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  • New Zealand is…
… the country called by natives “the land of the long white c...

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    New Zealand is…
    … the country called by natives “the land of the long white cloud”…
    …a world’s tourist destination…
    …a place where Nature has assembled active volcanoes, subtropical rainforests, geysers, fiords, beaches, glaciers…
    …a nuclear free zone of the Pacific.

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по теме: Studying abroad. Personal outlook


Цель урока: расширение знаний об особенностях образования за рубежом на примере знакомства с жизненным опытом конкретного человека.


Задачи урока:


  • способствовать развитию навыков неподготовленной устной речи;
  • практиковать в чтении с извлечением основного содержания;
  • составить дискуссию по проблеме и обеспечить предпосылки к созданию письма личного характера.


Ход урока

Речевая зарядка. Введение в тему урока.


Teacher: At our last lesson we spoke about those who participate in some exchange programs and have a chance to study abroad.

-       What makes them do it?

-       What difficulties and peculiar things do they face?

-       Which new opportunities do they get?

(Pupils brainstorm their ideas)

Teacher: Today I want to introduce my former student to you, who now lives and studies abroad. We still keep in touch exchanging E-mails and I suggest you getting to know with some of her photos and letters. 


Развитие навыков устной речи с  использованием электронной презентации.


Ø  Teacher: So, her name is Lena Sharapova. She graduated from the Tomsk University some years ago and now she is getting her second higher education in a far away country. (слайд №1)

Ø  Look at the photo. Guess what country it is. The tips are: it is not at all big English-speaking country, situated on the islands (far from here, in the Southern Hemisphere). What do you know about New Zealand? (слайд №2)

             (Pupils share their ideas as much as they can)

Ø  In short for you to know New Zealand is the country called by natives “the land of the long white cloud”. It is a world’s tourist destination where Nature has assembled active volcanoes, subtropical rainforests, geysers, fiords, beaches, glaciers… It is also a nuclear free zone of the Pacific. (слайд3)

Ø  This is our Russian girl called Lena. What would you predict about her character if she likes taking photos like that? (слайд №4)

Ø  New Zealand is world-known for being a shooting place of some Hollywood famous films. Which film ranks the first? (слайд №5)

Ø  Lena lives in Invercargill, situated in the Southern part of New Zealand. You see the symbol of the city. What does it tell you? (слайд №6)

Ø  Southern Institute of Technology (SIT) is the University where students from abroad can study as well as native people. (слайд №7)

Ø  Can you see any difference between our classrooms and those in that University? (слайд №8)

Ø  Who can it be – a teacher or a professor? What might he be shocked by? (слайд №9)

Ø  Lena is answering at the board. Creating Webs is a very productive way of learning in New Zealand, isn’t it? (слайд №10)

Ø  These are the questions to answer. Can you do it as New Zealander students do? (слайд №11)

Ø  Lena is wishing you good luck. One more university she has just graduated from. (слайд №12)



Практика  чтения с извлечением основного содержания.


Now I want you to read some passages from her letters and answer the questions on the blackboard.

(Pupils practice reading the letters for gist and give their answers)

Letter 1 

“There are some thoughts about my own experience - how I feel about study in NZ. So... It is great. It is a very productive way to study. You don't have to learn a lot of stuff you will never need to know in your future! You have three papers (subjects) for semester and that is it. Only three subjects you are focusing on. And believe me, even three subjects can keep you busy all the time as studying here is not about listening to the lecturer, but applying your knowledge, and writing reports and assignments. It is very hard and unusual for us. All exams are in writing, they are objective. You don't have to speak to the tutor, you are not depending on his or her mood or whatever. You just do your best at the exam and as you have done a lot of work during semester, you know a lot when you come to the exam. I find it very helpful and feel more than positive about this way to learning.

I like that there are computers everywhere, I have never had a situation when I came to type something up and I could not find a computer to work. No chance. It is free, you even can come at night if you don't have other time available, we have 24 hours computer rooms, i.e. you can work there any time you feel like working. Isn't it great? Internet - any time, all for free. I really like it. It is generally all by now of what I can say about what I feel.”


Letter 2

I am doing New Zealand Diploma in Business, it is the Faculty of Business and Computing. Next year I’m going to do Diploma in Commerce, it is very similar to what I’m doing now but more prestigious.

I didn’t think about future after I graduate, I have at least two more years to go and everything can change. To enter university here you don’t have to pass anything. As an international student only thing you need is English language test (I passed IELTS – International English Language Testing System, I did it in Tomsk. For details you can have a look in the Internet). For different faculties you need different scores. My IELTS was 6 average (out of 9, academic level) and it was enough for SIT. For Universities in Auckland and Otago you need at least 7.

But I like NZ, it’s a great country with wonderful nature and people. And it’s very safe and comfortable. Now I don’t want any other country to live in. I’m quite happy where I am. People here are just incredible, they helped me heaps. Everybody seems to be very happy to do anything for you, can you imagine? Cool!

 They cannot imagine how big Russia is, they just cannot do it. For them town with population of 50 000 people is a big city. For us Prokopievsk with nearly 250 000 people is a small country town. And they are spoilt with English – almost no one knows any other language. But I discovered many intelligent people here are interested in Russia and they asked me to tell them about my wonderful country. Quite a few of kiwi travelled to Russia at some stage or are going to visit it. They are wondering why  we have so many problems but I cannot answer – I’m asking this question myself for ages. I studied history and know a lot about Russia but as Tutchev said “It is impossible to understand Russia by mind” I don’t think any foreigner can understand Russia. But at least they are interested.


1. What are Lena’s impressions of the country and people?

2. What is the difference in the way the students are taught here and there?

3. What is necessary to become a foreign student?

4 .Do New Zealanders know anything about Russia?

5. Which of Lena’s ideas are worth discussing?    

Обобщение. Домашнее задание


Teacher: So, I believe you’d love to get acquainted with Lena better. You have a chance. Write your own letters and ask her about things you’d love to know more.



  1. Ощепкова В.В. Вкратце об Австралии Новой Зеландии. - «Лист», 2000
  2. Томахин Г.Д. Across the countries of the English Language.-M. «Просвещение»,1997
  3. Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English. Longman Dictionaries, 1992


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Электронная презентация в программе PowerPoint.


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