Инфоурок Иностранные языки КонспектыDemonstrative lesson "What's this?"

Demonstrative lesson "What's this?"

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Form: 5 “B”                                                                                                                            Date: 26.11

Theme: What `s this?

Aims of the lesson: 1. to introduce pupils with pronouns this, that, these, thoseto learn how to use the structures: What’s this (that)? It’s a pen. To enlarge pupils’ vocabulary; to revise studied material on the theme “Colours” and using of the structure: What colour …….? 2. developing of correct pronunciation of the new words; 3. to excite interest in learning English language.

Type of the lesson: combined

Methods: introduction, explanation, matching, pair work

Visual aids: slides, cards, video

Procedure of the lesson:

1. Org. moment

- What day is it today?

- What is the date?

- What is the weather like today?

- Is the weather better or worse than it was yesterday? 

2. Introduction of the theme and aims of the lesson.

3. Checking up the home task.

Ex12 p91 Write.

1.      What do you do in the house?

2.      What don’t you do in the house?

4.Warm-up . Ex – 1 p 94. Учащиеся называют числа на английском языке.

5. Introduction with the new vocabulary:

a pen

a chair

a pencil

a calculator

a ruler

a computer

a rubber

a book

a table

a notebook

(At first teacher shows the picture and pupils must guess what it is if they know.)

6. Work with book: Ex 4 p 95- Look at the pictures, write numbers in the boxes and read.


7. Phonetic drill.

- Pupils, today you’ll introduce with the letter combination th, that sounds as [ð] or [θ]. Look at the screen and pronounce these words: this, that, these, those. In these words letter combination sounds as [ð], and in these words: thin, three, thousand, thing as [θ].

- Now let’s play phonetic game “[θ] or [ð]”. If you hear the sound [ð] lift orange card, if [θ] – green.

Word list: brother, thanks, then, thirty, mother, father, throne, theme, grandmother, grandfather, theatre, this, there, path, nothing.

8. Studying new grammar material.


9. Consolidation of new grammar material. Work in pairs.

1st pair. Answer the questions using the pictures.

What’s this? – It’s a table.

What’s that? – It’s a chair.

What are these? - They are rulers.

What are those? – They are notebooks.

2nd pair. Complete the sentences with this, that, these, those. (Ex 6)


3rd pair. Complete the sentences with this or these. (Ex 7a)

- _______ questions are difficult.

- Do you like _____ bag?

-Look at ______picture.

- _____ houses are new.

4th pair. Complete the sentences with that or those. (Ex 7b)

- I want to buy ____ round mirror.

- _____ dogs are my friend’s.

- _____ is my notebook.

- I like _____ white cats.

5th pair. Ask each other questions and answer them. (Ex8)

What’s this? – It’s a … .

What’s that? – It’s a … .

What are these? – They are … .

What are those? – They are … .

6th pair. Make sentences.
















a new car.

tall boys.

an apple.

clean plates.

a small cat.

big tables.

a little room.

beautiful flowers.


7th pair. Complete the sentences with is or are.

1.      This …. a ruler.

2.      These …. rubbers.

3.      That …. a computer.

4.      Those …. chairs.


10. Physical break.

If you are wearing red shake your head

If you are wearing red shake your head

If you are wearing red then please shake your head

If you are wearing red shake your head.

If you are wearing blue touch your shoe

If you are wearing blue touch your shoe

If you are wearing blue then please touch your shoe

If you are wearing blue touch your shoe.

If you are wearing green bow to the queen

If you are wearing green bow to the queen

If you are wearing green then please bow to the queen

If you are wearing green bow to the queen.

If you are wearing yellow shake like jello

If you are wearing yellow shake like jello

If you are wearing yellow then please shake like jello

If you are wearing yellow shake like jello.

If you are wearing black pat your back

If you are wearing black pat your back

If you are wearing black then please pat your back

If you are wearing black pat your back.

If you are wearing brown turn around

If you are wearing brown turn around

If you are wearing brown then please turn around

If you are wearing brown turn around.


11.  Revision of colours.

 - Let’s remember the colours. Look at the screen and name the colour.

- Ex 9 p97. Match the colours with the words and fill in the boxes with letters.



12.   Comprehension check.

            - Are these sentences true or false?



The lemon is yellow.


The banana is green.


The snow is white.


The foxes are blue.


The rabbits are grey.


The moon is yellow.


The trees are blue.


The crocodile is red.


The table is brown.



            13. Conclusion. Reflexion.

- If you liked the lesson draw a mouth to the smiley.

Картинки по запросу смайлики колобки эмоции


14. Homework.

-  Ex 14 p 98.

15. Marks.








6th pair. Make sentences.
















a new car.

tall boys.

an apple.

clean plates.

a small cat.

big tables.

a little room.

beautiful flowers.


6th pair. Make sentences.
















a new car.

tall boys.

an apple.

clean plates.

a small cat.

big tables.

a little room.

beautiful flowers.


1st pair. Answer the questions using the pictures.

What’s this? – It’s a  http://img35.olx.kz/images_slandokz/131085312_1_261x203_stol-pismennyy-shymkent.jpg.

What’s that? – It’s a http://go4.imgsmail.ru/imgpreview?key=2e363eb66d0da55&mb=imgdb_preview_1585.

What are these? - They are http://go1.imgsmail.ru/imgpreview?key=5fd6ded7553b3582&mb=imgdb_preview_1150http://go1.imgsmail.ru/imgpreview?key=5fd6ded7553b3582&mb=imgdb_preview_1150http://go1.imgsmail.ru/imgpreview?key=5fd6ded7553b3582&mb=imgdb_preview_1150.

What are those? – They are  http://go3.imgsmail.ru/imgpreview?key=40d9d26234f08e3f&mb=imgdb_preview_1138http://go3.imgsmail.ru/imgpreview?key=40d9d26234f08e3f&mb=imgdb_preview_1138.


1st pair. Answer the questions using the pictures.

What’s this? – It’s a  http://img35.olx.kz/images_slandokz/131085312_1_261x203_stol-pismennyy-shymkent.jpg.

What’s that? – It’s a http://go4.imgsmail.ru/imgpreview?key=2e363eb66d0da55&mb=imgdb_preview_1585.

What are these? - They are http://go1.imgsmail.ru/imgpreview?key=5fd6ded7553b3582&mb=imgdb_preview_1150http://go1.imgsmail.ru/imgpreview?key=5fd6ded7553b3582&mb=imgdb_preview_1150http://go1.imgsmail.ru/imgpreview?key=5fd6ded7553b3582&mb=imgdb_preview_1150.

What are those? – They are  http://go3.imgsmail.ru/imgpreview?key=40d9d26234f08e3f&mb=imgdb_preview_1138http://go3.imgsmail.ru/imgpreview?key=40d9d26234f08e3f&mb=imgdb_preview_1138.




7th pair. Complete the sentences with is or are.

1.     This ……. a ruler.

2.     These ……. rubbers.

3.     That …….. a computer.

4.     Those …….. chairs.


7th pair. Complete the sentences with is or are.

1.     This ……. a ruler.

2.     These ……. rubbers.

3.     That …….. a computer.

4.     Those …….. chairs.










































The lemon is yellow.

The banana is green.

The snow is white.

The foxes are blue.

The rabbits are grey.

The moon is yellow.

The trees are blue.

The crocodile is red.

The table is brown.




The lemon is yellow.

The banana is green.

The snow is white.

The foxes are blue.

The rabbits are grey.

The moon is yellow.

The trees are blue.

The crocodile is red.

The table is brown.




The lemon is yellow.

The banana is green.

The snow is white.

The foxes are blue.

The rabbits are grey.

The moon is yellow.

The trees are blue.

The crocodile is red.

The table is brown.


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