Инфоурок Иностранные языки ТестыТесты по английскому языку "Test course"

Тесты по английскому языку "Test course"

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1.Aproaches to promote  extrinsic motivation (based on factors that are externat to the learner) are based on the principies of…proposed by B.F. Skinner


а) behaviourism

в) constructivism

с) humanism

d) rationalism


2.A teacher of English (according to Hattle) should be a/an….working with learners


а) activator

в) facillitator?

с) observer

d) partner


3.When leaners are working in their Zone of Proximal Devolopment they require support known as


а) extrinsic motivation

в) mentoring

с) scaffolding

d) situation awareness


4.As cognitive academic language profeciency (CALP)devolops the teacher will help learners to improve their


а) activity to communication  concepts

в) ability to monitor their own speech

с) ability to recognize information

d) comprehension skills


5.One of the motivators for learning is


а) tast pace of lessons

в) hard learning activities at the  begining

с) obscure learning tasks

d) tasks with lots of learner invorvement


6.Language form means


а) how something is said

в) what is said

с) when something is said

d) who said something


7.The document of summative assesment including information about items is


а) feedback sheet

в) reflective account

с) self assessment table

d) test specification


8.Formative assessment maintains


а) conclusion on compitance with standards

в) data for moderation organization

с) feedback between a teacher and  a learner

d) information on that scores


9…..of lesson planning acording to the Programme is in


а) changing thermes

в) adjusting the curricutiom

с) devolopment of additional tasks

d) matching objectives and  outcomes


10.According to Vygotsky the process of  becoming an  autonomous learner depends very much  on


а) learners needs

в) practical  training

с) social interaction

d) teachers  motivation


11.The English curriculum news the  devolopment of  in English as  a central aim given the importance  of accssing  processing  and utilising information digitallyin today s world


а) cultural literacy

в) digital literacy

с) social literacy

d) technic literacy


12.According  to the Programme…is a key tool in helping Harners to learn English in the early stages


а) parents support

в) reading books

с) teacher s talk ???

d) watching films


13.The emphasis in the early Primary English curiculom is on


а) listening and writing

в) reading and speaking

с) reading and writing

d) speaking and listening


14.A higher level skill is


а) analysing

в) applying

с) narrating

d) remembering


15.According to Vygotsky the process of becoming an autonomous  learner depends very much on


а) learner s needs

в) practical training

с) social interaction

d) teacher s motivation


16.In the context of Zone of Proximal  Development support should be decreased when the  learner can complete  tasks


а) being motivated

в) individuality

с) reasonably

d) without mistakes


17.Examples of intrinsic motivation are when learners want to participate and make progress because they


а) are afraid of low scores

в) enjoy the activity

с) find the activity necessary

d) want to get  a reward


18.A typical task framework where different  groups  of learners are given  different text inputs and through  processes  of discussion arrive  at answers based on sharing them


с) jigsaw listening and reading



19.The question is everyone sitting with their partner?refers to…type  of questions


а) display

в) probing

с) procedural

d) referential


20. A teacher carefully and consistently thinking about his/her practise toward development change  and improvement


а) learners facilitator

в) learners observer

с) reflective agent

d) reflective  practitioner


21.Process involing  discussion about what the  creteria look like  in practise providing support for teachers in understanding  the standards  in which the criteria are referring  to


а) differrentiation

в) marking

с) moderation

d) modernization


22. One of the typical Primary task  frameworks in teaching and learning English is


 TPR ,Craftactivities,tangential skill learning Multi-sensory writing ,song activities


23 .One of the values determined Programme


а) ability to solve  problems

в) ability to work in groups

с) showing research skills

d) showing respect  for other  riews


24.Analysis of high-performing education system has shown that curriculum…is vital for improving educational standard across a country


а) coherence

в) differentiation

с) distribution

d) integrity



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Особенности подготовки к проведению ВПР в рамках мониторинга качества образования обучающихся по учебному предмету "Английский язык" в условиях реализации ФГОС ООО и ФГОС СОО

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