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Рабочие листы по теме "Arkhangelsk Oblast"

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Надпись: Arkhangelsk Oblast 




Arkhangelsk oblast (also spelled Arkhangelskaya) is a region (federal subject) located in the north of the European part of Russia, part of the North-West Federal District. Arkhangelsk Oblast proper was established in 1937.

The population of Arkhangelsk oblast is about 1.1 million people. The area is 589,913 sq. km. Arkhangelsk oblast is the largest subject in the European part of the Russian Federation and the largest province in Europe. The area of this region is larger than the area of France (547,030 sq. km. excluding overseas territories) and Spain (504,782 sq. km.).

Arkhangelsk oblast is located in the north of the East European Plain. It is filled with taiga, beautiful lakes, wide rivers, and vast swamps.

Arkhangelsk Oblast borders on Karelia to the west, the White Sea to the north, Nenetsia to the northeast, the Komi Republic to the east, Kirov Oblast to the southeast, and Vologda Oblast to the south. The territory of the region is washed by the White, Barents and Kara Seas. Arkhangelsk oblast is located close to the Arctic seas and far away from the warm North Atlantic Current (a branch of the Gulf Stream).

The climate is temperate continental, in the north-west - the sea, to the north-east - the subarctic. Summers are cool, winters are long and cold. The weather is very changeable.

Arkhangelsk Oblast is one of the industrial regions of Russia. The region has a developed fishery, forestry, woodworking, and pulp and paper industries. There are large reserves of natural resources: lumber, oil, bauxite, titanium, gold, manganese, and basalt. The principal industrial enterprises in Arkhangelsk Oblast are shipyards in Arkhangelsk and Severodvinsk (including Sevmash), pulp and paper mills in Koryazhma and Novodvinsk, and bauxite extraction plant in Severoonezhsk. About 100 km north of Arkhangelsk, in the Primorsky and Mezensky districts, the Europe’s largest diamond deposits are located.

The city of Arkhangelsk is the administrative center of the oblast. The second largest city is the nearby Severodvinsk, home to Sevmash, the main shipyard for the Russian Navy. Among the oldest populated places of the oblast are Kholmogory, Kargopol, and Solvychegodsk; there are a number of Russian Orthodox monasteries, including the Antoniev Siysky Monastery and the World Heritage Site of the Solovetsky Islands in the White Sea. Plesetsk Cosmodrome is one of three spaceports in Russia.

In this region, there are a lot of wonderful and special places: deep rivers and pristine lakes, enchanting northern forests and cold Arctic seas, Pomor villages, ancient churches and magnificent monasteries.

A number of areas in Arkhangelsk Oblast have been designated as protected natural areas. These are subdivided into national parks, nature reserves, and zakazniks of the federal level. Kenozersky and Vodlozersky National Parks have the status of UNESCO Biosphere Reserve.

Arkhangelsk oblast is the perfect place for lovers of cycling, water tours on kayaks and catamarans, fans of kayaking and rafting, hunters and anglers, hikers and cavers.







1.     Match the words with the correct definitions.




an area of very wet, soft land.


shipyard /ˈʃɪp.jɑːd/


a building for Christian religious activities.


area /ˈeə.ri.ə/


a piece of land completely surrounded by water.


church /tʃɜːtʃ/


all the people living in a particular country, area, or place.


swamp /swɒmp/


a particular part of a place, piece of land, or country.


island /ˈaɪ.lənd/


a place where ships are built or repaired.


2.     Label the pictures with industries you see.












3.     Write the equivalent word and expressions in your language using the text.


чарующие северные леса



административный центр



умеренный климат



зависимые территории



русские православные монастыри



национальный парк



природный заповедник



величественные монастыри



Российский Флот



4.     Odd one out.

the White Sea

The Barents Sea

The Baltic Sea

The Kara Sea

deep rivers

dry deserts

northern forests

pristine lakes









Vologda Oblast

the Komi Republic

Moscow Oblast



5.     Are these statements true or false? Correct the false one.

1)    Arkhangelsk Oblast proper was established in 1584.

2)    The area of this region is less than the area of France.

3)    There are a number of Russian Orthodox monasteries in Arkhangelsk Oblast.

4)    Five national parks have the status of UNESCO Biosphere Reserve in Arkhangelsk Oblast.

5)    In Arkhangelsk Oblast summers are cool, winters are long and cold.

6)    The population of Arkhangelsk oblast is about two million people.

6.     Read the text again quickly and answer the question.

1)    What tourist destinations does Arkhangelsk Oblast have?

2)    Where can you go to Arkhangelsk Oblast if you are a nature lover?

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