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Сценарий внеклассного мероприятия "Властелин колец"

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1.Круглый стол

Elrond): "Strangers from distant lands, friends of old... you have been called here to answer the threat of Mordor. Middle-earth on the brink of destruction. No one can escape it. You will either unite or perish. Each nation has its own destiny, but it is a common rock. Show them the ring, Frodo".
(Boromir): "So it's true."
(Boromir): "I had a dream. I saw as darkness covered the sky in the East, but the West shone a faint light. A voice was crying: "Your time is coming, the curse of Isildur found." the curse of Isildur...".
(Elrond): "Boromir!"
(Gandalf casts a spell)
(Elrond): "Never here in Imladris, sounded words of this dialect".
(Gandalf): "I beg your pardon, Lord Elrond, for the black speech of Mordor may soon begin to sound throughout the West.
The ring is altogether evil." (ред.)

(Boromir): "It is... a gift to the foes of Mordor. Why not use this ring? My father, the steward in Gondor, had been holding back the onslaught of Mordor. The price of the blood of our people has escaped your lands! Give Gondor the weapon of the enemy, allow me to use against him!"
(Aragorn): "It is beyond any of us. The one ring only obeys Sauron. Only he is the Lord".
(Boromir): "how does the Ranger know?"
(Legolas): "He is no mere Ranger. He is Aragorn, son of Arathorn. You have to obey".
(Boromir): "... are you Aragorn... Isildur's heir...".
(Legolas): "And heir to the throne of Gondor".
(Aragorn): "Sit Down, Legolas".
(Boromir): "in Gondor has no king. Gondor does not need a king".
(Gandalf): "Aragorn is right. It eludes us".
(Elrond): "we Have no choice. The ring must be destroyed".
(Gimli): "So what are we waiting for, huh?!"
(Ring of whispers)
(Elrond): "the Ring cannot be destroyed, Gimli son of glóin, by any method, because the ring was cast in the fires of mount doom and destroy it there. It goes to the heart of Mordor and cast back into the fiery chasm from whence it came. One of you will do it."
(Boromir): "you can't just walk into Mordor. Its Black Gates are guarded by more than just orcs. There is always on the lookout sleepless evil, and the great eye sees all. It is a barren wasteland, ravaged by fire and covered with ashes and ash. Even the air you breathe is a poison. Whether you have ten thousand soldiers, you can not handle. This is stupid."
(Legolas): "You heard Lord Elrond? The ring must be destroyed."
(Gimli): "And you seem to think you are the one to do it?!"
(Boromir): "And if you fail? What happens when Sauron takes back what belongs to him?"
(Gimli): "I would rather die than lose the ring in the hands of the elves. You can't trust elves!"
(Gandalf): "You don't understand, the more we quarrel, the more it becomes Sauron.Death is inevitable, everyone will be destroyed! Your houses will be turned to ashes! You do not understand this? I came to help you! You can't quarrel! "
(Ring whispers)
(Frodo): "I'll take it. I'll take the ring to Mordor. But I don’t know the way."
(Gandalf): "I will help you carry this burden, Frodo Baggins - as much as you need to bear."
(Aragorn): "If my life needs to protect you, I will give it back. My sword is with you."
(Legolas): "And my bow too."
(Gimli): "And my ax."
(Boromir): "Our fate is in your hands. If this is the will of the council, for the sake of Gondor I ... will fulfill it."



2.Арвен и Арагорн


(Arwen): "Why are you afraid of the past? You are the heir to Isildur, but you are not Isildur. You are not doomed to his fate."
(Aragorn): "The same blood flows in my veins. The same weakness."
(Arwen): "Your time will come. You will encounter the same evil, but you will defeat it. The Shadow doesn't hold sway yet. Not over you...not over me."
(Arwen): "Do you remember when we first met?"
(Aragorn): "I thought I had stayed into a dream."
(Arwen): "Long years have passed. You did not have the cares you carry now. Do you remember what I told you?"
(Aragorn): "You said you would give yourself to me, renouncing the immortality of the elves. I remember that."
(Arwen): “I want this now. I’d rather share one mortal life with you than live all the eras of the world alone. I choose the fate of a mortal.”
(Aragorn): "I cannot accept this."
(Arwen): "And my right to give it to whom I want, like my heart."




3.Разговор Алронда и Гендальфа

(Gandalf): That wound will never fully heal. He will carry it the rest of his life. And yet to have come so far still bearing the Ring... The Hobbit has shown extraordinary resilience to its evil. It is a burden he should never have had to bear. We can ask no more of Frodo.
(Elrond): Gandalf, the enemy is moving. Sauron's forces are massing in the East. His eye is fixed on Riverdell. And Saruman, you tell me , has betrayed us. Our list of allies grous thin.
(Gandalf): "His betrayal has gone too far. With the help of black magic, he brought forth a new breed of orcs. In the caves of Isengard, he creates an army that can move in the sunlight and travel long distances. Saruman will appear behind the ring."
(Elrond): "But evil cannot be stopped by the forces of the elves. We do not have the strength to resist the alliance of Mordor and Isengard. Gandalf, do not leave the ring here."
(Elrond): "This evil is the burden of the peoples of Middle-earth and now they must decide how to end it. The elves have passed. My people leave these shores. Who will you turn to when we leave? To the dwarves? They are in the caves looking for treasures, they don't care about other people's difficulties. "
(Gandalf): "I'm sure people will help us."
(Elrond): "People? People are weak. People are powerless. The Numenor dynasty is interrupted. Her honor and dignity are forgotten. It was because of the people that the ring survived. I was there, Gandalf. I was there three thousand years ago.









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