make it stop happening and people would behave more responsible on the road regardless of whether they are pedestrians or drivers. Besides, I was interested in how things are going with road accidents in the UK and how different are the traffic rules in Russia and the UK. I would like to remind others of the importance of observing traffic rules. That's why my research can be really actual. The aims of my research are: - to learn about the “HighwayCode” to find similarities and differences between the codes of Russia and Great Britain,

- to investigate the possible causes of traffic violations.

  The objectives of my work are:      - to compare the traffic rules in Russia and Great Britain,

- to search for statistics of traffic accidents, 

- to conduct a social survey among friends,

- to analyze the results of the social survey and make a conclusion.

Chapter I.Highway Code in Russia and Great Britain.

1.Comparison of traffic rules in Russia and England

In Great Britain

1. In the UK, there is left-hand traffic, so tourists, who are accustomed to right-hand traffic, may need some time to adapt. Drivers, who got a driving license not long ago, must be especially careful in order not to lose sight of the main feature of local roads

2. Local drivers have much respect for pedestrians. All cars should stop at all pedestrian crossings. Just like in many countries, here pedestrian crossings are marked with “zebra”.

3. Each type of roads has its own speed limit. For instance, the maximum speed in built-up areas is 30 miles per hour, the maximum speed on one-way roads is 60 miles per hour, and the maximum speed on highways is 70 miles per hour. All the speed limits are indicated for an ordinary car.

4. All local parking lots are equipped with special machines that are used to make payments. Drivers, who count on using such parking lots, must get enough coins of small denominations in advance. Parking machines accept coins of 20 and 50 pence, and 1 pound coins.

5. In general, traffic in the UK is organized at a very high level. In addition to informative road signs, major roads have numerous intersections, so the possibility of traffic jams is minimal. Road sections, on which traffic jams occur from time to time, are also marked with special signs.

6. A notable fact - there is no special road police in the UK. In case of an accident, regular policemen arrive at the location. They are also obliged to monitor the speed limit on roads. All other issues are the responsibility of the road inspection.

7. Despite a rich choice of road signs, in the UK you will not find some road signs that are so usual to motorists. For example, you will not see the “main road” sign. The “give way" sign is also extremely rare. Numerous traffic lights are a no less striking feature of the UK roads. There are a lot of them in the territory of settlements.

8. If there is the «Residents parking» sign near the parking lot, it means that only cars that often drive through the marked area are allowed to park there.

In Russia

       You need to meet the minimum legal driving ages as set out by Russian road law – 18 for driving a car and 16 for driving a motorcycle. You won’t be able to start driving in Russia below this age. Speed limits vary depending on the vehicle you're driving in Russia and the area you're driving in. For motorcycles and cars under 3.5 tonnes, the limits are generally 60km/h in built-up areas and 110km/h on expressways and other roads. Larger vehicles and those with trailers, however, can only drive at up to 90km/h on expressways and 70km/h on other roads.

1. Russians drivers move on the right-hand side of the road

2. The speed limit for cars in towns is 60 km per hour, on motorways – 110 km per hour

3. The minimum age to drive a car is 18 years old.

4. Always wear your seat belt both in front and back seats

5. Children under the age of 12 must not travel in the front seat

6. Speaking on a mobile phone when you drive a car is illegal

7. Crossing a double white line is illegal

8. If there are no traffic lights at pedestrian crossings pedestrians have the right of way

9. In winter your car must have winter tyres.

    The traffic signs are located on the side or top of the road. They give directions on how we should behave on the road so that the traffic can proceed safely and smoothly. Everyone must know the traffic signs!

2. Statistics of traffic accidents

in Russia

      One of the first places in the number of accidents among other countries took Russia. Accident rates are falling but still, remain high. General statistics of road accidents on the territory of the Russian Federation for 2018 says that the total number of road accidents is 1ЗЗ 20З people. The number of deaths in the accident 16 600 people (see Appendix1).

     Thus, 168 146 people were injured in accidents. Special attention should be given to road accident statistics by region. If we look at mortality rates, we can see significant differences. Thus, the largest figure recorded in Rostov – 501 people. Volgograd region in this regard lags behind 2 times. Therein road accident, 248 deaths are recorded. Accident statistics by region depend largely on the condition of the roads.

     With children

    Accident statistics for 2018 in Russia with the participation of children have acquired significant indicators since the beginning of the school year. The total number of victims is 7 500 people.   Most often they are knocked down at pedestrian crossings if they cross the road incorrectly. 15 860 total recorded accidents involving minors. The bad road was the reason for hitting the child in 7 000 cases. The number of children killed in the accident is 164 people.

Who is more likely to get into an accident: men or women

     After analyzing the statistics on accidents in men and women, we can say that the latter get into accidents 6 times more often. However, the figures for 2016 suggest the opposite. Women were responsible for the accident in almost 9 000 cases, the share of men had about 50 000 accidents. Deaths are most often caused by male drivers. This figure is 10 times higher than in the case of women.


       Every year 2 300 000 people die in Russia. There are quite a few causes of death, but more attention is paid to those that have occurred as a result of the accident. The number of deaths in road accidents in Russia in 2018 is more than 16 000 people. This figure is steadily increasing due to the deteriorating quality of the roads. But alcohol intoxication has become less likely to be recorded as the cause of death in an accident. Their number in comparison with previous years decreased by 39% and is 1,300 people.

in Great Britain

          There were 26,610 people seriously injured reported to the police in the year 2018. There were 11,770 road deaths in the year 2018. There were 165,100 of accidents in the year 2018. (see Appendix1).

Britain has one of the best road safety records in the world for both adults and children. But despite this, children on foot are more likely to be killed in road accidents in Britain than in Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany the Netherlands Spain or Sweden. In 21, as a result of road traffic accidents, nearly 5, children under 6 the age of 16 were either killed, injured so seriously that they had to be detained in hospital, or required medical treatment for fractures, concussion, 5 internal injury, severe cuts and lacerations or severe shock.

Around 5,000 children under the age of 16 die or are seriously injured on Britain s roads each year Nearly two in three road accidents happen when children are walking or playing. Almost two-thirds of child accident victims are boys. As a child gets older the risk of a road accident increases.


There are a lot of differences in the Highway Code in Russia and the UK, but there are also a lot of similarities. The differences are more about drivers. Traffic rules for pedestrians are similar in Russia and the UK. Statistics of both countries say that people break the rules, unfortunately. People die and get injured in accidents. Statistics of road accidents in Russia is worse than in the UK.

Chapter II. Practical research

1.     A social survey among friends.

Despite some positive aspects, we still have a lot of work to do, because not all the children of our school behave confidently on the road, the evidence of this fact is our survey. The problematic issue of my project is: why do people break the traffic rules? To answer it I decided to interrogate adults and children whether they know traffic rules, to observe the behaviour of pedestrians and drivers on the streets.

   I conducted research among the students of my form and their parents. I made a number of simple, but vital questions.

Questions for parents:

1.     Do you teach your child the rules of behaviour on the road, in transport?

2.     Do you always cross the road correctly/ follow the rules while driving?

3.  If you violate traffic rules, why:

a) I do not know the rules;

b) I break when I’m in a hurry;

c) I want to shorten the way and do not want to go to a traffic light or zebra;

d) I think that we can do fine without rules.

Questions for students:

1. Do your parents teach you the rules of behaviour on the road, in transport?

2. Do you always cross the road correctly?

3. The third question is the same as in the questionnaire for parents.

I interviewed 30 people, including 22 children and 8 adults.

2. Analysis of the results.

After analyzing the questionnaires, I saw all 22 children and 8 adults (100%) answered positively the 1st question: do you teach your child/do your parents teach you the rules of behaviour on the road, in transport? So parents teach their children the rules of road safety.

Also, all 8 adults answered positively the 2d question: do you always cross the road correctly/ follow the rules while driving? It's great that these adults don’t break the traffic rules, but unfortunately, it is only a small number of respondents and it is impossible to say that the majority of adults behave in a responsible manner and always follow the safety rules. I myself have seen many times the adult people violating the traffic rules.

As for children, not all of them said that they follow the rules strictly. 14 people said “yes”, 5 people said “not always”, 3 people said “no”.

Among the reasons why do people break the Highway Code are the following:only 1 person said he doesn't know the rules, 7 people want to shorten the way and don't want to look for the traffic lights or a zebra crossing and 20 people break the rules, when they are in a hurry. 2 people confirmed they don’t break the rules. (see Appendix2).

      From the data obtained, it can be concluded that the most common cause of road accidents is haste and irresponsible behaviour of people on the road.

After analyzing the questionnaires, I saw that most of the guys know traffic rules, despite this there are still those who break the rules. Quite a few children and adults often break the rules of the road because they are in a hurry and want to shorten the road, hoping that they will be able to avoid an emergency on the road.








For this project, I have collected the necessary information about the topic, analysed it, conducted the survey and made the project. We found out that parents teach their children the rules of the road, but they often do not comply with them. Children, imitating their parents, begin to break the rules, considering their compliance optional.

Based on the results of my work, children themselves are the most common cause of road accidents. The ignorance of the basic principles of traffic rules leads to this, so as indifferent attitude of adults to the behaviour of children on the roadway and a negative example of adults. In addition, children often understand that they violate traffic rules, and nevertheless do it because they want to get quickly to the right place and do not think about the possible terrible consequences of their act, hope that they will have time to cross the road without problems.

In order to reduce the number of road traffic injuries, it is necessary not only to increase the level of knowledge but also to change the attitude to the existing rules, to develop sustainable positive habits in children and adults.

In conclusion, I would like to say that regular revise of traffic rules is necessary because students forget the rules very quickly and begin to violate them, exposing themselves and their health to great danger.

For my part, I decided to make a booklet for my classmates, which contains the basic rules on the road for pedestrians and cyclists, as well as I will give a classroom hour, where the guys and I will revise the safety rules on the road. I and my classmates will also give lessons on the traffic rules for pupils in the primary school.






1.     Ресурсы Интернет http://www.nedelya.ru http://www.statistika.ru

2.     Действующие правила дорожного движения (ПДД РФ 2017-2018)

3.     Ресурсы Интернет  . https://www.pddrussia.com/

4.     Ресурсы Интернет  https://autoexpert.today/avtoyurist/statistika-avtokatastrof-za-2018-god-v-rossii.htmlРесурсы Интернет  https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/

5.     Ресурсы Интернет  http://www.gibdd.ru/stat/

6.     Ресурсы Интернет  https://www.google.com/imghp?hl=ru

7.     Большая российская энциклопедия. - М.: Большая российская энциклопедия, 2005. – 766с.

8.     ГладкийА. Особенности ПДД разных стран мира. Шпаргалка для тех, кто путешествует за рулем – 2013. – С.3

9.     Ресурсы Интернет  - General Road Rules and traffic signs in the UK /https://www.justlanded.com/english/United-Kingdom/Articles/Travel-Leisure/General-Road-Rules //













Appendix 1

Общая статистика дopoжнo-тpaнcпopтный происшествий на территории Poccийcкoй Фeдepaции зa 2018 гoд

Cуммapнoe кoличecтвo ДTП

1ЗЗ 20З

Koличecтвo пoгибшиx в peзультaтe aвapии

16 600 чeлoвeк

Paнeныx, нo нe умepшиx

168 146

Koличecтвo пocтpaдaвшиx cуммapнoe среди детей

7 500


General statistics of road accidents on the territory of the Russian Federation for 2018

The total number of road accidents

1ЗЗ 20З

The number of deaths in the accident

16 600 people

Wounded, but not dead

168 146

The total number of victims among children

7 500 people


General statistics of road accidents on the territory of Great Britain for 2018

The total number of road accidents


The number of deaths in the accident

11,770 people

Wounded, but not dead


The total number of victims among children

5,000 people










Appendix 2

Survey for children

Всего - 30 человек, детей - 22, взрослых – 8.

 1-ый вопрос (у детей) : Всегда ли вы правильно переходите проезжую часть дороги?

Ответы : Да - 14 человек,

почти - 5 человек, нет - 3 человека.

2-ой вопрос (и у детей и у родителей) : Если вы нарушаете правила дорожного движения, то почему?

Ответы : нарушаю, когда очень спешу по делам - 20 человек, хочется сократить путь и не хочется идти до светофора и зебры - 7 человек,

не знаю правил - 1 человек,

не нарушаю - 2 человека.

3-ий вопрос (у детей) : Обучают ли вас ваши родители правилам поведения на дороге, в транспорте?

 Ответы : да - 22 человека.  

1-ый вопрос (у родителей) : Всегда ли вы правильно переходите проезжую часть дороги/соблюдаете правила, находясь за рулем?

Ответы : да - 8 человек.

 3-ий вопрос (у родителей) : Обучаете ли вы своего ребенка правилам поведения на дороге, в транспорте?

 Ответы : да - 8 человек.


Appendix 3

Brochure "Remember





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  • «Traffic Rules in Russia
and Great Britain »Berdsk - 2019Secondary comprehens...

    1 слайд

    «Traffic Rules in Russia
    and Great Britain »
    Berdsk - 2019
    Secondary comprehensive school №10 «Peresvet»
    Research project
    Made by pupil of
    Form 6 «A» :
    Grishkov Mikhail
    Teacher: Belkina A.V.

  • my research is really actual. I would like to remind others of the importanc...

    2 слайд

    my research is really actual.

    I would like to remind others of the importance of observing traffic rules. That's why my research can be really actual.

  • The aims of my research are:- to learn about the “Highway Code” to find simil...

    3 слайд

    The aims of my research are:
    - to learn about the “Highway Code” to find similarities and differences between the codes of Russia and Great Britain,
    - to investigate the possible causes of traffic violations.

  • The objectives of my work are: - to compare the traffic rules un Russia and...

    4 слайд

    The objectives of my work are:
     - to compare the traffic rules un Russia and Great Britain,
    - to search statistics of traffic accidents,
    - to conduct a social survey among friends,
    - to analyze the results of the social survey and make a conclusion.

  • Russians drivers move on the right hand side of the roadIn the UK, there is l...

    5 слайд

    Russians drivers move on the right hand side of the road
    In the UK, there is left-hand traffic.
    Difference in the rules of the road in Russia and UK

  • The minimum age to drive a car in Russia is 18 years old.The minimum age to d...

    6 слайд

    The minimum age to drive a car in Russia is 18 years old.
    The minimum age to drive a car in UK is 17 years old.

  • Similarities in the rules of the road in Russia and UKIn Russia and the UK in...

    7 слайд

    Similarities in the rules of the road in Russia and UK
    In Russia and the UK in the winter on your car should be winter tires.

  • In Russia and in UK there is a speed limit. The speed limit for cars in towns...

    8 слайд

    In Russia and in UK there is a speed limit. The speed limit for cars in towns is 60 km per hour, on motorways – 110 km per hour.

  • General statistics of road accidents on the territory of the Russian Federation

    9 слайд

    General statistics of road accidents on the territory of the Russian Federation

  • General statistics of road accidents on the territory of Great Britain

    10 слайд

    General statistics of road accidents on the territory of Great Britain

  • Why do people continue breaking the traffic rules?

    11 слайд

    Why do people continue breaking the traffic rules?

  • Practical partQuestions for parents:
Do you teach your child the rules of be...

    12 слайд

    Practical part

    Questions for parents:
    Do you teach your child the rules of behavior on the road, in transport?
    Do you always cross the road correctly/ follow the rules while driving?
    3. If you violate traffic rules, why:
    a) I do not know the rules;
    b) I break when I’m in a hurry;
    c) I want to shorten the way and do not want to go to a traffic light or zebra;
    d) I think that we can do fine without rules.

  • Questions for students:
1. Do your parents teach you the rules of behavior on...

    13 слайд

    Questions for students:
    1. Do your parents teach you the rules of behavior on the road, in transport?
    2. Do you always cross the road correctly?
    3. The third question is the same as in questionnaire for parents.

  • I interviewed 30 people 22 children 
 8 adults.

    14 слайд

    I interviewed 30 people

    22 children
    8 adults.

  • First question for adults
Do you teach your child the rules of behavior 
on t...

    15 слайд

    First question for adults
    Do you teach your child the rules of behavior
    on the road, in transport?

  • First question for children
Do your parents teach you the rules of behavior...

    16 слайд

    First question for children
    Do your parents teach you the rules of behavior
    on the road, in transport?

  • Second question for adults
do you always cross the road correctly/ follow the...

    17 слайд

    Second question for adults
    do you always cross the road correctly/ follow the rules while driving?

  • Second question for children
Do you always cross the road correctly?

    18 слайд

    Second question for children
    Do you always cross the road correctly?

  • Third question for children and adults
If you break the traffic rules, then why?

    19 слайд

    Third question for children and adults
    If you break the traffic rules, then why?

  • ConclusionsParents teach their children the rules of the road, but they ofte...

    20 слайд


    Parents teach their children the rules of the road, but they often do not comply with them;
    Children, imitating their parents, begin to break the rules, considering their compliance optional.
    The ignorance of the basic principles of traffic rules leads to accidents
    the most common cause of road accidents is haste and irresponsible behavior of people on the road

  • what can be done to change the situationto increase the level of knowledge;

    21 слайд

    what can be done to change the situation
    to increase the level of knowledge;
    to develop sustainable positive habits in children and adults;
    revise of traffic rules regularly.

  • Remember!Take care of yourself and follow the traffic rules!

    22 слайд


    Take care of yourself and follow the traffic rules!

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When English people want to cross the street they must look first to the right and then to the left.

The traffic lights are like it is here. The red light says "Stop", the yellow light says "Wait" and only when you see the green light, which says "Cross", you may cross the street. People usually cross the street at the black-and white "Zebra" crossing. If a person crosses the street in the wrong place, he is stopped by a policeman (“Bobby), who stands at street corners regulating the traffic.

There are also women police in England. They have the same power as men. There are women detectives and women traffic police who regulate street traffic. But most of their work is looking after women and children. You can often see them patrolling parks other places where children play.


Active vocabulary:

To cross the street, to keep to the left, to the right, traffic, traffic lights, crossing, to regulate the traffic, power.


1.    What side do the cars keep to in Britain ? in European countries ?

2.    What do the lights of the traffic lights say ?

3.    When may you cross the street ?

4.    Who stands at street corners ?

5.    Do women regulate street traffic ?

6.    What is their main duty ?


  • What means of transport do you know? (bike, taxi, car, bus, tram, trolleybus)
  • Do you like to ride a bike?
  • Does your father have a car?
  • Can you drive? Can your mother drive a car?
  • Would you like to drive a car? a bus?
  • Have you ever driven a car?
  • How do you get to school: by bus or on foot?
  • Do you go to school by taxi?

·         What can we do on the road? (We can walk, go by bus, drive a car, ride a bike)

·         So what are we if we walk? (We are pedestrians.) 

·         Are you passengers? (Yes, we are. We are passengers when we walk.)

·         Can you drive? (No, I can’t.) Are you a driver? (No, I’m not. I am not a driver.)

·         Are you a biker? (Yes, I am a biker because I like to ride a bike.)

·         So we are passengers, pedestrians and bikers on the road.

·         And today we have 3 groups. The 1st group we’ll be passengers, the 2nd – pedestrians and the 3rd one is bikers.

·         - Where can you cross the road? (At the crossing.)

·           Should you know traffic signs? (Yes, we should.)

·           Do you break traffic rules? (No, I don’t.)

·           Do you follow them? (Yes, I do. I always follow traffic rules.)

·           Must you give up seats to the old people? (Yes, we must.)

·           Where should you get on a bus? (At the bus stop.)



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