Инфоурок Иностранные языки КонспектыТема "Экологическая проблема" 7 класс

Тема "Экологическая проблема" 7 класс

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Name of the participant   Vitushkina Yuliya Olegovna


Aims of the listening materials    By the end of the lesson students will be able to express opinion about in charge of the planet while reading and listening to the text about the environmental problems.

Students’ age, level, interests   7th  form,                 ,nature, ecological problems,  environmental

Text chosen (title, type, authenticity, topic, content) take care of animals, birds, in change of forest. Information (opinion), authentic.

 Listening subskills developed   Listening for  specific information

Main coursebook used and the unit you are going to use this material in 7th form KuzovlevV.P. Unit 4 How do you treat the Earth? (Are you friend of the planet?)



Procedure and instructions










































































































































































¾    Good morning, pupils. Take your seats.

Вступительное слово учителя (звучит музыка The BeatlesImagine”, меняются слайды презентации).

¾    Since ancient times Nature has served man, being the source of his life. For thousands of years

people have been living in harmony with environment and it seemed to them that natural riches were unlimited. But with development of civilization man’s interference in nature began to increase.


Постановка темы, целей урока (тема урока, план урока показаны на слайде презентации).


¾    During previous lessons we spoke about ecological problems of the planet. Today we are going

To continue to speak about urgent environmental problems, name some problems. We are going to read and talk about animals, their life in the wild and their relations with people. We are going to listen to opinions of British children about their attitude to ecological problems. After that you should answer the main question of this lesson “Are You in Charge of the Planet?” And what can children do to help nature? And at last to make a conclusion: How can children save the nature.(2)


II. Речевая зарядка. Аудирование.

¾    First of all listen to the song and say what ecological problems are discussed in this song. (Звучит песня, меняются слайды презентации.)


Today we are going camping

With your family, friends or a class.

Please help us, don’t drop any litter!

‘Cos, your litter lives longer than us!


Today you cut down your forests

But the planet needs our leaves.

Please stop it because tomorrow

You’ll have no air to breathe!


Refrain. ‘Cos nothing is forever

And nature is getting tired.

If we don’t stop and think today

Tomorrow the Earth could die.


You can have a bath or a shower

But today is the time to think.

Save the rivers because without them

You’ll have no water to drink!


Today we are still in your forests,

In the sky, in the rivers, but look:

Don’t kill us! Because your children

Will see us in picture book!


¾    What are results of people influence on the planet? Build your sentences in Simple Present Passive.

P1.Liter is thrown away.

P2. Forests are cut down.

P3. Water is polluted.

P4. Animals are hurt.(5)


¾    Look at the board. You see some photos. Name the ecological problems

(на слайдах презентации появляются фотографии с экологическими проблемами).


P1. Recycling.

P2. Air pollution.

P3. Water pollution.

P4. Greenhouse effect.

P.5. Endangered animals. (3)


III. Проверка домашнего задания. Практика чтения, работы с текстом.

At home you read 2 articles from the National Geographical World magazine about raccoons, their life in the wild and their relations with people and had to fill in the table and chose the correct words from highlighted ones. (R. page 31, ex.2)

What do you know about the way of life of these animals? And how can you characterize a raccoon now?

P1: Raccoons has got dark fur around their eyes.

P2: At present time they find some food from the garbage in the towns.

P3: In the forests, raccoons usually live in trees, high above the ground.

P4: Raccoons sleep most of the day. They sleep in trees.

P5: At night , they come out to look for food.

And the second article was about precious water now look at the sentences ex.1 and which of these sentences are true about water?

  1. Water covers over 90% of the Earth’s surface.
  2. 1.7 % of water is underground.
  3. 7.1 of water is frozen.
  4. Only 2.5% of the water on Earth is fresh. (=)
  5. 30% of the people on Earth do not have clean water to drink.
  6. In the next 12 years the majority of the Earth’s population will water shortages.
  7. If you leave a hose running it can waste 23 gallons per minute
  8. We use over 200 liters of water to take a shower.

Look at the text again and answer the questions:

  1. How much of the Earth’s surface does water cover? (70.9%)
  2. How are these words: Vancouver, Amsterdam, commercial whaling related to Greenpeace? (Greenpeace is an environmental organization that was founded in 1971 in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. It has offices in 40 countries and a coordinating body in Amsterdam.All the members work on environmental issues such as deforestation, global warming, overfishing, commercial whaling and anti-nuclear issues.)
  3. What aspects of environmentalism do they deal with? (Its goal is to insure the ability of the Earth to nature life in all its diversity.) (5)


IV. Новый материал. Аудирование, чтение, говорение.

¾    In Great Britain there are a lot of people who think about the future of the planet. Some people

take care of animals, others take care of birds, others are in charge of forests. Listen to the opinions of British children. Who of these children helps the Earth? What do they do? (B. page 83, ex. 1.1))


(Таблицы показаны на слайдах презентации.)


¾    Who of the children do you agree with? Why?

¾    Who can help the planet?

¾    What can children do to help the planet? (10)

I think children can help…

They can…

If they…, the nature…

It is important to…


I don’t think children can do much to…


When they…the nature…

Children can only…

¾    Do you think you are also in charge of the planet? Why? Why not?

  As for me…

In my opinion…

I quite agree that…

I differ from…

I suppose…

I doubt that…

I have different fillings.

On the one hand…

On the other hand…

And after all
















V. Подведение итога урока (Звучит музыка, идут слайды презентации с картинами природы).

VI. Домашнее задание.


¾    Let’s summarize everything we’ve learned today. You see the Earth is only a tiny part of the

Universe but nowadays it’s the only place we can live. People have always polluted their surroundings. Now pollution is a serious problem. Fortunately, it’s not too late to solve these problems. What can we do for it?


P2:.. .

¾    Your home task is to make a project “My family is eco-friendly”. Activity

Book p.139, ex..6. and complete the sentences with the words from the box in the correct form ex.1 p.52 (A.B.)

¾    Thank you for your work. Our work was very productive. I hope you’ve enjoyed it. Your marks




-          To motivate

































-          To activate background knowledge










































increase students’ motivation












introduce the topic, reveal background knowledge














































To scan

to find specific information

































to integrate listening with speaking







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