Инфоурок Английский язык Другие методич. материалыРабочая тетрадь для самостоятельной работы "Я САМ!"

Рабочая тетрадь для самостоятельной работы "Я САМ!"

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« Я сам! »

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Тетрадь для самостоятельной работы









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Страна изучаемого языка


Грамматический справочник




Для заметок
























№1. Отгадай кроссворд. Запиши названия членов семьи. Раскрась картинки

№2. Найди и обведи слова:







№3. Выбери правильный ответ и обведи его:

1. She is the daughter of my mother. She is my…

a) aunt                         c) grandmother

b) sister                       d) cousin

2. He is the father of my father. He is my…

a) grandfather              c) uncle

b) grandson                 d) cousin

3. He is the father of my brother. He is my…

a) uncle                        c) father

b) son                          d) grandfather

4. He is the son of my uncle. He is my…

a) cousin                      c) grandfather

b) father                      d) brother

5. She is the sister of my mother. She is my…

a) grandmother            c) aunt

b) daughter                  d) cousin

6. He is the son of my brother. He is my…

a) cousin                      c) uncle

b) nephew                    d) father

7. He is the brother of my mother. He is my…

a) nephew                    c) uncle

b) son                          d) cousin

8. He is the husband of my aunt. He is my…

a) uncle                        c) cousin

b) father                      d) brother

9. She is the mother of my mother. She is my…

a) aunt                         c) daughter

b) niece                        d) grandmother

10. She is the daughter of my sister. She is my…

a) niece                        c) mother

b) aunt                         d) cousin

№4. Прочитайте текст и заполните пропуски A–E частями предложений, обозначенными цифрами 1–6. Одна из частей в списке 1–6 лишняя.


Our family

 1.   We are a large and friendly family. There are six of us: grandfather, grandmother, father, mother, my younger sister and I. I have an elder sister too, she is 22 years old, but she doesn't live with our family. She is married. She has a little family of her own: a husband and a child – a two-year old boy.

 2.   Our grandpa is a scientist. He is on the wrong side of 60, but he does not want to retire. He works at the university. He works part-time. He goes to the university two or three times a week and delivers lecturers to students and does a scientific work. On the days when he is at home, he works in his study, A __________________________________________________________________.

 3.   Our grandma is retired. She was a teacher and worked at school. She is the recognized head of the family. She keeps house. Of course we help her about the house: all of us do our share in daily household chores. My sister washes the dishes, sweeps and washes the floor, washes the sink in the kitchen. My work is
B _____________________________________________________________. Our mother and father do most of the shopping. My mother and sister also do washing. But C ___________________________________________________ is done by grandma. She is a wonderful cook, and all our family likes her cooking very much.

 4.   Father is a doctor. He works in a large hospital. Mum is an economist and she works at a bank. Both our parents are very busy. Father has a car. In the morning he drives mother to work, then he goes to his hospital. Father also always drives grandfather to work on his University days.

 5.   My sister and I go to school. We are both senior formers, so naturally school takes up a lot of our time. We spend most of the afternoons and the evenings
D ____________________________________________________________________.

 6.   At the weekend we are not as busy as on week days, and we can relax: visit or receive friends or relations or just go for a walk. I also enjoy quiet Saturday evenings, when all members of our friendly family are at home and nobody is in a hurry and we are quietly sitting in our large and comfortable living-room, E __________________________________________________________________ and drinking nice hot cups of tea with something delicious prepared by grandmother.

1. talking, joking, discussing our everyday affairs

2. most of the cooking

3. driving me to school

4. preparing for his lectures and writing a book

5. doing our homework

6. emptying the dustbin, beating the carpet, dusting and vacuum cleaning


№5. Прочитайте вопросы AE. Установите, в каких абзацах 1 – 6 можно найти ответы на эти вопросы. Используйте каждый абзац только один раз.

A) Who works as a university teacher? – _________

B) Who spends a lot of time doing the home task? – _______

C) Who does not live with the family? – _______

D) Who drives some of the family members to work? – _______

E) Who does wet cleaning of the house? – _______

























№1. Отгадай кроссворд. Напиши перевод на английском языке:






№2. Напиши названия погоды на английском языке:

№3. Выбери правильный ответ и обведи его          

1. If the weather forecast is fine, it’s going to be ___ weather.
a) cold
b) wet
c. good

2. If the forecast is sleet, it’s going to be ___.
a) cloudy and warm
b) hot
c) cold and wet                                                            

3.     If the forecast is drizzle, there’s going to be ___.

a) snow
b) light rain

4.     Hail is ___.

a)light rain
b) strong winds
c) ice balls

5.     Showers are ___.
a) light winds
b) the sound lightening makes
c) heavy rain

6.     Frost happens when it’s ___.
a) windy
b) cold
c) hot

7.     If the forecast is overcast, it’s going to be ___.
a) cold
b) cloudy
c) sunny

8.     If the weather is humid, the air is ___.
a) cold and dry
b) hot and dry
c) hot and wet

9.     Strong gusts refer to ___.
a) snow
b) rain
c) wind

10. If the weather is snowy, it is ___.
a) warm
b) hot
c) cold

№4. Прочитай текст. Вставь недостающие слова

The weather

 Every season is _____________ in its own way. In spring the air is refreshing, the trees are in blossom, the ground is covered with the first tender flowers. The birds start singing heavenly songs. In summer it can be really dry and sultry, there are thunders and lightning’s during the heavy showers. People go ______________, fishing and sailing and enjoy all kinds of fruits and berries. In autumn the trees turn golden, it often rains cats and dogs and it’s quite muddy. The sky is overcast with grey clouds, sometimes it’s foggy and chilly and the days become shorter. In winter the snow covers the ground, the air is frosty, the roads are slippery. It is mainly freezing and there are periods of severe colds and heavy snowfalls. The ________________ can fall down to 35 degrees below zero.

 I prefer not to complain about the weather but generally I enjoy mild and calm ___________ with a moderate breeze. I don’t quite like damp and gloomy weather and it’s hard for me to stand windy or hot summer days with mosquitoes and flies and oppressive heat. But so many men, so many minds.

 Our country is so huge and the weather is not the same in different parts of Russia. It depends on the geographical position and the type of____________. We must admit that the climate has changed much due to global warming and winters have become much warmer. It looks rather strange and disappointing when there is little snow in winter and sometimes it even sleets or drizzles.

 Frankly speaking, I don’t trust our misleading weather forecasts as they don’t come true as a rule. The weather is changeable and it is a thing that is beyond us, so it’s better to keep an _____________ in your bag all the year round.

         wonderful  umbrella temperature  weather  sunbathing climate

№5. Ответь на вопросы:

How many seasons are there in a year?


Name the seasons. (Назови……)


What season is between (между) winter and summer?


What season is it now?


What is your favourite season? Why?


How many months are there in a year?


Name summer months (winter months, etc.)


What month is it now?


What is your favourite month? Why?


When does spring start in Russia? in Great Britain?


When does autumn finish in Russia? in Great Britain?


What month does the school year in Russia start (finish)?











№1. Найди и обведи названия транспорта. Допиши названия в специальных полях:


№2. Отгадай кроссворд. Переведи слова на английский язык:


№3. Выбери правильный ответ и обведи его:
I don't buy tickets when I travel. I usually go hitch… (езжу автостопом).

а) driving

b) hiking

c) biking              

2. When we travel by train, we eat in the dining - … (вагон-ресторан).

a) car

b) bicycle

c) bus

3. I like to travel by … .

a) plane

b) plain

c) plate

4. I like extreme sports. Last year in Australia I did a bungee-… (прыжок с «тарзанки»)

a) skip

b) jump

c) leap

5. Can I … tickets for tomorrow flight?

a) newspaper

b) magazine 

c) book

6. In the train we occupied the whole … .

a) department

b) embankment 

c) compartment

7. Hello, I am your … . I will show you the town

a) guide

b) glide

8. Russian tourists always pay in … .

a) smash

b) splash

c) cash

9. I can’t fly to England because my … expired.

a) pass

b) visa

c) password




№4. Переведите с русского на английский:

T: Чем ты занимаешься, Лиза?


L: I’m looking at the holiday brochure. There are four hotels in the town, but I can’t decide which one we should stay.

T: Дай мне посмотреть. Почему бы нам не остановиться в Голд Плаза? Он выглядит самым комфортабельным из четырех и не такой дорогой, как Саншайн.


L: But, it’s near the main road and I think it’ll be too noisy to live there.

T: А как насчет отеля Мэджик Касл тогда?


L: I don’t know. It looks dirtier than the other hotels.

T: Но он самый дешевый и возможно там тише, чем в Голд Плаза. Смотри! В брошюре также сказано, что там дружелюбный персонал.


L: Okay! Let’s stay at the Magic Castle Hotel. I’m sure it will be fine.

№5. Запишите разговор в правильном порядке:

 A: We’ll take a room on the second floor. How much is it?

B: Okay. It suits us. We’ll take this room.

A: Seventy dollars a night, sir.

B: Yes, we’ll be able to put you up. Which floor would you like, sir?

A: Have you got any vacant rooms?

B: One double-room, please.

A: Single or double, sir?


№6.Переведите предложения с английского на русский:

I’m sorry I’m late. When did you arrive?


Excuse me, please, where’s Platform six?


I’d like to book a single ticket.


Don’t make a fuss, we have still a lot of time left.


I’d like two tickets for the 7 o’clock train to Warsaw.






















№1. Выбери и запиши названия профессий под каждой картинкой:





№2. Отгадай кроссворд:


№3 Выбери правильный ответ и обведи его:

1. … .he got a brother?

a) Has        b) Does

c) Have     d) Do

2. … .?- I am a teacher.

a) Who are you?        b) Where is your job? 

c) What are you?       d) Where are you?

3. …is a person who sells sugar, flour, salt , etc..

a) a nurse     b) a baker 

c) a grocer 

4. … .is a person who sells meat.

a) a nurse     b) a baker 

c) a butcher 

5. … .is a person who works in hospitals and helps doctors.

a) a nurse     b) a baker 

c) a butcher  

6.  Antonym for the word "short" is ……

a) polite       b) tall

c) bright

7.  Synonym for the word " clever" is ……

a) polite       b) tall 

c) bright 

8. … is a person who sells diary products.

a) a driver    b) a milkman 

c) a tailor 


№4. Прочитай диалог. Напиши свое мнение в 2-3 предложениях:

Second Career

Jeff Statham: This is my car that I’ve had for years now, made in Canada. I worked in the automotive industry for about the last 12 or 13 years, a plant in Whitby. We produced the seats for the cars built here in Oshawa. Continuous layoffs - and eventually I got hit by them - and now I’m here. I’m currently in the Second Careers program here at Durham College. I’m in the law and security administration program and my ultimate goal is to become a police officer. It’s been great. I love the program.

Ted Dionne (Instructor, Durham College): It gives someone like Jeff an opportunity to do something that he may have wanted to do. He probably had it in the back of his mind that he wanted to do something different visualizing what you want to do in the future …

Jeff Statham: I’ve wanted to go back to school for years but with shifts it’s hard to do. Money is not always there to do it so this Second Careers covers my schooling and it’s a perfect opportunity for me.

Jeanette Barrett (Second Career rep): The Second Career provides financial support to go back to school to do up to a 2-year program. Our Second Career advisor keeps in touch with them.

Jeff Statham: I’ve never really had report cards at work worthy of putting on the fridge, but at the end of my first semester I ended up on the dean’s list, so now my mother finally has a report card on her fridge.

John Milloy (Minister of Training, Colleges & Universities): For workers like Jeff, Second Career is ideal. We have a network of service providers throughout the province called Employment Ontario and they serve as an entry point for anyone who is looking for a job in the province. We work with them to find the best course of action.

Jeff Statham: We have two kids at home that we have to make sure get their homework done, so I’ll make sure I’ll get my homework done as well. Just being in school now I feel a hundred times better, so I’m really looking forward to whatever the future holds.



№5.  Используя диалог, укажи где, правда и где ложь. Обведи выбранный вариант:

1. Jeff Statham has lost his job in the car industry.

        1) True                2) False                 3) Not stated

2. Jeff Statham has been studying to get a new profession.        

        1) True                2) False                 3) Not stated

3. Jeff Statham finds the Second Career program difficult to cope with.

        1) True                2) False                 3) Not stated

4. The Second Career program gives a chance to take up a profession of a dream.

        1) True                2) False                 3) Not stated  

5. Jeff Statham wanted to work at school.

        1) True                2) False                 3) Not stated

6. Jeff Statham can only cover the schooling program in the Second Career.

        1) True                2) False                 3) Not stated















№1. Отгадай кроссворд:


Across: 2. The capital of Scotland;   6. One of the largest Island of the British Isles; 7. One of the 3 parts of GB; 9. The largest city of GB; 10. One of the 3 parts of GB;

11. One of the symbols of GB.

Down: 1. The highest mountain in GB; 3. The longest river in GB; 4. Officially head of all the branches of government in GB; 5.  Official language is spoken in GB; 6. The capital of Northern Ireland; 8. The capital of Wales.



№2. Найди и запиши достопримечательности Великобритании:


№3. Выбери правильный ответ и обведи его:

1. What is the official name of Britain?

a) The United Kingdom

b) The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

c) Great Britain

2. Where is the UK situated?

a) On Victoria Island

b) On New Zealand Island

c) On the British Isles

3. What parts does the UK consist of?

a) England, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland

b) England, Scotland, Wales

c) England, Wales, Northern Ireland

4. What is the capital of Britain?

a) Washington

b) Edinburgh

c) London

5. What is the oldest part of London?

a) The City

b) The West End

c) The East End

6. What river is the British capital situated on?

a) On the Severn

b) on the Thames

c) on the Mississippi

7. What is the capital of Scotland?

a) Belfast

b) Edinburgh

c) Cardiff

8. What is the capital of Wales?

a) Belfast

b) Edinburgh

c) Cardiff

9. What is the capital of Northern Ireland?

a) Belfast

b) Edinburgh

c) Cardiff

10. What is the symbol of England?

a) The thistle

b) The daffodil

c) The red rose





№4. Прочитай и озаглавь текст:



I have a foreign friend. His name is James. He is from London. Every month I write letters to him. And he writes letters to me. We are both 10 years old, but we are very different. I live in a small town. James lives in a big city. I have two sisters. James has one brother. I like football. James likes baseball. I get up at 7 o'clock. He gets up at 8 o'clock. I eat porridge in the morning. James eats yogurt with fruits. I have five lessons every day. James has six lessons. I study six days a week. He studies five days a week. My favorite subject is English. His favorite subject is Maths. Every evening I play computer games and do my homework. James reads books, draws and does his homework in the evenings... But we both love travelling! I tell James about my trips and he tells me about his.

№5. Представьте, что у вас тоже есть  друг-иностранец. Расскажите о нем на английском, используя фразы из текста.







Грамматический справочник








Сопровождает те существительные, которые уже должны быть известны слушателю из контекста, ситуации или из его общих знаний. Также он часто указывает на уникальные, единственные в своем роде предметы.

Ставится перед существительными в единственном числе, которые начинаются с согласного звука

Ставится перед существительными в единственном числе, которые начинаются с гласного звука



Отсутствие артикля

Артикли не употребляются:


перед существительным во множественном числе;

перед неисчисляемыми существительными;

перед словами, обозначающими приемы пищи;

с личными именами;

с названиями стран, городов, улиц, парков, гор, островов, озер и материков;

с титулами и упоминанием имени;

со словами, обозначающими виды спорта;

с общественными заведениями;

с названиями дней недель, месяцев, времен года, праздников;





Степени сравнения









Времена глаголов







































































































































































































































































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