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Внеклассное мероприятие по английскому языку для 5-6 классов "Christmas is Coming"

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Sing a carol

Decorate a Christmas tree

Santa who is reading a letter



A candle

Hang stockings

Reindeer Rudolph



A sleigh

A fireplace

A Christmas card




A star

Christmas ornaments

A Christmas tree





An angel


 A roast turkey




A bag of presents







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План – конспект внеклассного мероприятия по английскому языку

 “Christmas Is Coming”

Учитель: Можейко Т.В.

Классы: 5-6-ые классы

Цель мероприятия: развитие социокультурной компетенции учащихся посредством обобщения изученного тематического материала о традициях празднования Рождества в англоязычных странах и родной стране.


1.     совершенствование навыков говорения учащихся с использованием активной лексики и грамматических конструкций в рамках ситуационного общения;

2.     расширение кругозора учащихся;

3.     развитие внимания, логического мышления, языковой догадки, зрительной и слуховой памяти, а также творческих способностей учащихся;

4.     повышение интереса к изучению английского языка, воспитание культуры языкового общения, уважительного отношения друг к другу, умения внимательно слушать собеседника.


Плакат «Christmas is coming», раздаточный материал, фонограммы рождественских песен, аудиозапись вопросов викторины, мультимедийная презентация, выставка рождественских открыток, карандаши и фломастеры.


 Ход мероприятия

1.     Организационный момент

ü Вступительное слово учителя, знакомство с планом мероприятия

2.     Работа с рождественским стихотворением.

а) предтекстовый этап: (незнакомые слова на доске)      


glee – ликование

pray – молиться

compassion – сострадание

б) чтение стихотворения:


ChristmasTime is finally here,

It only comes but once a year.

And it's the time to spread good cheer,

To those we love and hold so dear.


Christmas Time is the time of glee,

The time when peace and love run free.

The time for those like you and me,

To sit beneath the Christmas Tree.


Christmas Time is the time of joy,

The time to sit back and enjoy.

The smile on each girl and boy,

As they play with a Christmas toy.


Christmas Time is the time to pray,

Put love and kindness on display.

Show compassion along the way,

Christmas Time should be every day.


в) беседа на основе стихотворения (фронтально):

1. Answer the question:  Do you want Christmas to be every day? Why?

2. Finish up the sentences using words on the blackboard.

ü Christmas is … .

ü Christmas time is the time of … .

(on the blackboard:  to see friends, to have Christmas dinner, to feel happy, to invite relatives, to enjoy, to show care and respect, in my opinion, I think)

3.     Активизация лексического материала

Teacher: Christmas time is wonderful when magic is in the air. We want to be happy and get beautiful things. We prepare presents for our nearest and dearest, we decorate our flats and classrooms.

1.     What else do you do? How do you usually celebrate Christmas?

Pupil 1: We decorate Christmas tree, send cards, learn poems and wait for Father Frost…

Pupil 2: My mum cooks a family meal, we invite our friends and relatives.

Pupil 3: We have a Christmas party at school.

2.     And how do British people celebrate Christmas?

Pupil 1: British people decorate a Christmas tree too. 

Pupil 2: They wait for Santa.

Pupil 3: British people sing carols and cook a roast turkey.

Teacher: Yes, that’s right. You know the facts quite well. Let’s check now how well you know Christmas vocabulary. (учащиеся  выполняют задания в группах)

a)    Making Christmas Puzzle (приложение 1); (во время выполнения упражнения звучит музыкальное сопровождение – Silent Night)

Teacher: Look at the screen, please. (there is a picture of mistletoe )  Do you know what it is?

Pupil 1: It’s a plant. (others hesitate…)

Teacher: Well, in fact it’s mistletoe. Let’s pronounce all together as it’s a new word for you. In Britain it’s a Christmas decoration. It is usually put on the wall. And when two people meet under this mistletoe they will kiss… It’s unusual, isn’t it? So we have just learned a new Christmas tradition and it’s about…

Pupils: mistletoe.

Teacher: So actually we’ll need this word to do the following exercise –

б) Christmas word search. (приложение 2); (во время выполнения упражнения музыкальное сопровождение – Silent Night)

Teacher: Great! It seems to me you’ve learned all the words! So here is one more task for you.

в) The Game called “Do you understand me?”

Now it’s high time to play the game called «Do you understand me». One of you will come to me and get the card with the word. He should show it to you without pronouncing anything. And your task is to guess what word it is.

Список слов:

A bag of presents, make a snowman, lights, a sleigh, a star, a pudding, sing a carol, a candle, a fireplace, an angel, decorate a Christmas tree, hang stockings, bells, Santa who is reading a letter, Reindeer Rudolph, presents, a roast turkey.


Teacher: Well-done! You’ve shown not only good knowledge of Christmas vocabulary but a perfect acting too.

4.     Совершенствование навыков говорения

а) на основе творческого задания:

Teacher: Next thing to do is… you should finish up a picture (приложение 3) and illustrate it with your story. It can be a fairy-tale or a detective… . Work in pairs, please. (Учитель раздает карандаши,фломастеры; учащиеся выполняют задание в парах, затем пары с одинаковыми фрагментами рисунков объединяются, и учащиеся рассказывают свои истории, корректируют что-то и в итоге представляют совместный вариант)

Have a look at the screen I’ll show you the original pictures.

In my opinion your drawings are more creative and stories are quite exciting.

б) на основе восприятия и понимания вопросов викторины на слух:

Teacher: Of course you know a lot of things about Christmas. Don’t you want to answer quiz questions? So here are some unknown words on the blackboard.

1. предтекстовый этап:

Jesus Christ – Иисус Христос


Peter the Great

Queen Victoria

Prince Albert (портреты на экране)

introduce – вводить

custom – обычай, традиция

2. прослушивание вопросов викторины (приложение 4):

(после прослушивания вопроса учащиеся отвечают на вопрос, а потом слушают правильный ответ и проверяют себя)

3.       беседа на основе восприятия и понимания речи на слух:

Teacher: So, there are some new facts for you, right? Now let’s speak about Christmas facts and traditions one by one. Please pay attention to the screen there are some words and phrases that will help you:


in Britain …   and  in Belarus …

Jesus Christ

introduce the tradition

in Trafalgar Square

Santa Claus is …

in the North Pole

He looks like …

a sleigh pulled by …

climbs down the chimney

traditional colors

the custom of sending cards

Christmas food


Well, and don’t forget to use Past Simple in your sentences when you speak about the past. You are welcome! (учащиеся составляют предложения и отвечают по очереди)


5.     Окончание мероприятия

а) рефлексия

Teacher: So now let’s sum up. Have you learned anything new about Christmas today today? Do you like our today’s activity?

б) песня “Jingle Bells”

Teacher: And in the end let’s sing and dance.  Anne prepared the dance. Let’s watch and sing.

Now let’s dance together and have some fun!

Teacher: Perfect! I wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! (стихотворение на экране)

We're wishing you a Christmas

Full of laughter, love and light,

With delicious holiday foods

To excite your appetite.


We're hoping you receive

Delightful gifts to make you smile,

With family and friends

To love you all the while.


We wish you a Merry Christmas;

 May your Christmas dreams come true,

 And when Christmas is over,

 Happy New Year, too!

By Joanna Fuchs

Joanna Fuchs is a professional writer. She has written civil service tests for government agencies, a newspaper column, a national newsletter, public relations and marketing materials, Web site content, award-winning children's stories, and more. Currently, she writes greeting card poems for her Web site, poemsource.com.

Teacher: Oh, look!.. As I’ve said Christmas is the time of magic… You see I’ve just found an unusual envelope on the table. It seems to me there are letters in it… Oh, there are letters for you from Santa… (приложение 5)

Read these letters at home, show them to your parents and believe in magic…

Be smart, happy and healthy!

Good – bye…

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Описание презентации по отдельным слайдам:



    1 слайд


  • Christmas Time
Christmas Time is finally here,
It only comes but once a year....

    2 слайд

    Christmas Time
    Christmas Time is finally here,
    It only comes but once a year.
    And it's the time to spread good cheer,
    To those we love and hold so dear.

    Christmas Time is the time of glee,
    The time when peace and love run free.
    The time for those like you and me,
    To sit beneath the Christmas Tree.

    Christmas Time is a time of joy,
    The time to sit back and enjoy.
    The smile on each girl and boy,
    As they play with a Christmas Toy.

    Christmas Time is the time to pray,
    Put love and kindness on display.
    Show compassion along the way,
    Christmas Time should be every day.


    3 слайд


  • mistletoe

    4 слайд


  • 5 слайд

  • Jesus Christ

    6 слайд

    Jesus Christ

  • Peter the Great

    7 слайд

    Peter the Great

  • Queen Victoria and Prince Albert

    8 слайд

    Queen Victoria and Prince Albert

  • celebratein Britain …   and in Belarus…Jesus Christintrodu...

    9 слайд

    in Britain … and in Belarus…
    Jesus Christ
    introduce the tradition
    in Trafalgar Square
    Santa Claus is …
    in the North Pole
    He looks like …
    a sleigh pulled by …
    climbs down the chimney
    traditional colors
    the custom of sending cards
    Christmas food

  • Jingle Bells

    10 слайд

    Jingle Bells

  • Merry Christmas and Happy New Year

We're wishing you a Christmas
Full of lau...

    11 слайд

    Merry Christmas and Happy New Year

    We're wishing you a Christmas
    Full of laughter, love and light,
    With delicious holiday foods
    To excite your appetite.

    We're hoping you receive
    Delightful gifts to make you smile,
    With family and friends
    To love you all the while.

    We wish you a Merry Christmas;
    May your Christmas dreams come true,
    And when Christmas is over,
    Happy New Year, too!

    By Joanna Fuchs

  • Believe in magic…Have a perfect Christmas and a Happy New Year!

    12 слайд

    Believe in magic…
    Have a perfect Christmas
    and a Happy New Year!

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K  O  S  D  O  I  D  D  I  C  X  P  J  Z  S  S  N  S  D

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E  C  A  L  P  E  R  I  F  N  A  M  W  O  N  S  C  S  D Con_____ I  D  I  O  G  N  I  D  D  U  P  M  J  A  Q  W  Q  V  E






            B________                           Ca________                                            S________




                                                                                                   Christmas Verbs  




                                              St_______            S_ng  

           M________                                        D_cor_te                 Ch_______ t_____


Copyright © Futonge Kisito 2006 www.esl-galaxy.com & www.english-4kids.com  

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Christmas Quiz


1.     When is Christmas celebrated in Europe? (It is celebrated on December, 25th )

2.     Do Russians celebrate that holiday? (Yes, they do.) When do they celebrate it? (On January, 7th)

3.     Whose birthday is celebrated on Christmas Day? (Jesus Christ’s birthday, but nobody knows his real date of birth.)

4.     What country gave us the tradition to decorate the Christmas tree? (Germany did)

5.     Who introduceв the tradition to decorate the Christmas tree in Russia? (Peter the Great did.)

6.     When was the custom of decorating Christmas trees with candles and presents introduced in Britain? (After Queen Victoria married Prince Albert who was from Germany.)

7.     Where does the most famous Christmas tree stand in London? (In Trafalgar Square.) Whose present is it? (It’s present from the people of Norway.)

8.     What do they call Father Frost in the west? (Santa Claus or just Santa ) Where does he live? (He lives in the Far North, at the North Pole where he spends most of the year making toys for children.)

9.     What does Santa Claus look like? (He is usually a fat and merry, he has a long white beard and is dressed in red.)

10. How does Santa Claus enter houses to give children Christmas presents and where does he put them? (Climbing down the chimney. He puts presents in long socks called “Christmas stockings” at the end of the children’s beds or by the chimney.)

11. How does Santa travel? (He travels on a sleigh pulled by deer that can fly.)

12. What are the traditional Christmas colors? (Red and green)

13. Why do little children sometimes write letters to Santo Claus? (To tell him what presents they would like to have for Christmas.)

14. When did the custom of sending Christmas Cards to friends, colleagues and relatives appear? (In the 19th century)

15. What is the traditional Christmas food? (In the 19th century and before goose was a traditional meal at Christmas. A 20th century dinner is roast turkey with vegetables. This is followed by Christmas pudding, Christmas cake or mince pies.)



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Dear special ……………..,

Not long from now, I’ll leave the North Pole for my long trip on New Year’s Eve to visit you!  It’s a very long journey, but I am looking forward to visiting you in Brest.

Mrs Clause and I have checked twice my ‘Naughty and Nice’ list and my elves also told me that you’ve been very good this year.

I heard that you always do your homework. I’m happy! I hope you make your parents be proud of yourself. 

My elves said that you are not lazy and help your mum about the house. And I also know that you don’t forget about your grandparent, that’s very good too. They told me that if you have some free time you do something useful. That’s perfect. I think your relatives find you great.

Well, they also told me that you really want to visit London to see the sights with your own eyes. I know you have been studying English for several years already and you are doing well. I’ll think about your wish and hope it’ll of course come true. I would also be happy if you leave out something delicious to eat before you go to bed on New Year’s Eve. Rudolf also says he’d prefer some oat hay rather than carrots. Thanks!

Have a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Lots of love from


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Краткое описание документа:

Данная методическая разработка включает план-конспект, презентацию и музыкальное сопровождение внеклассного мероприятия "Christmas is Coming".

Цель мероприятия: развитие социокультурной компетенции учащихся посредством обобщения изученного тематического материала о традициях празднования Рождества в англоязычных странах и родной стране.

В ходе мероприятия учащимся предлагается поучаствовать в викторине, поиграть и порисовать, проявив свои творческие способности, а также потанцевать и попеть рождественские песни.

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Английский язык для IT-специалистов

36 ч. — 180 ч.

от 1580 руб. от 940 руб.
Подать заявку О курсе
  • Сейчас обучается 148 человек из 46 регионов
  • Этот курс уже прошли 68 человек


Психология обучения и развития детей: от садика до школы

4 ч.

780 руб. 390 руб.
Подать заявку О курсе
  • Сейчас обучается 27 человек из 18 регионов
  • Этот курс уже прошли 11 человек


Тревожные расстройства: диагностика и причины

4 ч.

780 руб. 390 руб.
Подать заявку О курсе
  • Сейчас обучается 36 человек из 19 регионов
  • Этот курс уже прошли 15 человек


Эффективное создание и продвижение школьной газеты

3 ч.

780 руб. 390 руб.
Подать заявку О курсе