Инфоурок Иностранные языки Другие методич. материалыУчебно - методическое пособие по грамматике 1 курс ОДБ.04 Иностранный язык

Учебно - методическое пособие по грамматике 1 курс ОДБ.04 Иностранный язык

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Государственное профессиональное образовательное учреждение

«Донецкий  электрометаллургический техникум»

Цикловая комиссия филологических дисциплин

























        Учебно-методическое пособие по учебной дисциплине ОДБ.04 содержит теоретический материал, грамматические упражнения, предназначенные для практического освоения грамматики английского языка. Рекомендовано для практического использования преподавателями иностранного языка, студентами общеобразовательных учреждений среднего профессионального образования.





1.     Донченко Е.В. – преподаватель иностранного языка ГПОУ «Донецкий электрометаллургический техникум», специалист первой квалификационной категории.

2.     Межанова И.А. – преподаватель иностранного языка ГПОУ «Донецкий электрометаллургический техникум», специалист высшей квалификационной категории, преподаватель-методист, руководитель УМО преподавателей иностранного языка Донецкого территориально-образовательного округа 1,2.



1.     Голубничая Е.И.–преподаватель иностранного языка ГПОУ «Донецкий электрометаллургический техникум», специалист высшей квалификационной категории.

2. Навричевская Т.Г. – преподаватель иностранного языка ГПОУ

   «Донецкий политехнический техникум», специалист высшей

    квалификационной категории, преподаватель-методист.



     Рекомендовано и одобрено

с целью практического использования

на заседании комиссии филологических дисциплин

Протокол № 1 от «26» августа 2016г.

Председатель ЦК ____________И.А.Межанова


         В учебно-методическом пособии содержится  материал, необходимый для практического освоения  курса грамматического минимума  учебной дисциплины ОДБ.04 Иностранный язык для  всех специальностей 1курса образовательных учреждений среднего профессионального образования.

           Представленный материал соответствует требованиям  государственного стандарта среднего общего образования на 2015-2019 гг., утвержденного приказом  Министерством образования и науки ДНР (приказ №325 от 17.07.2015г.), зарегистрированного Министерством юстиции (рег.№336 от 06 августа 2015г.).   Учебно-методическое пособие составлено согласно рабочей программе учебной дисциплины ОДБ.04 Иностранный язык (английский) для образовательных учреждений среднего профессионального образования.

          Грамматический материал  охватывает все основные явления морфологии английского языка, необходимые для активного овладения речью.

          Система упражнений, представленная в учебно-методическом пособии, в определенной степени способствует выработке навыков  активного овладения практической английской грамматике.

           Рекомендовано к практическому использованию  преподавателями и студентами ОУ СПО.











Unit 1.    Noun. Gender and number.   Possessive  Case. 

               Article.                                                                                                3                                                                                                                                                            

Unit 2.   The adjective and the Adverb                                                             18                                                 

Unit 3.    The pronoun.                                                                                      35                                                                           

Unit  4.   The Verb. The Present Simple Tense Form.                                      48

Unit 5.   The Imperative Mood .                                                                        58                                                                                                                         Unit 6.  The Present Continuous Tense Form.                                                   61

Unit 7.  The Past Simple Tense Form.                                                               79                                                   

Unit 8.  The Past Continuous Tense  Form.                                                        94                                           

Unit 9.  The Future Simple Tense Form.                                                            104                                           

Unit 10.The Future Continuous Tense Form.                                                     113                                

















                                                               Unit I.

The Noun.

                    A .  Gender and Number.

1.Write the plurals of:

Russian      ______________               Dutchman  _____________            

          story    _________________               storey ________________

          cuckoo _________________               formula _______________

          nucleous _________________                 fish _____________________

          crisis ____________________                 wolf ____________________

          thief _____________________                spy _____________________ 

          handkerchief ______________                 lie _____________________

          finger-tip _________________                 chief____________________

          court material _____________                  ox _____________________

          difficulty __________________               tomato __________________

          sentry _____________________              datum ___________________

          brother-in-law ______________               cargo ___________________

          passer-by___________________              overall __________________

          looker-on __________________               wife ____________________

          onlooker ___________________              hero ____________________

          painful _____________________             tooth ___________________

          bush  ______________________              goose ___________________

          leaf _______________________               mouse __________________

          commander- in-chief   ________               penny ___________________

          merry-go-round _____________               man- of- war ______________

          Englishwomen ______________               scarf ____________________

          child ______________________               book ____________________

          book-keeper  _______________               berry ____________________


2. Give the feminine of the  following:

 a lion ______________                   a waiter ___________________

 a widow  ___________                   a bull _____________________

 a king  _____________                   a host _____________________

 a prince  ___________                    a landlord __________________

           a man _____________                     a policeman ________________                             


3. Give the masculine of the following:

 a poetess  ____________                a stewardess ________________

 a daughter ___________                 a tigress ___________________

 a hen _______________                 a girl ______________________

 a sister _______________               a niece _____________________

 a mother-in-law _______                 a heroinе ___________________


4. Give the plural of the following nouns, if they have it:

a mouse _____________                             a tooth ____________________

          a house  _____________                              a fly ______________________

          a potato  _____________                             a rice ______________________

          a luggage ____________                              a roof _____________________

          a classroom  __________                             a negro ____________________

          a knowledge  _________                              a foot _____________________

a weather  ____________                             a country __________________

a man _______________                              a news ____________________

a furniture  ___________                              a sheep ___________________

a sheep ______________                              a donkey __________________

       5. Give the singular of the following nouns, if they have it:

 heroes _________________                      armchairs __________________

 clothes _________________                     children ___________________

 schools  ________________                      pajamas ___________________

 wives  _________________                       kisses _____________________

 shorts _________________                        keys ______________________

 enemies  _______________                       shelves ___________________         valleys  ________________                        trousers ___________________

brushes   _______________                        scissors ___________________    leaves  _________________                       pianos  ____________________                                                          

binoculars  ______________                      woman ____________________



6.     Find and correct the mistakes. Write the number of the sentence and the correct form of the word. If your think that there is no mistake then write.


1)    I don’t have enough time to do my homework.


2)    Most peoples in my house is friendly.


3)    Each states in the country have a different language.



7.     Divide the following words into two groups: a) nouns used only in the plural.

Money, hair, knowledge, contents, opera-glasses, wages, pity, news, clothes, fruit, fighting.

a)     ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

b)    _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


8.     Divide the following words into three groups: a) nouns, in with the ending  -s is pronounced as [iz]; b) nouns in with the ending  -s is pronounced as [z]; c) nouns, in which the ending  -s is pronounced as [s].

Noses, flowers, cliffs, beds, bridges, boys, caps, horses, doves,  bees, hats, books.


a)     ________________________________________________________

b)    _________________________________________________________

c)     _________________________________________________________


9.     Divide the following   words into two groups a) nouns forming the plural in   -s; b) nouns forming the plural in  -es.

     Glass, piano, hero, cuckoo, brush, cargo, photo, echo, box, solo, potato,


a)     _______________________________________________________

b)    _______________________________________________________


10.  Divide the following words into two groups: a) nouns, in which the  final  -y- is changed into  -i-  in the plural; b) nouns, in which the final  -y is not changed in the plural.

      Fly, day, city, monkey, toy, lady, play, key, army, boy, spy, cry.


a)     ________________________________________________________

b)    _________________________________________________________


11.  Divide the following words into two groups: a) nouns, in  which   -f- is changed into  -v-  in the plural; b) nouns, in which  -f- is changed in the plural.

      Roof, wife, knife, muff, life, leaf, thief, calf, proof, half, shelf, wolf.

a)     ________________________________________________________

b)    ________________________________________________________


12.  Divide the following words into two groups: a) nouns   which  form the plural by ending  -s (-es); b) nouns which  form the plural in some other way.

      house,  man, mouth, tooth,  goose,  mouse,  woman, foot, smile, louse,

      ox,  child.

a)     ______________________________________________________

b)    ______________________________________________________


13.  Divide the following words into two groups: a) nouns the plural form of which does not differ from the singular; b) nouns the plural from  of  which  differs from the singular.

     deer, enemy, sheep, face, finger, swine, fish, thief, fox, trout, ship, pie.

a)     _______________________________________________________

b)    _______________________________________________________


14.  Divide the following words into two groups: a) nouns which are treated as plurals; b) nouns which are treated as singular.

      trousers,  spectacles, scissors, tongs, billiards, contents, breeches,

      mathematics,  phonetics,  physics, clothes, news.

a)     _______________________________________________________

b)    ____________________________________________________


15.  Divide the following words into three groups: a) countable; b) uncountable;  c) nouns that may be both: countable and  uncountable.

Iron, watch,  paper, law, influence, wine, glass, kindness, sadness, idea, beauty, hour.

a)     _______________________________________________________

b)    _______________________________________________________



B. Possessive Case.


    1. Correct the mistakes.

1.      He stayed at Fanny’s flat.


2.      His sisters eyes looked at him with surprise.


3.     It was in the early 1960s


4.     Hes  continuously asking me for money.


5.     He is at the bakers now.


6.     Her face was like her brothers.


7.     Dickens novels are very famous.


8.     He looked very smart in his new officers clothes.


9.      Hes leaving in two days.


10.  He is a relation of the Colonels.


11.  Hes very proud of his son.


12.  Mary is at my uncles.




2. Write these in the possessive form.

           1.The son of the king. ______________________________________

 2. The dresses of the girls.___________________________________

           3. The watch of my brother.__________________________________

          4. The rooms of the men._____________________________________

5. The car of John.__________________________________________

6. The storm last week was very strong._________________________


7. The only theatre in the town is closed. ________________________


8. The concert yesterday was very successful. ____________________


9. The new manager of the company is a very clever man.___________


10. The children of Don and Helen go to school.__________________


11.  That is my wife coat._____________________________________

12. The baby toys are in her bed._______________________________

13. Those are my bosses offices._______________________________

14. Did you read yesterday newspaper?__________________________


15. Do you know my sister husband?____________________________



    3. Translate into English using Possessive Case of the nouns.

А. 1. Друг Петра, друзья Петра._________________________________

     2. Книга Маркса, книги Маркса. ______________________________

     3. Учительница Бетти, учительницы Бетти._____________________ 


    4. Комната друга, комнаты друзей. ____________________________


    5.  Имя сестры моего друга. __________________________________


    6.   Тетради учеников Семенова.______________________________


    7. Книги друга моего сына. __________________________________


     8. Оценки сыновей этих инженеров.___________________________



Б. 1. Мне нравится квартира Анны.______________________________


 2. Возьми карандаши Макса. ________________________________________________________________________________________

3. Она часто посылает им книги Бориса._________________________


4. Сын моей сестры хорошо катается на коньках.__________________


5.   Она дает уроки брату Чарльза._______________________________                  


6.   Она много пишет сестра Алисы.______________________________


7. Вчера нас навестили дети наших друзей.________________________


8. Комната Алекса большая и светлая.____________________________


 9.   Учитель вернул тетради студентов.___________________________


 10. Чей карандаш на столе? – Нашего учителя. ____________________


 11.  Чьи это тетради?  - Моего сына._____________________________


12.  Мы выучили слова 10-го урока вчера. ________________________


13.Вам нравится новая книга этого писателя?____________________  



14.Вчера мы ходили в театр имени Гоголя._______________________


15.Сестра жена этого инженера хорошо говорит по-немецки._______



16.Вчера мы обсуждали статьи сына Иванова. ___________________


                                     C. The Article

The indefinite article “a” or “an” is used:
Before singular countable nouns to mean one. “A” or “an” is not used

     before a uncountable  nouns.
     I have a book.  (countable  noun)
    I like rice. (uncountable  noun)   
2. In a general statement
    A  lion is a wild animal.
3. To introduce a subject which has not bean mentioned  before
    She bought a new car.
4. With  a complement including names of professions

          He’s a teacher.
          He’s a doctor.
       5. With certain numerical expressions
          A couple, a dozen, hundred, a great many, a great deal, a lot of

    “An” is used before words that begin with vowel ( a, e, I ,o ,u)








Or that begin with a vowel sound.
The spelling of some words may be confusion, as the written vowel may not indicate a vowel sound:
a university a universal… a union
BUT            an uncle an umbrella
BUT             a horse a home a half
an (h) our,  an (h)onour,  an( h)onest.

1. Fill in the blanks with “a” or “an”:
     … one-eyed monster,  … university graduate, … used car, … hurricane,

     … only child,  …house call,  …eager student,  … usual mistake.

2. Use the necessary article :
1. She has … watch of her own.
2. I hate to wear… flowers.
3. Miss Sharp’s father was …artist.
4. Oh, what…good man he is!
5. They are …little children.
6. She is … chemist.
7. My brothers are … businessmen.
8. … drowning man catches at a straw.
9. Not … word was said in the room.
10. …week or two passed .
11. I’ll come in … minute.
12. He bought… dozen eggs.

                      The definite article “the”
The definite article “the” can be used before any noun, singular, plural, countable or uncountable:
               The student ( sing, count)
               The students ( plural, count)
               The money ( non- count)
It is used:

1.     When both the speaker and the Listener have a specific thing or person in  mind

     Could you shut the window?

    (both  the speaker and the Listener know which window)

 2. When something is common knowledge

     The earth is round.

3. The second time the speaker mentions a noun

     I saw a women waiting  in the hall an hour ago.

    The woman looked like your mother.

4. With the names of musical instruments

    He plays the piano.

5. With  the  superlative  of  adjectives

   The  Mississippi  is the longest river in the U. S.

6. When speaking about  a specific noun

    Coffee is a popular beverage.  (general)

   The coffee we had this morning was Colombian. (specific)

7. With  words like office, movies, theater

    We are going to the theater.

8. With oceans, rivers, gulfs, plural lakes, seas and mountain range:

    The Pacific Ocean, the Black Sea, the Great Lakes, the Rockies.

9. With countries that have a plural name or that have an adjective in the

    name except Great Britain:

    The United States, the Netherlands.

10. With groups of islands with a plural name :

     The Philippines, the Virgin Islands.
11. With the names of geographic areas:
     The Middle East, the Orient.
12. With  universities, colleges and schools, when the name begins with

     The University of Texas, the college of engineering.
13. With the names of wars ( excluding Word Wars):
      The Civil War, the War of Independence.
14.With  the names of historical documents:
     The Treaty of Geneva, the Magna Charta.
15. With the names of ships, trains, airplanes:
     The Queen Mary, the Orient Express.

     The definite article “the” is not used:

1. Before abstract nouns ( words denoting concepts with no physical form)

    such as Love, hate, death, beauty, democracy
     Health is perhaps more important than wealth. But the health of the

     president is failing.
2. Before plural count nouns when they mean everything of a certain class.
    Horses are strong animals. (all horses )
    Oranges are rich in vitamins. ( all oranges)
3. Before a noun used in a general sense which does not show any definite

    Sleep is necessary.
    Tea is a popular drink in China.
4. With words such as breakfast, lunch, dinner, school, home except when

    they are specific.
    We had dinner at nine.
     but There were 200 people at the dinner given to celebrate their

5. With names of singular name:
    Lake Superior, Mount Everest, Haiti.
6. With countries with a singular mane:
    Spain, Canada.
7. With the names of the continents:
    Asia, Africa, Europe.
8. With the names of states, towns and streets:
    Florida, Los Angeles, Broadway.
9. With names of general subjects:
    Geography, History, English.
10. With  the names of people, magazines:
      Time magazine, Charlie Brown.
11. With the names of universities, colleges and school beginning with a

       proper noun:
        Los Angeles City College, Harvard.



1. Fill in the blanks with “a”, “an” or “the”, or leave blank:
 1.   …  Alaska is the largest state in… United states.
 2. She was driving at a speed, of ninety miles … hour.
 3. Abraham   Lincoln was President of the United States during…

 4. … corn is the most important of all American crops.
 5. … water in this glass is not good.

 6. Jane and I had …lunch at… school cafeteria.

 7. … Rocky Mountains stretch all the way from … Mexico to … Arctic.

  8. Richard wants to study … Computer Engineering at…Ohio State


2. Use the article:

1. Have you got…book to read?

2. I don’t  know  …girl. I’ve never seen her. Won’t  you speak to her?

3. But I don’t know … girl either.

4. This is…house that Jack built.

5. Give me…book, please. It is there, on the table.

6. In summer…sun shines brightly.

7…. Silver moon appeared in the sky.

8. …moon appeared in the sky.

9. I’d like to read …detective story.

10. Conan Doyle is a master  of  … detective story.

11. … tragedy first appeared in Ancient Greece.

12. He didn’t enter the University last year. That was … tragedy for him.

13. … telephone was invented in the 19-th century.

14. She bought…telephone.

15. …tiger is a strong animal.

16. In the zoo they saw … tiger.

17. … comedy is a popular genre.

18. I saw … comedy last week.


3. Use the article where it is necessary:

1. I saw … man crossing the street.

2.  … man entered the room.

3. Silas felt that his trust in … man had been destroyed.

4. I like… woman, he said.

5. … woman is… man’s helpmate.

6. … kindest smile appeared on his face.

7. None of … boys entered the classroom.

8. Some of … women looked happy.

9. Some … women looked happy.

10. Many … girls were crying. 11. Many of  …  girls were crying.

4. Use the article where it is necessary:

1.     I’ve just seen … boy whom we met at my uncle’s last week.

2.      He came to… house he was looking for.

3.      I saw him passing … house.

4.     He wanted to return … book,   that he had taken.

5.      … book   that he had taken lay on the table.

6.      He knocked at … door of a very good house.

7.     There is … book on the table.

8.     …. book is on the table.

9.      This is… pen that I need.

10.  This  a … pen.

11.  … letter that I got last week is in my pocket.

12. I got … letter last week.


5. Use the article where it is necessary:

1. He went to … Central Asia last year.

2. … Latin America is too far from our place.

3. … Italy is a very   beautiful  country.

4. … lake  Ontario is very famous.

5. … Ontario is very famous.

6…. Madagascar is a great island.

7. … Ohio River is great.

8. He was in … Alps last spring.

9. … Elbrus is a mountain peak.

10. One of the most dangerous places in the world is … Bermudas.

11. … Trafalgar Square is in the center on London.

12. Have you seen … Oxford Street?

6.  Use the article where it is necessary:
 1. When we were in London, we visited …National Gallery.
2. The British Prime Minister Lives in … Downing Street.
3. Frank is a student at … Liverpool University.
4. Mr . Smith reads … “ Daily Telegraph”.
5. You must visit … Science Museum when you are in London.
6. “Which hotel are you staying at?” – “At … Sheraton.”
7. … first day of the week is Monday.
8. She is… fifty-four.
9. She entered …room four.
10. Then another pupil came to us, … sixth already.
11. … two of my friends entered the University.
12. And he remembered the holidays they had, … four of them, with a little girl, Rose, to look after the babies.

7. Choose the article “the” or no article (-) that best completes the sentence.
1… iron ore is used to make steel.
2… iron ore from Canada is high in quality.
3… gold is perhaps the most highly valued metal.
4…coffee is important in Brazil.
5…best coffee comes from Brazil.
6 I  like … tea.


8. In the following sentences find the mistakes in the use of articles,

    correct the mistakes.

1. The English is one of the most important languages in the world.________________________________________________________

2. United Kingdom consists of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. ____________________________________________________________

3. Last year we visited Canada and United States._____________________


4. When you are in London, you must see  National  Gallery, there are many

    interesting  pictures  there.______________________________________


5. The Africa is much larger than Europe.____________________________


6. Would you like to be the  teacher.________________________________


7. Do you collect the stamps?______________________________________


8. We always give our mother the flowers on her birthday.______________


9. What beautiful garden!________________________________________


10.Do you enjoy going to concert._________________________________


11.You need the visa to visit some foreign countries, but not all of  them .__


12.Ann  is the  engineer. Her parents were the engineers too._____________


13. I haven’t seen a car you bought.________________________________


14. I’ve got headache.___________________________________________


9. In the following sentences find the mistakes.  Correct   them.

1. Would you like the cup of coffee?_______________________________


2.     Could you open a window, please? _____________________________


3.     President of  United  States  is elected every four years.______________


4. She lives in small flat. ________________________________________

5. He wrote her name at a top of a page.____________________________


6. What time do you go to the bed? ________________________________


7. She was putting clean sheets on a bed._____________________________


8. They went to most expensive restaurant in London.__________________


      9.French are famous for their food._________________________________


 10. She’ll be the dancer.________________________________________

 11. There was the boy talking to the girl outside my house._____________


 12.Do you like a French cheese? _________________________________



10. Translate into English paying attention to the use of the article.

1. Хотите еще кофе? – Нет, спасибо. Кофе очень горячий, я бы выпил





4.     Ты слышал, что Ивановы получили новую квартиру? ____________



5.     Я собираюсь повторить слова и грамматику 13-го урока.__________



4. Ты был когда-нибудь в Южной Америке? – Да, 5 лет тому  назад.__



5.США состоят из 50 штатов._________________________________


6.Я гостил (останавливался) у Петровых, когда был в Киеве.______



           7.Андорра – маленькая страна. Она расположена между Францией и




  8.Посмотри, снег около фабрики почти черный._________________



       9.Москва стоит на Москве-реке.______________________________


            10. Эта страна экспортирует кофе. Кофе слишком крепкий для меня.



11.  Не сидите на солнце слишком много в жаркий день. Это не очень




12. Дайте мне, пожалуйста, молоко._____________________________


13. Я  хочу выпить стакан минеральной воды.____________________


14. Лето 192 года было очень жарким.  Это было теплое лето. Летом

я люблю  ездить в Крым. ________________________________



15. В деревни новая школа. Школа удобная и красивая. В следующем

году он пойдет в школу.__________________________________



16. Советую вам лететь туда самолетом. Если вы поедете поездом, то

 можете опоздать._________________________________________



17. Какие еще горные цепи в Азии тебе известны? – Памир, Тянь-

Шань и другие.________________________________________



18. 18-й не такой сложный, как 14-й._________________________


19. Капитан Сорокин – мой друг. Oдин из ее сыновей – капитан, а

 другой – матрос.______________________________________



20. Он недавно получил интересную работу._________________




Unit II.

The Adjectives.

                                    The adverbs

1. Underline  the suffixes:

Silken, little, large, high, woolen, wooden, soft, Italian, hard, warn, Asian, monthly, weekly, nice, white, blue, pink, strong, bold, beautiful, useless, golden, national, socialist.


2. Divide the following adjectives into three groups:
     a) simple:
     b) Formed with the help of prefixes/suffixes;
     c) compound.
Good, foolish, important, red, snow-white,  well-known,  black, nice, unhappy, life-giving, prewar, big, happy, clever, hopeless, far, childlike, simple, sad, wooden, deaf-mute, coal-black, incorrect.

       a) ____________________________________________________




c)     ___________________________________________________


          3.   Determine   the degree of comparison (the comparative degree or the 

                   the superlative degree):
               1. She is taller that her sister. _______________________________
               2. This book is better that that one. ___________________________
               3. Her box is the smallest of all our boxes.______________________
                 4. She is the tallest of the three sisters.__________________________
                 5. He is the eldest son in the family.____________________________
                 6. My elder brother is forty. __________________________________

       4. Write the degrees of comparison:














        5. Write the degrees of comparison:








    old (o старшинстве в семье)________________________________________




    6. Match the following adjectives and adverbs in the left column with their

        comparative and superlative degrees.
good                                      more                                most
many                                     less                                   best
mush                                     better                                most
bad                                       worse                                least
little                                      more                                 worst
old (
о возрасте)                   older                                 oldest
old (
о старшинстве)            eldest                                deeper
small                                     elder                                 smallest
deep                                      smaller                             deepest
well                                       more                                 worst
badly                                     better                                most
mush                                     worse                                best


      7. Write the degrees of comparison:














8. Circle the correct form of the season from those in brackets.

1. At  the height of the season the roses smelled (good, well).

2. The small puppy couldn’t remain (quiet, quietly) for very long.

3. The music sounded, (beautiful, beautifully) to her ears.

4. The class felt (sad, sadly) when they heard of their teacher’s accident.

5. At the mention of a test, the child turned (pale, palely).

6. No one suspected her of   being the  thief because she looked so (honest,


7. The woman dot the job because the boos thought she looked (careful,


8. The secretary looked (careful, carefully) on the floor for her earring.

9. The cook looked (sad, sadly) at the burned.

10. The cook looked (sad, sadly) when he saw the food was burned.

11. Not wanting to burn his tongue he tasted the soup (cautious, cautiously).
12. To a hungry person even dry bread can taste (delicious, deliciously).
13. The water flowed (rapid, rapidly) over the falls.
14. The water couple strolled (lazy, lazily) through the park.
15. Closing the door (slow, slowly), the nurse tried not to waken the patient. 
16. The coach should be at his team (angry, angrily).
17. A waiter should be able to add up a bill (swift, swiftly).
18. That woman laughs (nervous, nervously) when she is embarrassed.

9. Complete the sentences using the correct forms of the words in brackets.
1. He has very ( progress) ideas._____________________________

2. I was  (astonish) when I heard about her arrival. ______________

3. Ann finds astronomy very (interest).________________________

4. The dress is not (suit) for such an occasion. __________________

5. We were (disappoint) with the film. _________________________

6. The dinner smells (good). _________________________________

7. Please, shut the door (quiet). ________________________________

8. This soup tastes (nice).____________________________________

9. Do you fell (nervous) before the examinations? _________________

10. The baby was crying (loud).________________________________


10. Complete the sentences using the correct form of the adjectives   in

1. As the day went on, the weather got (bad).___________________

2.She has been to Britain, her English is (good) that mine. ________

3. Ann’s younger sister is still at school. Her (old) sister is a nurse.


4. “ Is Tom younger that Jim?”- No, he is (old)”._________________

5. Which car is (good)? _____________________________________
6. His illness was (serious) than we thought. _____________________

7. My toothache is (painful) than it was yesterday. ________________

8. She looks about twenty, but she is mush (old) that she looks. ______


9. Sorry I’m late. It took me (Long) to get there that I expected._______



10. He says that his car is (good) that mine.______________________



11.Complete these sentences using the correct form of the adjectives given in      brackets.
1. What is the (large) city in your country?_______________________


2. What was the (happy) day of your life?________________________


3. What is the (bad) habit that you have?__________________________


4. Who is the (good) student in your group?________________________


5. What is the (expensive) thing that you have ever bought? __________


6. It is the (cheap) restaurant in the town.___________________________



7. She is the (intelligent) student in the class.________________________


8. He is the (good) player in the city. ______________________________

9. It is the (old) building in the city._______________________________

10. It was the (popular) song of the year.____________________________


12. Complete the sentences using “as…as”. Follow the example:
     Ann works reasonable hard but she used to work mush harder. – Ann     doesn’t work as hard as she used to.

1. He knows a bit about computers but we know more. He doesn’t know…


2. They’ve lived in London for quite a long time but we’ve lived in London  

    longer. They haven’t lived_____________________________________

3. He still smokes but used to smoke a lot more. He doesn’t smoke________


4. Today Jane arrived early but her boss arrived mush earlier. Lane didn’t



5. John played tennis badly this afternoon, but his sister played even worse.

    John didn’t play_____________________________________________



13. Changed the sentences using “as…as” in the way shown in the  


         Jack is younger than he looks.- Jack is not so young as he looks.
1. It’s warmer today that yesterday. It is_________________________


2. The zoo was nearer   that I thought. The zoo was________________


3. The hotel is cheaper that I expected. The zoo was is______________


4. I go out more that I used to. I go out___________________________


5. The test was easier that we expected. The test was_________________


6. My salary is high but yours is higher. My salary isn’t_______________


7. I feel quite tired but I felt a lot more tired yesterday. I don’t feel_____


8. The weather is unpleasant today but yesterday it was worse. That weather



9.You know a bit about cars but I kwon more. You don’t know_________


10. They’ve lived _____________________________________________


14. Give the opposite to the underlined  words in the sentences.
1. It was the least interesting film I ever saw.______________________
2. Your dictation is the worst in the group. ________________________
3. Yesterday was the shortest day in the year. ______________________
4. This is the smallest dog in the world. ___________________________
5. He is the least intelligent person I ever spoke to. __________________
6. He was the most interesting person you ever met. __________________
7. She was the most practical in the family.__________________________
8. This cake is the best. _________________________________________
9. Yesterday was the hottest day of the year. _________________________
10. That was the worst day in my life. ______________________________
11. The situation is getting worse and worse._________________________
12. The book I read now is less interesting. __________________________
13. He looks older that he really is._________________________________
14. It is more and more difficult to find a good job. ____________________

15. She is more patient that her brother. _____________________________

15. Circle the right word given in the brackets.  
1. They (hard, hardly,) spoke during the walk.
2. The patient was breathing (hard, hardly).
3. It was (hard, hardly) work to do.
4. His head is full of (high, highly) ideas.
5. We (high, highly) appreciate your kindness.
6. He tried to translate it as (close, closely) to the text as possible.
7. The machine is (easy, easily) to operate and its every part can be (easy, easily) replaced.
8. The trait passed by whistling (loud, loudly).
9. Do I speak (loud, loudly)? 

16. Make your own the following words.
     nervous, nervously,  good,  well, easy.












17. You have to decide whether the underlined words are right or wrong in

     these sentences. Correct those which are wrong. Write the number of

     the sentence and the correct from of the word. If you think that there is

     no   mistake then write.
1. They all agreed that the new book was real good. _______________


2. The pupils found the biology examination extreme difficult. _______


3. If you speak firm, she will listen you._________________________


4. She made considerably more progress that her friend. ____________


5. It rained steady all day yesterday. _____________________________


18. Improve the sentences by changing  the order of words. Write out each sentence completely.
1. They drank during short break their tea quickly._________________

2. I worked at the office yesterday hard. _________________________

3. The quartet performed last night at the recital magnificently. _______


4. At four o’clock come to my office.____________________________

5. She beautifully sang last night at the concert. ____________________

6. It almost took two hours to get there by train._____________________


7. He nearly saw ten lions at the zoo. _____________________________

8. Logically to think in English is his goal._________________________

9. He almost has read fifteen books this month. _____________________


10. They always have lived in this town. __________________________





19. Complete the sentences using the correct form of the words in

1. We didn’t go out because it was snowing (heavy).________________


2. They lost the match because they played (bad). ___________________


3. He was (biter) disappointed that he didn’t get the job. _______________

6.     A good car goes (fast)._______________________________________

7.     She hasn’t been to the theatre much (late).________________________


6. He hates arriving (late) .____________________________________

7. John’s mother is (serious) ill. ________________________________

8. It wasn’t a serious accident. The car was only (slight) damaged. _____


9. We could (hard) see anything in the darkness. ___________________


10. He is working too (hard) this year, isn’t he?____________________



20. Translate into English using degrees of comparison.
1. Этот дом выше, чем тот, в котором мы живём.________________



2. Третий урок легче, чем пятый.______________________________



3. Он больше занят, чем ты.__________________________________


 4. Эта квартира светлее, чем квартира на первом этаже(floor). _____



            5.Этот вопрос важнее того вопроса, который мы обсуждали вчера.




            6.Ваш брат старше вас? – Нет, он моложе меня на три года._______




  7.Этот перевод труднее того, который мы делали вместе._________


8.Эта самая интересная книга, которую я когда-либо читал. ______



   9. Вчера был самый счастливый день в моей жизни.______________



   10.Это самый новый завод в нашем городе. _____________________



         11.Математика для меня была самым трудным предметом в школе.




              12.Это кратчайший путь до университета? – Да._______________



          13.Грамматика русского языка сложнее грамматики английского.




 14.  Эта самая красивая площадь в Лондоне._________________

 15. Я думаю, эта комната лучшая в квартире.________________



      16. Сегодня у меня меньше свободного времени, чем вчера.




                17.Этот фильм не хуже  того, который я видел на прошлой неделе.




                18.Дети играли в самом дальнем углу сада. ___________________




     19. Его ответ сегодня лучше ,чем два дня назад._______________


     20.Эта деревня находится дальше от Москвы, чем мы думали.




21. Разве у него больше английских книг, чем у меня?




   22.Ты думаешь его доклад хуже наших? – Да, это самый

         неинтересный доклад._________________________________



23.Эти туфли не хуже ваших. Я советую вам купить их.______



   24. Кто лучший студент в группе – Петров.________________


   25. Этот мальчик самый старший из сыновей в семье._________



   26. Если вы сойдёте на следующей остановке, вы быстрей доберётесь

         то института.__________________________________________



  27. Позвоните позже. Я постараюсь узнать последние новости.




   28. У неё две дочери: Мэри и Джейн. Первая-студентка, вторая-

          школьница. __________________________________________



  29. Его старший сын на два года старше моего старшего сына.




  30. Где находиться ближайшая больница? ______________________


  31. Мой дом ближе к парку, чем ваш. __________________________



 32. Где доклад Петрова?- Ищите его дальше, на странице 40.________



           33. Моя сестра на десять лет моложе меня.______________________



 34. Если вы поедете последним автобусом, то будете там вовремя.




 35. Это самое старое здание на нашей улице. ____________________



36. Мои друзья Джон и Ник – инженеры. Я думаю, первый сможет

      больше помочь тебе.______________________________________



37. Вы видели последнюю картину Глазунова? – Да, и она мне очень

      понравилась. __________________________________________



38. На следующем занятии они будут писать контрольную работу.




 39.Книжний шкаф стоял в дальнем углу комнаты._______________



40.Разве ты не читал последний Роман Симонова?_______________



41. Он говорит по-немецки лучше, чем пишет. ___________________



42. Она плавает быстрее всех._________________________________


43. Сейчас я читаю меньше, чем несколько лет тому назад. У меня

    сейчас мало времени._____________________________________



 44. Вы много работаете над английским? – Да, больше, чем раньше.




 45. Она читает по-французски медленнее, чем по-английски._______



 46. Мой брат играет в шахматы хуже меня.______________________


 47. Вчера я пришел на занятия раньше всех.______________________


 48. Он сказал, что этот фильм ему больше всего понравился. _______



 49. Если вы хотите окончить институт, вы должны лучше учиться.




 50. Сегодня он разговаривал с нами более сердито, чем в прошлый раз.

       Мы опять опоздали._______________________________________



51. В этом году она заходит к нам реже, чем раньше._______________



52. Он написал диктант хуже всех.______________________________


53. Если вы так переведете это предложение, это будет более

      правильно. _______________________________________________


54. В четверг я пришел домой раньше и начал просматривать новый




 55. Я думаю, что легче всего научиться говорить на иностранном

       языке в раннем возрасте. ___________________________________



56. Сегодня такой же жаркий день, как и вчера. ___________________


57. Он такой же сильный, как и его брат. ________________________


58. В прошлом году зима была такая же холодная, как и в этом.




 59. Он катается на коньках также хорошо, как и ты, правда?




 60. Наша улица не такая узкая, как ваша, не так ли?_______________



61. Моя дочь не такая высокая, как эта девочка.____________________



 62. В июле погода не была такой хорошей, как в августе. ___________



63. Сегодня я встала не так рано, как в будний день. ________________



64. Вы думаете, завтра он будет так же занят, как сегодня? __________



65. Его мать не такая старая, как его отец. Она на пять лет моложе его.





 66. Если я буду этим летом так же свободен, как прошлым, я помогу

       тебе. _____________________________________________________



67. Я уверен, он будет так же рад видеть вас, как и я. _______________



68. Этот урок не такой длинный и сложный, как 10-й.____________



 69. В этом упражнении ты сделал столько же ошибок, как в первом.




 70. Петр работает так же много над языком, как и его брат? – Нет, он

       работает меньше. _______________________________________




71. Надеюсь, ты вернешься сегодня не так поздно, как вчера.




72. Я не могу засыпать так же быстро, как мои младшие братья.______




 73. Она разговаривает  так же громко, как и ее мать. _______________



74. В этом году мы провели отпуск так же хорошо, как и в прошлом.




75. Этот берег реки не такой красивый, как тот._____________________





Unit III.

                                                         The Pronoun.

1. Divide the following words into three groups: a) personal pronouns  in the nominative case; c) personal pronouns having the same form in the both cases.

 Me, I, he, she, him, it, we, her, us, you, they, them.

    a) ______________________________________

    b)   _____________________________________

c)    _____________________________________


2. Divide the following words into three groups: a) pronouns used with nouns; b) pronouns used without nouns; c) pronouns having the same form for both cases.

My, his, mine, yours, hers, her, its, our, theirs, their.

      a) ______________________________________

      b)   _____________________________________

   c)    _____________________________________


          3. Divide the following sentences into two groups:

   a) sentences with reflexive pronouns;

   b) without


1. Do it yourself!

2. When she came back again, she was herself again.

3. We loved each other.

4. They look amusing.

5. They look at one another for.

6. It was the same book.


a)     _____________________________________________


b)    _____________________________________________



1.     Circle the correct form of the word in each sentence from those in

1. I have a cat; that is (my, mine.
2. Those are (my, mine) flowers.
3. Is that (your, yours) cat?
4. They have a car; that car is (their, theirs).
5. That pencil is (her, hers).
6. Those are (our, ours) pen.
7. I’ve eaten all (my, mine) chocolates, can I have one of (yours, your)?
8. I hope Hob will not forget to bring  (ours, our) book. And don’t forget

    (their, theirs).
9. Dinner has been ready a long time. I have had (my, mine) and Mary has

     had (her, hers).

2. Each of these sentences contains a mistake in the use of pronouns.
1. It must be his at the door. __________________________________

2. Everyone except he will go to the party.________________________

3. She is taller than him.______________________________________

4. We do not like he lifting that heavy box._______________________

5. They dressed theirselves hurriedly. ___________________________

6. He looked at the table. It’s leg was broken._____________________


7. Each of the boys brought their bench._________________________

8. The director as well as the teachers is in their office._____________


9. Either you or he should have brought their watch. _______________


10. None of the women has their purse. ___________________________

11. That species of bird has Lost their ability to reproduce.____________


12. He closed of the door behind himself. _________________________


6. Change the following sentences by using pronouns instead of the under

    lined nouns.
1. We haven’t got new textbooks______________________________

2. I haven’t got a leather handbag.______________________________

3. Who has got small umbrella?_________________________________

4. She hasn’t got money with her. _______________________________

5. We have got bought expensive ties. ___________________________


7. Complete the sentences with the correct pronoun, e.g. He has a cat; that

    cat is his.
1. I have a dog; that dog is_________
2. You have a car; that car is_______________
3. They have a horse; that horse is_____________
4. We have a house; that house is______________
5. She has a garden; that garden is_____________

8. Insert apostrophes   where required.
1. Would you like to stay for coffee? Its almost ready._________________

2.Its essential that they come on time.______________________________

3.The cat has eaten its dinner._____________________________________

4. Its dark._____________________________________________________
5. The bird is its nest.____________________________________________

9. Rewrite the following sentences using a possessive pronoun, e. g.
     That idea belongs to them – That idea is theirs.
1. That book belongs to me. ______________________________________

2. That bicycle belongs to him. ___________________________________

3. Do those pictures belong to you?_________________________________

4. Those chairs belong to her. __________________________________

5. That coat belongs to her. _____________________________________


10. Put in the possessive pronouns :
1. Have you heard from that friend of… who went to England?_________

2. Mr . Smith wants her to send back that dictionary of…which he lent her.


3. Jane wants to know if you have seen a book of … that she has lost.


4. Mary and John and a friend of…  are coming to dinner today.



2.     He will bring his book. Would you bring…?______________________


11. You have to decide whether the underlined words are right or wrong in

      these sentences. Correct those which are wrong.
1. Only John and her witnessed the accident.________________________


2. They did the work by theirselves. _______________________________

3. Ann gave himself a book. _____________________________________

4. I have passed my exams successfully. I am very proud of  I.__________


5. We got out of the river and dried ourselves._______________________


12. Complete the sentences, using  the pronouns  
1. John cut… when he was shaving. ________________________________

2. Aunt Mary Looked at…in the   mirror  and put on her lipstick.


3. I taught … to play chess and I won the competition. _________________


4. There are plenty of apples here, girls. You can help__________________

5. Children can easily lose …in the word. ___________________________

6. I can’t shave …, because my arm is broken. _______________________

7. The dog washed_____________________________________________
8.Ann and Marry lost…in the yesterday.___________________________

9. Did you hurt…when you fell?___________________________________

10. If Tom plays with matches, he will burn__________________________


13. Complete the sentences, using the pronouns:
1. The little girl travelled from Kiev to new York  all by________________
2. Uncle Tom told us the story_____________________________________

3. We shall give our cat the same food as we have_____________________

4. Her parents … knew nothing whatever about it._____________________

5. She says she was not at the museum but I saw…there.________________

6. She talks a lot about John and___________________________________

7. She showed me a large picture of … as bride at her resent wedding._____

8. We did it all by ______________________________________________

9. I lived in a tiny cottage all by ___________________________________

10. My friends enjoyed … at the theatre._____________________________


14. Fill in the following pronouns:

Everything, something, somebody, anything, anybody. Use each pronoun only three times.

1. They will tell us … about their family.__________________________

2. Is … coming to see the garden today?___________________________

3. … unexpected always happens to him.__________________________

4. Let … bring me a cup of hot tea._______________________________

5. She doesn’t remember______________________________________

6. Give us … to read, please.___________________________________

7. He asked … else to help him._________________________________

8. I just wanted to tell you … about myself.________________________

9. Have you read … interesting lately?____________________________

10. Is … listening?____________________________________________

11. Would you like … to drink? _________________________________

12. Isn’t … else coming to see the car today?_______________________

13. She is going to tell us … about her work, isn’t she?_______________

14. He was sure that there was … else in the room, because he heard a noise.


     15.They’ve done enough for him. They don’t want to do … else for this



15. Fill in the blank spaces using the following pronouns:

     Some, somebody, something, any, anything. Use each pronoun only two


1.He doesn’t  want … razor blades. He’s got enough.___________________

2. There were … stars in the sky.___________________________________

3. There is … behind the tree._____________________________________

4. She is going to tell is us … important today.________________________

5. Have you bought … for your mother’s birthday?____________________

6. She doesn’t need … shoes.______________________________________

7. Is there … wrong with you today?________________________________

8. They saw … in the kitchen._____________________________________

9. There is …interesting in this magazine.____________________________

10. She bought … tomatoes.______________________________________


16.      You have to decide whether underlined words are right or wrong in

these sentences. Correct those which are wrong.
1.They have few interest in medicine.___________________________

2.We’ve got little bread and cheese. I think  it’ll be enough for breakfast.


3. She will have difficulty in finding a job because she has little


4. Please, give him little more time to finish writing._________________

5. Would you like a little champagne?__________________________


17. You have to decide whether the underlined words are right or wrong in these sentences. Correct those which are wrong.
1. There aren’t many interesting books in her library.________________
2. She doesn’t spend many money on her books.____________________
3. Are there much care in the streets of this town?___________________
4.John has so many work to do._________________________________
5.Mary usually doesn’t do much exercises at home._________________
6.He didn’t eat many fruit. _____________________________________
7. Did you have many snow last winter?__________________________
8.We haven’t much coffee._____________________________________
9. I can’t drink this tea. There’s too many sugar in eat. _______________
10. She didn’t make much mistakes.______________________________
11. I have few money with me today. I can’t buy this coat now.________
12. A few people like to have their vacation in winter, because it’s too

cold. __________________________________________________

13. There is little wine in this bottle. Take another one. ______________
14. There are a few children in the park on such a rainy day. __________
15. There are a few glasses on the table. Bring some more, please.______


18.Put the correct forms on the words “little”, “few”: i. g. littlle – less,   

few – fewer.

1. He earns …money that a doctor. ______________________________
2. She spends …time on her studies that on her dances._______________
3. Your homework is better; you have made…mistakes that usual. _____


     4. I think that …girls that boys, become engineers.__________________
     5. I’ve got …friends that my brother._____________________________

19. Translate into English. Pay attention to the use of the indefinite  pronouns some, any.
. 1.Он задал мне несколько вопросов.____________________________


2.Некоторые люди не любят проводить лето за городом. _____________



3.У тебя есть бумага? – Да, есть немного. __________________________


4.Дайте мне, пожалуйста, молока._________________________________


5. У некоторых студентов первого курса завтра нет занятий по английскому языку.________________________________________________________



 6.Хотите чаю? – Нет, спасибо.____________________________________


 7. Он дал нам чернил.____________________________________________


 8.Утром мы пили кофе._____________________________________________


9. У вас есть какие-нибудь интересные статьи?_________________________


10. Он не дал мне никаких писем._____________________________________


11. У твоего друга есть книги на французском языке?____________________


12. Любой студент может ответить на этот вопрос.______________________


13. Приходите в любое время.________________________________________


14. Не думаю, что у меня дома есть газеты._____________________________


15. У вас есть какие-нибудь карандаши? – Да, есть несколько. ____________


16. Я не вижу чашек и ложек на столе.________________________________


B. 1. Двое (из) ваших детей играют в парке.___________________________


2. Некоторые из моих друзей говорят на двух иностранных языках._______



3.  Многие из этих инженеров работают в Министерстве внешней торговли.




4. Некоторые из студентов нашего института хорошо играют в футбол.




5. Многие студенты любят музыку.____________________________________


6. Некоторые из них не работают много над английским.__________________


7. Трое из этих мальчиков хорошо катаются на коньках. __________________


8. Кто из вас собирается проводить лето в городе?_______________________


9.Некоторые из этих журналов лежат на столе.__________________________


10. Дайте мне любую из книг Чехова. ________________________________




20. Translate into English. Pay attention to the use of the indefinite pronouns

      some, any, no, every.
1. Кто-то из них сказал мне, что Петровы переехали в Москву. _________


2. Где деньги? Я не могу их нигде найти._____________________________



 3.Вы были в театре?- Да, я получил большое удовольствие от спектакля.




 4. Никто не может описать мне ее дом. Боюсь, я не найду его.___________



5. Может кто-нибудь из вас, кроме Анны,  пойти со мной?  ( вместе с Анной).




6. Никто из вас не думал, что эта книга будет пользоваться такой

    популярностью у читателей.______________________________________



7. Она сказала, что никого не встретила по пути домой._________________


8. Кстати, кто-то из них говорил мне, что книгу можно купить на улице

    Пушкина. ______________________________________________________



9. Я думаю, что у каждого из них есть способности к математике._________



10. Если мне кто-нибудь позвонит мне, кроме Коли, скажи, что я вернусь

      через час.______________________________________________________


 11.Кто из вас пошел в школу в шесть лет?___________________________


 12. Все советовали мне обратиться к брату за помощью, но я знал, что он не

       сможет мне помочь._____________________________________________



 13. Мне будет трудно работать здесь. Они так шумят. __________________



 14.Кто-нибудь видел это собственными глазами? – Нет, никто, кроме меня

     ( только я видел это). ___________________________________________



15. Дай мне, пожалуйста, немного денег. – Возьми, они на столе._________



 16. Он очень образованный человек. Интересно, где он получил образование.




17. Никто не думал, что они смогут сыграть эту пьесу.___________________



18. Если кто-нибудь из вас может описать на этого человека, вы нам очень




 19. Уже почти восемь часов, но никто еще не пришел._________________



 20. Это твои деньги? – Да, мои, положи их в мою сумку._______________


 21. Все говорят, что способности к языкам были у него уже в раннем




22. Кто-нибудь из вас знает, сколько ему лет? – Почти 50. _____________



23. Кто-то взял мою книгу.________________________________________


24. Там есть кто-нибудь? – Нет, там никого нет. ______________________



25. Вы куда-нибудь ходили вчера? – Нет, никуда не ходил.______________



26. Сегодня вам никто не звонил.____________________________________


27. Не можете ли вы рассказать мне что-нибудь о жизни этого писателя.




28. Вы говорили с кем-нибудь об этом? – Нет, я ни с кем  об этом не говорил.




29. Кто-то из вас должен принять участие в обсуждении этого вопроса.




30.Вы что-нибудь купили в этом университете?- Нет, ничего.____________



31.Если кто-то позвонит мне, скажи, что я приду через час.______________



32. Никто из детей не хотел ложиться спать. ___________________________


33. Все советуют ему поехать в отпуск на юг. __________________________


34.Вчера я нашёл чьи-то перчатки. Они не ваши?_____________________



35.Когда преподаватель зашёл в аудиторию, все писали контрольную работу.




36. Кто-нибудь из вас может помочь мне закончить эту работу.___________



 37. Если кто-нибудь пойдет в магазин, купите мне немного кофе.__________



38. Я знаю, что кто-то из них был в это время в городе. _________________



39. Ты хочешь рассказать мне что-то ещё о своих экзаменах? ____________



40. Повсюду было столько народу, что нам пришлось побыстрее уехать.




41.Почему никто из вас не читает текст? Это ваше задание. _____________



42. Вы должны сделать всё, чтобы помочь ему. _______________________



43. Когда я вернулся, дома никого не было.____________________________



44. Кто-нибудь из них может сделать доклад на эту тему?______________



45. В комнате было так темно, что я ничего не видел.___________________



46. Если кто-нибудь из вас достанет билеты, позвоните мне._______________



47.Почему все смеются?- Анна рассказала нам очень забавную историю.








Unit IV



. The Present simple Tense is formed from the infinitive without to. In the 3rd person singular –s or –es is added. E.g.: goes[z].


2. The interrogative and negative forms of the Present Simple Tense are formed with the verb do. E.g.: Do you study English? Yes, I do. No, I do not ( don’t ). Does he study English? Yes, he does. No, he does not (doesn’t).

3.1 The  denote the action which is permanent or habitual. E. g. : Nick goes to school every day. I usually get up early. In this case the adverbials always, often, usually, sometimes, over, normally, occasionally, on Monday, every day, every week, each year, every summer etc. can be used.

4. To denote general truth. E. g. : My friend studies Moscow University. The sun sets in the west.

5. Instead of the Present Continuous Tense with the verbs which are not used in the Continuous form. E. g. : I see children playing in the yard.

6. a)instead of the future  tense in adverbial clauses of condition and time.

       g. : he comes, we shall go to the cinema.
     b) with the verbs of motion with regard to the nearest future. When the

        action is prearranged by a schedule, programm etc. E. g. : The train

        starts at  midnight.



1. Comment on the use of the Present Simple.
1. The sun rises in the east, and sets in the west. _______________________
2. The Thames flows through London. ________________________________
3. a) She often says he is clever. ______________________________________
    b) Birds usually build nests in that tree._______________________________
    c) Buses go there every tan minutes. _________________________________
    d) I read The Pravda in the morning._________________________________
    e)  They kiss their mother when come from school. _____________________
4. Do they hear any noise in the street?__________________________________
5. She knows English well.___________________________________________
6. If you look at them, don’t smile._____________________________________

2. Write the following sentences in the 3rd person singular.
1. I think I am right. _______________________________________________


 2.They often help their father._______________________________________


3. We live in Moscow. _____________________________________________


 4.You usually speak too quickly. ____________________________________


  5.Do you like hardboiled eggs? _____________________________________


6. I cook my own meals. ____________________________________________


 7.Good children always obey their parents. _____________________________


8. The boys box in the gymnasium on Fridays.___________________________


 9.His dogs always attack strangers.____________________________________


10. Motor cycles make a lot of noise. ___________________________________


3. Fill in the gaps using “ to be” in an appropriate form.
1. What … your name?
2. …you ten years old?
3. How old…you?
4. Have you a brother?
5. What …his name?
6. How old …your brother?
7. Have you good friends?
8. How old…they?   

4. Ask the question and answer it.
1. (Tom’s sister/8)
       e.g. How old is Tom’s sister? She is 8.
2. (Tom’s cat.3)________________________________________________

3. (Tom’s mother/29)____________________________________________

4. (Tom’s friends/10)_____________________________________________

5. ( sister’s puppy/1)_______________________________________________


5. Translate into English.
Сколько лет твоему щенку? _____________________________________

2. Мой щенок очень забавный.______________________________________

3. Где обезьянка Сэмы? Она на спине у своего друга.___________________


4. Как зовут друга обезьянки? Его зовут Кики.________________________


5. Какого цвета Кики? ____________________________________________

6. Это очень старый ослик. Он
очень слабый._________________________


6. Write the following sentences
a) in the negative, b) in the interrogative
1. He knows the answer. ______________________________________



2. He usually has breakfast at 8 o’clock.  __________________________



3. The bell rings at 8.30. ________________________________________


4. The flowers look fresh. _______________________________________


5He lives beside the sea.________________________________________


6.She has a cold bath every day. __________________________________


7. He remembers their address.____________________________________


8. He plays chess very well._______________________________________


9. She leaves home at 10 o’clock every day.__________________________



10. She agrees with you.__________________________________________

11. They feel very cold.___________________________________________


12. Tom looks well.______________________________________________


13. They pick the apples in October.__________________________________


14. The last train leaves at midnight.__________________________________


15. That star moves round the sun.____________________________________




7.Put  the verb in the brackets into the Present Simple.
1. The Volga, the Dnieper, and the Neva (be) famous rivers.__________________

2. Mothers often (tell) small children stories before bedtime.__________________

3.Our children (go) to school only in the morning.________________________


4. If he (come) at 5o’clock, ask him to wait.______________________________


 5. My little brother (collect) butterflies and stamps. _______________________


6. My father (like) a lot of milk in tea and a few lumps of sugar._____________


7. Anything that he (say) (be)worst listening to. __________________________


8. Our friends (live) in a house that (stand) on a hill that (overlook) the Don valley

    which (be) so beautiful in early summer.______________________________



9. Every year we (spend) our holidays in the country._____________________


10. What this  sentence (mean) ?_____________________________________


11. I (live) in Kalinin, which (be) my native town._______________________


12. The nightingale (sing) beautifully. _________________________________


13. My sister (have) a good appetite and she always (eat) heartily.

14. Our teacher always (speak) English clearly. We can understand all she (say).

15. Open the windows. The   (be) terribly stuffy.__________________________


16.What you (see) over there?________________________________________


17. In England the traffic (keep) to the left but on the Continent it (keep) to the

    right. _________________________________________________________



18. Nick (be) one of the cleverest boys that we (have).____________________



19. I often (come) to see my old aunt on Sundays. ________________________



20. The buzzing of bees among flowers in summer (be) a pleasant sound._____



8. Answer the questions using the Present Simple.
1. When do you get up? (generally, usually).____________________________


2. What do you do on Sunday mornings? (often). ________________________



3. Where do you spend your summer holidays? (usually ,occasionally)




4. What sort of radio program do you listen to? (usually, often, always)




5. How do you get to the institute? (always) ______________________________


6. What sort of books do you read? (usually) ____________________________


7.  What sort of films do you enjoy? (nearly always) _______________________


8. What do you parents ask you to do for them? (often, sometimes, usually)



9. What do you take if you have a headache? (usually, generally) _____________


10. What do you keep in your handbag (usually)__________________________


9. Translate the sentences into English.
1. Мои друзья живут в Москве. _____________________________________


2. Я учусь в институте иностранных языков. __________________________


3. У нас ежедневно бывают занятия по английскому языку.____________


4. Мы всегда говорим по-английски на занятиях по английскому языку.



 5. Я обычно делаю домашние задание вечером._____________________


6. “Сколько времени вы тратите на дорогу домой?” – “Как правило, я трачу

   на дорогу домой около тридцати минут”. _________________________



7. Он редко навещает нас летом.___________________________________


 8. Вы часто ходите в кино?______________________________________


 9. Она никогда не опаздывает. Она всегда  приходит вовремя._________



 10. “Вы слышите что-нибудь?” – “Нет, я ничего не слышу”.___________



11. Его мама учительница. Она преподаёт английский язык в школе.



10. Agree or disagree.
1. The tiger is a wild animal. Yes, it is. The tiger is a wild animal.
2. The fox is a domestic animal.  No, it is not. It is not a domestic animal.
     The fox is a wild animal.
3. The lion is a wild animal. _________________________________________


4. The sheep is a wild animal._________________________________________


5. The wolf is a wild animal.__________________________________________


6. The pig is a domestic animal. _______________________________________


7. The sparrow is an insect. _________________________________________


8. The ant is an insect. _____________________________________________


9. The stork is a bird._______________________________________________


10. The bear is a bird. ______________________________________________



11. Correct the mistakes. Write your own stories.
1. The tiger is a bird. It a wild bird. It is little. The tiger has a long beak and strong wings. It can swim very well, but it cannot run at all. It is black and white. It  likes butterflies.__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
2. The cow is an insect. It is a domestic insect. It is white and brown . It likes grass and honey .It has two strong wings and six weak legs. It can fly from one flower to another. It gives children honey._______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

3. The sparrow is an animal. It is a wild animal. It is very big. It likes grains. It is green. It Lives in trees and in bushes. It jumps and runs well, but cannot fly at all. It can catch a wolf and eat it. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
12. “Bridge Game”. Make up the longest bridge and you will win.
   e.g. 1. The Germans / China.
The Germans live in Germany. They speak German. I can speak German too though I am not German. Tom also can speak German. He likes to speak German. He speaks German well. He can read German books . Tom’s friend can speak German too. But he is not German. He is Chinese. He speaks Chinese. He lives in China.
      2. Mr. Dale/France.

      3. England/the Russians.

      4. The French/Germany.


13. Translate into Russian. Practice the following sentences in the singular making the necessary changes.
1. They do their shopping every day. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

2. My friends spend their holiday in the Crimea every year. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

3. They eat porridge every morning._____________________________________

____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 4. My neighbors’ work in Moscow: they do there by train.___________________


5. The children play all day long. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

6. They wash their hands and faces and dry them with a towel. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

7. My sisters like grapes but do not like plums. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

8. The students write their reports and make them orally in class. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

9. Both friends generally go to the theatre twice a month.


10. The postmen deliver the newspapers and letters every day. _______________


11. They have breakfast at 7 o’clock and eat essentially. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

12. They  attend the student’ club every week. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


Unit IV

  The Imperative Mood.

The Imperative Mood expresses a command or request. On Modern English the Imperative Mood has only one form which coincides with the infinitive without the particle to: it is used in the second person (singular and plural)
Be quite and hear what I tell you. –
успокойся и послушай, что я тебе говорю.
Please put the papers on the table near the bed.-
Пожалуйста, положи книгу на стол у кровати.
In forming the negative the auxiliary verb to do is always used, even with the verb to be.
Hush! Don’t make a noise! –
Тиши не шуми!
Don’t be angry…-
Не сердись.
The auxiliary verb to do may also be used in affirmative sentences make the request more emphatic.
But now, do sing again to us. -
А сейчас, спой нам снова.
To make a request or an order more emphatic the subject  expressed by the pronoun you is sometimes used. It is characteristic of colloquial speech.
I’ll drive and you sleep awhile-.
Я поведу машину, а ты поспи немного.
Note. –A command  addressed  to the third person singular and plural is usually expressed with the help of the verb to let.

Let the child go home at once.
Пусть ребенок сейчас идет домой.
Let the children go home at once
Пусть дети сейчас же идут домой.
With the first person plural the verb to is used to express an exhortation to a joint action.
Let’s go and have some fresh coffee.
Пойдемте, выпьем свежего кофе.

14. Fill in gaps with the following verbs:
to go           to write           to put         to take
to look        to count          to dive        to catch
to open        to go              to show       to put

1. Jill,________ to bed!
2. Ann,_______the knife down!
3. Where is your new shirt? _______it on!
4____home! Your father is at home now.
5. Kate, _______the forks, please. How many forks are there?
6. _______ at the flowers! What colour are they?
7. _______ this frog for me! I like it.
8. _____me this silver bell! How nice it is! May I take it?
9. ______your copy-books, children!________these new words!.
10._______your dress and ______it to me, please!

15. Make up sentences.
1. (penknife /put /Jimmy /down/the)!
        Jimmy, put the penknife down!
2. (this / please / take / Jill/ box / has / of stockings).

3. (four / brown / she / pairs / has / of stockings).___________________________

4. (Ann’s / how / brother/ old / is)?______________________________________

5. (see / nests / they / in / trees / many / those). _____________________________



a)    Insert prepositions to / with / down / on / up.
1. Sit ___, Children! Take your books!
2. Stand_____, please! Come _____me!
3. Go ___the cupboard and open it!
4. Put your shoes ____!
5. Put the penknife _______!
6. Give his copy-book ___me, please!
7. Go___the cinema_______your friends!

b) Fill in the gaps with the given verbs.
1. (to  live )
- I live in Moscow.
- ________your brother _________in Moscow?
- No, he ________   __________ . He _________ in Kiev.
2. (to  like / to read)
-  ________  you _________reading books?
-Yes, I ________reading books. I ________very much.
- ______you _______ books about animals?
-  No, I _______   ________.
3. ( to  open / to want)
- _______ the shops _________at 8 o’clock?
- No, they ____   ________ . The shops _____at 9 o’clock.
- _________you _______to go shopping today?
- Yes, I ________ to go shopping today.

to  like  to drive  to have lunch  to go
to play  to get up  to leave

4. I usually have lunch at home.
5.  _______Tom __________at home.
6. My friend ________ to the cinema a lot.
7. _______ his father ________a car very fast?
8. _____ the shops ________at 8 o’clock.
9. ________you often ________ basketball?
10. We ________classical music.
11.She _________home early.


17. Make up sentences out of the given words.

1. (teacher/ am/ new/ your/I).___________________________________


2. (very/ our/ speak/ well/ English/ children).______________________


3. (me/ my/ book/to/ little/ dives/ read/ a/ brother).__________________


4. (two/ is/ now/ o’clock/ it)._____________________________________


8.     (Sundays/ up/ on/ do/ get/ when/you)?___________________________


9.     (you/with/ angry/ why/ me/ are)._________________________________


10. (dresses/ does/ herself/ make/ she/ not).___________________________


8. (September/ they/ apples/ do/ in/ pick).____________________________


9. (have/ every/ we/ coffee/ morning)._______________________________


11. (new/ does/ she/ coat/ not/ her/ like)._____________________________


12. (little/ know/ boy/do/ that/you).________________________________


13. (likes/ much/ football/ who/ very)?______________________________



Unit VI

The Present Continuous Tense


    I. The Present Continuous Tense is formed by means of the verb to be in

    appropriate form + Participle I of  the notional verb.

The formulae is  as follows: am, is, are + Ving.

        e. g.: I am writing an exercise now.

For the interrogative form the auxiliary verb is placed before the subject.

For the negative form the particle not is added after the auxiliary verb.

       e. g.: Are you writing an exercise?

             I am not writing an exercise.


  II. The Present Continuous Tense is used:

   1. To denote an action in progress, duration at the definite present moment.

       e.g.: What are you doing now? I am writing a report.

       The Present Continuous Tense occurs in speech more often than the Present Simple  Tense:

        e.g.: Do you read this book?       -   is used less frequently than

            Are you   reading a book?


     Certain verbs are usually not used in the Continuous Tenses.

They are: be, have, appear, believe, become, expect, feel, forget, understand,

                remember, love, suppose, appear, need, taste, smell, want.

         Sometimes they are found in the Continuous Tenses, if they have certain colour in meaning:

         e. g.: How are you feeling? (in the medical sense).

                  How are you liking it? (in the meaning of “enjoy”)

                  I’m seeing yon tomorrow. (=I shall visit you tomorrow.)

                  He is expecting  the news today (in the meaning of “await”).

                  Are you hearing from him (in the meaning of “having the news”).

                  I am thinking it over (someone asks about my opinion ).


2. To denote one`s plans  in the nearest future (the time of action must always be mentioned).

             e.g. : Are you doing anything special tonight? Yes , I am going to the

                      Student`s Club.

     3.  Instead of a future action in duration in adverbial clauses of condition    of 

         condition and time. E.g.: If he is smoking when I am absent, I shall blame


Mind : the Present Continuous Tense is never used with the question

         word when , except when the immediate future is to be


4.     To denote an activity about a period around the present.

For instance : today, this season etc.

e.g.: you are working hard today. Yes , I have a lot to do. Tom ins`t playing tennis this season. He wants to concentrate on his studies.

     5. To denote the changing situations. E.g.: The population of the world is rising

         very fast.

                                         THE EXERCISES

1.     Fill in the gaps with the verb to be in the appropriate  from  using the

  following participles.

                   playing  swimming  shining  standing

                   reading  riding  running  playing  making

  1. Look! Your dog is swimming in the river.

  2. You ________________________on my foot. – Oh,  I’m sorry.

  3. Where are you? – In the room. I________________an interesting book.

  4. The sun __________________ in the blue sky.

  5. Where is Bob? – He ___________________ the bicycle.

  6. Where are the girls? – They _______________ with their dolls.

  7. Listen! Dan and Pat __________________ the piano.

  8. Do you want to go for a walk? – No, I _________________rhymes.

  9. I know where the children are . They __________________ in the yard.


2.  Make up sentences using the Present Continuous Tense.

 1. I / count / the crows

    __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________2.  I`m not counting the crows.


  3. I / sit / on / the chair


4.     I / ride / the / bicycle


5.     I / read / this book


6.     The sun / shine


7.     It / rain


8.     I / learn English


9.     I / eat / an apple


10. I / sit / at / the table



3. Ask questions to the given sentences.


1. No ,they are not having dinner now. (Are … ?

   Are they having dinner now?


  2.We are playing tennis now. (What … ?) ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


3. Yes, my mother is doing the shopping now. (Is … ?)  ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


4. No, it is not raining . (Is …?) ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


5. Sam is building a house . (What … ?)  ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


6. Ann is looking at him. (Who … ?)  ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


7. The birds are flying to the South . (Where … ?) ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


8. I`m eating a cake. (Are … ?) ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

9. I`m reading a book. It is very interesting. (Why … ?) ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

4. Insert too or either.

1. I don’t like to play football.

    My friend doesn’t  like it either.


2. Mary cannot read well.

    Ann can’t read _________________

3. Mom is pleased with her son.

    Dab is pleased _________________

4. Michael doesn’t speak French.

    His parents can’t speak __________

5. I must write a latter to my friend.

    She must write to me ___________

6. My mother is not a tall woman.

    My aunt is not tall_____________

7. Hones is sweet .

    Chocolate is sweet_____________

8. Soup is not sweet .

    Cheese is not sweet____________

9. Mr Brown is a short man.

    My father is short______________

10. I like your climate, ane I like English food _______________


         5. Comment on the use of the Present Continuous Tense.

I.   1. a) -  what are you reading now, Daddy?

              - I am not reading. I am writing.

         b) Ah , now I see what you’re driving at .

    2.  a) Who is she? Where does she come from? What’s she doing here? That’s what they on asking.

         b) Tell me about Ann. Is she still living in this town?

3. a) Nick is coming to see us tomorrow.

    b) What train are you taking for your journey tonight.

II. 1. a) Look! Somebody is coming.

         b) She is coming back on Monday.

     2. a) “Where is Dick ”? “He is playing tennis with Tom and Jack.”

         b) Tomorrow I am playing tennis with Tom and Jack.

     3. a)  “What is Kate doing?” “She is reading Alice in Wonderland .”

         b) “Are you doing anything this evening?” “No, I am not.”

     4. a)  They are having dinner now.

         b) What are we having for dinner tonight?


5.     Put the verb in brackets into the Present Continuous and the Present Simple.


I. 1. Who (knock) at the door? ______________________________________


2.     It (rain), your umbrella._________________________________________


3.     Don’t bother me, please, I (work).__________________________________


4.     Run downstairs, your sister (wait) for you.___________________________



5.     What you (think) of  at this moment?________________________________



6.     Let’s have some tea. I (get) chilly.__________________________________



7.     Keep quiet, we (Listen) to the music. ________________________________



8.     “What Tom (do) now?” “He (play) the violin.” ________________________


9.     It is a lovely day. The sun (shine) brightly. ____________________________



10. What you (look) at? _____________________________________________




1.     We drink coffee every morning._____________________________________


 2. What this word (mean)? ___________________________________________


2.     At this moment we (do) an exercise an articles. ________________________



3.     You (know) that boy over there? ____________________________________



4.     “What you (do), Tom?” “I (draw).” “Let me see what you (draw).” ________



 6.You (see) anything ?______________________________________________


 7. I (not remember) his name exactly.__________________________________



 8. Grandpa (be) by himself in the Library. Grandpa (do)  the housekeeping.




 9.I (hope) you (know) where he (live). _______________________________



 10. “You (read, dear?) ” “Yes.” “the book about?” “Don’t talk to him while he

      (read)”. ______________________________________________________



11. You (eat) too much, so of course you (get) fat. ______________________



12. Now long it (take) you get the Institute, usually? _____________________



13. You (like) what you (do) now?____________________________________



14. “It (snow) now?” “Yas, it (snow) very hard. You can’t out yet.” _________




15. “Now Peter (get) on at school?” “Very well. He (seem) to like the life.”____


16. What you (want)? 17. “Hallo!” said Freddie. “What you (do) here?”________




1. “You (wear) a new coat?” “Yes, you (like) it?” “The colour (suit) you but it (not

   fit) you very well. It (be) much too big”._______________________________




 2. Mr Black often (go) to the theatre but his sister(not go) very often. He (like) all sorts of plays.  She (prefer)comedies.__________________________________

3. “Why that man (stand ) in the middle of the road?” “He (try)to get across. He (wait) for a gap in the traffic.”  “Why he (not use) (risk) their lives.”


4.“ I’m just going out to get an evening paper.” “But it (rain). Why you (not wait) till the rain (stop)?” _______________________________________________________________


5. “ What the sound (be) I (hear)?” “ I ( not hear) anything. ( He listens.) Oh, I (hear) it now. It is like cheering.” “I (supposed) the boys must be having some sport of their own.”_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

6. “ you (recognize) that man?” “ I (think) I (recognize) him but I (not remember) his name.” ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Translate into English.
1.Каждый год он проводит каникулы в горах. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

2.Мама на кухне. Она печет торт._____________________________________


3. Наши дети любят играть в саду. ____________________________________


5.     “Где Том?”-“Он играет в саду”.____________________________________


6.     “Что вы сейчас читаете?”-  “Я читаю” “Прощай, оружие!”Э.Хемингуэя”.



7.     Кто-то стучит в дверь Откройте, пожалуйста. ________________________


7. “Что-то дети очень присмирели. Сходите, пожалуйста, и посмотрите,   что они делают.” – “Они что-то рисуют!”__________________________________




8. Он всегда пьет кофе утром, а он пьет чай._____________________________



 9. Он обычно так быстро говорит, что я его не понимаю. _________________



10. “Вы понимаете, что говорит лектор” – “ Конечно”. ___________________



8. Put the verb in brackets into the Present Simple and the Present Continuous
1. “ Why you (put) on your coat?” “I (go) for a walk. You (come) with me?” “ Yas, I’d love to come. You (mind) if I (bring) my dog?” “ No.”


2. “I (go) to visit Peter tonight. He ( leave) tomorrow morning.” “ He (come) back the same day?” “I ( not know ).” ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

3.Jack (arrive) this evening.” “ You (meet) him?” “ Yes.” “ Where you (meet) him?” “ I (meet) him at the station.” ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

4. Ann ( not come) today. She ( be) busy reading The Path of Thunder by P. Abrahams. _________________________________________________________


5. “ Nick (leave) today.” “What train he ( take) for his journey?” “ He ( catch) the 5.30 train.” “ I can give him a lift to the station.” ___________________________


6. Ann and Nick ( drive) up to Moscow this afternoon. ______________________


7. “You ( write) him tonight ?” “Yes, I always ( write) him on his birthday.  You ( want) to send any message?” “ Certainly.” ________________________________


8. “ I ( spend) a few days in Kiev next week. ______________________________



9. Jack: Lunch (be) ready, Mother? I ( be) hungry and I ( be) in a hurry as well. I     ( play) football this afternoon. Mother : Well, I (be) sorry, but lunch ( not be) ready. Anyway, look at the rain. You can’t play football in this bad weather. That’s the worst thing to do. You (want) to catch a cold?
Jack: Oh Mother, we often (play) in worse weather that this. It’s an important much today. You (not come)  to watch us? Mother oh, no.



2. 1. My aunt usually( not make) cakes on Mondays, but she( make) one today as

      her sister ( come) to tea tomorrow. ___________________________________



    2. – Who ( make) that terrible noise?__________________________________

    - it (be) Ann. She ( cook ) dinner._____________________________________

    3. – you ( play) golf today, Daddy? It (be) late.__________________________

    - No, not today.
    -Why? You (feel) well?____________________________________________
    -Oh, I (be) all right._______________________________________________
    4. – I ( not leave) in the morning. ____________________________________

    - Certainly, you (be)!______________________________________________
    - Oh no, I ( not be). I (leave) tonight. Now. ____________________________

    - Don’t be an ass, Jollifant. You can’t leave tonight.______________________

    -it (be) impossible. There (be) no train. ________________________________


    - I can walk. I can put a knapsack on my back andwalk. I ( leave) tonight. It ( not

       rain ). It ( rain), Felton?____________________________________________

    5. ( it’s after breakfast. Mrs. Kirk is in the dining – room with Charles. Mr. Kirk

      is upstairs.)______________________________________________________

     Charles: Dad (come) down soon, Mum? It ( be)time to go._________________


     (Mrs. Kirk :( call) her husband.)______________________________________

     Mrs. Kirk: What you (do) up there?___________________________________

     Mrs. Kirk: (Look) for my umbrella. __________________________________


     Mrs. Kirk: But why you (Look) for it upstairs?__________________________


     Mrs. Kirk: Well, it (not be) downstairs. Where (be) Charles? He can help me.

     Mrs. Kirk: No, he can’t. He (get) ready for school. And you must be quick. It

     (be) eight o’clock._________________________________________________


     Mrs. Kirk: Ah! I mustn’t miss my bus._________________________________

     Mrs. Kirk: You (come) home for lunch?_______________________________

     Mrs. Kirk: What we (have)?_________________________________________

     Mrs. Kirk: Chickens.
     Mrs. Kirk: Yes.

9. Make up questions, using the following sentences, and answer them.
Model: Open the text-book. – What are you doing? I am opening the book.

1. Read the text. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

2.Count the chairs. __________________________________________________


3. Take the pencil from your neighbor. __________________________________


4. Shut the door. ____________________________________________________


5. Leave the classroom. ______________________________________________


6. Say the dialogиe. __________________________________________________


7. Drill the exercise.__________________________________________________


8. Hang the map.____________________________________________________


9. Go to the blackboard. ______________________________________________


10. Eat the soup. ____________________________________________________



10.Put the verbs in brackets into the Present Simple or Present Continuous Tense.


1The students are in the classroom. They (write) a dictation now. – They are writing a dictation now.

2. He (go) to the library every week. – He goes to the library every week.________


1. He (want) to buy a new suit. _________________________________________


2. Mother is in kitchen; she (make)  some cakes.___________________________


3. He (drink) coffee every morning._____________________________________


4. They (do) their shopping in the afternoon.______________________________


5. Hullo! Who (knock) at the door? _____________________________________


6. It (snow). Put on your furcoat. _______________________________________


7. He generally (go) to bed very late._____________________________________


8. At this moment we (do) an exercise on tenses. ___________________________


9. He (live) in Moscow, which is his home-town.___________________________


10. Leave me along, I (work). _________________________________________


11. Run downstairs, your uncle (wait) for you. ____________________________


12. Children (like) to play with the sand.__________________________________


13. What a smell! I expect something (burn). _____________________________


14. He (go) to the North of our country every year for his holiday. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

15. He always (say) that English grammar is very simple.___________________


16. He (read) a newspaper; he always (read) it at breakfast.___________________


17. She (go) to the institute every day.___________________________________


18. Bad students never (word) hard. _____________________________________


19. It (rain) in the fall, it (rain) now. ____________________________________


20.The teacher (point) at the map when he (want) to show the necessary town.


21. I always (meat) him at the corner of the street. _________________________


22. The teacher who (walk) fast the door now, teaches us Maths. ______________


23. Where you (go) now? I (go) to pictures. I (go) there every weak.___________


11. Answer the following questions.
Mind: The Continuous Tense is never used with “when”.

1. Are you watching TV? When do you watch it? _________________________


2.  Do you speak English? Are you speaking English now?___________________


 3. Are you smiling now? Why? _______________________________________


4. Do I teach you English? Am I teaching you at present?____________________


5. Are you laughing now? When do people laugh? _________________________


6. Are you washing up? When do you wash up? ___________________________


7. Are you singing now? When do you sing? ______________________________


8. Are you hurrying anywhere? When do people hurry? _____________________


9. Are you speaking French now? When do you speak French? _______________


10. Are you make notes just now? Do you make notes at the language lessons? ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

12. Choose the words (a, b ,c ,d) that best complete the sentence.
      Insert the proper letter.

1. Look!  Nick… for his friend

   a) is waiting;
    b) waits.
He often … for him after classes.

    c) is waiting;

    d) waits.
2. Listen! It … heavily

    a) is raining;

    b) rains).

   It always… here in June.

   c) is raining;

   d) rains.
3. She … an interesting book now.

    a) is reading;


   She usually … books and newspapers in the evening.

   c)is reading;

   d) reads).
4. Look! The man …to open the door of your car.

    a) tries; b) is trying.
5. The moon… round the Earth .

    a) goes;

     b) is going.
6. I … he will be bask soon.

    a) think;

    b) am thinking.
7. Listen! They… good  English.

    a) speak;

    b) are speaking.
8. She is sorry, she … French.

    a) doesn’t speak;

     b)isn’t speaking.
9. His parents … soon.

    a) come;

    b) are coming.
10. This engineer … at our office.

      a) work;

      b) works;

      c) is working.
11. He… his English now.

      a) have;

      b) has;

      c) is having.
12. Every day they… their dinner at the canteen.

      a) have;

      b) has;

      c) are having.
13. My friend… through the newspapers now.

       a) look;

       b) looks;

       c) is looking;
14. You … a lot of exercises at home.

       a) do;

       b) does;

       c) are doing.

 15. Tom always … tennis on Monday.

        a) play;

        b) plays;

        c) is playing

13. Circle  the correct form of the verb:
1. This food ( is smelling/smells) delicious.
2. He (is going/goes) to the gym every week.
3. Right now Tony / is washing/ washes) his car.
4. Laurie always ( goes/ is going) to work at seven.
5. We ( go/ are going) to the movies at six tonight.
6. He usually (phones/ is phoning) in the evening.
7. It may sound strange but I ( believe/am believing) his story.
8. I (remember/ am  remembering) my first day at school.

14. Translate the sentences into English:

1.     “Что она делает обычно по вечерам?” – “Она обычно читает или слушает   



 2. Каким поездом вы уезжаете в Лондон на следующей неделе? ___________


3. В следующие воскресенье к нам приезжают друзья из Киева. ___________


4. Последний поезд уходит в 11.30. ___________________________________


5. Аня шьет себе платье сейчас. Она всю одежду шьет себе сама. __________


6. На ней сейчас шляпа, потому что солнце очень жаркое. ________________


7. Я не могу вам сейчас дать газету, потому что я ее читаю. _______________


8. “Вы записаны в библиотеку?” – “Да.” – “Вы много читаете?” – “Да, довольно много.” – “Как часто вы меняете книги?” -  “Я меняю их через три – пять дней.” _______________________________________________________


9. “Вы видите где-нибудь мои очки ?” – “Нея, я их ищу.” _________________


10. “Что у вас обычно  на завтрак?” – “Я обычно ем яйцо и выпиваю стакан молока.” __________________________________________________________


11. “Почеу вы так быстро идете сегодня? Вы обычно ходите совсем медленно.” – “Я спешу, так как встречаюсь со своей сестрой в 4 часа, она не любит, чтобы ее заставляли ждать.”____________________________________


12. В следующeе воскресенье я улетаю в Свердловск.____________________



15.Imagine you are sitting in a train, writing a letter to a friend at home.  The  train  is standing at a large station. Compose a paragraph taken from your letter about what is happening using the Present Simple and the Present Continuous.




                                                             Unit VII

The Past Simple Tense

The Past Simple Tense formed by adding –ed or –d to the stem (for the regular verbs), or by changing the hoot vowel or in some other ways (irregular verbs).

       The pronunciation of – ed (-d) depends on the sound preceding it.

It is pronounced:

1. [id] after t, d: wanted, landed, ended, started.

2. [d] after voiced consonants except d and after vowel: opened, planned, stayed, played.

3. [t] after voiceless consonants except t: worked, cooked, pipped.

The following spelling rules should be observed:

1. Final y is changed into i if it is preceded by a consonant.

to carry – carried

to reply – replied

2. If a verb ends in a consonant preceded by a shot stressed vowel, the final consonant is doubled.

to stop – stopped

to plan – planned

to sod – sobbed

to submit – submitted

3. Final r is not doubled when it is preceded by a diphthong.

to occur – occurred

to prefer – preferred

to refer – referred

4. Final r is not doubled when it is preceded by z diphthong.

to appear – appeared

The Simple Past is used:

1. To denote an action which happened at a specific time in the past. It is cut off from the present. The time of action may be indicated by adverbials of  past time, such as yesterday, a week ago, last year, the day before yesterday etc. E. g. : The police, stopped John on his way home last night.

2. To denote a succession of past action, especially in telling the story. E. g.: There was once a man who lived in a small town in the country. One day he left his house and went into town. On the way he met…

The interrogative and negative form of the Past Simple are produced with the help of form the auxiliary verb do in the form of the Past Simple did. E. g.: We did not see them yesterday. Did you understand him last time?

1. Translate into Russian:

a) 1. It was quite possible for us to help him.______________________________


2.     The weather was fine and cloudless the day before yesterday.______________


 3. I was on duty last time. _____________________________________________


4. Mary was late for classes yesterday. __________________________________


5. We had a meeting last night._________________________________________


6. I had my lunch at 12 o’clock. ________________________________________


7. Everybody was fond of walking. _____________________________________


8. The hall was full of children._________________________________________


d) 1. There was a strong a wind that day and it was cold outside, that’s why it was pleasant to stay indoors.

 2. There were a lot of people at the meeting. _____________________________


3.There were dark clouds in the sky, and it was clear that it was going to rain. ____


4. It was clear to us that the weather was going to change for the better._________


2. Translate into English:

1. На улице было много народу. _____________________________________


2. Кто отсутствовал в прошлый раз? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

3. Она не опоздала на урок вчера. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

4. Мы позавтракали вчера дома. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

5. Она собиралась повторить слова десятого урока. _____________________


6. У кого была контрольная работа позавчера? __________________________


7. После занятия они отдыхали._______________________________________


8. У них был короткий перерыв. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

9. Вчера вечером мы обсуждали ваш доклад.____________________________


3. Translate into Russian:

1. She studied English a year ago.______________________________________


 2. He finished his design last night. ____________________________________


3. We walked home yesterday._________________________________________


 4. Yesterday I skied in the country. ____________________________________


5. The students went to Liverpool last week. ______________________________


6. My daughter did her best to finish the report in time. _____________________


7. Our class began at 11.30. ___________________________________________


8. My brother left for England last year. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

9. It took him some years to master  German. _____________________________


10. First spring flowers appeared in the fields. ____________________________


11. He made his report on Monday. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

12. We saw the dean yesterday. ________________________________________


13. He did the translation without any difficulty. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

14. He spoke  on the same topic.________________________________________


4. Use the verbs in brackets in the Past Simple:

1. He (to stay) at the institute after classes.______________________________


 2. I (to know) all the words very well. __________________________________


3. She (to study) English at the institute. _________________________________


4. She (to write) the letter. _____________________________________________


5. Some years ago she (to live) in the country. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

6. She (to make) an interesting report. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

7. Last year he (to work) at the factory. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

8. Yesterday we (to go) home by metro.__________________________________


9. It (to take) me half an hour to get home._______________________________


10. We (to see) the film a week ago. ____________________________________


11. She (to find) time help us. _________________________________________


12. He (to do) the translation without a dictionary. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

13. He always( understand )it.__________________________________________


 14. Last night we (to watch) a hockey match on TV.________________________


15 She (to leave) for England the day before yesterday. ______________________



5. Make following sentences negative:

1. We have our breakfast at the institute dining- room.______________________


2. He wanted to go to Kiev during the holidays. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

3. Our English class began at 10 o’clock._________________________________


 4. Last night I got a Letter from my parents. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

5. My  daughter tried to write the letter in English._________________________


 6. She made a report last week. ________________________________________


7. It snowed hard. ___________________________________________________


8. Dark clouds appeared in the sky. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

6. Answer the following questions:
1.    Did you go skiing last Sunday ? ____________________________________


2. Who did you   prepare your homework with? ___________________________


3. What did you do last night? _________________________________________


4. Did your friend see the new film yesterday? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

5. Where did you have supper? _________________________________________


6. Did you watch TV last Sunday? ______________________________________


7. Was the show interesting? __________________________________________


8. At what time bed you go to the bed? __________________________________


9. Did you come home early or late yesterday?____________________________


10. What did you go before classes today? _______________________________


11. Did you get a litter from your friend last week?_________________________


7. Ask the questions to the underlined words:
1. We listened to the latest news over the radio. __________________________


2. The meeting began at 3 o’clock. ____________________________________


3. My father left for London last week. ________________________________


4. I got up late yesterday.___________________________________________


5. We went  to the cinema a week ago. _________________________________


6. We spent the holidays in the country last summer. ______________________


7. It was pleasant to bathe in the river in summer._________________________


8. There were a lot of leaves on the ground in the park. ______________________


9. He asked the same question. _________________________________________


10. We went in for skating last winter.___________________________________



8. Put the verb in brackets into the Past Simple. Comment on the use of the Past Simple.
1. I (be) the captain of the girl’s tennis last year. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

2. They (be) there less nine month ago.___________________________________


3. He (come) to see me the day before yesterday. __________________________


4. Three days later I (leave) Moscow. ___________________________________


5. We (not see) him again that night._____________________________________


 6. He (turn) around when I (come). __________________________________

7. “Where you (see) him?” “At the concert.”_____________________________


 8. “How long you (work) there?” “About there years,” she say. ______________


9. “you (go) to see her yesterday yourself?” “Yes, I…” _____________________


10. Eliza, you (not watch) a while ago, maybe a minute ago?__________________


 11. He (sit) down at his desk and? (Stare) out of the window. After a few seconds he (draw) the curtains over it, ( switch) off the light, and (go) upstairs. _________


9. Choose the word  ( a, b) that best completes the sentence.
1. When did they …to learn English?
    a) begin   b) began
2. Did the students… to the cinema yesterday?
     a) go  b) went
3. Who … here last year?
     a) live  b) lived
4. When did the girl…cold?
     a) catch  b) caught
5. Why did you…a teacher?
     a) become  b) became
6. Where did she … her holidays?
    a) spend  b) spent

10. Choose the word  ( a, b ) that best completes the sentence.
       a) did b) didn’t
1. The teacher repeated the question ______________ he?
2. The boy caught cold ___________he?
3. The pupils didn’t answer at once, ___________they?
4. Our team didn’t win the match, ______________ it?
5. In summer we picked berries and mushrooms, _____________we ?
6. He didn’t know her address, ______________ he?

11. Choose the word that best completes the sentence.
1.__________       he in Siberia last year?
   a) is  b) was  c)were
2. _________ your daughter at the theatre now?
  a) is  b) was  c) were
3. _________you in Minsk last month?
   a) is  b) was  c) were
4. _____________ there a knock at the door a minute ado?
    a) is  b) was  c) were
5. __________they in the country in July?
    a) is  b) was  c) were
6. ____________Peter ill today?
    a) is  b) was  c) were

12.Translate into English using the Past Simple Tense:
a) 1.
Мы закончили нашу работу на прошлой неделе.___________________


2.Два года назад она не работала в институте. Она работала в учреждении.




      3.Они вернулись домой в 6 часов вечера.___________________________


      4. В прошлом  году  он жил и работал в Одессе.______________________


 5.Мы решили послать эту  телеграмму вчера. _______________________


      6.Мы обсуждали эти вопросы в пятницу.____________________________


 7.Позавчера они играли в футбол. ____________________________________


8.     В прошлую среду мы повторяли 7-й урок.___________________________


9. Она посмотрела на доску и списала новые слова.______________________


б)  1. Кто решил ответить на ее письмо? – Мы.__________________________


      2. Кого вы поблагодарили за книги ?_______________________________

     _______________________________________________________________ 3. Когда вы принимали их? – В прошлую среду._________________________


4.Где вы работали 5 лет назад ? – В Министерстве. ______________________


5. Кто из них переводил 3-й урок вчера ?- Николай.______________________


 6. Сколько времени длился урок?- 45 минут.__________________________


 7. Кому вы вернули эти журналы?____________________________________


 8. Куда он решил поехать на субботу и воскресенье?____________________

9. С кем вы обсуждали этот вопрос позавчера? __________________________


10. Вы жили в Киеве или Минске тогда? _______________________________


11. В прошлом году мы много работали над французским языком.__________


в)  1. Где вы были час тому назад?____________________________________


     2.Когда он был в Минске последний раз ? – В прошлом году.__________


     3. Утром они не были в институте. __________________________________


     4. С кем вы были в министерстве в тот день? _________________________


     5. Ты был в школе иди дома в 5 часов вечера? ________________________


     6. Какой это был человек? Кем но был по профессии? _________________


     7.Сколько раз в неделю вы бывали в институте в прошлом году? _______


     8. Ты был инженером или студентом 3 года тому назад?_______________


     9. Вчера было воскресенье. ________________________________________


    10. Погода была здесь холодная на прошлой неделе? – Нет, погода была

     очень хорошая.__________________________________________________

    11. Вы было хорошим или плохим студентом? – Я был хорошим

      студентом. _____________________________________________________


    12. Кто из вас был вчера в больнице? – Мы с Анной. Петра не было с нами.


г) 1. Вчера я встретил Марию в министерстве. _________________________


    2. Ты потратила много времени на домашние задание?_________________


    3. В котором часу вы вчера легли спать?  Я почитал книгу и лег спать в 11



   4. Когда вы видели ее в последний раз? – В прошлый вторник.___________


   5.Я проснулся и встал сегодня рано. _________________________________


   6. В прошлом году мы читали интересные книги на уроках  языка. ________


   7. В котором часу вы начали работать вчера? – После обеда. У нас

    было мало работы. _______________________________________________


   8. Я не знал его 2 года тому назад. ___________________________________


   9. Много студентов получили хорошие оценки за диктант. ______________


   10. Педагог вошел в класс и сказал: «Здравствуйте». Студенты встали. ____


   11. В прошлом году мы не изучали французский. Мы изучали английский.


   12. Борис прочитал 10-й урок очень хорошо. __________________________


   13. Сегодня урок закончился рано. ___________________________________


   14. Погода была хорошая, и мы с друзьями пошли в парк. _______________


   15. Кому ты тогда отдал мою книгу? – Я отдал ее Николаю. _____________


   16. Я встретил ее позавчера, и она рассказала мне об этом. ______________


                                               UNIT VIII
The Past Continuous Tense
The Past Continuous Tense is formed by means of the auxiliary verb to be ( in the second form) was/were and the 4th form ( Present Participle) of the notional verb.
        The formula  is as follows:
         was/were + V4(ing)
E. g. : The birds were singing the whole night long.
        The negative and interrogative form is made by means of the auxiliary verb was/were:

        E. g. : What were you doing at this time yesterday? I wasn’t  looking at her while she was washing herself.
    The Past Continuous is used:
1. To denote an action which was going on at a definite moment in the past

    E . g.:   Yesterday at this time we were crossing the Channel.
     The definite moment sometimes is not expressed but understood from the situation:

      E. g. : He did not notice what was going on around here  - he was reading.
2. To denote the action which was in  the process for some period of time in the  

    past, indicated by the prepositions from… till; from … up to, or after

    phrases as the whole day, all day long.

    E. g.: The girls were dancing all ninth long. 
3. To denote an action thought of as a continual process. In this case the adverbs

    always, ever constantly are used. In this use the Past Continuous is often to be

    found in emotional speech.

    E.g.: She was constantly complaining of being lonely.
4. We often use the Past Continuous and the past simple together to show:
     a) That something happened in the middle of something else.
         E.g. : Tom burnt his hand when he was cooking the dinner.
     b) some action, which was process was interrupted by the beginning of another


          E.g. : We were having dinner when the telephone  called.
5. To denote two parallel  actions in the past being in process.
      E.g.: I was sveaping the floor while Ann was washing dishes.

1. Translate the following sentences into Russian. Comment on the use of the  Past Continuous Tense:
1. It was raining the whole day yesterday. ________________________________


2. We were sitting and talking in my study for a long time. ___________________


3. We were having dinner when my brother came.__________________________


4. Where were you going last night when I saw you? ________________________


5. Father was reading a newspaper while Ann was preparing her Lessons. _______


6. It was snowing when you went out of the house._________________________


7. We were working from 3 till 5 o’clock yesterday. ________________________


8. We were bathing in the river when the rain began. ________________________


9. It was impossible to stay indoors yesterday because it was so nice and the sun was shining so brightly. _______________________________________________


Translate into English:
1. Я занимался целый день вчера.______________________________________


2. Вчера целый день шел снег.________________________________________


3. Она переводила статью в то время, когда мы смотрели телевизор.________


4. Я встретил его, когда он шел дoмой. _________________________________


5. Мы стояли на платформе, когда прибыл поезд. _______________________



6. Сестра пришла, когда мы обедали.__________________________________


3. Use the verbs in brackets in the Present or Past Simple or Present or Past Continuous:
1. What you ( to do)? – I  ( to translate) an article. _________________________


2. Where you (to get) this magazine? - A friend of mine ( to give) it to me yesterday.__________________________________________________________


3. Last week I ( to get) two letters from my brother. ________________________


4. Father ( to come) at 5 o’clock last night.________________________________


5. I ( to go) to the station at 5 o’clock yesterday.____________________________


6. When I to translate the article  I (to use) a dictionary. _____________________


7. We (to try) translate the article without a dictionary. ______________________


8. What you (to do) at 8 o’clock in the evening yesterday? I ( to want)  to came to see you. ___________________________________________________________


9. It (to rain) from 2 till 4 o’clock yesterday. ______________________________


10. It (to rain) still? I must be going. I’m afraid to be late. ____________________


11. They ( to discuss) a report while we ( to work) in the workshop.____________


12. The meeting ( to open) at 14.30. _____________________________________


13. We ( to watch) TV when a friend of mine ( to come). ____________________


14. The hall ( to be) full of people when we ( to come) in. ___________________


4. Put the verb in brackets into the Past Simple and the Past Continuous:
1. “ What you  (do) at 7 o’clock yesterday?”  “I ( play) chess with my brother and Eliza (listen) to the radio.”____________________________________________


2. He (be) the captain of a ship which (sale) that night for Leningrad.___________


3. When the doctor ( leave) the hospital, he (catch) a glimpse of himself in the glass of the front door.________________________________________________


4. When her father (come) in she ( sit) before a red teatable  finishing a very good tea.___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

5. Next day, while he (shave) he ( cut) himself slightly.______________________


 6. The door of his room (be) open, his mother still (stand) at the window._______


 7. I (went) away while the others(have) coffee. ____________________________


 8. At 9 o’clock the train (crawl) into the station. In a flash he (be) on the platform and (move) up Railway Road.__________________________________________


 9. And, smiling to himself, he (begin) to make plans, fantastic plans for the future .  He still (smile) when he (walk) up the rockcut steps. _______________________


10. When we (talk) i (notice) that he (roll) a little ball of plasticine between his fingers.________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

11. While the water (heat), Ma Parker ( begin) sweeping the floor._____________

12. He ( gather) up this evidence in a newspaper and (carry) it back into the sitting-room where Jennie (sew). ____________________________________________


13. He ( dose) off while he (watch) them new show.________________________


14. Mike(see)the picture of Nelly in the morning paper while he (have) coffee. ___


15. One morning Mrs. Strickland (send)  me  round a note to say that she (give) a dinner-party that evening, and one of her guests (fail) her.___________________


5. Choose the word (a, b, c) that best completes the sentence.
1. She … the piano the whole evening.
     a) play   b) played   c) was playing
2. He came up and saw how the workers…the bridge.
    a) build   b) built   c) were building
3. It wasn’t raining but a strong wind… .  
    a)blows   b) blew    c) was blowing
4. The children did their homework and … to the exhibition.
    a) go  b) went   c) were going,
5. The boy…after his little brother from 2  to  6.
     a) looks   b)looked   c) was looking
6. The teacher … a lesson at that time.
    a) gives   b) gave    c) was given

6. Choose the word ( a, b) that best completes the sentence.  
     a) was b) were
1. What__________ I thinking about when you asked me this question?
2. Who__________ he waiting about when you asked me this question?
3. When___________the man passing the theatre?
4. Why _______they doing nothing when I entered the room?
5. What she _________ listening to?
6.Where ____________the students working?

7. Choose the word ( a, b) that best completes the sentence. 
1. Pete … still his composition at 6 o’clock in the garden.
    a) worked    b)was writing
2. We saw her yesterday. She … in the garden.

     a) worked    b)was writing
3. She … her report two days ago.
    a) typed    b) was typing
4. They watched TV and then … to bed.
     a) went    b)were going
5. My son…a book at 2 o’clock in the afternoon.
     a) read      b)was reading
6.) The dean …a report when I entered the hall. ??
      a) made       b) was moking


8.Translate the sentences into English:

1.Она подошла к окну и посмотрела на улицу. Все еще шел сильный дождь._


2.Он посмотрел на дом с того места, где стоял._________________________


3.Он побежал к воротам, где стояла Анна.______________________________


4. Я взглянула на Дженни, которая все еще дрожала от холода.____________


5.Мы как раз говорили о нем, когда он вдруг вошел.______________________


6.Они пришли в то время, когда я работала в саду.______________________


7.Вчера в 6 часов вечера я ждала Тому на вокзале. Поезд отходил в 6.15.Что вы делали в это время?______________________________________________


8.Какую песню вы пели, когда мы пришли?____________________________


9. Костер ярко горел, когда подощли мои товарищи._____________________


10.Когда я приехал, Елена, к сожалению, как раз уходила.________________


11. Он вдруг понял, что едет не в ту сторону.___________________________


12. Вы были очень заняты, когда я видел вас два дня назад. Что вы делали? ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________13.”Где моя шляпа ? Где я ее оставил?”  - “А почему вы ее ищете внизу?” -“Очевидно ,я оставил ее здесь, когда я ее снял.”_________________________


14.Когда я вошел, они сидели в гостиной. Старший брат решал кроссворд, мама вязала, другие читали. Мама улыбнулась мне и сказала : “ Входи, пожалуйста, и садись.” ______________________________________________


15. Когда я проснулся, его жена сидела у окна. Она что-то читала.__________


16.”С кем вы разговаривали по телефону, когда я вошла?” - “Я разговаривала с папой .“_________________________________________________________


 17.К ним подошел какой-то мужчина , когда они переходили улицу, и спросил дорогу к Красной площади.___________________________________


 18. Я делала уроки, когда он пришел.________________________________


9.Make up sentences , telling who was or wasn’t doing anything yesterday at 3 o’clock:

1.Jane/ not/ to read / to chatter

E.g.: Jane was not reading a book; she was chattering with her friends.

2. Bob / not / to chatter / to write / a letter_______________________________


3. Ann /not / to write / to listen to/ classical music__________________________


4. Jim / not/ to listen to / to build/ the house_______________________________


5. John / not/ to build/ to wait for/ his mother______________________________


6. Kate / not/ to wait for/ to wash/ dishes__________________________________


10.Ask questions using the Past Continuous Tense:

1. (what/ Tom/do/when you met him) ?

E.g.: What was Tom doing when you met him ?

2. (what / you/read / at 12 o’clock)?_____________________________________


3. (it / rain / when they went out) ?______________________________________


4. (where / the boy/ go/when we saw him)? _______________________________


5. (you / sleep / when I came to you) ?___________________________________


6. (what song / the girls / sing / when came into the room)?___________________


7. (they / wait for / parents / at 8 o’clock)? ________________________________


11. Use Past Simple or Past Continuous:

1. We (to have dinner) when you (to come) to us/

           E.g.:  We were having dinner when you came to us.

2. Our friends (to smoke) in the corridor when we (to see) them.______________


3. I’m very hungry. I (not / to eat) anything.______________________________


4. The boys (to break) the window when they (to play) football._______________


5. I (to get up) early. The sun (to shine) brightly, so I (to go) for a walk._________


6. What (you / to do) on Saturday evening? – I (to go) to the cinema.___________


7. What (you / to do) at 9.30 on Monday evening? – I (to sit and to read) an interesting book._____________________________________________________


8. My friend (to fall down) and (to break) his leg while we (to play) football. ____



Unit IX

The Future Simple Tense

     The Future Simple is formed with the help of the auxiliary verbs shall and will.              Shall is used with the first person singular and plural: I shall, we shall. With the rest of  the persons will is used.

E.g.:                you


                        she               will come next time.



I shall come to your place in two days.

Nowadays there’s a tendency in Modern English to use will for all the persons. But shall  still  remains in the questions expressing offer or invitation. E.g. :Shall I help you ? Shall we join the group ?

Besides in the formal  situations (such as writing business letters ) I will and we will is avoided. Shall is more preferable here.

In normal spoken English there’s a contraction to ‘ll, so distinction between  shall and will in this case is unimportant.

 E. g.: They ‘ll have to start all over again next week.

Contracted negative forms are: shall – shan’t

                                                  will  – won’t

There are different ways to express the future reference besides shall and will.

1. The Present Continuous and the form be going to + the base form is used to express the prearranged future action .

    E. g.: He failed his exam last year; this year he is going to work harder. You’d better take the washing in: it’s going to rain. I’m leaving for Glasgow on Friday.

2. The Present Simple is used with a time adverb to talk about future plans which are part of a timetable, schedule, programme or previous arrangenent.

 E. g.: I’m sorry I can’t stop and chart; I’m just about to leave for work. (every day routine). The train starts at midnight. (according  to the timetable).

Will on the other hand is used to express either inevitable  future action which doesn’t  depend on person’s desire.

 E. g.: He will be sixty next year;

or spontaneous intention for the future action:

 E.g.: Fred has fallen ill. Has he?  I didn’t kwon. I will call him at once; or prediction. E. g.: You will enjoy the party.


1. Translate into Russian and comment on the use of the future reference:

1. He will become engineer in two years._________________________________


 2. They are leaving for Minks in week. __________________________________


3. The expedition starts for the Far East next year. _________________________


4. Shall I do everything myself? ________________________________________


5. What are you  going  to  do on Sunday? ________________________________


6. She will enjoy skiing in the forest.____________________________________


7. Have you visited Nelly? No, I’ll to do it now.___________________________


 8. His parents are coming back tomorrow._______________________________


2. Translate into English:

1. A.

1. В следующем году мне будет 20 лет. _____________________________


2. Экзамены начнутся 3 января. ______________________________________


3. Возможно, он придет сегодня. _____________________________________


4. Я думаю, что в твоем диктанте не будет много ошибок. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

5. Фильм будет очень интересным. ___________________________________


6. Когда ваш сын начнет изучать иностранный язык?____________________


7. Занятия не закончатся в 2 часа. _____________________________________


8. Он думает, вам не понравится новый балет. ___________________________


9. Вы сможете закончить эту  работу завтра? ____________________________


10. Он будет дома в 9 часов? – Нет. _________________________________


11. Не звоните мне вечером. Я буду занята. ___________________________


12. Я надеюсь, вы хорошо контрольную работу. ________________________


1. Б.

1. У вас завтра будет много работы? – Да.______________________________


2. Он не будет дома в 8 часов.________________________________________


 3. Она вернется в понедельник. ______________________________________


4. Завтра я буду играть с Томом в шахматы. ____________________________


5. Я собираюсь вечером пойти к своему другу. __________________________


6. В апреле они поедут в Минск. _____________________________________


7. Сколько времени вы собираетесь оставаться здесь? __________________


8. Джек приезжает сегодня вечером. Вы будете встречать его?_____________


9. Я сделаю это, когда вернусь. _______________________________________


10. На следующей неделе я собираюсь пойти в школу. ___________________


11. Мы увидимся в министерстве. ____________________________________


12. Пока я буду переводить статью, повтори новый урок. _________________


13. Вечером мы не пойдём гулять, мы будем смотреть телевизор. __________


14. В будущем году мы собираемся поехать в Киев.______________________


15. Эти вопросы мы обсудим завтра утром. _____________________________



1. В.

1.Вы не будете знать английский язык, пока не начнетё много работать._____


 2. Как только я приеду домой, я напишу вам. ___________________________


3. Я зайду к вам, если у меня будет время. ______________________________


4. Я останусь здесь, пока вы не вернетесь.______________________________


5. Он даст вам книгу, если вы вернете её на следующей неделе.____________


6. Если вы придете, я расскажу вам об этом.____________________________


7. Я смогу прийти домой, когда закончу контрольную работу. ____________


8. Когда  у нас будет время, мы поедим за город. ________________________


9. Если погода будет плохая , мы останемся дома. _______________________


10. Если я попрошу его, он поможет мне перевести этот текст. ___________


11. Как только ты придешь в школу, отдай эту книгу Мэри._______________


12. Они обсудят вопрос, как только у них будет время.___________________


13. Я напишу письмо, когда сделаю перевод.____________________________


14. Я не уйду до тех пор, пока мы не обсудим этот вопрос. _______________


15. Он не начнет писать книгу, пока не закончит эту работу. ______________


16. Если вы вернетесь рано, мы встретимся у моей сестры._______________


17. Если эта книга неинтересная, мы не будем читать её. _________________


18. Как только вы пойдете туда, скажите мне об этом. ____________________


19.Закончи делать уроки перед тем, как пойдешь в кино. _________________


20. Он начинает преподавать в институте, как только окончит университет. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________21. Если вы поторопитесь, вы увидите его.______________________________


 22. Позвони мне, как только приедешь в библиотеку. ____________________


23. Я покажу тебе новые журналы, когда у тебя будет время. _____________


24. Мои родители будут жить в этой квартире, как только вернуться из Москвы. __________________________________________________________


25.Он будет на этом заводе, как только окончит школу. __________________


26. Я не забуду  послать телеграмму, когда приеду туда.__________________

____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 27. Как только они придут с работы, мы поговорим с ними. _______________


28. Ему придется пропустить лекцию, если он не  закончит перевод. _______


29. Пока ты читаешь эту статью, я позвоню ему. ________________________


30.Ка только я поступлю в институт, я начну изучать немецкий язык._______


31. Мы обсудим этот тест пред тем, как подойдет  к ним. _________________


32. Я буду учить новые слова после того, как сделаю упражнение.__________


 33. Я не пойду гулять до тех пор, пока не напишу письмо.________________



                                           Unit X

                     The Future Continuous Tense

The Future Continuous is formed with shall, will + be +v.

1. It’s used to denote an action which will be going on at definite moment in the future:

 E. g.: At this time tomorrow we shall be crossing the Channel.

The definite moment is often not expressed but  is  understood from the situation:

   E. g. : I’m sure you won’t be able to speak to him. He ‘l l still working.

2. It may also denote supposition referring to the present:

     E.g : He’s waiting for us downstairs. He’ll be wondering where we are.

3. Some times it may represent two action in the future going at the same


    E. g.: I shall be preparing my Lesson while he will be typing his report.

But the repetition of the same form in both clauses is usually avoided.


1. Put the verb in brackets into the Future Continuous. Comment on the use of the future Continuous:

1. Don’t ring  her up at 12 o’clock. She (write) her composition then.__________


2. At this time  tomorrow  the  boys  of our group (play) football. _________________________________________________________________


3. When we arrive to Leningrad, it probably (rain)._________________________


4. It is nearly autumn, soon the Leaves (change) colour. _____________________


5. Let’s wait her; Tower Bridge (open) in a minute to let that ship through. ______


6. Don’t ask her anything.  Next  thing she (tell) you she is right._______________


2. Pet the verb in brackets into the Present Simple, the future Simple and the Future Continuous:

1. “We (come) at 5 o’clock.” “Good, I (wait) for you.”_______________________


2. When I (get) home, my dog (sit) at the door waiting for me. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

3. It (be) the middle of June. They (come) soon. ___________________________


4. If you (want) to see us, come to Tom’s on Sunday. We (wait) for you there at midday.____________________________________________________________


5. At this time next week they (sit) in the train on their way to Moscow._________


6. They (have) English from 9 to 10 in this group. Don’t let anyone disturb

 them then. ________________________________________________________


7. I (wait) for you when you (come). ____________________________________


8. “I (call) for her at 8.” “No, don’t; she still (have) breakfast then.” __________


9. It’s beginning to get dark; the street lights (go) on in a few minutes.__________


3.Translate the sentences into English:

1. Иди, малыш, домой, а то  родители будут беспокоиться. ________________


2. Мы сегодня идем в кино. Вы будете сидеть рядом со мной. _____________


3. Нам нужно вернуться в 10 часов. Нелли будет нас ждать  в библиотеке. __


4. “Вы будете обедать со мной в понедельник? ” – “Я бы очень хотела,

но боюсь, что в это время буду сдавать экзамен.”________________________


5. “Что дети будут делать, когда мы придем домой? ” – “Я думаю, она

будут играть.” _____________________________________________________


6. “Я  недостаточно хорошо себя чувствую, чтобы идти на вокзал

 встречать Джона.” – “Я  встречу его. Скажите как я его узнаю.” – “На   нем  будет синий костюм и черная кепка.”________________________________


7. Интересно, что мы будем делать через год и будем ли мы еще встречаться друг с другом. _____________________________________________________


8. “Мой сын в будущем году будет в 9  классе.” – “Значит, моя мама будет учить его английскому языку.” _______________________________________


9. Не говорите ей об этом. Через минуту она будет плакать._______________


 10. “Что вы будете делать в это время в следующую пятницу? ” – “Как всегда, буду работать”.______________________________________________


4. Choose the phrase (a,b) that best completes the sentence:

a) 1. Don’t come between 6 and 7. I _________ my friend at the station.

   a)shall meet            b) shall be meeting.

2. You’ll know her. She _________ at the news stand.

    a) will stand               b) will be standing.



















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