Инфоурок Иностранные языки Рабочие программыКраткосрочное планирование по английскому языку для 7 класса по темам :"Geographical position of RK and GB"

Краткосрочное планирование по английскому языку для 7 класса по темам :"Geographical position of RK and GB"

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ФИО, учитель Соколова А.В. шк.№2 г.Акколь

7 «А» класс

Краткосрочный план урока № _9_


“Geographical position of  RK”


Aims of the lesson:



Students to know about the geographical position of Kazakhstan, can tell about our country, can use the lexical material about the theme, working into groups and pairs.   




1 Summarize getting knowledge, through making dialogues and posters

2. to make collaborative atmosphere through working groups

3.make a success situation on the lesson


Waiting results:



1. Students make poster about our country, present it to the class, make a topic about Kazakhstan using correct numbers.


Lesson’s plan

Step 1

1.Beginning of the lesson.



3.Aims of the lesson


4.Work in pairs


Good afternoon, dear students!

1.   Divided into groups


2. «Chamomile” in groups. 1.Your expectations of the lesson 2. Your apprehensions. 3.   How you will contest with your apprehensions


3.Watching video ‘Kazakhstan”. Dear students About what we will speak today?


4.Work with new words. Match the words with their definitions.

Step 2

5. Work in  groups





















6.Work in pairs



7. Work in  groups


 5.Work with text “Kazakhstan”. Read the text and understand the meaning of the text.

Geography of Kazakhstan
Information on the geography of Kazakhstan

Kazakhstan is an independent Republic. It is situated in the Central Asia. The area of Kazakhstan is 2,724,900 sq km, is the 9th largest country in the world. The size of the territory places Kazakhstan ninth in the world, after Russia, Canada, China, USA, Brasil, Australia, India and Argentina. The territory of Kazakhstan is huge. It borders on China in the East and the Caspian Sea in the West, Russia in the North and the states of Asia in the South.

Kazakhstan has an extreme continental climate.
The land of Kazakhstan is rich in soils.

Mountains rise from the steppes in the south and southeast of Kazakhstan. Ridges of the Tien Shan mountain system stretch for 2,400km. The main ridges are Barlyk, Dzhungar Ala-Tau, Zailii Ala-Tau, Talas Ala-Tau and Ketmen. The highest point of the mountain system is Peak Khan-Tengri at 6,992m.
There are many rivers and in Kazakhstan. In the west and southwest, the territory of Kazakhstan is washed by the Caspian Sea. The Ural River, flows to the Caspian Sea.

There are nearly 7 thousand natural lakes in the country. Among them is Balkhash Lake, Zaisan Lake, Alakol Lake , and Tengiz Lake. 
The largest rivers of Kazakhstan are the Irtysh, Ishim, Ural, Syrdarya, Ili, Chu, Tobol, and Nura. 
Kazakhstan has enormous valuable natural resources. In short, 99 of the 110 elements on the Mendeleev periodic table are found in the depths of Kazakhstan.

 Its population is about 16 million. All people of Kazakhstan have equal rights and duties. Astana is the capital of Kazakhstan. The republic occupies the territory of more than 2 million square kilometers. Kazakhstan has 14 regions, 84 cities.



  6. Work in pairs. Students receive cards with numbers which are written as words. They should find correct number in the text and match them.


7. Making the cluster “Kazakhstan” according to the meaning of the text.



Step 3



9. Analyze the «Chamomile”.

1. I work in groups good

2. I understand the theme

3.I know how to make a characteristic about my motherland

4.I can tell about my country

“Vase”(reflexion) your emotions about the lesson

10.H/T : Retelling the text “Kazakhstan”



Презентация Power Point, ватман, маркеры, картинки, карточки,видео.





















ФИО, учитель Соколова А.В. шк.№2 г.Акколь

7 «А» класс

Краткосрочный план урока № _10_


“Geographical position of Great Britain


Aims of the lesson:



Students to know about the geographical position of Great Britain,can ask some questions, use in their speech “high” questions, can use the lexical material about the theme, working into groups and pairs.   




1 Summarize getting knowledge, through making dialogues and posters

2. to make collaborative atmosphere through working groups

3.make a success situation on the lesson


Waiting results:



1. Students make poster about  country, present it to the class, make a topic about Great Britain


Lesson’s plan

Step 1

1.Beginning of the lesson.



3.Aims of the lesson


4.Work in pairs


Good afternoon, dear students!

1.   Divided into groups “Puzzle”


2.  “Hot Chair” revise the information about KZ


3.Watching video” Great Britain”. Dear students About what we will speak today?



4.Work with new words. Match the words with their definitions.

Step 2

5. Work in  groups

















6.Work in pairs



7. Work in  groups


 5.Work with text “Great Britain”. Read the text and understand the meaning of the text.

Great Britain”.

The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is situated on the British Isles. The British Isles consist of 2 large islands, Great Britain and Ireland, and about 5000 small islands.

    The British Isles are separated from the European continent by the North Sea and the English Channel. The western coast of Great Britain is washed by the Atlantic Ocean and the Irish Sea.

Great Britain consists of England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.

London is the capital of Great Britain.

Britain is comparatively small, but there is hardly a country, in the world where such a variety of scenery can be found.

There are wild desolate mountains in the northern Highlands of Scotland - the home of the deer and the eagle.




  6. Work in pairs. Students should write out the geographical names about Great Britain.



7. Making the poster “Great Britain” according to the meaning of the text.



Step 3



9. Reflexion


10.H/T : Retelling the text “Great Britain” and make 5 questions by the text.



Презентация Power Point, ватман, маркеры, картинки, карточки,видео.


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Контрольная работа "Родная страна и страны изучаемого языка. Географическое положение, столицы, достопримечательности, культурные особенности. My country and the country of the language being studied. Geographical position, capitals, sights

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Настоящая методическая разработка опубликована пользователем Таскаева Екатерина Николаевна. Инфоурок является информационным посредником

Контрольная работа на тему "Родная страна и страны изучаемого языка. Географическое положение, столицы, достопримечательности, культурные особенности. My country and the country of the language being studied. Geographical position, capitals, sights and cultural peculiarities" подойдет в качестве контрольной работы в 5 классе по темам, связанным с разговором о родной стране (My Motherland) и странах изучаемого языка. Контрольная работа содержит 4 задания в формате ОГЭ - задания по чтению и грамматике и лексике. Объем заданий подходит для учеников 5 класса. Контрольная работа знакомит учеников 5 класса с форматом ОГЭ по английскому языку. Контрольная работа содержит ответы для учителя и критерии оценивания. Контрольная работа не содержит заданий по аудированию.

Краткое описание методической разработки

Контрольная работа на тему "Родная страна и страны изучаемого языка. Географическое положение, столицы, достопримечательности, культурные особенности. My country and the country of the language being studied. Geographical position, capitals, sights and cultural peculiarities" подойдет в качестве контрольной работы в 5 классе по темам, связанным с разговором о родной стране (My Motherland) и странах изучаемого языка. 

Контрольная работа содержит 4 задания в формате ОГЭ - задания по чтению и грамматике и лексике. Объем заданий подходит для учеников 5 класса. Контрольная работа знакомит учеников 5 класса с форматом ОГЭ по английскому языку. Контрольная работа содержит ответы для учителя и критерии оценивания.

Контрольная работа не содержит заданий по аудированию.

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Данное планирование составлено по УМК Т.Аяпова, З.Абильдаева "English-7" издательство "Атамура" 2012 г, г.Алматы.

Планирование представляет собой два урока, которые взаимосвязаны, и позволяют учащимся сравнить географическое положение двух стран. На уроках основным видом работы является работа в группах. Фокус внимания направлен на развитие разговорной речи учащихся. 

 На уроке использованы задания, составленные с учетом возрастных особенностей учащихся. В конце каждого урока планируется проведение рефлексии деятельности учащихся, а также проведение обратной связи

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