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Исследовательская работа "Выбор человека"

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Муниципальное бюджетное общеобразовательное учреждение


Лицей №4 г. Данков Липецкой области

Лицейское научное общество

«синяя птица»





Конкурс исследовательских работ


«первые шаги в науку»



Секция: Языкознание






Тема проекта:

Выбор человека: духовное развитие или материальные блага










                                                                                                             Авторы проекта:

                                                                                                                               Тимофеева Бояна,

                                                                                                                                Чернышева Катерина

                                                                                                                                             11в класс

                                                                                                             Руководитель:  Черных Н.И.

                                                                                                              учитель английского языка






                                                                         г. Данков 





Введение,                                                                                                                           стр. 3

Глава 1                                                                                                                                стр. 4

Выбор человека: духовное развитие или материальные блага

Глава 2                                                                                                                                стр. 5-9

структура элементов духовной жизни

Глава 3                                                                                                                                стр. 10

Общественное мнение

Заключение                                                                                                                     стр. 11

Используемая литература                                                                                     стр. 12



























                                                         What is spirituality?


В настоящее время активно обсуждается вопрос о выборе человека наиболее важных для него вещей. Его нравственные и общественные идеалы постоянно находят отражение в его поступках, оказывают непосредственное влияние на формирование личностного мнения человека.

Актуальность данной работы заключается в том, что порождение мнения человека о чем–либо становится неотъемлемой частью повседневной жизни, будь то даже выбор, что выпить с утра: кофе или чай. Но нас интересует выбор, связанный с глобальной тематикой – выбор духовного или материального.

Цель исследования: вынести на обсуждение вопрос выбора человека; воссоздать панораму важности духовной и материальной составляющей; доказать, что духовное развитие личности намного важнее для каждого человека.

Задачи работы: сбор материалов по выбранной теме; обработка полученных материалов; формирование  и обобществление знаний и мнений по данному вопросу. Кроме того, воплотить самостоятельную творческую идею в виде конкретного примера для обозрения.

Гипотеза – духовное развитие личности намного важнее материального блага.

Практическая значимость: данная работа имеет как теоретическое, так и практическое значение: ее результаты могут широко использоваться, как на уроках английского языка, так и на элективных и факультативных курсах. Она способствует возбуждению интереса к исследовательской деятельности школьников и, в частности, творчества на английском языке. В качестве литературы были взяты ресурсы Интернет-сайтов, учебник английского языка М.З. Биболетовой, учебник обществознания  Л.Н. Боголюбова и личный опыт.

The term spirituality lacks a definitive definition, although social scientists have defined spirituality as the search for "the sacred," where "the sacred" is broadly defined as that which is set apart from the ordinary and worthy of veneration.

The use of the term "spirituality" has changed throughout the ages. In modern times spirituality is often separated from religion, and connotes a blend of humanistic psychology with mystical and esoteric traditions and eastern religions aimed at personal well-being and personal development.


Spirituality is one of the most difficult concepts on the Earth.  It is written and said a lot, but no one is sure that definition  has been given clearly enough and if it is necessary for a man.  To form a complete understanding of spirituality it doesn’t need many stereotypes and contradictions.

Spirituality is implemented in man by the knowledge of God, Good and Evil, life in a society, its destiny, and all that relates to human interaction with the higher forces, himself and the surrounding world. This knowledge defines the greater part of the main manifestations of a man (thinking, psycho-emotional sphere, behavior, way of life), his individual features, the attitude of other people to him, the ability or inability to any significant achievements and so on.


                   The choice of a man: a spiritual development or material things


No one person, place or thing in this life is constant perfection. There is ebb and flow, give and t In ancient times, when humans lived in small, manageable communities, staying in the same place for generations, there was more support for the spirit and the spiritual.

Spiritual leaders, the psychically gifted and those with metaphysical knowledge were honored by the community. These special community members acted as advisers, healers and intermediaries between the people and the spiritual realms. In return they were supported with food, clothing, shelter and love. But those days and those community ties no longer exist for most of us. Thus it follows that we HAVE to be concerned with our own finances and how to get what we need in this world. The challenge is to learn to balance this with our spiritual development and spiritual outlook, without losing our focus and becoming myopically fixed on the “prosperity” issue.

In the past faith played a central role in people's daily lives. But the situation is quite different today. A lot of people never attend religious services of any kind and some of them say they have no religion at all. But what could have brought about such a dramatic break from tradition and how can it influence our way of life?

It is interesting what role faith plays in our lives. In my opinion, faith can help people cope with difficult emotions or moral decisions. When everything goes wrong and you feel extremely unhappy, faith can help. I think that a person who believes in God has courage, hope, confidence, calmness and assuring trust that all will come out well. Faith helps people overcome all difficulties and remain optimistic whatever happens.

Unfortunately, scientific advances have made many people question their religious beliefs. The terrible events of the 20th century have also made others question the existence of God. A lot of people say that science is more important than religion because it tries to solve the problems connected with reducing pollution, protecting biological diversity, saving energy and natural recourses and many others. But if we want to resolve the global crisis and to improve our cultural, social, economic and political systems, we need faith and spirituality.
























Elements of the spiritual life of the society.


The main elements of the spiritual life of the society can be attributed spiritual needs of people, aimed at the creation and consumption of the respective spiritual values, as well as the spiritual values, as well as the spiritual activities of their creation and the whole spiritual production. The elements of the spiritual life should include also the spiritual consumption as consumption of spiritual values and spiritual relationships between people, as well as the manifestations of their interpersonal communion.






































                                                                Spiritual activity.


  The Foundation of spiritual life of a society is a spiritual activity.

  It can be considered as activities of the consciousness, in the process of which there are certain thoughts and feelings of the people, their images and ideas about the natural and social phenomena. The result of this activity are certain people's views on the world, scientific ideas and theories, moral, aesthetic and religious beliefs. They are embodied in the moral principles and standards of conduct, works of folk and professional art, religious rites, rituals, etc.

  All these take the form and the meaning of the relevant spiritual values, as who can speak to those or other people's perspectives, scientific ideas, hypotheses and theories, works of art, moral and religious consciousness, finally, the very spiritual communication between people and arising out of the moral-psychological climate, say, in the family, manufacturing and other team, in inter-ethnic communication and in society as a whole.



































                                                        Spiritual  production


SPIRITUAL PRODUCTION - activity that provides the formation of consciousness, the most important condition of human communication and interaction between individuals. If the material production is aimed at the production  of material goods, the spiritual activity, spiritual production is aimed at the production of spiritual values, improvement of consciousness.









































                                                             Spiritual culture


Spiritual culture in contrast to the material is not in things. The scope of its existence, but not the things perfect work, connected with the intellect, emotions, feelings.

The perfect form of existence of culture does not depend on the individual human opinions. This is scientific knowledge, language, the established norms of morality and law, etc. Sometimes this category includes the activities of the education and communication media.

Integrating forms of spiritual culture connect the disparate elements of public and personal consciousness in the whole world-view. At the first stages of human development a regulatory and uniting form were myths. In modern times its place was taken by religion, philosophy and to some extent- art.

Subjective spirituality is a refraction of objective forms in the individual consciousness of each individual. In this respect we can speak about the culture of the individual (its knowledge, the capacity for moral choice, religious feelings, the culture of behavior, etc.).

Connection of spiritual and material forms, common space of culture as a complex system of interrelated elements constantly penetrate into each other. So spiritual culture of the ideas, ideas of an artist or a writer can be embodied in material things - books or sculptures or pictures.  Reading books or looking at the pictures you can feel transition from material things to knowledge, emotions, feelings.

The quality of each of these elements, as well as the close connection between them determines the level of moral, aesthetic, intellectual, and in the end - cultural development of any society.



























Material culture


Material culture usually refers to artificially created objects, which allow  people  to adapt the natural and social conditions of life better.

Objects of material culture are different and therefore they are considered to be values for most people. Speaking about the material culture of one or another man we traditionally have in mind such specific items as clothing, weapons, utensils, food, decorations, the unit dwelling, architectural structures.

Nowadays people can't imagine their lives without different technical devices. Every day we use computers, laptops, mobile phones, i-Pods, digital tape recorders and so on.

       Many people feel ill at ease without their laptop computers or GPS navigation systems.

Technology facilitates our lives and saves our time. Computers help us do the most difficult sums and investigate complicated data. People do business, communicate and do the shopping via the Internet. It is much easier to do housework nowadays, thanks to electric equipment such as microwave ovens, washing machines and so on.

 Most people prefer a technological way of life to a natural one, though it has a number of disadvantages and costs a lot of money.

 But modern society can't do without progress and technology.

Great question. Majority of the world currently focuses on satisfy our material desires, (Food, Sex, Family, Money, Honor, Power, Knowledge, etc). However, there is a growing percentage of humanity that desires Spiritual Fulfillment. These people are at the top of the pyramid of development so to speak. However, this desire for Spirituality will eventually spread throughout the whole of Humanity until Spirituality will become the dominating desire within Humanity.

            The quest for money…the urge to master manifestation and spiritual thinking in order to create material prosperity




















Results of the survey


According to a survey conducted among the students of Lyceum № 4


 of  60 respondents:


 42 students prefer spiritual values


18 students prefer material values





















Spiritual development and the false values represent aspiration to material benefits. The understanding of these levels is extremely necessary for people to define an orientation of evolution of the person, level of his spiritual development, to estimate oneself, the forces and to find the place in life to put more difficult, but the real purposes and tasks, and to answer a set of other questions. Obtaining force is subordinated to universal laws, but it can be light or dark that is defined by the realized purposes and methods. Good and evil distinction – one of key questions of all world religions and the majority of spiritual schools, it defines a choice of a way of development.

People need to change their attitudes, values and beliefs. Faith can help us become  kinder, more generous and responsible. Let’s believe that it will make our lives much happier.



































The List of Used Literature


  1.  Англо-русский словарь

  2.   http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yhFo_togd…

  3.   http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rAQR3J21j…

  4.   http://www.perceivingreality.com/

  5.   School English Vocabulary

  6.  М.З. Биболетова “Enjoy English” 10-11 классы



























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