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Урок по английскому языку на тему "At the doctor's".

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Сабақ №                                 Сыныбы                       Күні:


Сабақтың  тақырыбы:  Дәрігерде.  At the doctor’s
Сабақтың  мақсаты:  Білімділік.  Лексикалық  тақырып  бойынша  сөздік  қорын  молайту, модаль  етістігін  қолдану  дағдысын  қалыптастыру. Дамытушылық. Оқушылардың  сөйлеу,  оқу  дағдыларын  қалыптастыру.
Тәрбиелік. Оқушыларды  салауатты өмір  салтына  тәрбиелеу.
Сабақ әдісі: Сұрақ-жауап

Сабақ типі: Жаңа білімді меңгерту

Көрнекілігі: Интерактивті  тақта

Пән аралық байланыс: қазақ тілі,  валеология


Сабақ   барысы:

 I.Ұйымдастыру  кезеңі

      А) амандасу

      Б) жоқтарды белгілеу

      В) Оқушылардың  көңіл-күйін  тексеру:

Жасыл жүрекше-тамаша

Қызыл  жүрекше-қобалжулы

Сары  жүрекше-бірқалыпты

1.2 Үй  жұмысын  тексеру.


“Parts of the  body”
























































1-    бас

2-    құлақ

3-    қолдар

4-    иық

5-    аяқтар

6-    ауыз




ІІ. Негізгі  кезең.   Сабақтың тақырыбымен, мақсаттарымен таныстыру.

  Our theme in our lesson is «At the doctor’s»

 2.1  “Treating a patient”

Pre – reading.

Жаңа  сөздермен  жұмыс.

Height temperature-қызу  көтерілуі

strip  to the waist-белді  ашу

felt the pulse-пульсты  тексерді

 listened to his lungs-өкпені  тексерді

tested his blood pressure-қан  қысымын  тексерді

2.2.Reading “Treating  the  patient”.

2.3 Пысықтау


2.4Post-reading.  Group  work. Complete  the  chart.








2.5 Work with pictures. Can you explain what is wrong with people? What is doctor doing?

2.6 Here are some rules for good health. But there are some mistakes. Find them.
-take long walks in the open air as often as you can.
- eat a lot of sweets and ice-cream.
-keep your body clean.
-Wear dirty clothes.
-sleep with your window open
- When you are reading or writing let the light come from your left shoulder.
-have a lot of fruits and vegetables
- sleep with your eyes open
-wear clean clothes.
2.7   Grammar  revision.  “Modal verbs”   should, must, have  to

1.  You    should   get   more  exercise.

2.You  must   get  more  fresh  air.

3.You  have  to  stay  in  bed.

4.You  should  stay  off school for  a  week.

5. You  mustn’t  go  outdoors  until   you  are  better.

2.8 Бекіту.

Speaking. Writing.
1) What does doctor usually say? What does a patient usually say? Divide the phrases into 2 groups.

Patient                                                                     Doctor
I have a running nose.---------------------------------------I have a sore throat.
Open your mouth.------------------------------------------- That’s a prescription for you.
I have a bad toothache.------------------------------------ Let me take your temperature.
Let me examine your lungs.------------------------------ Can you give me a medicine for my headache?
Let me feel your pulse.------------------------------------ You should take it three times a day.
2.9. Dramatization  the  dialogue.

Characters: Doctor Pill, patient Lame.

Doctor:      I’m the doctor, Doctor Pill.

I treat patients who arterial.

Patient:      I’m the patient, oh, my head!

I’m so ill, I’m almost dead!

Doctor: Take off your scarf and let me see.

Your tongue, your throat, your malady.

(Doctor examines his tongue, throat).

Doctor:       Do you do your morning drills?

Do you fake vitamins and pills?

Patient:      I get  up early at sunrise.

And do my morning exercise.

Doctor:       That’s fine, that’s fine. Now let me see. You do a set of drills with me.

(Doctor and patient begin to do their daily dozen).

All the children do the exercises with them.


Stand up!

Hands up! Hands on hips! Sit down!

Stand up!

Hands up! Hands at your sides!

Bend to the left! Bend to the right!

2.10) Ex5, p24. Do you know what famous people said about health? Read, try to explain how you understand them. Fill in the blanks with an appropriate word (asthma, prescription, lung, pain, stomachache, attack, myself)
1) They say she died of a heart attack.
3) She had some apples that weren’t ready to eat, and now she has a stomachache.
4) I’ve got this terrible pain in my neck from sleeping in the wrong position.
5) He died of lung cancer, even though he never smoked a cigarette in his life.
6) I went to the doctor, and she gave me a prescription for some medicine.
7) Pollution makes his asthma worse, and it’s difficult for him to breath.
8) I hurt myself when I fell off that chair.

Мұғалім: A  sound   mind  in  a sound  body.
3.Үй жұмысы  Ex.13 p.126

4.Бағалау. Рефлексия.





Your  name___________________

1.     Менің  ойымша,  бүгінгі     сабақ     (қызықты/қызықсыз   өтті).

2.      Мен  бүгінгі  сабақта  (көп  нәрсе/ шамалы)   үйрендім.

3.     Мен   сыныптастарымды  (зейін  қойып/  зейін  қоймай)  тыңдадым.

4.     Мен  бүгінгі сабақта  сұрақтарға   (жиі, сирек)  қатыстым.

5.     Мен   осы  сабақта өзіммен  (қанағаттанамын/қанағаттанбаймын).




























Complete  the  chart.







Complete  the  chart.







Complete  the  chart.









Complete  the  chart.







Complete  the  chart.







Complete  the  chart.
















Here are some rules for good health. But there are some mistakes. Find them.
-take long walks in the open air as often as you can.
- eat a lot of sweets and ice-cream.
-keep your body clean.
-Wear dirty clothes.
-sleep with your window open
- When you are reading or writing let the light come from your left shoulder.
-have a lot of fruits and vegetables
- sleep with your eyes open
-wear clean clothes.




Here are some rules for good health. But there are some mistakes. Find them.
-take long walks in the open air as often as you can.
- eat a lot of sweets and ice-cream.
-keep your body clean.
-Wear dirty clothes.
-sleep with your window open
- When you are reading or writing let the light come from your left shoulder.
-have a lot of fruits and vegetables
- sleep with your eyes open
-wear clean clothes.





Here are some rules for good health. But there are some mistakes. Find them.
-take long walks in the open air as often as you can.
- eat a lot of sweets and ice-cream.
-keep your body clean.
-Wear dirty clothes.
-sleep with your window open
- When you are reading or writing let the light come from your left shoulder.
-have a lot of fruits and vegetables
- sleep with your eyes open
-wear clean clothes.


What   does   doctor   usually   say? What   does   a   patient   usually   say? Divide   the   phrases   into 2 groups.

Patient                                                                     Doctor
I have a running nose.---------------------------------------I have a sore throat.
Open your mouth.------------------------------------------- That’s a prescription for you.
I have a bad toothache.------------------------------------ Let me take your temperature.
Let me examine your lungs.------------------------------ Can you give me a medicine for my headache?
Let me feel your pulse.------------------------------------ You should take it three times a day.




What   does    doctor   usually    say? What   does   a   patient   usually   say? Divide   the   phrases   into 2 groups.

Patient                                                                     Doctor
I have a running nose.---------------------------------------I have a sore throat.
Open your mouth.------------------------------------------- That’s a prescription for you.
I have a bad toothache.------------------------------------ Let me take your temperature.
Let me examine your lungs.------------------------------ Can you give me a medicine for my headache?
Let me feel your pulse.------------------------------------ You should take it three times a day.




What   does    doctor   usually   say? What     does   a   patient    usually    say? Divide   the    phrases     into    2   groups.

Patient                                                                     Doctor
I have a running nose.---------------------------------------I have a sore throat.
Open your mouth.------------------------------------------- That’s a prescription for you.
I have a bad toothache.------------------------------------ Let me take your temperature.
Let me examine your lungs.------------------------------ Can you give me a medicine for my headache?
Let me feel your pulse.------------------------------------ You should take it three times a day.



Fill in the blanks with an appropriate word  (asthma, prescription, lung, pain, stomachache, attack, myself)

1) They say she died of _____________.
3) She had some apples that weren’t ready to eat, and now she has a ____________.
4) I’ve got this terrible _________ in my neck from sleeping in the wrong position.
5) He died of ____ cancer, even though he never smoked a cigarette in his life.
6) I went to the doctor, and she gave me a _________ for some medicine.
7) Pollution makes his ______ worse, and it’s difficult for him to breath.
8) I hurt _______when I fell off that chair.





Fill in the blanks with an appropriate word  (asthma, prescription, lung, pain, stomachache, attack, myself)

1) They say she died of _____________.
3) She had some apples that weren’t ready to eat, and now she has a ____________.
4) I’ve got this terrible _________ in my neck from sleeping in the wrong position.
5) He died of ____ cancer, even though he never smoked a cigarette in his life.
6) I went to the doctor, and she gave me a _________ for some medicine.
7) Pollution makes his ______ worse, and it’s difficult for him to breath.
8) I hurt _______when I fell off that chair.





Fill in the blanks with an appropriate word  (asthma, prescription, lung, pain, stomachache, attack, myself)

1) They say she died of _____________.
3) She had some apples that weren’t ready to eat, and now she has a ____________.
4) I’ve got this terrible _________ in my neck from sleeping in the wrong position.
5) He died of ____ cancer, even though he never smoked a cigarette in his life.
6) I went to the doctor, and she gave me a _________ for some medicine.
7) Pollution makes his ______ worse, and it’s difficult for him to breath.
8) I hurt _______when I fell off that chair.



Your  name___________________

1.     Менің  ойымша,  бүгінгі     сабақ     (қызықты/қызықсыз   өтті).

2.      Мен  бүгінгі  сабақта  (көп  нәрсе/ шамалы)   үйрендім.

3.     Мен   сыныптастарымды  (зейін  қойып/  зейін  қоймай)  тыңдадым.

4.     Мен  бүгінгі сабақта  сұрақтарға   (жиі, сирек)  қатыстым.

5.     Мен   осы  сабақта өзіммен  (қанағаттанамын/қанағаттанбаймын).






Your  name___________________

1.     Менің  ойымша,  бүгінгі     сабақ     (қызықты/қызықсыз   өтті).

2.      Мен  бүгінгі  сабақта  (көп  нәрсе/ шамалы)   үйрендім.

3.     Мен   сыныптастарымды  (зейін  қойып/  зейін  қоймай)  тыңдадым.

4.     Мен  бүгінгі сабақта  сұрақтарға   (жиі, сирек)  қатыстым.

5.     Мен   осы  сабақта өзіммен  (қанағаттанамын/қанағаттанбаймын).






Your  name___________________

1.     Менің  ойымша,  бүгінгі     сабақ     (қызықты/қызықсыз   өтті).

2.      Мен  бүгінгі  сабақта  (көп  нәрсе/ шамалы)   үйрендім.

3.     Мен   сыныптастарымды  (зейін  қойып/  зейін  қоймай)  тыңдадым.

4.     Мен  бүгінгі сабақта  сұрақтарға   (жиі, сирек)  қатыстым.

5.     Мен   осы  сабақта өзіммен  (қанағаттанамын/қанағаттанбаймын).






Your  name___________________

1.     Менің  ойымша,  бүгінгі     сабақ     (қызықты/қызықсыз   өтті).

2.      Мен  бүгінгі  сабақта  (көп  нәрсе/ шамалы)   үйрендім.

3.     Мен   сыныптастарымды  (зейін  қойып/  зейін  қоймай)  тыңдадым.

4.     Мен  бүгінгі сабақта  сұрақтарға   (жиі, сирек)  қатыстым.

5.     Мен   осы  сабақта өзіммен  (қанағаттанамын/қанағаттанбаймын).
































“Parts of the  body”
























































1-    бас

2-    құлақ

3-    қолдар

4-    иық

5-    аяқтар

6-    ауыз






“Parts of the  body”
























































1-    бас

2-    құлақ

3-    қолдар

4-    иық

5-    аяқтар

6-    ауыз






“Parts of the  body”
























































1-    бас

2-    құлақ

3-    қолдар

4-    иық

5-    аяқтар

6-    ауыз



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