Инфоурок Английский язык КонспектыSpotlight 10 «Food and health», №14 конференция для учеников с высоким уровнем владения ИЯ

Spotlight 10 «Food and health», №14 конференция для учеников с высоким уровнем владения ИЯ

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Технологическая карта урока иностранного языка

Ф.И.О. учителя __Миронова Виктория Александровна                                      _ Класс _____10____________ Дата ____25.03.2021________

Тема урока, № урока по теме

 «Harm fast food», №14

Цель урока

Создать условия для совершенствования языковых и речевых навыков в ситуации речевого общения по теме «Food and health»

Задачи урока




1.   Совершенствование монологической и диалогической речи

2.   Перенос лексико-грамматического материала модуля в ситуации речевого общения на материал о здоровой еде

1.  Формирование умения логически рассуждать, четко, кратко и исчерпывающе излагать свои мысли

2.      Развить навыки решения творческих изобретательских задач.

1.  Формировать положительную мотивацию к изучению английского языка

2.      воспитать потребность к проявлению инициативы и умение работать в коллективе;

Тип урока



Мультимедиа, аудиоматериал, карточки-рефлексии.


Этапы урока


Деятельность учителя

Деятельность учеников



Методы, приемы ФОУД*

Планируемые результаты




Мотивация учебной деятельности



1. Stand up please. Good morning, boys and girls! Sit down.

2. Who is absent?

3. What day of the week is it today? сегодня день недели?

4. What date is it today?

7. Let’s begin our lesson.

1. Good morning

2.All are present

3. Today is Friday

4. The 25th of March













Ученики знают, как приветство-вать учителя на английском языке и отвечать на простые вопросы.

Ученики осущес-твляют осознанное построение речевого высказывания в устной форме.


Актуализация знаний.

Постановка цели урока



Let's listen to the audio recording. Your task is to tell me after listening what sounds are and why they sound in our lesson.

All right! These are the sounds of dolphins. According to the doctors, they have a positive effect on the work of our brain. But not only the sounds of animals can improve the work of the brain, but also the food that we eat every day.

So let's deal with this in more detail.

We start our conference. Attention! Each speaker should be aware of the time limit and our journalists can ask any questions to our speakers.

Students listen to the audio.

S1 – It is sounds of dolphins!

S2 – They help to work our brain.



Развитие памяти, предвосхи-щение

Развитие познава-тельных интересов, учебных мотивов


Проблемное объяснение нового материала



1. A student.

And now, it’s time for question.

2. A chess player.

And now, it’s time for question.

3. A doctor.

And now, it’s time for question.

S1- To begin with, I’d like to say that I study at school. Every morning my mum cooks for me. Usually, my breakfast consists of a cup of tea and porridge. To tell the truth, I don’t like to eat something substantial in the morning because my stomach regrets any food. But nevertheless, my mum insists on eating smth.

So, I prefer to eat biscuits, crisps and drink cola, but if I do it every day, after some time I feel that my brain doesn’t work in a proper way, I’m always tired and my condition leaves much to be desired.

Soon, we’ll have the exams and I’ve read that dark chocolate has powerful antioxidant properties, contains several natural stimulants, including caffeine, which enhance focus and concentration, and stimulates the production of endorphins, which helps improve mood.

By the way, I recommend to eat nuts because they contain proteins moderately with exception of chestnuts and fats in high quantity. Nuts benefits a lot to the over all body and are considered to be good sources of fibers and nutrients, vitamins B, vitamin E and different minerals, that’s why such product is useful especially for students.


Do you eat nuts? How many bars of chocolate do you eat? Do you follow your own recommendations?

S2: To begin with I’d like to say that I’m a chess player and it is necessary for me to eat special food for my brain. My morning starts with substantial breakfast as green tea, 2 eggs, bread with a butter and a bar of dark chocolate. I eat all above-mentioned products practically every day and I know that my brain thanks me for it.

Besides, before the game I eat avocados because of some reasons. Avocados are almost as good as blueberries in promoting brain health. True, the avocado is a fatty fruit, but it's a monounsaturated fat, which contributes to healthy blood flow. In addition, healthy blood flow means a healthy brain. Avocados also lower blood pressure, and as hypertension is a risk factor for the decline in cognitive abilities, a lower blood pressure should promote brain health. Avocados are high in calories, however, so I suggest adding just 1/4 to 1/2 of an avocado to one daily meal as a side dish.

I advise the following product:

Pomegranate juice offers potent antioxidant benefits, which protect the brain from the damage of free radicals. Citrus fruits and colorful vegetables are also high on the list of "brainy" foods because of their antioxidant properties the more colorful the better. In conclusion, I recommend approximately 2 glasses a day, diluted with spring water or seltzer.

Summaries everything up, I should say that if you want to be very clever, all above-mentioned products will help you.

Questions: Does only food help a person to become clever? How many years do you follow such appropriate diet? Before every game, do you eat avocados?


To begin with, I’d like to say that I am a doctor and today, I will tell about our health. Our health depends on our eating. Food provides us with the energy that we spend with physical exertion. Update and development of the organism at the cellular level directly depends on the products that we use. The body needs to receive a sufficient number of nutrients every day: proteins, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins, minerals, trace elements.

Proper nutrition is a mandatory point of a healthy lifestyle and a guarantee of stable functioning of the body as a whole.

Everyday diet should be diverse and full. Freshness of products is very important.. Cereals, fruits and vegetables, fish, meat, eggs, dairy products, nuts, salt, sugar, fat, should be present in the diet. A balanced diet should become a way of life. You should refuse to give up snacks and fast food. Thoroughly chew food, do not swallow large chunks. It is strictly forbidden to drink food with water. You can eat everything, but in moderation. Overeating and incompatibility of products leads to a disruption of metabolism, diabetes and obesity.

Besides, Oily fish are a good source of omega-3 fatty acids. Omega-3s help build membranes around each cell in the body, including the brain cells. They can, therefore, improve the structure of brain cells called neurons. These results suggest that eating foods rich in omega-3s, such as oily fish, may boost brain function.

Examples of oily fish that contain high levels of omega-3s include: salmon, mackerel, tuna, herring.

Questions: Is it necessary to eat only healthy food? Can people take special vitamins instead of eating fish, vegetables and fruits? Do you follow your own advice?



































































Развитие спонтанной речи

Поиск и выделение необходимой информации






Let’s listen student who are ready with the survey.

In conclusion, what we could say?

Yes, people need to eat dark chocolate, nuts, avocados and some other products, because our brain suffers without it.

we conducted a survey among our class and found out that many do not have breakfast in the morning. Their breakfast sucks from tea and sweets. 17 out of 25 respondents chose this answer option. We also found out that students prefer to buy sweet bars in the canteen. So answered 15 people out of 25. 5 people buy porridge in the dining room. Further, most students chose the right version of the product, which has a positive effect on brain activity, but only 12 out of 25 people use this product regularly.

Thus, we can conclude that students are aware of the benefits of many foods, namely students know which vegetables and fruits are useful for the brain, but nonetheless students choose what they can eat quickly and cheaply. In other words, students tend to eat fast, but have the potential to eat healthy foods. (Приложение 3, 4)


Г, Ф

Развитие монологической речи

Умение оформлять свою мысль в устной форме


Итог урока.


And now, I give you the card (Приложение №5). Your task is to write what you’ve learnt today.

And thank you for your work! The lesson is over.





Коммуника-тивные навыкисформированы.













Plan for a pupil

1. Introduce yourself

2. Speak about food, which you eat every day and how it influences your health.

3. Speak about food, which help you to prepare for the exam (for example chocolate) and why.

4. Speak about nuts on behalf of a pupil. Remember!

5. Your limit is 7 min.                                   

6. You are to use a computer presentation.


Plan for a chess player

1. Introduce yourself

2. Speak about healthy food, which you eat every day and how it influences your health.

3. Speak about food, which help you to prepare for the game (for example avocados) and why.

4. Speak about pomegranate juice on behalf of a chess player. Remember!

5. Your limit is 7 min.

6. You are to use a computer presentation.


Plan for a doctor

1. Introduce yourself

2. Speak about healthy food in general.

3. Add some information about working our brain.

4. Speak about oil fish on behalf of a doctor. Remember!

5. Your limit is 7 min.

6. You are to use a computer presentation.


2. Recommendations for a survey.

1. Ask about age.

2. Ask about breakfast.

3. Ask about what people choose in the canteen.

4. Ask about products, which help the brain to work.

5. Ask about how often people should eat food for brain


"Food for brain"

1. Name you age _______

2. What do you eat in the morning?

a) nothing;

b) tea and sweets;

c) porridge;

d) eggs;

e) your variant_______.

3. What do you usually buy in the canteen?

a) sweet bars;

b) porridge;

c) sandwich;

d) soup;

e) your variant _______ .

4. What products will help to work our brain?

a) fish;

b) apple;

c) cola;

d) onion;

e) your variant________ .

5. How often do you eat food for brain?

a) practically never – once a year;

b) regularly – every week;

c) sometimes – once every two weeks;

d) not so often – once a month.





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