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Урок по английскому языку "Going to Britain" (7 класс)

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Lesson 54




Date: 03.04.15 (7a)

          06.04.15 (7bv)

Grade: 7                           


critical thinking


The theme: Going to Britain.

Поездка в Британию.


To enrich pupil’s knowledge by this theme.

To practice pupils in monological and dialogical speech, to teach pupils to work creatively and introduce new words, expressions according to the theme. 
To enrich the pupils’ knowledge with new words, to improve pronunciation and to develop oral speech. To give students basic information about the subject.


By the end of the lesson the students must be able to speak about this topic, comparing thing, to identifying language structure

Key ideas

Development of critical thinking, management and leadership in education promotes self-regulation, motivation and responsibility for their own learning

Methods and Techniques

 Discussion, individual and pair, group work

The type of the lesson

New lesson


Board, cards with new words, pens, stickers, markers, glue, tasks, poster, pictures, power point

The procedure of the lesson
I. Org. moment.


- Good day, my pupils. I’m very glad to see you! I hope you are all feeling well today! Sit down, please, and be ready for the lesson. Now, let’s start.  


Warm – up.   

Don’t cry bitterly and go to Italy.

Don’t miss your chance and go to France.

Take your pan and go to Japan.

Buy some cheese and go to Greece.

And now let’s translate this poem.


 II. Basic of the lesson.

But we will travel to another marvelous country – The United Кingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. The topic of our lesson is “Going to Britain.  Open your copybooks and write down the date and the theme.


Checking homework. What was your home task? To learn words, 6 sentences.


Realization of meaning.
Activity 1 Watching a video “Great Britain”


Activity 2 Working with a map.  (individual work)
Look at the map. There you can see Great Britain which consists of 4 parts. Let’s remember their names.

 Scotland on the north, England on the south, Wales is near England and the small part of the country is Northern Ireland is on the east. All the parts have their capital. England – London. Wales – Cardiff, Scotland – Edinburgh, Northern Ireland – Belfast.

·         -Please show me the England/Scotland/Wales

·         -Please, show me rivers in England.

·         -Please show me the highest mount in the Great Britain.


You are tired. It’s time to have a rest.  Let's relax and do a very plain gymnastics for our necks.
- Look at the ceiling, 

- Look at the floor,
- Look at the window,
- Look at the door.


Activity 3 Read a dialogue. (group work)

What countries do the Great Britain consist of? The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland consists of England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.

How many people do live in Great Britain? The population of Britain is over 58 million. 49 million people live in England, 5 million live in Scotland, about 3 million in Wales and 1,5 million in Northern Ireland. 7 million people live in London, the capital city.

What is the capital of Great Britain? London is the capital of Great Britain.

Who is the head of the state? The head of the state is the Queen.

Where does the Queen live? In London the Queen lives in Buckingham Palace, a very popular place for tourists.

What are the names of other big cities of Great Britain? Other famous towns and cities in Britain are Edinburgh, York, Stratford-upon-Avon, Liverpool, Cambridge and Oxford.

How many National Parks are there in Great Britain? There are 10 National Parks in Great Britain.

Where is Lake District situated? The Lake District is situated in the north-west of England.

What mysterious sightseeing is situated in England? Stonehenge is situated in England. Well, nobody really knows. Perhaps it’s a temple or a clock or is it a calendar.


Activity 5Grammar revision. Present Perfect Tense.

Have/has + V(ed)/ V3

  • Результат какого-то действия в прошлом к настоящему моменту.

I have met him.

  • Жизненный опыт.

I have never been to Astana.

  • Действие произошло, но период времени, в который оно происходило, еще не завершился.

He has made a million this year.

I have been to Astana.  I have not been to Astana.   Have you been to Astana?


Activity 6 – Writing. Cards (individual work)

Use The Present Perfect Tense in the sentences.


III. Reflection.  Cinqiaun
Thank you very much for your work. I think that this information was interesting and useful for you.

You have worked well today. Let’s remember what we have done at the lesson.

Open your diary, please.  Your homework is to learn words, 6 sentences.

Your marks. “The lesson is over. Goodbye!”        

Thank you for the lesson. My dear friends, you are the smartest,

the nicest, the merriest.

You are the best.

What countries do the Great Britain consist of?


The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland consists of England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.


How many people do live in Great Britain?


The population of Britain is over 58 million. 49 million people live in England, 5 million live in Scotland, about 3 million in Wales and 1,5 million in Northern Ireland. 7 million people live in London, the capital city.


What is the capital of Great Britain?


 London is the capital of Great Britain.


Who is the head of the state?


The head of the state is the Queen.


Where does the Queen live?


In London the Queen lives in Buckingham Palace, a very popular place for tourists.

What are the names of other big cities of Great Britain?


Other famous towns and cities in Britain are Edinburgh, York, Stratford-upon-Avon, Liverpool, Cambridge and Oxford.


How many National Parks are there in Great Britain?


There are 10 National Parks in Great Britain.


 Where is Lake District situated?


The Lake District is situated in the north-west of England.


What mysterious sightseeing is situated in England?


Stonehenge is situated in England. Well, nobody really knows. Perhaps it’s a temple or a clock or is it a calendar.






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Краткое описание документа:

Урок - путешествие, урок знакомства со страной изучаемого языка. Учащиеся познакомятся с страной Великобритания, прочитают информацию о Великобритании, выполнят задания по прочитанному, научатся работать с картой, повторят знания об образовании и употреблении Present Perfect Tense, напишут самостоятельную работу. Lesson 54English Date: 03.04.15 (7a) 06.04.15 (7bv) Grade: 7 critical thinkingICT The theme: Going to Britain.Поездка в Британию. Aim To enrich pupil’s knowledge by this theme.To practice pupils in monological and dialogical speech, to teach pupils to work creatively and introduce new words, expressions according to the theme. To enrich the pupils’ knowledge with new words, to improve pronunciation and to develop oral speech. To give students basic information about the subject. Objectives By the end of the lesson the students must be able to speak about this topic, comparing thing, to identifying language structure Key ideas Development of critical thinking, management and leadership in education promotes self-regulation, motivation and responsibility for their own learning Methods and Techniques Discussion, individual and pair, group work The type of the lesson New lesson Resources Board, cards with new words, pens, stickers, markers, glue, tasks, poster, pictures, power point The procedure of the lesson I. Org. moment.Evocation.- Good day, my pupils. I’m very glad to see you! I hope you are all feeling well today! Sit down, please, and be ready for the lesson. Now, let’s start. Warm – up. “Travelling”Don’t cry bitterly and go to Italy.Don’t miss your chance and go to France.Take your pan and go to Japan.Buy some cheese and go to Greece.And now let’s translate this poem. II. Basic of the lesson.But we will travel to another marvelous country – The United Кingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. The topic of our lesson is “Going to Britain”. Open your copybooks and write down the date and the theme.Checking homework. What was your home task? To learn words, 6 sentences.Realization of meaning.Activity 1 – Watching a video “Great Britain”Activity 2 – Working with a map. (individual work) Look at the map. There you can see Great Britain which consists of 4 parts. Let’s remember their names. Scotland on the north, England on the south, Wales is near England and the small part of the country is Northern Ireland is on the east. All the parts have their capital. England – London. Wales – Cardiff, Scotland – Edinburgh, Northern Ireland – Belfast. -Please show me the England/Scotland/Wales -Please, show me rivers in England. -Please show me the highest mount in the Great Britain. You are tired. It’s time to have a rest. Let's relax and do a very plain gymnastics for our necks. - Look at the ceiling, - Look at the floor, - Look at the window, - Look at the door.Activity 3 – Read a dialogue. (group work)What countries do the Great Britain consist of? The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland consists of England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.How many people do live in Great Britain? The population of Britain is over 58 million. 49 million people live in England, 5 million live in Scotland, about 3 million in Wales and 1,5 million in Northern Ireland. 7 million people live in London, the capital city.What is the capital of Great Britain? London is the capital of Great Britain.Who is the head of the state? The head of the state is the Queen.Where does the Queen live? In London the Queen lives in Buckingham Palace, a very popular place for tourists.What are the names of other big cities of Great Britain? Other famous towns and cities in Britain are Edinburgh, York, Stratford-upon-Avon, Liverpool, Cambridge and Oxford.How many National Parks are there in Great Britain? There are 10 National Parks in Great Britain.Where is Lake District situated? The Lake District is situated in the north-west of England.What mysterious sightseeing is situated in England? Stonehenge is situated in England. Well, nobody really knows. Perhaps it’s a temple or a clock or is it a calendar.Activity 5 – Grammar revision. Present Perfect Tense.Have/has + V(ed)/ V3 Результат какого-то действия в прошлом к настоящему моменту. I have met him. Жизненный опыт. I have never been to Astana. Действие произошло, но период времени, в который оно происходило, еще не завершился. He has made a million this year. I have been to Astana. I have not been to Astana. Have you been to Astana?Activity 6 – Writing. Cards (individual work)Use The Present Perfect Tense in the sentences.III. Reflection. Cinqiaun Thank you very much for your work. I think that this information was interesting and useful for you.You have worked well today. Let’s remember what we have done at the lesson. Open your diary, please. Your homework is to learn words, 6 sentences.Your marks. “The lesson is over. Goodbye!” Thank you for the lesson. My dear friends, you are the smartest,the nicest, the merriest.You are the best.

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