Инфоурок Иностранные языки КонспектыПлан урока по теме «My future profession», 9 класс

План урока по теме «My future profession», 9 класс

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Тема урока: « My future profession ».

Цель: развить навыки диалогической и монологической речи


  1. Ознакомить учащихся с новой лексикой и активизировать употребление лексики предыдущих уроков.
  2. Развить навыки аудирования.
  3. Помочь им осознать важность выбора будущей профессии.

Warm-up activity:


Betty Baughter bought some butter,

But she said: “My butter is bitter!

But a bit of better butter

Will make my butter better!

So she bought a bit of butter

Better than the bitter butter

And that made her butter better!

2.Answer the following questions:

      What are you going to be after you leave school?

      What professions do you consider the most important in our life? Why?

       What did you want to be when you were a child? Did you change your mind?


3.Match the names of the professions with their definitions:


















      a strong inner urge to follow an occupation, etc.; vocation

      a person who directs or manages an organization, industry, shop, etc

      a person trained or skilled in laying bricks

      a person who drives a railway locomotive; train driver

      a person who works in or takes care of a garden as an occupation or pastime

      a person who makes or repairs locks

      a person skilled in woodwork, esp in buildings, ships, etc

      a person who tends the sick, injured, or infirm

      a person who installs and repairs pipes, fixtures, etc., for water, drainage, and gas

      a person who acts in a play, film, broadcast, etc

      a person qualified to design buildings and to superintend their erection

      a person whose occupation is journalism

      a person who plays or composes music, esp as a profession

      A person whose work is to translate from one language to another in the oral form

      a person who is qualified to operate an aircraft or spacecraft in flight

      a person who carries and delivers mail as a profession


4. Answer the following questions:

  • What do you want to be when you leave school?

      Why it’s difficult to choose your future profession?

      How can you find information about different kinds of jobs?

      Why it’s important to get a higher education?



5.  Fill the gaps:

Sometimes it is difficult to give a definite ____ because there are very many ___ and professions which are important and useful. But there always some boys and girls who know very early what trade or profession they will __ _. Others are ready to enter a profession in which they can be help to other people but they have not yet decided which ___ to choose.

                               There are many different kinds of jobs, but it is not difficult to __ _ about any of them. This may be done by going to a public ___ and reading special literature; by talking to older people who are occupied in that particular kind of work. They can help you to find out if you will be able to do that kind of work well, and tell you what there may be for you in the ___.

               If a ___-___ wants to get a higher education, the best road to it is through practical work. You will have time to think about your future if you do that and then, if you decide to go to an ___, you will already know life better.

                               But whatever profession you choose you must be sure that the work you do will be ___ for you and ___ to our country!


                6. Then we will check the text:

Sometimes it is difficult to give a definite answer because there are very many trades and professions which are important and useful. But there always some boys and girls who know very early what trade or profession they will take up. Others are ready to enter a profession in which they can be help to other people but they have not yet decided which profession to choose.

                               There are many different kinds of jobs, but it is not difficult to find out about any of them. This may be done by going to a public library and reading special literature; by talking to older people who are occupied in that particular kind of work. They can help you to find out if you will be able to do that kind of work well, and tell you what there may be for you in the future.

               If a school-leaver wants to get a higher education, the best road to it is through practical work. You will have time to think about your future if you do that and then, if you decide to go to an institute, you will already know life better.

                               But whatever profession you choose you must be sure that the work you do will be interesting for you and useful to our country!


7. Say if the statement is True or False!

  1. There are very few trades and professions which are important and useful.
  2. There always some boys and girls who know very early what trade or profession they will take up.
  3. There are many different kinds of jobs, but it is very difficult to find out about any of them.
  4. You can find information about different professions in the library.
  5. Older people who are occupied in that particular kind of work can’t help you at all.
  6. If a school-leaver wants to get a higher education, the best road to it is through practical work.
  7. Your future profession mustn’t be interesting for you.


8. Making up a Dialogue according to the text.

9. Work in pairs:

   imagine that one of you is a school-leaver who has problems in choosing his future profession and he decided to consult an older person of a certain profession, try to predict what their conversation will be about and play it out!

10. Quiz

1)    Замените слово, написанное курсивом, на фразовый глагол:

        I think that you invented the story.

        When do you think your book will be published?

        I think that the weather is improving.

        I can’t find an answer to this problem.

        Be careful! You are going to fall.

        I’m afraid, William tends to stop trying.

        The plain is going to leave the ground.

        I think that Sue and Neil have quarreled.


2)     Замените фразовый глагол на обыкновенный:

        At half past 6, the alarm clock went off.

        Jim is very good at taking off his teacher.

        Please don’t bring up that subject again.

        There is one small matter I would like to clear up.

        Jean is really good at picking up languages.

        All my old clothes need taking up.

        Jackie broke down and everyone felt sorry for her.



1. To learn all the new words.

2. To write an essay:

        “My Future Profession.”

        “The most important profession.”

        “Is it difficult to be a teacher?”

3. To revise the verb’s tenses.



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Данный урок составлен для учащихся 9 класса средней школы.Содержит лексический,грамматический материал,а также отработку разговорной речи.План урока может быть полезен молодым специалистам!Для подготовки плана урока использовался материал учебника нового поколения казахстанских авторов,методическое пособие для учителей английского языка под руководством Аяповой,Тутбаева .Все этапы урока взаимосвязаны между собой.Особый акцент делается на развитие монологической и диалогической речи.Были предложены разные типы заданий на чтение,обсуждение,логику.. ОТРЫВОК ИЗ ТЕКСТА »5. Fill the gaps: Sometimes it is difficult to give a definite ____ because there are very many ___ and professions which are important and useful. But there always some boys and girls who know very early what trade or profession they will __ _. Others are ready to enter a profession in which they can be help to other people but they have not yet decided which ___ to choose. There are many different kinds of jobs, but it is not difficult to __ _ about any of them. This may be done by going to a public ___ and reading special literature; by talking to older people who are occupied in that particular kind of work. They can help you to find out if you will be able to do that kind of work well, and tell you what there may be for you in the ___. If a ___-___ wants to get a higher education, the best road to it is through practical work. You will have time to think about your future if you do that and then, if you decide to go to an ___, you will already know life better. But whatever profession you choose you must be sure that the work you do will be ___ for you and ___ to our country! 6. Then we will check the text: Sometimes it is difficult to give a definite answer because there are very many trades and professions which are important and useful. But there always some boys and girls who know very early what trade or profession they will take up. Others are ready to enter a profession in which they can be help to other people but they have not yet decided which profession to choose. There are many different kinds of jobs, but it is not difficult to find out about any of them. This may be done by going to a public library and reading special literature; by talking to older people who are occupied in that particular kind of work. They can help you to find out if you will be able to do that kind of work well, and tell you what there may be for you in the future. If a school-leaver wants to get a higher education, the best road to it is through practical work. You will have time to think about your future if you do that and then, if you decide to go to an institute, you will already know life better. But whatever profession you choose you must be sure that the work you do will be interesting for you and useful to our country! 7. Say if the statement is True or False! 1. There are very few trades and professions which are important and useful. 2. There always some boys and girls who know very early what trade or profession they will take up. 3. There are many different kinds of jobs, but it is very difficult to find out about any of them. 4. You can find information about different professions in the library. 5. Older people who are occupied in that particular kind of work can’t help you at all. 6. If a school-leaver wants to get a higher education, the best road to it is through practical work. 7. Your future profession mustn’t be interesting for you. 8. Making up a Dialogue according to the text. 9. Work in pairs: imagine that one of you is a school-leaver who has problems in choosing his future profession and he decided to consult an older person of a certain profession, try to predict what their conversation will be about and play it out! 10. Quiz 1) Замените слово, написанное курсивом, на фразовый глагол: I think that you invented the story. When do you think your book will be published? I think that the weather is improving. I can’t find an answer to this problem. Be careful! You are going to fall. I’m afraid, William tends to stop trying. The plain is going to leave the ground. I think that Sue and Neil have quarreled. 2) Замените фразовый глагол на обыкновенный: At half past 6, the alarm clock went off. Jim is very good at taking off his teacher. Please don’t bring up that subject again. There is one small matter I would like to clear up. Jean is really good at picking up languages. All my old clothes need taking up. Jackie broke down and everyone felt sorry for her. Homework: 1. To learn all the new words. 2. To write an essay: “My Future Profession.” “The most important profession.” “Is it difficult to be a teacher?” 3. To revise the verb’s tenses.»

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