Инфоурок Английский язык КонспектыУрок по теме "Защита окружающей среды"

Урок по теме "Защита окружающей среды"

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Урок по учебнику “Happy English.ru” К.И. Кауфман для 7 класса.

Название: “Are you worried about nature?”

Темы: “Camping”, “The world around us”, “Rubbish and litter”.

Тип урока: систематизация и обобщение материала

Цель урока: Расширить и закрепить языковые знания и навыки, а именно: орфографические и слухопроизносительные, лексическую сторону речи и коммуникативные умения.


1. Развивать познавательный интерес учащихся; расширять страноведческие знания, помочь учащимся лучше осознать явления своей действительности, своей культуры путем сравнения их с иной действительностью и культурой.

2. Привлечь внимание к защите окружающей среды, убедить в том, что эта проблема актуальна для каждого из нас.

3. Формировать умения делать проекты.

Наглядные пособия и опоры: Опорные таблицы и картинки, кроссворд, плакат с изображением дерева, нарисованные заготовки листьев, аудиозапись к учебнику “Happy English.ru” К.И. Кауфман для 7 класса, карточки с заданиями.

Планируемые результаты:

личностные: формирование ответственного отношения к учению; готовности к самообразованию и саморазвитию; формирование коммуникативной компетенции в общении и сотрудничестве со сверстниками и учителем;

метапредметные: умения строить логические рассуждения, умозаключения; умения адекватно и осознанно использовать речевые средства в соответствии с задачей коммуникации;

предметные: систематизировать знания по теме «Защита окружающей среды»




I.                       Мотивационный этап


Teacher (T): Good morning, everybody! I’m glad to see you.

Pupils (Ps): Good morning, we’re glad to see you, too.

Pupil on duty: Nataliya Evgenivna, our class is ready for the lesson.

T: Good. I hope nobody is absent today.

P: No, all the pupils are present today. (           absent).

T: Today some guests are present at our lesson. I think we must greet them on behalf of our pupils. Would you like to do it, please?

P: I’m happy to greet you on behalf of all our pupils. I hope you will be pleased with our answers. We like English and try to study it as well as we can.

T: Thanks, take your seats, please.

Постановка целей урока

T: Well, let’s start our work. Look at the board now. Read these words. Look at the pictures, listen to the sounds and think about the title of our lesson. Do you have any idea what the title of our lesson is?

P: I think it’s about nature.

T: That’s right. “Nature” is the first key word of our today’s work. But what is the whole title of our lesson? Look at the board I’ve prepared a puzzle for you. If you put all these letters in correct order you will be able to name the title of our lesson.

(На доске написаны слова, порядок букв в которых не верный, “ear uyo orriwde aubot btarue” . Восстановив порядок  букв в словах, учащиеся называют тему урока “Are you worried about nature?”)

T: Nastya, can you write it on the board, please?

T: That’s it. What are we going to speak about?

P1, P2, P3: We are going to speak about camping, the world around us, rubbish and litter.

T: That’s true. How clever of you! Today we are going to have an unusual lesson, that’s why we are going to speak English as much as possible. What do you think we are going to do?

Ps: We are going to

· Speak English a lot

· Listen to the tape

· Sing songs

· Do a crossword

· Read a quiz

· Write promises

II. Актуализация знаний и осуществление пробного действия

T:  Now let’s speak about camping. Answer my questions, please. Do you like camping? What do you think about camping?

P1: I like camping. I think camping is a real adventure, because we can sleep in tents, cook on a campfire and go fishing.

P2: In my opinion camping is fun because I like to play games and swim.

P3: To my mind camping is boring. You walk all day and carry a heavy backpack. You are very tired in the evening, but you have to go to pick up some wood for the camping. Then you eat disgusting burned potatoes.

T: And what about you?

P4: I hate camping, because when you finally get into your sleeping bag, you can’t sleep. Somebody snores, mosquitoes sit on your nose. The ground is hard and cold.

T: Are you scared?

P5: Of course I’M not scared.

T: Let’s find out what kind of camper you are. Read the quiz and choose your answers then we’ll find out what kind of camper you are. Ex. A, p. 29.

(Учащиеся читают вопросы викторины, выбирают ответы и зачитывают результаты.)

T: I see some of you like camping, and there are pupils  who don’t like  camping, but nevertheless, let’s go camping. At first, we must pack our backpacks. Look, I’ve prepared a crossword for you. You should  do it, and then you can guess the second key word  of our today’s work. So, what things are important to have for camping?

Ps: It is important to have a backpack, a compass, a guitar, matches, a torch, a tent, a penknife, a spoon, a snack.

(Учащиеся заполняют кроссворд, вписывая названия предметов, который находятся на столе.)

T: Well, what is the second key word?

P: Protection.

T: That’s right, protection. What exactly must we protect?

Ps: Rivers, lakes, flowers, forests, etc.

T: So, we’ve packed our backpack and while we are going, let’s sing the song “We go, go, go”.

We go, go, go by tour, tour bus

We want to go camping with our friendly class.

T: After a long trip we are getting to our favourite campsite. We want to stop for the night but we can’t … Look at the picture and say why we can’t stop for the night.

You see, everything is awful! Do you agree with me?

P1, P2: Yes, we do.

T: What’s happened?

Ps: Somebody started a fire (polluted the water, killed the fish, left the litter, cut down the trees etc.)

III. Решение задачи творческого уровня

T: You see, the world around us is in danger and we must protect the nature. The earth is our big home. We must keep it clean for ourselves and for the next generation, because nothing is forever and nature is getting tired. If we don’s stop and think today, tomorrow the Earth could die.  What can we do with litter?

P1: We must burn it.

P2:  We can’t do this, because the toxins from the litter will pollute the atmosphere.

P3: We must berry in under the ground.

P4: We can’t do it, because litter lasts for a long time. In fact, tins and plastic bottles last for 500 years and glass lasts forever!

P5: We must take it home.

P6: we’ll have to do this! There are special factories, which recycle materials. Now listen to the text about how people in England protect the environment and be ready to answer the question: “How do people in England protect the environment?”

(Учащиеся слушают текст упр. 5 на стр.68 учебника  и отвечают на вопрос учителя)

Ps: They sort rubbish.

      They never drop litter in the street.

      They  clean up after their dogs, etc.

T: So, how can you help the environment? How can you protect the world around us? Let’s make project “Green tree”. Use the tree leaf from Cut Out page in your workbook. Then read your promise and we’ll make our Green Tree.

(Учащиеся читают свои обещания и прикрепляют листочки на дерево.)

T: I think we must keep our promises.

T: We’ve made our Green Tree. Now let’s sing the song  about nature protection.

(Учащиеся поют песню со стр. 65 учебника.)

IV. Рефлексия

T. Dear friends, our lesson is almost over.

Ps: We’ve spoken English a lot.

      We’ve read the quiz.

      We’ve done the crossword.

      We’ve sung songs.

T: Which part of the lesson did you like most of all?

Ps: I liked the quiz, the song etc.

T: What did you understand  at the lesson?

P1: It is important to protect the world around us, animals, flowers, seas and oceans.

P2: I agree, if we want to have clean Earth, water, air we must protect the environment, because nothing is forever and nature is getting tired. If we don’t stop and think today, tomorrow the Earth could die.

T: Thank you for the lesson, you were very active and bright. I enjoyed your work at the lesson. Your marks are …

Now, put these expressions into logical order and you’ll know your homework.

1)      Save the environment, because

2)      Earth is our home

3)      Today and tomorrow the

4)      Tomorrow the Earth could die            (TEST)

T: Now the lesson is over. Goodbye.


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