Инфоурок Информатика КонспектыThe peripheral devices of a computer. Setup and installation of peripherals

The peripheral devices of a computer. Setup and installation of peripherals

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Lecture № 3

The peripheral devices of a computer. Setup and installation of peripherals

The objective of the lesson:


a) educational:To provide the students with a basic understanding of the  peripheral devices of a computer
b) developmental:The development of intellectual thinking, the ability to analyze, to listen carefully and to work independently


A peripheral device is an internal or external device that connects to a computer but does not contribute to the computer's primary function, such as computing.

Types of peripheral devices:

1.     Input

2.     Output

3.     Storage

4.     Communication


Input devices : the devices that allow data and instructions to enter a computer.

Input Devices:





Output devices: the devices that allow information to be represented (that is,given out) to the user.

Output devices:




Storage: Used to keep data when the power to the computer is turned off.


·        CD-ROM

·        CD-RW

·        DVD-R

·        DVD-RW

·        Flash drive

A communication device is piece of equipment or hardware designed to move information or data from one place to another, in other words, allowing one computer device to communicate with another.

·        Modem

·        Webcam

Input Devices

The Keyboard

·        A set of keys

·        You use the keyboard to type text, such as letters or numbers into the computer.

·        The keyboard allows the computer user to enter words, numbers, punctuation, symbols, and special function commands into the computer’s memory.

·        A keyboard typically has 101 or 105 keys.

·        Alphanumeric Keys: These keys are used for entering letters and numbers.

·        Special Keys: Keys such as Control (CTRL), SHIFT, SPACEBAR, ALT, CAPS LOCK, and TAB are special keys. These special keys perform special functions depending on when and where they are used.

·        Punctuation Keys: Punctuation keys include keys for punctuation marks, such as colon (:), semicolon (;), question mark (?), single quotation marks (‘ ’), and double quotation marks (“ ”).

·        Command Keys: Keys such as INSERT (INS), DELETE (DEL), and BACKSPACE are command keys.









·        The mouse allows you to select an item on the screen.

·        Mouse moves your cursor to different points on the screen.

·        Most mouse devices have at least two buttons, left and right.

·        Most of the actions are performed by clicking the left button.

·        The right button is used for specific functions.



·        The main use of a joystick is to play computer games.




·        A trackball is a mouse lying on its back.


trackballLogitech Cordless Trackman Optical Trackball mouse


·        You can record sound into the computer by using a microphone.


·        A scanner can be used to input pictures and text into a computer.

·        A scanner reads the page and translates it into a digital format, which a computer can read.

·        There are two main types of scanner; Hand-held and Flat-bed.


Output devices


·        The part of a computer that allows you to see what the computer is processing

·        Types of monitors:

·        Cathode-ray tube (CRT)

·        Liquid Crystal Display (LCD or flat-panel)



A printer is a peripheral device that produces a physical copy or hard copy of the computer’s output.

Ink Jet Printer

·        least expensive, color, slower than laser printers

Laser  Printer

·        More expensive, faster, lower per page cost than ink jet,



Inkjet printer



Laser printer


         A plotter is a printer that uses a pen that moves over a large revolving sheet of paper.

         It is used in engineering, drafting, map making, and seismology.



Storage devices


·        CD-Read Only Memory

·        Storage device that uses laser technology to read data that is permanently stored on compact disks, cannot be used to write data to a disk.



·        CD-Read Write

·        A storage device that reads data from CD’s and also can write data to CD’s

·        Similar to a CD-ROM, but has the ability to write to CD.





Digital Video Disk which can be written to one time. Once you record, it then becomes read only. Used to store home movies and pictures.



Digital Video Disk which can be rewritten to.


Flash drive

·        External storage devices that can be used like a external hard drive.

·        They have the capability to be saved to, deleted from, and files can be renamed just like with a normal hard drive.

·        Connect to USB posts.



Communication devices


·        Short for modulator-demodulator.

·        A modem is a device that enables a computer to transmit data over, for example, telephone or cable lines.

·        A Modem or Broadband Modem is a hardware device that connects a computer to a broadband network.


·        A device that is similar to a video camera.

·        For example, a webcam allows your friends and family to see you when communicating with them.



1.        June J. Parsons, New Perspectives on Computer Concepts 18th Edition—Comprehensive, Thomson Course Technology, a division of Thomson Learning, Inc Cambridge, MA, COPYRIGHT © 2016; ISBN-10: 1-4239-0610-1, ISBN-13: 978-1-4239-0610-0.

2.        Reema Thareja Fundamentals of Computers. – Oxford University press: Oxford, 2014. -  288p

3.        George Beekman. Computer Confluence: Exploring Tomorrow's Technology. ISBN 0130661880, 9780130661883. Prentice Hall, 2003



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