Инфоурок Иностранные языки Рабочие программыМетодическая разработка урока по английскому языку по теме «Our college»

Методическая разработка урока по английскому языку по теме «Our college»

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Департамент лесного хозяйства Нижегородской области 

Государственное бюджетное образовательное учреждение

среднего профессионального образования

Нижегородской области

«Краснобаковский лесной колледж»




Методическая разработка

                         открытого урока-проекта

по английскому языку

по теме:

«Наш колледж»




                               Выполнили: преподаватели

                                                 немецкого и английского языков

                                              Булкина Татьяна Анатольевна






р.п. Красные Баки

2013 - 2014 год




Данная методическая разработка соответствует ФГОС СПО и рабочей программе по  дисциплине  « Иностранный язык».

Методическая разработка предназначена для преподавателей английского языка и рассчитана на учащихся, изучающих английский язык в школах и колледжах.

Она включает в себя информацию об истории создания   лесного  кол-лежа и его настоящем, а также о его успехах и достижениях.

 В основе построения урока лежит принцип коммуникативной направленности, дающий возможность обучающимся применить свои знания и речевой опыт в различных проблемных ситуациях.

Согласно методу проектов студенты  осуществляют поиск необходимой информации, интерпретируют и преобразовывают словесный материал с выходом на проектную деятельность.

На уроке используется интерактивная доска для усиления наглядности изучаемой информации с помощью презентации, ноутбуки для создания общего проекта по теме.





























Развитие коммуникативной компетенции через подготовку и презентацию студенческих проектов по теме «Наш колледж», создание совместного рекламного проекта по теме и размещение его на сайте «Наш колледж».





- учебная: обобщение и систематизация знаний и умений    студентов по данной теме и применение их в различных ситуациях;

- развивающая: развитие умственных способностей: памяти, внимания, логического и  креативного  мышления, а также творческих способностей и исследовательских умений: проводить анализ и синтез, выделять главное, делать необходимые выводы.

- воспитательная: воспитание культуры общения и этики поведения в общественных местах, потребности в практическом использовании языка, как средства общения, воспитание профессионального интереса и любви к избранной специальности, чувства гордости и уважения к учебному заведению.


Тип учебного занятия: повторительно - обобщающий

Организационные формы проведения: урок - проектирование

Прогнозируемый результат:

- презентация проектов по темам;

- создание общего проекта «Наш колледж».

Методы обучения: интерактивный  неимитационный  эвристический .

Организационные формы обучения: беседа, описание, презентация, проект.

Виды и формы контроля: развернутый ответ, беседа, устный и письменный опрос, ситуативные диалоги.

Средства контроля: тестирование.

Виды самостоятельной работы: индивидуальная, фронтальная, парная, групповая.

Внутрипредметные связи: “Учеба”, “Формулы обращения и поведения”, “Предлоги”.

Межпредметные связи: русский язык, этика, психология, история.

Техническое оснащение: интерактивная доска, ноутбуки.

Средства обучения: опорная рабочая тетрадь, раздаточный материал.

Домашнее задание: закончить проект.








План занятия


I. Организационный момент (2 мин.):

- сообщение темы и постановка цели занятия;

- введение студентов в языковую атмосферу.


II. Фонетическая речевая зарядка (3мин.):

- отработка произносительных и речевых навыков (работа со стихотворением).


III. Обобщение и систематизация знаний и умений (15 мин.):

- работа с поговорками;

- работа с диалогом.


IV. Контроль домашнего задания (5 мин.):

- тестирование


V. Работа над проектом (60 мин.):

- презентация проектов  “Наш колледж” (40 мин.);

- создание общего проекта (20 мин.).

VI.Заключение (5 мин.):

-  домашнее задание, итоги работы.























                                                     Ход занятия


I.Орг. момент


Good morning, dear students! I am glad to see you! Are you O.K.? I’m glad to hear it!

Today we are going to have our final lesson on the topic “Our college”.

 Last lessons we spoke about our college, our classrooms and labs, time-table, teachers’ and students’ activities, we discussed a lot of information.

Today we present our projects.

 Well, our projects… It was a very difficult task but I think it was interesting. You learnt a lot of information about history, about the present day of our college, about teachers, students, departments, about the future of our college, and non-academic activity of our students.

Speaking about it I have an interesting news for you: recently we have received an E-mail letter from Finland. The students of the Finish forestry school in Valtimo of Noth Karelia want to learn the life of students in Russian colleges. That’s why I suggest you to make up  our common project at the end of the lesson and to place it on the college site. Do you agree?


II. Фонетическая и речевая зарядка:


Well, you see, we have a lot of things to do today. Let’s begin our work!


1. You know that every work must be done well and a little poem confirm it:


If a task is ones begun,

Never leave it till it’s done.

Be the labour great or small,

Do it well or not at all.


Will you repeat it with me!


Choose the answer on the question:  do you do the task well?


- Not always: sometime I have no time.

- I’ m lazy so if the work is difficult I can leave it.

- I try to do it well.

-I do any labour till it’s done.

- If anyone helps me I never leave it till it’s done.



III. Обобщение и систематизация знаний и умений:


1.We’ll remember the sayings about study and find the correct explanation:




1. Knowledge is power.

a.  during the life the man learns much     

      new and useful.

2. To work with the left hand.

b.   in any age you can learn many

      interesting  things.

3. In - one ear, out - the other.

c.   with knowledge you become clever

      and  stronger.

4.To know everything is to know nothing.

      d.  to make progress you must work  


 5.It’s never too late to learn

 e.  a person can not learn all.

6. Live and learn

 f.   a person does not hear and does not    

      listen to no one.

7. Little strokes fell great oaks.

– t   g.  to work badly.



Ответы: 1-с;  2-g;  3- f;   4-e;   5-b;    6-a;  7-d.


We will work no with the “left hand”. We will work  with the “right hand “.

We continue to discuss our topic “College”.


2. I give you lists with dialogues and interpretations to them.

Read and understand the dialogue, find the correct saying to the sentence in bold type (выделенное жирным шрифтом предложение) and fill the gaps in the text of  the interpretation.

 (работа ведется парами, по 3  пары на диалог)


Dialogue №1


Kate: Hello, Ann. Haven’t seen you for ages! What are you doing now?

Ann: Hi, Kate! I’m studying at the forestry college…

Kate: Oh, really? How interesting! Will you tell me some words about         

          your college?

Ann: What are you interested in? There are four departments  at our college …

Kate: You see, it’s my sister who dreams to enter this college, she is interested  in     

          landscape design.

Ann: We study many  subjects at the college. The study is not easy, but who     

          works hard and regularly, makes  good progress.

Kate: That’s just so. How long does the course run?

Ann: Four years. During the course we have practical work, as  a rule in summer. Kate: I see… What speciality do they get after finishing college?

Ann: They will become designers, technicians of gardening and  greening. 

Kate: Yea, today it’s a very necessary and wonderful speciality.

          That’s just the thing for my sister.


 Pay attention  to the word combinations!


Haven’t seen you for ages! – не видел тебя сто лет!

To be interested in … -  интересоваться чем-то;

To take up – начать изучать;

It iswho …- это же (- именно) …

I see… - понятно…

On the whole – в общем, в целом;

Thats just  the thing for… - это как раз то, что … нужно.


( ответ на выделенное жирным шрифтом предложение: «Little strokes fell great oaks». )


  Interpretation №1:


1. Ann studies at the….. college. 2. There are ……  at the  college. 3. Kate’s sister is interested in the study at…..  .  4. The course runs ….. . 5. The study is not easy, but interesting: who works hard and regularly, ……  .  6……..  the students have practical work.  7. After finishing this college the students become …..  .


(ответы: 1.- forestry;  2.- four departments;  3.- the department of  the landscape design; 4.- four years 5.- makes a good progress 6.- During the course 7.- designers or technicians of gardening and greening.)


   Dialogue №2


Read  and  understand the dialogue,  find the correct saying to the  sentencе  in bold type ( выделенное жирным шрифтом предложение)  and fill the gaps in  the text of  the interpretation.


Sally: Hello, Alex! Haven’t seen you for ages!

Alex: Hi, Sally! You are a  freshgirl of our college! My congratulations to you!

 Sally: Thank  you. We have four double- periods every day, it’s  unusual for   

            me…  I haven’t practically free time…  And where are you going now?

Alex:   To the canteen.  Let’s go together!

Sally:  I’m hungry too… But I must to the lessons, I won’t miss the classes!

            How is your progress at the college?

Alex: You see I have missed 2 weeks, so I fell  behind my group and failed at     

           the exam in history.

Sally: Oh, really? I thought you are at the top of the group! What are you  planning       

          to do?

Alex: Well, to read up well for the exam and to pass it all my best!

Sally: No doubt! You’ll get it! Good luck!


Pay attention  to the word combinations!


Haven’t seen you for ages! – не видел тебя сто лет!

A fresh-girl – новичок (первокурсница);

My congratulations to you! – прими мои поздравления!

To be hungry – проголодаться;

To fall behind – отстать от

To fail atin … - “провалиться” на  … по  …  .

To be at the top of…- быть лучшим в


( ответ на выделенное жирным шрифтом предложение: «To work with the left hand».)


  Interpretation №2


 1. Sally is ……. of our college. 2.  She hasn’t practically time because she has ….. every  day. 3. She won’t …..  the classes.  4.  She is ….  Alex’s study.  5. Alex recently  ….  two weeks of classes.  6. He  ……the group and failed at the exam in history.  7. Now he  is  planning to ….  for the exam and  ….  it all her best. 


(ответы:  1.- a fresh-girl;  2.- four double-periods;  3.-  miss ;  4.- interested in;

5.- missed;  6.- fell behind;  7.- read up;  to pass.)


Dialogue №3


Read  and  understand the dialogue,  find the correct saying to the  sentencе  in bold type ( выделенное жирным шрифтом предложение)  and fill the gaps in  the text of  the interpretation.


Pete:  Excuse me, please!

Vlad: Yes.

Pete: How can I get to the forestry college?

Vlad: Oh, it’s not far from here! Follow me, please, I’m just going there!

Pete: O’key. Do you study at this college ?

Vlad: Yea… I’m at the second year-student…

Pete: Do you like to study  there?

Vlad: I’m satisfied with my choice! The study is not difficult but  interesting. All

          the rooms have modern equipment: TV-sets, players, interactive boards…    

          There are computer classes. Most of all I like to work at the computer.

Pete: To be often I’m not sure if I can do it…

Vlad: You were not taught using a computer, weren’t you?

Pete: To my shame, I only can play games…

Vlad: Don’t worry! You will be taught very quickly! It’s very exciting!


 Pay attention  to the word combinations!


to be far from быть далеко от ;

to be satisfied with -  быть довольным чем-то ;

to be often – откровенно говоря ;

You were not taught … - ты не научился… ;

To my shame -  к моему стыду… ;

Dont worry! – не волнуйся!


 ( ответ на выделенное жирным шрифтом предложение:  « Live and learn».)


Interpretation №3


1. Pete  wants …. the forestry college.  2. A student of the …. of this college helps him to get there.  3.  Vlad is….  his choice. 4. The study at the college is not …. but  interesting.  5. He likes the rooms with ….. 6. Most of all Vlad likes ….  at the computer. 7. Who cannot work …. , will be taught it very quickly. 


(ответы:  1.- to enter;  2.- second year-student;  3.-  satisfied with;  4.- difficult;

5.- modern equipment;  6.- to work;  7.- at the computer.)


  IV. Контроль домашнего задания


-         Test in writing


- O’key, the work is done well! And now let’s write a test: you must find the right an   

   swers to the questions on the left.





    Answers the questions


What’s your name?


 At the “Technical exploitation of lifting machines and  equipment department.


How old are you?


I try to study well to get a scholarship.


When did you leave school?


I’m a full-time first-year student.


Why did you decide to enter the college?


I never miss classes!


What year student are you?


We have usually 4 double- periods a day.


What department do you study?


I’m 16.


How long does the course run?


Last Summer I finished school.


Are you satisfied with your choice?


 I was tired during the 1-st term, but now I’ve got used to follow my daily schedule


How many lessons have you a day?


I’ll become a specialist of a technical exploitation of machines and  equipment.


Are you tired after classes?


I like my future profession because I love to repair technique.


Do you study well?


It runs 4 years.


Do you miss the classes?


I’m satisfied with my choice: the study is not very difficult but interesting.


 What’s your favorite subject?


My name is …..


What will you become after finishing the college ?


I decided to get a profession of a technicians.


Do you like your future profession?


I come easy to mathematics.



Ответы: 1-m; 2-f;  3-g;  4-n;  5-c;   6-a;  7-k;   8-l;   9-e;  10-h;   11-b;   12-d;  13-o;  14-i;   15-j.



V. Работа над проектом :


- презентация проектов  “Наш колледж”.


 - Now it’s time to present our projects. But in the beginning of the lesson I said “The students of the Finish forestry school in Valtimo of Noth Karelia want to learn the life of students in Russian colleges.” Therefore after the presentation of your projects we have to make up the common project and to place it on the college site.


(вернуться к географической карте и  тематике проектов на слайдах).


-What projects did you prepare for this lesson?


1.The history of our college

2.The present day of our college

3. Our departments

4.Our teachers

5.The students of college

6. Non-academic activity

7. The future of college


1.The history of our college


So first of all we’ll begin to listen to the first project  “The history of our college”.

Скворцов Алексей и Исаков Дмитрий   found this information in our museum.


- Dear students, listen to the projects and find the incorrect answer of the question:


 “Why was it decided to open a first forest school in Krasnye Baki?”


a.                 Our country needed in wood and break.

b.                 Our country needed in new houses, buildings of wood.

c.                 Our country needed in good specialists.

Project 1

“Of course our college is not the oldest school in our country. But we know that its history began in difficult times after the Great Patriotic War. Our country needed in new houses and buildings. That’s why it needed in wood and in good specialists.

So it was decided to open a first forestry school in Krasnye Baki.

Our college was founded in 1947 as a forestry school. It was a wood two-stored building. There were classrooms on the first floor and a hostel on the second floor. There were only 32 students in it. The course ran two years. The first director was V.A.Maralov. The first teachers were N.V. Fadeev, G. V. Chistyakov, A.G. Bystrova and others. The forestry school developed successfully and in two years 70 students studied in it. In 1953 the forestry school was named as a forest technical  school.

In1970 a new brick three-stored building was built not far from the first wood school. In 2012 our forest technical school was granted the name of a forest college. “

- Answer the question, please!  Tell us the incorrect answer!



2.The present day of our college


- But many years have passed. What is our college nowadays? We are ready to listen to the next project “Our college nowadays”.

Данилов Алексей, Ипполитов Павел, Смирнов Арсений prepared their creative work with photos. You are welcome, please.


- Dear friends, be ready to give the names of the rooms which pictures I’ll show you!


Project 2

“Today our forest college is a modern educational institution.  It is very cosy and spacious. There is a large and light hall, a sport gym, a training room with sport heavy equipment on the ground floor. Many subject classrooms, a rich library and a reading hall are situated on the second floor. We can find any book or any magazine we need there. Our college is well-equipped and uses computing training system in educational process: we have three computer classes. They are usually opened for students and teachers.  All classrooms are large and light and have modern equipment: TV-sets, players, notebooks, interactive boards.                     

  Not far from the college it is a hostel. It is a very comfortable and cosy four-stored building for the students. Opposite the college it is a club and a canteen. During the lunch-break we go there to have dinner.

Besides our college has workshops, laboratories, a museum, a dendrological garden and so on. I think all conditions are given to study and to achieve good results.”


- Well, do you know the rooms of our college?

- What  is it?

- It’s a student’s canteen (an assembly hall, a sport gym, a library, a laboratory,

a chemistry classroom, a literature classroom, an English classroom, IT classroom)



3. Our departments


- The project “ Our departments” will be presented by Громов Сергей, Чиркин Никита, Мошков Никита in their creative work.

- The home task for our students was: to think and to draw the symbol of every our department and to explain it.


 You were divided   into 4 groups:

- the first group draws the symbol of the Technical exploitation… department;

- the second  one - the symbol of the Forest and forestry department;

- the third one - the symbol of the Landscape design and architecture;

- the fourth one - the symbol of the Hunting and fur farming.


Project 3

There are day-time and correspondence departments. The academic session lasts 10 months. Our studies begin at 8 o’clock. Usually we have four double-periods a day. Every day we attend lectures and have practice. We have a lunch break at 11.10 o’clock. Our college trains specialists in many branches of knowledge. There are four departments in it: Forest and forestry department, Technical running of lifting, building and road machines and equipment, Landscape design and architecture, Hunting and fur farming. The aim of our education is primarily to prepare the students for a job.


- Technical running of lifting, building and road machines and equipment. We are students of this department. We consider that Technical running of lifting, building and road machines and equipment  is very important for forestry and economy of our country. Students are taught more technical subjects, such as carpentry, metalwork and electronics. After college we can work as technicians. We like to repair machines and want to modernize the equipment. We can work not only in the forest but at different plants and factories too. We believe our future work will be useful and necessary for people.

-  Forest and forestry department. The students of this department are taught how to grow, to nurse, to protect the forest and how to exploit that natural resource rightly and rational. They improve the quality of species composition and health of forest, bring about forest regeneration and increase the forest value.

- Landscape design and architecture. The students of this department learn to plan and to design a locality, to construct and to green parks, garden, streets….  Environment protection is their duty. The aim of the department is to graduate students that adopt a whole view of landscape and environment. The Department  views the art of landscape design as an expression of cultural values .

-  Hunting and fur farming. These students are taught how to organize and carry out the work for the protection, maintenance and management of wild animals.  Also they learn to organize and carry out commercial and sport hunting, to organize and carry out work on the maintenance and care of the animals on fur farms.


- And now your works, dear students! Show us the symbol of your department and explain it


(образец ответа):

-It is the symbol of…..

-In the center of the circle is…

- It means…


4.Our teachers


- So, my dear students, speaking about departments we shouldn’t forget our teachers. Studying at these departments you learn skills, gain knowledge and understanding about the world from our teachers. Teacher’s work is difficult but very interesting: he is always in the center of professional innovations and events coming from our life. He is always ready to share his knowledge and impressions with his students.

- Do you like the teachers of our college? What traits of character of our teachers do you like or dislike?

The Project about our teachers will be presented by Медведев Сергей, Вихарев Роман, Криворучко Андрей.


Project 4

“There are 23 teachers in our college. You can see the photo of them. How do we imagine the common portrait of our teachers? Let’s see. A good teacher, whether it will be a woman or a man, ought to know how to organize classwork in more efficient and right way, is able to maintain discipline and order, to present her- or him- self so that it would be interesting to all to conduct lessons, using a lot of different materials, equipment and teaching methods and attempts, and spend time obtaining of knowledge at an occasion with entertainment. They are clever, high-educated, experienced. They are always friendly and helpful to his or her colleagues, and that is as well important keeps in contact with the parents of his or her students and lets them participate in the life of the college. All the teachers are sociable, attentive, helpful to the students.

Our curator’s name is Alexander Nikolayevich Mahrov. He is a very kind man, patient and open. He is always ready to help us, to give us a necessary advice.  Sometimes he  scolds the student who misses the classes or gets bad marks, but he does it in tactful form. He teaches mechanics and drawing. We often do practical works at his lessons, he gives us to know compound parts of  motors and their functioning (operation). We learn much new and interesting materials at mechanics and drawing  because Alexander Nikolayevich explains patiently the new material. We like our curator and respect him for  his fairness, strong will, intellect, and modesty.”


- Thank you, it was very interesting. Really, from Alexander Nikolayevich you learn a lot of necessary and important things for your future speciality.


- And now I will describe the portrait of a teacher. You have to name the teacher and his subject.

This teacher is enough young. He is 30-32 years old. He has a round face with a beauty spot(родинка) on a cheek, he is well-built, strong and sportive. He usually wears jeans or a  sportive uniform. He works in the sport gym and teaches the students to run, to jump, to be strong and healthy.   Who is it?


-It’s Serebrov Igor Evg., the teacher of physical education.


5.The students of college


- And what about the students? What are they? Who wants to describe them?  These are Рябов Никита, Горбунов Вячеслав, Сергеев Анатолий who prepared such project.

Let’s listen to them!


- After that you have to be ready to characterize any student of your group.


Project 5

The students of our college are the best in our town. There are 306 students in day-time department and 90 -  in  correspondence department. Many of them live with their parents, others - in the hostel. Our students are from 15 till 20 years old.

 Many of them try to study well  to get a scholarship.

Our students have no time to be bored. They carry out research work every year! They don’t only study successfully but take an active part in non-academic activities!  Our group consists of  20 students. This  is the collective portrait of our group : we are clever, well-read, hard-working, strong and sportive. We are the first-year students. Many things were very new and unusual  for us but we adopted  the conditions very quickly, the study gives us pleasure and we try to make good progress, because we  want to be good specialists.


- And now let’s characterize a student of your group!

 (Вихарев ) сome up to me , please!


6. Non-academic activity


- Our students do not only study but take an active part in non-academic activity. What traditions and customs are non-academic activity of our college based on?

Бухальцев Сергей, Кочнев Павел, Пугачев Сергей prepared their creative work with photos. You are welcome, please.


- Dear students, listen to the project to be ready to say about your activity in your free time.


Project 6

 “The college has its own traditions and customs. Every year on the First of September the teaching staff organizes Day of Knowledge. The teachers meet the students and conduct homeroom class. It is the beginning the course of study.  

In October we celebrate a holiday “Devoting into the  First-Year students.”

 Every month we have non-academic activity  at the college. The teachers and the students prepare for this activity. They show their talent of actor, singer, showman. The most energetic and active students are always in the center of cultural life of college.

After lessons we have no time to be bored: we go in for sport and other activities.  Some students go in for volleyball, the others - in for heavy athletics, swimming, running and learn dancing and singing.

There are students who like working on the computer in their free time  and look for curious  information  in the Internet.

Once a month we have a dance-party at our club: loud music and «fiery» dances give us  pleasure.”


- What can you say about your activity? What do you like most of all?

I’ll give you cards, read it very attentively, make up the sentences and say what you like to do in your free time.  I’ll give you 2 minutes.


- Now your time is up. Who is the first?


7. The future of college

-And now the most interesting and curious project – the future of college. Everybody of us dreams about something. We also decided to dream and to draw the picture of the future of our college.

This curious project will be presented by Рымин Антон, Шулепов Михаил.


Dear students, you have to be ready to tell the right and wrong sentences!


Project 7

We want our college will be to flourish and to develop.

In the nearest 5-10 years the college will be self-sufficient and independent institution. It will be built a new educational building for the students who learn general educational subjects. There will be 40 teachers and 600 students at our college: 450 students in day-time department and 150 - in correspondence department.  

  The school day will begin at 9 o’clock. The students  will be clever, capable, hard-working at our college.  Every student of all departments will wear the uniform. Every student will have a notebook on the class desk, because it will be a study necessity.

  The teacher’s pay  will be  increased in many times and  the students’ scholarship too. The meals at the college canteen will be free of charge. Rooms of the hostel will be equipped with all necessary appliances, in each room there will be a kitchen, a bathroom, a bedroom and a study room. And the most important thing, all students will be conscious, thrifty, because they dream about it! 


Say, it is right or wrong:

- Every student will have a notebook on the class desk.

-The school day will begin at 5 o’clock.

- Every student of all departments will wear the uniform.

-Rooms of the hostel will be equipped with all necessary appliances,

-The meals at the college canteen will be expensive.

-The students  will be clever, capable, hard-working at our college.


- создание общего проекта.


- Now it’ time to make up our common  project.

You have to make up the presentation “Our college” in the short form to place it on    

 the college site.  What we must make for it.

You have to choose the important information in our projects (the main 3-5 sentences)  and unite them in the common presentation.

So, look for the most important and interesting sentences and write out  them  into your copybook or mark them in the project.


Let’ s try to choose now only the first main sentence. I give you 2 minutes.

Let’s check up your work!

O’ key! Continue the work, please!




 -Home task: I see, you understood  it very good so I propose you to finish your     

       work at home.


 -Conclusion: - Let’s remember our small poem:


If a task is ones begun,

Never leave it till it’s done.

Be the labour great or small,

Do it well or not at all.

- Is our work done?

- Was it great or small?

- Is it done well?


- Now  the work is done and we summarize our results:


1.You gained knowledge on the topic: 

2. You could use it in your practical creative  works - your projects and prepare the

    project  “Our college” in the short form.

3. You can tell about our college to anybody.

4. You will be able to read the information about our college on the site and to write a

    short letter to any foreign student who will be interested in the life of our college.


- I see each of you is a hard-working person. Marks for the lesson are  …  .

 I wish you success in your activity!  Be energetic and active! Try to be in the center

 of  students’s life!  Do well and dream!



Thank you for the excellent work and Good bye!




























- Planet of English : учебник английского языка для учреждений НПО

и СПО / [Г.Т.Безкоровайная, Н.И.Соколова, Е.А.Кой ран ская, Г.В.Лав-

рик]. — М. : Издательский центр «Академия», 2012. — 256 с. : ил.


- Голубев А.П.: Английский язык: Учеб. пособие для студ. сред. проф. учеб. заведений. – 2-е изд., испр. – М.: Издательский центр «Академия», 2006 – 336 с.


- Настольная книга преподавателя иностранного языка: справ.пособие/ Е.А. Маслыко, П.К. Бабинская, А.Ф. Будько, С.И. Петрова. – 9-е изд., стер. – Мн.: Высш. шк.., 2004. – 522с.


- Современная гимназия: взгляд теоретика и практика/ Под ред. Е.С.Полат - М., 2000.


- Новые педагогические и информационные технологии в системе образования

под ред. Е.С.Полат - М., 2000


- Полат Е.С. Метод проектов на уроках иностранного языка/ Иностранные языки в школе - № № 2, 3 - 2000 г.




- http://www.kblk.ru/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=2&Itemid=2






























































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Данная методическая разработка соответствует ФГОС СПО и рабочей программе по дисциплине «Иностранный язык».

Методическая разработка предназначена для преподавателей английского языка и рассчитана на учащихся, изучающих английский язык в школах и колледжах.

Она включает в себя информацию об истории создания лесного колледжа и его настоящем, а также о его успехах и достижениях. В основе построения урока лежит принцип коммуникативной направленности, дающий возможность обучающимся применить свои знания и речевой опыт в различных проблемных ситуациях.

Согласно методу проектов студенты осуществляют поиск необходимой информации, интерпритируют и преобразовывают словесный материал с выходом на проектную деятельность. На уроке используется интерактивная доска для усиления наглядности изучаемой информации с помощью презентации, ноутбуки для создания общего проекта по теме.

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