Инфоурок Иностранные языки ТестыПроверочная работа по 1 юниту за 8 класс Верещагина

Проверочная работа по 1 юниту за 8 класс Верещагина

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Проверочная работа по английскому языку для 8 класса

Level A:32 scores (3,8)

Level B:52scores (5,2)

Level C: 14 scores (7)


Task1.Level A

scores  2

Read the following text and choose the most suitable title from the list below:

A) My Future Job. B) Popular Professions. C) Jobs Classification.


 In English, most jobs are traditionally divided into the following categories:

1) White collar jobs. It means people who work in offices or professional jobs, like teachers, scientists, government officials, journalists.

2) Blue collar jobs mean people who do hard or dirty work with their hands, like construction workers, builders, drivers, cleaners.

3) Pink collar jobs are professions where you may find a lot of women, like secretaries, waitresses, clerks.

4) Green collar jobs. This is a new term used today to describe some jobs connected with ecology, energy saving, pollution.

A lot of old and new professions do not seem to fall into any of those categories, like actors, film directors, internet providers, IT specialists. And there are many new jobs which did not exist a few years ago.

Task2.Level A


Match the following titles to the paragraphs:a) Intellectual work for brains   b) natureprotection

 c) messy jobs    d) service work


Task 2.Level B

Scores 12

Read the text below and insert one word into every gap.

When we use the internet, we get a lot of (1) ……. Some of the stories we read may seem funny, others very (2) …………… Today, we can also listen (3) ………. songs, speeches, watch the news and films on the web. We can download a (4) ………. of files and save them on our computer for personal use. The Internet also allows us to connect with (5) ………….. in any place very fast. Young people today (6) …………… a lot of time in chat-rooms, google-talk, skype and other services. The Internet is a constantly developing tool.  



Lexical tasks

Task 1.Level A

Scores 5

Give it a name:

1. a job of cutting, washing and styling women’s hair;

2. a job of mending water-pipes and other equipment;

3. a job of decorating houses and flats;

4. a job of typing letters and answering the phone in the office;

5. a job of planning someone’s holidays and journeys;

6. a job of helping doctors in the hospitals;

7. a job of repairing electric equipment;

8. a job of buying and selling houses;

9. a job of making and selling medicines

10. a job of welcoming people arriving at the office, at the hotel, visiting a doctor.


Task2.Level B

Scores 10

Read the descriptions of the jobs given above and write down the names of the jobs:

a)       Only indoors jobs

b)      jobs related to tourism

c)       these jobs are connected with creating beauty

d)      they are associated with flats or houses

e)      job, related to the treatment of people


Task 1. . Level A

Scores 5

Choose the right verb form.

1. If I (am / were) a receptionist, I would welcome holidaymakers.

2. I wish it (is / were) summer now.

3. If I (would have / had) enough time, I (came / would come) to see you.

4. If only he (didn’t fail / hadn’t failed) the exams last year

5 .If we (got / had got) up early enough, we would have reached the town on time.

6. If it (were / will be) hot tomorrow, we (don’t / wouldn’t) stay at home.

7. We would (behave / have behaved) differently if we had realized the situation.

8. I wish they (were / are) here.

9. If only it (were / had been) hot last summer.

10. If you (called / will call) me, I (told / would tell) you nothing.


Task 2.Level B

Scores 10

Use the words below to write sentences with if.


1.     it/rain tomorrow/we not/go to the park

2.     I/be/you/I/send him a text message/yesterday

3.     I/have wings/I/fly all over the world

4.       You/wish/we/travel/now.

5.       They/not know/it/rain/in the evening


Task 3.Level A

Scores 5

.        Fill in the gaps:

1. I don’t really …. where to go on holidays.

2. My favourite rock group gave a ... performance yesterday; it was the best I had ever seen.

3. In the film the main character killed his brother because he was … of him and his success.

4. She proudly … her new dress to her friends.

5. I don't ... you staying with me at all. I like your company.

Task 4.LevelB

Scores 10

   Insert prepositions where necessary:

  1. The soup has a strong flavour … chicken.
  2. The child always feels jealous … his younger brother.
  3. Do you care … birds in winter?
  4. He always gets smart … his father.
  5. Hand your paper ____ at the end of the exam.


Task 5.Level A

Scores 5

Wordbuilding: make up new words connected with occupation

1. decorate-

2. drive-

3. account-

4. library-

5. art


Task 6Level B

Scores 10

Complete the sentences changing the form of the underlined words:

a)      John Cook liked to travel. He is a famous….Travel

b)      Mr. Green is a famous …. of English.                Special

c)      Mr. Black is such a good…  .Speak

d)      Mary is a fast …Run

e)      Columbus was a famous…   .                                   Discover


Task 1.Level A

scores 6

Fill in the following CV:





First name









Date of birth






Telephone number



Present occupation









Personal qualities



Desired jobs



Task 2.Level C

Tell about your future profession using topical vocabulary.




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