Инфоурок Иностранные языки КонспектыРазработка урока по теме Англия, 6 класс

Разработка урока по теме Англия, 6 класс

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Тема урока: Англия


Учитель: Чекомасова Екатерина Николаевна


Тип урока: Комбинированный


Оборудование: компьютер и проектор, магнитофон с аудиозаписью, презентация


Класс: 6 класс


Программно-методическое обеспечение: О.В.Афанасьева, И.В. Михеева. Английский язык для школ с углубленным изучением английского языка, М., «Просвещение», 2010


Цели урока:

1.Образовательная: активизация навыков чтения, говорения (монологической и диалогической речи), письма с использованием тематической лексики, аудирования, ознакомление с новой лингвострановедческой информацией об Англии

2.Развивающие: развитие интерактивных коммуникативных и творческих способностей, логического мышления учащихся

3. Воспитательные: расширение кругозора и   воспитание толерантности при знакомстве с реалиями англоязычных стран, формирование навыков самоконтроля и умения объективно оценивать свои возможности


Ход урока


1. Организационный момент. (Слайд 1)

Традиционное приветствие, объявление темы урока и плана работы.

- Good morning, boys and girls! I‘m glad to see you. Sit down please. Today is the ... of ... , and the theme of our lesson is “England “.


2. Речевая зарядка. (Слайд 2)

You know that England is a part of Great Britain. You have learnt a lot about this country. Try and remember some facts about England. (read the additional information on the screen). Используя географическую карту, учащиеся отвечают на вопросы, ориентированные на уже имеющиеся знания:


- Where is England situated? - It is situated in the south of Great Britain.

- What is England washed by? - It is washed by the North Sea, the Irish Sea, the English Channel and the Strait of Dover.

- What rivers in England do you know? - The Severn, the Thames.

- Are there high mountains in England? - No, there aren`t.

-What is its population? - Over 46 million people.

- What is the capital of England? - London is.


1) What is the symbol of England? (Слайд 3)

The red rose became the emblem of England after the War of the Roses (1455-1485) which was the war for the English throne.


2) Who is its St Patron? (Слайд 4)

Saint George, a soldier in the Roman army, saved a princess, killed a dragon.


3) What is the English flag? (the red cross of St George on a white ground)  (Слайд 5)


The Saint George´s cross is the English flag. Saint George, a soldier in the Roman army, saved a princess, killed a dragon.


4) What is the National anthem of England?  (Слайд 6, 7)


While England does not have an official national anthem, there are many songs which are considered to fill such a role. In most of the national sporting fixtures 'God Save the Queen' is used (звучит гимн).


3. Проверка домашнего задания.

 Предтекстовый этап.


1) Look at the geographical names and read them after the announcer.  (Слайд 8)



Bath, Birmingham, Brighton, Bristol, Cambridge, the County of Kent, Dover, the Fens (area), Hadrian's Wall, Heathrow (airport), the Lake District, Land's End, Liverpool, Manchester, the Midlands, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, Northern Ireland, Oxford, Sheffield, the Southeast, the Southwest, Stonehenge, Stratford-upon-Avon, the Thames, Wales, York.


2) Практика в употреблении артиклей с географическими именами (Слайд 9)



Open your exercise-books and write down only the proper names with the articles.


1._______ Lake District

2.________ North of England

3._________ Midlands


5._________ Northern Ireland

6._________ Windsor

7._________ Thames

8.________ Southwest

9.________ East Anglia

10.__________ Heathrow Airport


4. Работа с текстом.  



At home you have read the text “Discover Britain: England” and say what the principal parts of the country are.

Open your textbooks ex. 20 on p.104.


1) read about the Southeast

2) translate the passage about the Southwest
3) find the information about the leader of the army in the Civil War

4) say why the Midlands is known as the heart of England

5) finish reading the sentence “The North of England is rich…

5. Послетекстовый этап. Беседа с учащимися в режиме Т ––> P1,P2 (вопросы по пройденной теме)

 1) Say what parts of England the pictures show. ? (Слайд 10)



(1- the Midlands, 2- East Anglia, 3- the Southwest, 4- the Southeast, 5- the North of England)


2) Sometimes you are not very attentive and ask some questions. Can you answer these questions?  (Слайд 11)



1.     What are the principal cities in the Southeast?

2.     What county is called the “garden of England”?

3.     Why do people find the Southwest attractive?

4.     Why do you think tourists often come to Cambridge?

5.     What is Stratford-upon-Avon famous for?

6.     What are the main attractions of the North of England?


3) Match the words in the two columns to say what these places are famous for. (Слайд 12)



a)   the  biggest   airport  in  England

b)  the fact that  it was built by Romans

c)  its places of interest

d)   the  fact  that  Oliver  Cromwell was born there

e)  its 12th century university

f)   its lakes  and beautiful  scenery

1)  London                         2)  the Lake District

3)  Oxford           

4)  Hadrian's Wall

5)  Heathrow

6)  the Fens







Stand up! Stand straight! Hands up! Hands down!
Hands to the sides! Hands forward!
Hands on your hips!
Turn to the left! Turn to the right!
Bend left! Bend right!
Turn your head to the left, to the right!
yourselves! Move your fingers!


6. Развитие речевого умения.

(монологическая речь с опорой на семантическое поле)


Get ready to describe the parts of England choosing the right form of the verb.


The Midlands (Слайд 13)




·        the heart of England.

·        the largest industrial part of England.

·        The biggest industrial cities:

·        Manchester, Sheffield, Liverpool.


East Anglia (Слайд 14)



is/are called 
There  is/are

·        very flat.

·        beautiful cities with historical buildings.

·        isolated from the rest  of Britain.

·        the Fens.



The Southwest (Слайд 15)





is/are famous for



·        a region with farming.

·        known for pirates.

·        a place for artists, writers,      holidaymakers.

·        Its remarkable historic places.

·        its Stonehenge.

·        its dairy products.


The North of England (Слайд 16)




There is/are

is/are famous for


·        the wildest and the loneliest part of England.

·        a lot of busy industrial cities.

·        rich in coal.

·        the Lake District.

·        Beautiful valleys, rivers, waterfalls and mountains.


The Southeast (Слайд 17)




There is/are

is/are famous for

is/are situated

·        a highly populated region;

·        a lot of industry;

·        The capital of the UK;

·        the main passenger ports and airports.


7. Pair Work  (Слайд 18)



 Many people want to visit England.


1) Act out the dialogue about a visit to England.


-         Have you ever been to England, Ann?

-         No, I haven’t been there yet.

-         Where would you like to go there?

-         To the Southwest  I think.

-         But why?

-         I want to see “Land’s End”, the most westerly point of Great Britain.


2) Would you like to go to England? Why? Make up your own dialogues changing the underlined words.


 8. Повторение материала по теме.  (Слайд 20)



 How much do you know about England? Make the right choice.


1. Great Britain is separated from the continent by…

   a) The Pacific ocean 

   b) The Irish Sea

   c) The Bristol Channel

   d) The English channel

 2. England’s population is more than  …million people

          a) 50; b) 5.6; c)560; d)7

3. The head of the state in Britain is…

   a) the Prime Minister

   b) the President

   c) the Queen

   d) the Speaker

 4. The Lake District is situated in…

   a) the North of England

   b) East Anglia

   c) the Midland

   d) the Southwest.

5. What famous person was born in the Fens area?

   a) William Shakespeare;

   b) Hadrian;

   c) Oliver Cromwell;

   d) Peter the Great.


6. Heathrow is one of the busiest…

   a) libraries

   b) airports

   c) ports

   d) supermarkets

7. Brighton is a …in the Southeast.

   a) historical building

   b) resort

   c) region  of England

   d) river

8. The Midlands is known as…

    a) Home of the queen

    b) the heart of Scotland

    c) the heart of England

    d) a highly populated region of England

9.The birthplace of William Shakespeare is …

    a) The County of Kent

    b) Brighton

    c) Stratford-upon-Avon

    d) Liverpool

10. England consists of …main parts.

    a) 10

    b)  5

    c)  2

    d) 4


9. Предъявление новой информации (аудирование).


Here are some new facts about England. Listen to them and say what part of the country this information is about.


Do you know that…


Canterbury is a town in Kent, the religious capital of England because its cathedral is the seat of the Archbishop of Canterbury who is a head of the Church of England. (The Southeast)


Every year, in summer, thousands of folk music fans arrive in Cambridge for one of the biggest festivals of folk music in England. The festival is held in the grounds of an old house, where there are a lot of rooms for people to put up their tents if they want to stay overnight. (East Anglia)


On Wednesday 24th October 1962, Love Me Do, entered the British Top Thirty. It was the first single by an unknown group from Liverpool called The Beatles. (The Midlands)


There are a lot of local legends about Stonehenge. Here is one. Stonehenge was built by the devil in a single night. He flew backwards and forwards between Ireland and Salisbury Plain carrying the stones one by one and setting them in place. As he worked, he laughed to himself. “That will make people think. They’ll never know how the stones came here!” (The Southwest)


Yorvik was the capital of a Viking Kingdom. In Mediaeval times, York was the second city of the land. Georgian York was the social centre. Victorian York was an important railway centre, and 20th century York is the home of world-famous chocolate. (The North of England)


10. Запись домашнего задания.


- Please, open your record books. Look at the blackboard and write down your home task:

Ex.27 p. 110

Предлагаемое упражнение позволит учащимся проанализировать и актуализировать свои знания пройденного материала


11. Заключительный этап урока.


Необходимо подвести итоги урока, акцентировав внимание учащихся на новом лингвострановедческом материале, отметить успешную работу учащихся, указать на возможные проблемы, оценить каждого.

What have you learned from the lesson?

Thank you for the lesson. You were very active today.

 Maybe one day you travel to this nice country and there you can see everything by yourselves.

So for this lesson you have got the following marks: you have got a …

The lesson is over. Goodbye!

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