Инфоурок Английский язык Другие методич. материалыТехнологическая карта урока английского языка по теме: "Как подростки выражают свою индивидуальность". (10 класс)

Технологическая карта урока английского языка по теме: "Как подростки выражают свою индивидуальность". (10 класс)

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тельный этап (подготовка к иноязычной речевой деятельности)

5 минут



























2.Основной этап


1.Приветствие и сообщение темы урока

        Good afternoon, boys and girls. I am very glad to see you today. The topic of our lesson is “How do teens express their individuality?” We are going to speak about different subcultures and groupings, how these groupings express themselves, what types of music they like to listen to, what values and beliefs they have. Tell me please, how do you express your individuality?



2.Фонетическая зарядка

          ОЗУ:  Now I want to draw your attention to the board. Listen to me.

[t] – teen, teens, teenager, teenagers

[t ] – culture, subculture

[r] – group, grouping, prefer, rock, rocker, raver, reggae.

         Pay your attention to the sounds [ ], [ ], [ ].

         Объяснение особенностей произношения  звуков [ ], [ ], [ ].

         Repeat after me all together [ ] - [ ] -  [ ]

         Repeat after me all together.

  Read one by one.                    5.Речевая  зарядка

        ОЗУ:   Now answer my questions, please.

1.      How old are you?

2.      What music do you prefer?

3.      What style of clothing do you prefer?

4.      What youth groupings do you know?

5.      What groupings do you belong to?

6.      What groupings do your friends belong to?

7.      What groupings did your parents belong to?

8.      What youth groupings are aggressive?

9.      What youth groupings are peaceful?

10.  What youth groupings would you like to belong to?


1. Введение нового лексического материала

- Семантизация   лексических единиц по теме и их фонетическая отработка (НЛЕ на доске)

      ОЗУ: Boys and girls, young people have a particular relationship with the world. There are many subcultures that have interests different from those of the mainstream culture. A particular cultural grouping is a way for young people to express their individuality (identity).Today we are going to speak about this problem and learn new words on the topic. Look at the board, listen to me attentively and try to understand the meaning of new words and word combinations.

1. distinct

(беспереводный способконтекст)

      These people developed their own style distinct from others.

       Did you get what it means?



        Repeat after me all together: distinct.

         (хоровая и индивидуальная отработка)

2. to express his or her identity

(беспереводный способконтекст)

         A young person who dresses in a shocking way to express his or her identity (who somebody is).

        Let’s pronounce it all together: to express,

to express his or her identity.

         (хоровая и индивидуальная отработка)

3. to rebel against

(беспереводный способконтекст, синоним)

        The person is thought to rebel (to protest) against the society.

       Let’s say it all together: to rebel; to rebel against

         (хоровая и индивидуальная отработка)

4. to reject

(беспереводный способконтекст, синоним)

          They reject (to say no to) everything.

          Let’s say it all together: to reject.

          (хоровая и индивидуальная отработка)

5. rebellious

(беспереводный способ,  контекст, словообразование)

          He is associated with something rebellious.

          Did you get what it means?      



          Let’s say it all together: rebellious.

          (хоровая и индивидуальная отработка)

6. dont conform to

(беспереводный способ, контекст, синоним)

          They don't conform (don't keep) to society's standards and support a liberal attitude and lifestyle.       

          Let’s say it all together: rebellious.

          (хоровая и индивидуальная отработка)

7. to try out all sort of options

(беспереводный способконтекст, синоним)

         They want to try out all sort of options (to test all things that they can choose) and are thought to be violent (showing strong physical force)

          Let’s say it all together: to try out all sort of options.

          (хоровая и индивидуальная отработка)

8. violent

(беспереводный способ, контекст, синоним)

         They want to try out all sort of options and are thought to be violent (showing strong physical force)

           Let’s say it all together: violent.

         (хоровая и индивидуальная отработка)

9. warehouse

(переводный способ)

          Let’s say it all together: warehouse

         (хоровая и индивидуальная отработка)

2.Повторная фонетическая отработка НЛЕ

         ОЗУ: And now I would like to draw your attention to the board. Let’s read the new words and word combinations once again.

3.Контроль понимания (уточнение) отдельных НЛЕ.

      4. Первичная автоматизация НЛЕ в вопросно-ответном упражнении.

1.      How do teens express their identity?

2.      Do you conform to society's standards?


3.      Do you rebel against the society?


4.      Are punks thought to be violent (showing strong physical force)?

5.      What subcultures do you know?


6.      What features of different groupings can you name?


7.      Why do some young people follow some kind of youth culture?

8.      What does the word subculture mean?


2. Отработка ранее введенного языкового материала и овладение видами речевой деятельности

- Чтениe текста с полным пониманием содержания (Reading for detail)

Pre-reading activities

        ОЗУ: By the mid-60s, teenagers had begun to form distinct cultural groupings. Most young people in Britain follow some kind of youth culture. Well, what subcultures do you know?


         ОЗУ: What are the main features of any subculture? (вопрос записан на доске вместе с Word Map)

        ОЗУ: Now open your books on page 70. Look at the pictures (pp. 71, 74, 84, 85, 90, 99) and try to predict about which subcultures it will be?

While- reading activity

        ОЗУ: Read the descriptions of different groups and match the paragraphs with the names of these subcultures: 1) punk;  2) goth;  3) hippie;  4) mod;  5) hacker;  6) raver; 7) skinhead.

Post- reading activity

         ОЗУ: Look at the people on page 71. Which group do they represent? Which text is about them?


       ОЗУ:What subcultures can be characterized with the proverbs. Comment on it. 

1.The devil is not so black as he is painted

2. It’s not the gay coat that makes the gentleman


3. As pale as a ghost


4. As melancholy as a cat


         ОЗУ: Now, let’s check how well you know the features of the well-known subcultures. I want you to work match the subcultures with their most distinguishing features.



1. Goth

A. 2 or 3 wheeled motprized vehicle

2. Punk

B. the “dark” look

3. Mod

C. Italian look

4. Hippie

D. army boots, leather jackets

5. Skinhead

E. brightly coloured hair

6. Rocker

F. wizards of the computer world

7. Biker

G. drugs and rock-and-roll

8. Raver

H. all night dancing, computer made music

9. Hacker

I. reggae fans, very short hair

j. haircut: short on top and longer around the sides



- Чтениe текста с целью понимания необходимой информации (Reading for specific information)

Pre-reading activities

        ОЗУ: Before reading the text, tell me please what teens’ organisations you know?

         What youth organisations existed in Russia several years ago?

         Do you belong to any teens’ organisations?

While- reading activity

        ОЗУ: Read the text and answer the question: What were the aims of Komsomol?



Post-reading activities

          ОЗУ: Define true or false

1.      Pioneer organization, like Komsomol, was very popular in the Soviet Union.

2.      The aims of Komsomol were to teach the young generation to live, work, and struggle for the triuph of communist ideas.

3.      Komsomol teached how to build communism;

4.      Komsomol brought up the younger generation in the spirit of communist morality.

5.      Komsomol was a popular western organisation.

-          Диалогическая речь (диалог- обмен мнениями)

          ОЗУ: I want you to discuss different ways you can express your identity. Imagine that you and your friend are discussing the best way to express your own identity. You would like to have a new experience but your friend is not sure that it’s a good way to join any subculture. Discuss the following options and come to an agreement: Skinheads, Goths, Punks, Hippies.

           While preparing the dialogue you may use dialogue scheme and useful language.


Dialogue scheme:

Tell about your plans

Explain the reason to your decision

Ask for another option

Express your doubt

Suggest compromise

Express your attitude and for the reasons

Point out the disadvantages and express your opinion

Suggest your own variant and point out the advantages

Think one or more arguments to support your ideas




Useful language:

I’ve made up my mind… I’m going to

It’s rather surprising! Why…

I like to join… It’s exciting!

In my opinion… Personally I am …

What can you suggest then?

I suggest + Ving

That sounds great! But I doubt that… I think…

Not exactly! You can… Besides you will be able to…

Then why not to…

That’s a good idea! Moreover…

          Well your time is up. Let’s listen to your dialogues and decide which one is the best.

P1 - P2 , P3 - P4 , …

P1: I express myself through my actoins, not through my appearance.

P2: I express my individuality through fashion. I like to dress in funky patters and put outfits together in my own special way.

P3: I express my individuality by using my voice. It doesn't matter to me how I look, it only matters what I say.

P4: I express my individuality through fragrance. I think what you smell like says a lot about your character.

P5: I express my individuality through accessories. A funky belt, pair of shoes, a scarf, jewelry or socks represent my energy.

P6: I express my individuality through makeup. It reflects my mood and I never leave home without my mascara.          

[ ] - [ ] -  [ ]

[t] – teen, teens, teenager, teenagers

[t ] – culture, subculture

[r] – group, grouping, prefer, rock, rocker, raver, reggae.

teen, teens, teenager, teenagers

culture, subculture

group, grouping, prefer, rock, rocker, raver, reggae.

P1: I am …

P2: I prefer …

P3: I prefer …

P4: There are …

P5:  I belong to …

P6:  My friends belong to …

P7:  My parents  belonged to …

P8: … are aggressive.

P9: … are peaceful.

P10: I would you like to belong to …


P1: It means not alike; different.

P2: It is not the same (as); separate (from); distinguished (from)

P3: It means different in nature or quality.

P4: It means separate, disconnected, discrete, dissimilar, unconnected, unattached


P1: It means resisting control; unruly

P2: It means revolutionary, rebel, disorderly.

P3: It means showing a tendency towards rebellion


Teens express their identity using …

1.      I conform (don’t condorm) to society's standards because …

2.      I rebel (don’t rebel) against the society because …

3.      Yes, they are. Punks are thought to be violent (showing strong physical force).

4.      There are different subcultures: mobs, hackers, bikers….

5.      Every subculture has its own image, values, beliefs and music.

6.      It is a way for young people to express their individuality.

7.      It is a grouping that has interests different from those of the mainstream culture.

P1: I know rockers, hackers, ravers, skinheads, hippies, goths, punks, bikers… 

P1: The main features are music,  fashion, image, language, style, values …




- It will be about mods, punks, rockers, hippies

P1: They represent mods.

P2: They represent bikers.


P1: I think that bikers can be characterized with the proverb because …

P2: I think that hackers can be characterized with the proverb because …

P3: I think that mods can be characterized with the proverb because …

P4: I think that goths can be characterized with the proverb because …





1.      b

2.      e

3.      c

4.      g

5.      j

6.      d

7.      a

8.      h

9.      f




P1: I know such organisations as …

P2: Komsomol, …


P3: I belong to …



P1: The aims of Komsomol were:

1.      to teach the young generation to live, work, and struggle for the triuph of communist ideas

2.      to build communism;

3.      to educate the youth in the revolutionary  and labour traditions and to develop in them the feeling of Soviet patriotism;

4.      to bring up the younger generation in the spirit of communist morality, collectivism and comradeship, in the spirit of communist attitude to work  and to socialist property.



1.      True

2.      True



3.      True

4.      True


5.      False









P1: I’m going to become …

P2: It’s rather surprising! Why have you chosen this subculture?

P3: I want to become goth because it is a long-lived and thriving subculture with followers all around the globe. Ifind myself interested in Gothic subculture and would like to become a part of it.


3.Заключительный этап

5 минут

1.Сообщение и объяснение домашнего задания

      Your hometask is АВ - ex. 1 on page 31-32.

2.Подведение итогов работы на уроке и сообщение отметок

       Well, it’s time to complete the lesson. I’d like to say that I’m quite satisfied with your work at the lesson today. I’m pleased with the answers and activities of some students. I hope the lesson was interesting for you. Thank you very much.You were great today. Your marks are….

3.Организационный конец урок

      I hope our lesson has helped you to determine your own attitude to a subculture. Some people think that all subcultures are awful and dangerous. And I think this opinion is not absolutely right. For example, Bill Clinton was a hippie in his youth and then he became the president of the USA.

       Joining a subculture can help you to escape from loneliness but on the other hand it may cause much more difficult problems. I ask you to look for your own way in life. And I’m sure you’ll do it.



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