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Урок по теме "Знаменитые люди" (6 класс)

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Описание презентации по отдельным слайдам:

  • «Talking about famous people»

    1 слайд

    «Talking about famous people»

  • What are you going to be?
             What are you going to be?...

    2 слайд

    What are you going to be?
    What are you going to be?
    I’m going to be …
    a scientist a sportsman
    an artist an architect
    a singer an actress
    a poet a teacher
    That’s the life for me.

  • Choose from the list the names of famous actors, painters, writers, musicia...

    3 слайд

    Choose from the list the names of
    famous actors, painters, writers, musicians,
    scientists, politicians who are on your card.

    D. Defoe C. Chaplin J. Turner
    J. Lennon M. Twain A. Einstein
    J. Tolkien C. Darwin F. Chopin
    B. Pit J.S. Bach I. Newton
    Elizabeth I I. Repin M. Thatcher
    P. Picasso M. Monroe M. Gorbachev
    W. Shakespeare Sir W. Churchill

  •  The famous actors are C. Chaplin, M. Monroe, B. Pit.
The famous painters a...

    4 слайд


    The famous actors are C. Chaplin, M. Monroe, B. Pit.
    The famous painters are J. Turner, I. Repin, P. Picasso.
    The famous English writers are D. Defoe, W. Shakespeare, J. Tolkien.
    The famous musicians and composers are J. Lennon, F. Chopin, J.S Bach.
    The famous scientists are C. Darwin, I. Newton, A. Einstein.
    The famous politicians are Sir W. Churchill, M. Thatcher, M. Gorbachev.

  • Use the table and make up true sentences.

    5 слайд

    Use the table and make up true sentences.

  • «The Beatles» is the most 1) …….. group in rock music history. One of «The Be...

    6 слайд

    «The Beatles» is the most 1) …….. group in rock music history. One of «The Beatles» was John Lennon. He 2) …….. in Liverpool in 1940. He 3) …….. music. He formed pop group «The Beatles» in 1962. John Lennon was the Beatles’ heart. He 4) …….. his songs «Woman», «Imagine», «Yesterday». People 5) …….. them. Most of them were about love. British people 6) …….. him.

    Read the text, fill in the gaps using
    the words. One word is extra.
    are proud of, song, popular, was fond of, was famous for, love, was born

  • «The Beatles» is the most 1) popular group in rock music history. One of «The...

    7 слайд

    «The Beatles» is the most 1) popular group in rock music history. One of «The Beatles» was John Lennon. He 2) was born in Liverpool in 1940. He 3) was fond of music. He formed pop group «The Beatles» in 1962. John Lennon was the Beatles’ heart. He 4) was famous for his songs «Woman», «Yesterday». People 5) love them. British people 6) are proud of him.

  • You will work in groups of 3 - 4. You should make up a story about famous peo...

    8 слайд

    You will work in groups of 3 - 4. You should make up a story about famous people using key phrases. One of you will present the story before the class. You have only 7 minutes.
    (2+лексика + грамматика + объем=5)

  • РефлексияЧто нового вы узнали на уроке? Продолжите предложение: 
Я узнал мно...

    9 слайд


    Что нового вы узнали на уроке? Продолжите предложение:
    Я узнал много нового о …
    Сейчас я смогу …

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Выбранный для просмотра документ карточка о знаменитых.doc




1. Choose from the list the names of famous scientists, who are on your card. Work in pairs. You have one minute.

The famous scientists are ….

D. Defoe

C. Chaplin

J. Turner

W. Shakespeare

J. Lennon

M. Twain

J. Tolkien

C. Darwin

Sir A. Conan Doyle

F. Chopin

B. Pit

J.S Bach

I. Newton

Elizabeth I

Sir W. Churchill

I. Repin

S. Marshak

M. Thatcher

P. Picasso

A. Einstein


M. Gorbachev



2. Read the text, fill in the gaps using the words. One word is extra.

are proud of, popular, song, was fond of, was famous for, love, was born


«The Beatles» is the most 1)…………….. group in rock music history. One of «The Beatles» was John Lennon. He 2)………………….  in Liverpool in 1940. He 3) ………………… music. He formed pop group «The Beatles» in 1962. John Lennon was the Beatles’ heart. He 4) ……………. his songs «Woman», «Yesterday». People 5) ………………. them. British people 6) ……………... him.


3. Listen to the story of your classmates’ group and fill in the table.






Date of birth





Was fond of






















Monologue about famous person (Монолог об известном человеке)


You will work in a group of 3 - 4. You should make up a story about famous people using key phrases. One of you will present the story before the class. You have only 7 minutes.

                      … was a famous …


                      … was born in the …th century.


His/her family was …


                    … was fond of …


He/she studied …


                   … worked …


                   … was famous for his/her …




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Выбранный для просмотра документ открытый урок о знаменитых людях.doc

Открытый урок в 6 классе по УМК М. 3. Биболетовой "Enjoy English "


Тема: "Talking about the Famous"

Цель урока: Развитие навыков монологической речи по теме “Знаменитые люди”.

Задачи урока:

  1. Формировать умение употреблять изученные лексические и грамматические единицы в речи учащихся.
  2. Развивать навыки монологической речи и понимания иноязычного текста на слух.
  3. Воспитывать у учащихся уважение к знаменитым людям всего мира и их вкладу в развитие цивилизации, гордость за достижения своих земляков.

Оборудование: Компьютер, мультимедийный проектор, презентация "Talking about the Famous", карточки.


1.  Организационный момент.

Good morning, children. Glad to meet you. How are you? OK.

The topic of our lesson is "Talking about Famous people". Today we're going to speak about people famous all over the world.


2.  Речевая зарядка

Famous people have different professions. Let’s revise some. Answer my question about your future profession one by one.


   What are you going to be?

   What are you going to be?

   I’m going to be (варианты ответов: a teacher,     a scientist, a sportsman, a singer, an architect, a poet, an actor, an artist)

   That’s the life for me.


3.  Актуализация фоновых социокультурных  знаний. (работа по карточкам)

Your task is to choose from the list the names of famous actors, painters, writers, musicians, scientists, politicians who are on your card. Work in pairs. You have one minute.


D. Defoe C. Chaplin J. Turner W. Shakespeare J. Lennon M. Twain J. Tolkien C. Darwin Sir A. Conan Doyle  F. Chopin B. Pit J.S Bach I. Newton Elizabeth I Sir W. Churchill I. Repin S. Marshak M. Thatcher P. Picasso A. Einstein M. Monroe M. Gorbachev


Правильные ответы:

The famous actors are C. Chaplin M. Monroe B. Pit

The famous painters are J. Turner I. Repin P. Picasso

The famous English writers are D. Defoe W. Shakespeare J. Tolkien Sir A. Conan Doyle

The famous musicians and composers are J. Lennon F. Chopin J.S Bach

The famous scientists are C. Darwin I. Newton A. Einstein

The famous politicians are Sir W. Churchill M. Thatcher, M. Gorbachev


4.  Актуализация грамматических конструкций

Look at the screen. Use the table and make up true sentences. Do it one by one.


Sir A. Conan Doyle is famous for his detective stories.

D. Defoe was born in the 17th century.                     

C. Chaplin is the most popular actor of the 20th century.                                          

C. Darwin was proud of his theory of evolution.

J. Lennon was fond of music.

M. Twain loved his humorous books.


5.  Закрепление  употребления грамматических конструкций и подготовка к монологическому высказыванию (индивидуальная работа по карточкам)


a) Read the text, fill in the gaps using the words. One word is extra.

are proud of, popular, was fond of, was famous for, love, was born, song


«The Beatles» is the most 1) popular group in rock music history. One of «The Beatles» was John Lennon. He 2) was born in Liverpool in 1940. He 3) was fond of music. He formed pop group «The Beatles» in 1962. John Lennon was the Beatles’ heart. He 4) was famous for his songs «Woman», «Yesterday». People 5) love them. British people 6) are proud of him.

b) Look at the screen and check up your work.


6. Физ. минутка (Heads, shoulders, knees and toes)


Heads, shoulders, knees and toes, knees and toes,

Heads, shoulders, knees and toes, knees and toes,

And eyes and ears and mouth and nose.

Heads, shoulders, knees and toes, knees and toes.




7.  Развитие навыков монологической речи.


a)  You will work in a group of 3 - 4. You should make up a story about famous people using key phrases. One of you will present the story before the class.  (критерии на экране: 2+1+1+1=5  базовая двойка + один балл за употребление ЛЕ по теме и правильное произношение + нет грамматических ошибок + объем высказывания не менее 7 развернутых предложений) You have only 7 minutes.


Варианты ответов:

… was a famous …

… was born in the …th century.

His/her family was …

… was fond of …

He/she studied …

… worked …

… was famous for his/her …


b)  Listen to the story of your classmates’ group and fill in the table. (работа по карточкам)







Date of birth





Was fond of





















c) Now I will check your tables and give my opinion about your work. If you have no mistakes you will have bonus. But you have to give marks to your classmates’ group for their story.




8.  Рефлексия

Что нового вы узнали на уроке? Продолжите предложение:

  1. я узнал много нового о … 2. сейчас я смогу …


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