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Урок английского языка по теме "Британская национальная кухня" (8 класс)

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«Британская национальная кухня»


Учитель: Романцева Ольга Алексеевна     

Место проведения: ГУО «Гимназия №1 г. Бобруйска»

Класс: 8 «Б»

Тип урока: комбинированный урок


Цели урока:

Образовательная цель: систематизация фоновых знаний о национальной кухне Великобритании; совершенствование навыков  восприятия и понимания речи на слух с извлечением основной информации с опорой на визуальный образ; совершенствование речевых лексических навыков; развитие умений монологического высказывания на основе услышанного и увиденного.

Развивающая цель: развитие внимания, памяти, познавательной активности;

Воспитательная цель: воспитание потребности в самопознании; поддержание положительной мотивации изучения иностранного языка,

Коммуникативные задачи: описание традиционной национальной кухни Великобритании; сравнение традиционной национальной кухни Великобритании и Республики Беларусь.

Оснащение урока и дидактические материалы: фрагмент видео из серии “Window on Britain” Richard Mac Andrew, Oxford University Press (Food)”, аудиозапись к упражнениям по теме урока, раздаточный материал.


Ход урока:


Good morning children! How are you? What is the date today? Who is absent today? Oh! I’m so hungry… I didn’t have breakfast today… Did you have breakfast today? What did you have for breakfast? Oh! Tell me, please, what time is it now? Do you know, that it’s time for breakfast in Britain? What do you think about their breakfast? What do they eat?


Ok, tell me, please, about what we will speak today?

Yes! Today our lesson will be about traditional British food.


But firstly let’s read several British food proverbs and match them to their meaning. Two proverbs have the same meaning.


1. All bread is not baked in one oven. 2. Half a loaf is better than no bread. 3. You can’t make an omelette without breaking eggs. 4. Don’t put all your eggs in one basket. 5. It’s no use crying over spilt milk! 6. An apple a day keeps the doctor away. 7. Too many cooks spoil the broth. 8. Tastes differ.

a) It is better to get less than one wants or expects than to have nothing at all. b) It is hard to achieve something important without causing unpleasant effects. c) There are too many people involved in trying to do the same thing so that the final result will not be good. d) Eating nutritious food will make you healthier. e) All people are different and have different interests. f) Don’t make everything dependent on one thing. g) Don’t spend your time worrying about things of that past that cannot be changed.


What are the Russian / Belarusian equivalents of the proverbs?


Appetite comes with eating.


What traditional British food do you remember? Tell me your ideas!

Do you know much about British food? What facts do you know?


In several minutes we’ll listen to the radio programme and watch a short video about British food, but before we do I’d like you to answer the following questions:


1.   What do milkmen do?

2.   Do British people often eat bacon and egg for breakfast?

3.   When do British people usually have lunch?

4.   When do they usually have their evening meal?

5.   Does London have a lot of foreign restaurants? From how many different countries?

6.   Do British people really eat a lot of fish and chips?


Let’s complete this quiz with your ideas!

Complete the sentences!

1. The usual British breakfast includes __________________________ .

2. Lunch is at about ____________.

3. At lunchtime people usually only have a break of ________ .

4. Most people buy their food from _______________ .

5. You don’t ___________ convenience food.

6. Most people have their ­­­­­­­­­­­­­­___________ in the evening.

7. People have meat or ________ and __________________ .

8. The evening meal is usually at about ___________ .

9. But people don’t just eat at home – they also _________ .

10. Britain has a lot of foreign ________ .

11. London has restaurants from over ______ different countries.

12. _________ and ___________restaurants are very popular.


The girl in the video asked what food you liked! Let’s answer her question!


And now let’s learn more information about food in Britain.


British meals

The first meal of the day in the morning is breakfast. Some British people eat toast with butter and jam (often strawberry, raspberry, apricot) or marmalade (a type of jam made from oranges) and nothing else. Others eat a bowl of cereals, or muesli with milk, or porridge. Melon, grapefruit or fruit cocktail are popular.

 A traditional English breakfast is a cooked meal which may contain sausages, bacon, black pudding, scrambled or fried egg, mushrooms, boiled tomatoes, beans, and toast.

 A continental breakfast is a small uncooked meal: a bread roll or croissant  with cheese or ham. The most common, usual drinks at this time of day are orange juice or a cup of tea or coffee. If a meal is eaten in the late morning instead of both breakfast and lunch, it is called brunch.

Lunch is the meal eaten in the middle of the day (usually between about 12:30 and 2:00). Many people eat meat, cheese or other sandwiches. Some people have a simple meal, such as cheese and biscuits, or soup and bread. Drinks at lunch time are very different: fruit juices, coca-cola, fanta, sprite, pepsicola, merinda, 7up and others. Some people like tea or coffee.

The Sunday roast is a traditional meal eaten by a family at Sunday lunchtime, for example, roast beef with roast potatoes, peas, Brussels sprouts, green beans, Yorkshire pudding and gravy.

Supper is the most common name for the meal eaten in the evening (usually between 7:00 and 8:30). Dinner is another common name for supper. It is a cooked meal of meat or fish and two veg (vegetables), one of which is often potato. It is common to eat dessert (also known as pudding after the main dish.


Read the sentences and say if they are true or false.

1. Breakfast is eaten in the evening. 2. People in Britain often have toast with butter and jam or marmalade and a cup of tea or coffee for lunch. 3. A traditional English breakfast is meat, cheese or other sandwiches with a glass of coca-cola or fanta. 4. People in Britain often have soup or sandwiches for lunch. 5. A Sunday roast is a traditional meal eaten by a family at Sunday lunchtime. 6. Dinner and supper are synonyms. 7. Traditional dinner is pudding and a cup of coffee.


Read the text again and make three different lists answering the question: What do people in Britain usually eat for breakfast, lunch and dinner?


Look through the text again and find the sentences where the names of the meals are used with and without articles. Can you see the rule?


Read the rule and check your guesses.


Articles with Names of Meals

1) Существительные, обозначающие приёмы пищине имеют артикля, если они употреблены в своем абстрактном значении, называя приёмы еды и ассоциируясь со временемto have (take, serve, cook, prepare), breakfast, lunch, dinner, tea.

Lunch is at 12 o’clock.

Tea is laid on the coffee table.

What shall I cook for supper?

2) Неопределенный артикль употребляется, если у существительного есть описательное определение.

Let’s have an early supper tonight.

We had a late dinner.

A potluck dinner is a dinner when everyone has to bring a dish.

3) Определенный артикль употребляется с данными существительными, если есть ситуация, контекст, лимитирующее определение или же имеется в виду сама еда.

The dinner you cooked was great!

How much did you pay for the lunch?

Don’t burn the dinner again, Jane!


Read Alesya’s letter and fill in the articles where necessary.


Dear Mum, I am fine. There are so many different interesting events here I would like to tell you about, but as always, I have very little time.

You’ve asked me about the meals here. So, I’d better describe them in detail. We have ... breakfast at home, early in the morning. It is usually cornflakes with milk or porridge, toast with marmalade or jam and a cup of tea. In British schools, children can usually choose between ... hot or cold dinner provided by the school or … packed lunch taken from home. Some children get … free school lunch, but most children pay for theirs. Our … lunch break is from 12.15 noon to 1.15 p.m. School … lunches are priced at £1.60. In the evening we have … dinner which is very similar to what we have at this time of the day in Belarus.

How are you and Dad? I miss you very much. Love, Alesya.


Let’s compare British and Belarusian meals (mealtimes and food).


Model: British people eat toast with butter and jam for breakfast. People in Belarus don’t often eat toast but they may have white bread with butter and jam for breakfast or lunch.


Thank you for your work… now let’s return to our first quiz… Take a pen with another color and add or may be change you answer..  and then we can see about what new did we know about British Food..


What is the most popular food in Great Britain?

Did you like the lesson? What British food do you remember? At home…

Thank you for your work!











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