Инфоурок Иностранные языки КонспектыМетодическое пособие ОУД №2 Английский язык для студентов железнодорожных специальностей

Методическое пособие ОУД №2 Английский язык для студентов железнодорожных специальностей

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 Министерство общего и профессионального образования Ростовской области

Государственное бюджетное профессиональное  образовательное учреждение

Ростовской области

«Ростовский – на – Дону автотранспортный колледж» 









 Методическое Пособие























Методическое пособие ОУД №2 по дисциплине Английский язык разработано на основе требований:

- Федерального государственного образовательного стандарта среднего общего образования (далее ФГОС СОО) (утвержден приказом Министерства образования и науки РФ от 17.05.2012 №413);

- Рабочей программы общеобразовательной дисциплины «Немецкий язык», одобренной на заседании ПЦК «Общих гуманитарных дисциплин»

(Протокол № 1 от «02» сентября  2015 г.) и рекомендованной методическим советом Ростовского-на-Дону автотранспортного колледжа. (Протокол заседания МС №  1 от «04» сентября 2015 г.)  



 Организация-разработчик: ГБПОУ РО «Ростовский - на – Дону автотранспортный колледж»


Кобезева Любовь Николаевна, преподаватель дисциплины «НЕМЕЦКИЙ ЯЗЫК» ГБПОУ РО «Ростовского-на-Дону автотранспортного колледжа»


Рассмотрено и одобрено на заседании ПЦК «Общих гуманитарных дисциплин»

Протокол № __ от «__» ___  201__ г.

Председатель ПЦК_________ Брилева М.Р.

Рекомендована методическим советом Ростовского-на-Дону автотранспортного колледжа.

Протокол заседания МС №  __ от «___» ____ 201__ г.  

Председатель МС ___________ зам. директора по МР Титова С.А






©Кобезева Любовь Николаевна














Пояснительная записка


Данное методическое пособие предназначено для студентов СПО в качестве дополнения к учебной программе по английскому языку. Методическое пособие включает в себя отдельные темы и диалоги по общей и специальной лексике, обслуживанию пассажиров в вагоне, на вокзале, на пограничной станции, техническому обслуживанию вагонной техники, необходимый материал для общения при выходе в город за границей.

Цель пособия – научить студентов железнодорожных специальностей профессиональной технологии, словам и выражениям, привить навыки разговорной речи для ведения несложной беседы на английском языке.



































Russian Railways

Although we all seem to agree that the future belongs to air transport, today still carry the bulk of passenger and goods traffic. Russian Railways carry 4 mln people daily. Each day more than 1.200 long-distance trains depart from the railway station of Russia. Russian railways have over  7.000 railways station.

Direct passenger traffic is established between the Russian Federation and 27 European and Asian countries.

Russian passenger trains operate on direct international lines covering a total distance of 90.000 km.

Modern Russian railways run a transcontinental passenger service which carries the traveler across two continents, Europe and Asia in very comfortable all-metal carriages (cars).

Tourist route trains take the tourist to the interest spots of the country with stop-overs for sightseeing.


Words and word combination to memorize

to agree


the bulk

основная масса, большая часть

passenger traffic

пассажирские перевозки

goods traffic

грузовые перевозки

long-distance trains

проезда дальнего следования

to depart

отправляться, отбывать

direct traffic

беспересадочный, маршрут прямого сообщения

to establish

устанавливать, создавать

to cover a  distance

покрывать расстояние

total distance

общая протяженность

to run service

осуществлять перевозки

carriage, (car)

пассажирский вагон



interest spots



остановка в пути

to go sightseeing.

Осматривать достопримечательности


Dialogue 1

-         They say Russian Railways carry the bulk of passenger and goods, don’t they?

-         It’s true. They are the main public carrier.

-         As for me, there is no travel so fine as by train. I’d like to travel as far as Vladivostok by the Trans-Siberian railway. It’s the most fascinating railway journey, if you ask me.

-         Do passengers have to change en-route?

-         No, they needn’t. It is a through train.

-         Is it a stopping train?

-         Certainly.

-         Oh, the trip looks inviting.

-         Well, frankly speaking it does.


Words and word combination to memorize

it’s true

это соответствует действительности; это правда; это так

main public carrier

основной вид пассажирского транспорта



to change

делать пересадку


в пути

a through train

поезд прямого сообщения

a stopping train

поезд, идущий с остановками в пути

to look inviting

выглядеть заманчивым

frankly speaking

откровенно говоря


Dialogue 2

-         Could I interrupt my journey any way?

-          Of course you can. What is it?

-          I’d like to have a stop-over in Irkutsk to go sightseeing there. I want to have a good look at the city.

-         Well, it’s up to you to have a stop-over when ever you feel like making it.


Words and word combination to memorize

to interrupt a journey

прервать поездку

it’s up to you

вам решать …

feel like making (doing) smth

испытывать желание, настроение, хотеть сделать что-нибудь


Trains and Carriages

While touring about the Russian Federation one can choose between three classes of sleepers: first-class sleepers, second-class sleepers and third-class sleepers.

No doubt first and second class sleepers are the most convenient ones. First-class sleepers are offered for international service. There are two versions of this sleeping carriage: with two-berth and four-berth compartments. Sleeping accommodation is provided for 22/44 passengers respectively.

An “SV” carriage resembles a comfortable hotel with cushioned easy-chairs and berths in the compartments. Two adjoining compartments share a toilet and there is shower room at the end of the passage.

All passengers prefer traveling in fast through trains. But some routes provide for changes to be made.

Foreign tourists are offered a double-decker air-conditioned carriage. A lower deck provides 28 sleeping berths and an upper deck offers 28 seats.

Besides, Russia run day coaches and combined soft and hard carriages with four-berth compartments. The carriage is air conditioned.

Going on a journey you needn’t worry about your meals en-route. A dining car will be attached to your train. The dining car will cater for all tastes. A wide choice of Russian and European cuisine will be available there. While en-route from Moscow to Vladivostok the passenger may enjoy his three hot meals a day.

Both luggage-vans and dining cars are available on all overnight and long-distance trains.

The luggage-van (baggage-car) relieves a passenger of the trouble of taking care of trunks, suitcases and heavy luggage.

Luggage can be registered through to one’s destination. Then only thing you have to carry about is the luggage receipt. Light (hand) luggage is usually taken by the passenger to the sleeper so that he could travel light.

A porter will place your luggage on special luggage rack in the compartment.

There are no restrictions on total luggage weight. The weight of each piece, however should be not more than75 kg and not less than 5 kg. Luggage should be packed in trunks, baskets, traveling bags, handbags or boxes.

The following goods are transported unpacked: perambulators, musical instruments, bicycles, scooters, motorcycles, and sports gear up 4 m in length.


 Words and word combination to memorize

one can


to choose


first-class sleepers

международный вагон

second-class sleepers

мягкий спальный вагон

third-class sleepers

жесткий спальный вагон

no doubt

без сомнения

to offer



спальное место, полка



sleeping accommodation

спальные места

to provide




to share

пользоваться совместно

shower room

душевая комната



to prefer


fast through train

скорый поезд

double-decker carriage

двухъярусный вагон

air-conditioned carriage

вагон, оснащенный воздушным кондиционированием

day coaches

вагоны с нумерованными местами для сидения

soft carriage

сидячий вагон с мягкими местами для сидения

hard carriage

сидячий вагон с жесткими местами для сидения

to attach


to cater for all tastes

удовлетворять любой вкус





to be available

быть в наличии


багажный вагон

overnight train

поезд, идущий ночью и днем

to relieve of the trouble of taking care of

освобождать от беспокойства за

to have luggage registered

сдавать вещи в багаж



luggage receipt

багажная квитанция

light (hand) luggage

ручной багаж

travel light

путешествовать налегке



luggage rack

багажная  полка







traveling bag

дорожная сумка




детская коляска

sports gear

спортивный инвентарь


Dialogue 1

-         I want two first-class sleepers on the Irkutsk express on Saturday.

-         I’m sorry, but we’re all booked up for Saturday. I can let you have a separate compartment in a first-class sleeper on Sunday, if you wish.

-         No, that won’t do. What have you on the eleven-twenty-three on Saturday? It is a fast train, isn’t it?

-         Yes, it is. Let me see, I have two second-class sleepers in different compartments –one upper and one lower berth.

-         No, thank you. It would be most inconvenient. Well, I’ll take two first-class sleepers for Sunday then.

-         If you happen to change your mind, you can cancel bookings.

-         Thank you. By the way, could me make reservation for return-tickets for the end of the month?

-         Certainly. We have a return-ticket service on long-distance trains. You can order a return-ticket for any date within 45 days.

-         I see. But we are not sure when we’ll be returning anyway.

-         That’s all right. Shall I have your tickets on the Irkutsk express delivered?

-         Do, please. You’ve been most helpful.


Words and word combination to memorize

to be booked up

все билеты проданы



that won’t do

это не подойдет, не устроит

upper (lower) berth

верхняя (нижняя) полка

to change your mind

изменять свое мнение

to cancel bookings

аннулировать предварительный заказ

to make reservation

сделать предварительный заказ билета


билет «туда» и «обратно»

return-ticket service

продажа билета «туда» и «обратно»

to order


to deliver

доставлять (на дом)


Dialogue 2

-         Will you show me your tickets?

-         Here they are.

-         How many pieces of luggage do you take?

-         This is all we’ve got with us.

-         Did you have any of your heavy luggage registered?

-         No, I didn’t, why should I have my luggage registered?

-         Sorry, but you are permitted to carry thirty five kilograms of hand luggage per ticket.

-         I see.  What shall I do?

-         Let the porter have your trunks labeled and put in the luggage-van.

-         I’m afraid we have very little time left.

-         Take your time. You’ll make it.

-         Thanks.

-         Mind you take the luggage receipt with you.

-         I shall, thank you.


Words and word combination to memorize

piece of luggage

to permit


Take your time.

You’ll make it

mind you

место (о багаже)

позволять, разрешать


Не спешите.

Вы успеете.

не забудьте


Dialogue 3

-         Could you tell me where my compartment is?

-         Yours is the third compartment from the end.

-         Thanks. Excuse my disturbing you, will you tell me where the dining-car is?

-         That’s all right. The dining-car is next to ours.

-         Thank you. Could I have dinner right away?

-         Sorry, but you can’t at the moment. The train hasn’t left yet.

-         I see… . May I get a cup of tea or coffee?

-         You are welcome. You needn’t go to the dining-car to get a cup of tea or coffee.

-         I didn’t quite get you.

-         I mean to say that light refreshments will be served right here in the carriage.

-         That’s all right. Thank you.

-         Not at all.


Words and word combination to memorize

Excuse my disturbing you

You are welcome

I didn’t quite get you

 I mean to say that

light refreshments

Простите, что отрываю вас от дела…


Я вас не совсем понял

Я хочу сказать, что…

освежающие напитки


Moscow Terminals

There are nine terminals in the capital of Russia.

All nine stations are worth looking at and several of them are architecturally remarkable.

This refers first of all, to the Yaroslavsky and Kasansky stations. The design of the present Yaroslavsky station, built in 1906-1907 by architect F.O. Shekhtel is based on the motifs of northern Russian folklore.

The Kasansky terminal, across Komsomolskaya Square can rival the station just described.

Its architect, Academician A.V.Schusev, based his design on the 17th century themes.

The big clock with the sight of the zodiac is also of interest.

The Kursky terminal services a great flow of passengers going to the Black Sea Coast, the biggest resort in our country. The Kursky terminal was the first to be reconstructed in Moscow. The main hall was considerably expended and now it can accommodate up to 6.000 passengers. The station handles about 40.000 long-distance passengers and 75.000 commuters daily. Different platforms are provided for commuter and long-distance passengers. This terminal is considered to be the largest and the most comfortable railway station in Europe.

The Leningradsky terminal in Moscow and the Moscowsky terminal in ST. Petersburg seem quite identical in design. The main hall of the Leningradsky terminal is rather spacious and offers passengers various kinds of service they may need. Long rows of stalls and posts are arranged on both sides of the hall without interfering with passengers.

The Byelorussky terminal is being reconstructed now.

As is known all the nine railway terminals in Moscow were erected many years ago. As they were unable to cope with the increased flow of passengers some of them were reconstructed while others are being rebuilt or will be rebuilt in the near future.

Words and word combination to memorize

stations are worth looking at

architecturally remarkable

to refer

to base

to rival


to expend

to accommodate

to handle






to cope


на станции стоит посмотреть

замечательны с точки зрения архитектуры








пригородного назначения




не в состоянии




Dialogue 3

-         I say, we are at the Byelorussky terminal now, aren’t we?

-         Oh, yes, we are.

-         This is not the only terminal in Moscow, is it?

-         Certainly not. As far as I Know there are as many as nine terminals in the city.

-         Really? As for the Byelorussky terminal, I don’t like it at all.

-         You should see other terminals. If you ask me most of them are worth looking at.

-         Do you really mean it?

-         Of course, I do. Some of them are architecturally quite remarkable. I mean the Yaroslavsky and Kazansky terminals. They date back to the beginning of the century.

-         Any terminals of recent construction in the city?

-         It seems to me it’s the Kursky terminal. They say it’s the biggest one in Europe.

-         You don’t say so.


At the Railway Station

Journeys by railway begin and end at stations. They must offer the passenger all he is likely to need in the way of service.

The main purpose of a railway station is to get a passenger and his luggage into or out of railway trains as effectively and speedily as possible,

The first need of the passenger is to know what trains are available to his destination, how long they take and where, if anywhere, he has to change. Thus the information on the time of train departure, fares, route, arrival time is given either at the inquiry office or by automatic machines. Besides this information is all shown on printed timetables and train indicators.

An automatic check-room (cloak-room) is intended for safekeeping hand-luggage at railway stations. It is also called a left-luggage office. A meal can be obtained in the restaurant, in the refreshment and dining rooms. Book-, newspaper- flower-, souvenirs stalls, a post-office and  a telegraph office, an Intourist office, the first-aid post, banks of telephones, spacious waiting-rooms and numerous booking offices are taken for granted at large ruiluxy stations. An automatic system “Express-2” for booking and long-distance train ticket selling is in operation on the Moscow Railway. Similar systems are installed now in other railway stations of our country.


Words and word combination to memorize

to be likely

the purpose

to get into

to get out

either … or

the inquiry office

a timetable

the train indicator

a check-room

to be intended

to safekeep

a left-luggage office

the refreshment

a stall

an Intourist office

the first-aid post

the bank of telephone


to be taken for granted


to book


цель, задача



или … или

справочное бюро

расписание прибытия и отправления поездов

светящееся табло

камера хранения


хранить (о багаже)

багажное отделение


киоск, ларек

офис для иностранцев

пункт медицинской помощи

телефонная кабинка


иметь в наличии


заказывать, покупать (билеты)


 Booking tickets

Dialogue 1

-         Sorry, where could I make reservations for a journey?

-         At window number 7, over there in the Booking Offices hall.

-         I’d like to book two sleepers on the Sevastopol train on December 25th.

-         Singles or returns?

-         Singles, please.

-         We have two second-class sleepers on the afternoon train?

-         Is it a fast train?

-         No, it’s a slow train.

-         The afternoon train won’t do then. Which train do I take?

-         The morning express train.

-         When does it leave, please?

-         10.15.

-         That’s all right. Thank you.


Dialogue 2

-         I want a ticket for Adler train, please, second class sleeper.

-         Single or return?

-         Return, please.

-         Return. 1800 roubles.


Dialogue 3

-          One, first to Moscow, please.

-         Single or return?

-         Single. Do I have to change anywhere?

-         No, no change. It’s a through train.

-         Thank you.


Words and word combination to memorize

slow train

single ticket

return ticket

it won’t do

поезд, идущий с малой скоростью

билет на поезд в одном направлении

билет «туда» и «обратно»

это меня не устроит, это мне не подходит


At the Inquiry Office

Dialogue 1

-         Could you tell me when express train to Vladivostok leaves?

-         It’s due out at 12.30.

-         Do I have to change anywhere en route?

-         No, no change. It’s a through train.

-         Is it a stopping train, isn’t it?

-         Yes, it is.

-         What platform does it go from?

-         Yours is platform 2, track 5.

-         Thank you.


Dialogue 2

-         Which train do I take for Yalta, please.

-         You should take the train for Simferopol.

-         Do I have to change then?

-         Yes. There is no through train for Yalta.

-         Where do I change for Yalta?

-         In Simferopol you’ll change from the train to the trolleybus for Yalta.

-         How long does it take to get there?

-         It takes about two hours.


Dialogue 3

-         Which train do I take for Tver, please?

-         9.30. This end of platform 2.

-         When does it get in?

-         It gets there at 11.35.

-         Must I change?

-         No. It’s a through train.


Dialogue 4

-         Which platforms for Serpukhov, please?

-         9.25, from platform 1.

-         What time does it arrive?

-         It takes roughly two hours, so you’ll arrive just before 11.30.

-         Is it necessary to change?

-         No, there is no need to change.


Dialogue 5

-         When does the St. Petersburg train leave?

-         10.55. Platform 1.

-         What time does it reach St. Petersburg?

-         You should be there at 5 a.m. but you may be a bit late.

-         Do I have to change?

-         No. It’s a through train. You’ll travel overnight.


Dialogue 6

-         What time’s the next train to Zagorsk, please?

-         9.20. Platform 4. Right up at the front.

-         When do we get there?

-         It’s due in at 11.10 but they are running late today.

-         Need I change trains?

-         No, it’s a through train.

-         Is it a stopping train?

-         Certainly.


Dialogue 7

-         Which platform will the Tuapse  train arrive at?

-         It has just come into platform 6.

-         Did I get you right?

-         I am afraid, you won’t make it.

-         If you hurry, you’ll  just catch it.

-         Could you tell me, what time the next train goes?

-         8.55, platform 12. If you hurry, you’ll just catch it.

At the Railway Station

Dialogue 1

-         Sorry, where can I get light refreshments?

-         Well, in the refreshment room, sir.

-         Could you tell me the way to it?

-         Come along with me and I’ll show you. Here you are, sir.

-         Thank you.


Dialogue 2

-         Leaving?

-         Yes, in an hour.

-         Have a comfortable journey!

-         Thank you.


Dialogue 3

-         Excuse me, sir.

-         Yes?

-         Where is the smoking-room?

-         This way, please.

-         Thank you.

-         Not at all.


Dialogue 4

-         I say!

-         Yes, what is it?

-         Am I right for the left-luggage office?

-         No, it’s in the opposite direction.

-         Thank you.

-         You are welcome.


Dialogue 5

-         Excuse me … . Could you tell me the time?

-         It’s ten to five.

-         Oh, let’s get going. Time is getting short.


On the platform Boarding the Train and Departure

Our train Number 9 Moscow-Belgrad leaves both on odd and even days. It’s a fast through train. It leaves from Platform 2 at 3.20 p.m. It takes the train forty hours to reach the terminus. The train has ten carriages. Most of them are sleepers and the rest are soft-and-hard-seated ones.

There is a dining-car in the middle of the train. Meals are served from 10 o’clock a.m. till eleven p.m. The train is due out in ten minutes. Passengers are boarding the train. They can carry thirty-five kilograms of luggage per ticket. Heavy luggage should be registered. It will be forwarded in the luggage-van attached to the train. Extra charges are paid for overweight.

It is a stopping train. The first big railway station is Kiev. Many passengers will get off at Kiev to go sightseeing there.


 Words and word combination to memorize



to leave

both … and

odd days

even days

to reach

the terminus

soft- seated carriage

hard-seated carriage

to be due out

to forward

extra charges for overweight


to get off at




как … так и

нечетные дни

четные дни


конечная станция

сидячий вагон с мягкими сиденьями

сидячий вагон с жесткими сиденьями



дополнительная плата за провоз багажа сверх нормы

сойти с поезда


Dialogue 1

-         Porter, will you see to our luggage?

-         What train, please?

-         The 12.20 to St. Petersburg.

-         What is your carriage number?

-         Carriage number 5, please.

-         Have you got any luggage in the cloak-room?

-         No, that is all we’ve got with us.

-         Would you like to have any of your luggage registered?

-         Yes, we’d like to have these three trunks registered. The rest is hand luggage. We’ll take it with us to the sleeper.

-         All right, sir. This way, please. Your train leaves from platform 3, track 5.

-         Thank you.

-         Here we are! Carriage number 5.

-         Will you put our suit-cases on the luggage-rack. Ours is the third compartment.

-         All right, sir. Anything else?

-         No, that will be all.

-         Your train leaves in 20 minutes. Have a comfortable journey!

-         Thank you.


Dialogue 2

-         Sorry, is this the 10 o’clock fast train to Minsk?

-         Yes, it is. What is your carriage number?

-         Let me have a look at my ticket. It’s carriage 5.

-         You are welcome. Will you show me your ticket?

-         Here it is. Is it all right?

-         Sorry, but your ticket does not provide for reserved seat.

-         What do you mean?

-         Well, it is not a soft-seated carriage, it’s a sleeper.

-         I see. Should I pay extra charge for reserved seat?

-         Will you speak to the chief of the train? He is in the staff carriage. He is sure to help you.

-         Could you tell me where the staff carriage is?

-         Staff carriage 5 is in the middle of the train.

-         Thanks.


Words and word combination to memorize

a reserved seat

the chief of the train

staff carriage


начальник поезда

служебный вагон


Dialogue 3

-         Show me your ticket, please. 

-         Here it is.

-         Have you got your luggage receipt?

-         No, I needn’t any. I travel light. But where is my hand-bag, I wonder. No doubt, I left it behind in the hotel.

-         Take it easy. Let them know your address and they’ll have it forwarded.

-         Thank you, you’ve been very helpful.


 Words and word combination to memorize

I wonder.

to leave behind

Take it easy.

they’ll have it forwarded


оставить, забыть

Не волнуйтесь.

они перешлют


Dialogue 4

-         Could you tell me when our train is due out?

-         Well, we’ve got 10 minutes to spare.

-         All right, I’ll go and get myself a newspaper or a magazine to while away the time during the journey.

-         Mind you don’t miss the train, sir!

-         I won’t.


Words and word combination to memorize

 to spare

to while away the time

to miss the train


чтобы «убить» время

опоздать на поезд


Dialogue 5

-         Will you tell me when our train leaves?

-         We’ll be off in a minute. Be careful! The signal goes down.

-         Sorry, I don’t get you.

-         The train starts. We are already in the motion.

-         Well, we are leaving on the dot. I hope we run on the time all along and nothing delays us.


Words and word combination to memorize

I don’t get you.

in the motion

leaving on the dot

run on the time


Я вас не понимаю.

поезд тронулся

отойти  минута в минуту по расписанию

идти по расписанию

задерживаться (о поезде – опаздывать)


In the Carriage

Foreign tourists are offered two kinds of sleepers with two-berth (1-st class) and four-berth (2-nd class) compartments. Sleeping accommodation is provided for 22/44 passengers, tare weight is 52/62 tons, weight per axle – 13/16 tons.

Every compartment has cushioned berths, hot and cold water supply, a mirror, a socket for electric razor, safe for keeping valuable papers. The carriage guard is summoned by pushing an electric bell near the door. The inner room of the carriage includes: 10 compartments, a guard’s compartment (van), a corridor (passage), 2 toilets, 2 carriage platforms.

Passengers are forbidden to throw rubbish through the windows. There is a litter bin at the end of the corridor.

The toilets are at the head and the tail of the carriage. The toilet should not be used while the train is at the station.


Words and word combination to memorize

tare weight

weight per axle

cushioned berths

a supply

a socket


a guard

to summon

to forbid

a litter bin


нагрузка на ось

мягкие сиденья







мусорный ящик


Dialogue 1

-         Will you tell me where my compartment is?

-         Yours is compartment 5, in the middle of the carriage.

-         Thanks. Here we are. Porter, the suitcase and the bag can go on the luggage-rack.

-         Right, sir.

-         Thanks.

-         I hope you’ll have a comfortable journey.


Dialogue 2

-         Passengers! Will you hand over your tickets?

-         May I change to another carriage?

-         No, you can’t.

-         What shall I do?

-         You may speak to the chief of the train. He is in the sixth carriage.

-         Thank you.


Dialogue 3

-         What big station will our train pass through?

-         We’ll pass through Smolensk, Minsk, Brest.

-         What’s next stop?

-         Orsha is.

-         Could you tell me how long the train stops in Minsk.

-         Ten minutes or so.

-         What a pity! I’d like to see Minsk.

-         You may interrupt your trip, if you like.

-         I’m sorry, I can’t. I’m pressed for time.


En Route

Fast train number twenty-one runs twenty hours to Berlin. It passes through Orsha, Minsk, Smolensk and Brest. In Orsha the train stops for five minutes and in Brest for two hours. There the passengers have opportunity to see the sights of the city. Some passengers change trains in Brest, or interrupt (break) their trip. During the fascinating trip passengers can enjoy the beautiful landscapes of our country.


Words and word combination to memorize

en route

to pass through

an opportunity

to change trains

to interrupt the trip

fascinating trip

в пути



делать пересадку

прервать поездку

увлекательная поездка


Memorize the following dialogues

-         It’s rather stuffy in the compartment, isn’t it?

-         Well, yes. I think so.

-         Will you switch on the ventilation?

-         That’s all right. I’ll switch it right away.

-         Thank you.



right away




-         Sorry, is the toilet free?

-         No, it’s occupied, but the second one is free.

-         Where can I find it?

-         It’s at the end of the corridor, to the right of your compartment.

-         Thanks.


-         Could you tell me what time we arrive in Brest?

-         Our train is due in at seven o’clock a.m.

-         I’ll get of in Brest. Be sure to wake me up in time.

-         I will.


 be sure to wake me up

обязательно разбудите меня


-         I say, where I can switch on the electric razor?

-         Well, you can switch it on either in you compartment or in the toilet.

-         I see. And where is the plug socket?

-          Here it is.

-         What is the voltage here?

-         It is two hundred and twenty. Is there anything else you want?

-         No, thank you, that will be all.

-         What can I do for you?

-         Have you got a shoe brush? I’d like to polish my shoes.

-         You are welcome. Anything else?

-         That’s all right, thank you.


shoe brush

to polish

You are welcome

сапожная щетка




-         By the way, when our train is due to arrive?

-         In an hour or so I should say.

-         We are not behind schedule, are we?

-         Sorry to say but we are.

-         That’s all we need! The same old story. But you needn’t apologize. It’s not your fault.


by the way

to be behind schedule

that’s all we need

to apologize

a fault

между прочим, кстати

опаздывать (о поезде)

этого еще не хватало




Serving Tea

In the sleepers of Russian Railways passengers are served with tea, coffee and ready-packed biscuits, waffles and rusks. Hot drinks and confectionary are available at any time. A cup of tea with sugar costs three rubles. A cup of coffee with sugar costs five rubles. Passengers can pay for drinks and confectionary both in Russian and foreign currency. Passengers are provided with spoons, forks, knives and plates free of charge. Each passenger train has a dining car. In the dining car passengers are offered a great choice of varied courses of Russian and European cuisine, wines, fruits and pastries.


 Words and word combination to memorize


a rusk


both … and

foreign currency

free of charge

a choice

varied courses


в упаковке


кондитерские изделия

как … так и

иностранная валюта



различные блюда

пироги, торты


Memorize the following dialogues

-         Could I have a cup of tea or coffee?

-         You are welcome. What will you have tea or coffee?

-         Coffee, please.

-         Care for a cup of tea?

-         Yes, please. Will you bring me two cups of strong tea.

-         Here you are. Will you have rusks, biscuits or waffles with tea?

-         Sugar and rusks will be all right.

-         Have another cup of tea?

-         No, thanks, no more. I’ve had enough.


Care for a cup of tea

Have another cup of tea

Хотите выпить чашечку чая?

Выпейте еще чашку чая.


-         What is the price of two cups of tea?

-         In what currency will you pay? In this currency it costs forty cents.

-         And how much are biscuits?

-         18 cents.

-         What does it come to (all in all)?

-         58 cents.

-         And what do you charge for mineral water?

-         Sorry, but we haven’t got any mineral water. You can have it in the dining car.

-         Could you tell me where the dining car is?

-         It is next to ours.

-         Is it open now?

-         It is open till 11 o’clock p.m.

-         I see. Thanks.


What is the price of …?

How much is …?

What does it come to (all in all)?

What do you charge for …?


Сколько стоит?


Сколько все это стоит?


At the Frontier (Border) Station

Every country has its own customs regulations which stipulate what articles are liable to duty and what are duty-free. Some articles liable to duty are allowed in duty-free if the traveller does not exceed a certain fixed quota.

There are listed in a duty-free quota list. Customs restrictions also include a prohibited articles list. This is a list of items which may not be brought into a country or taken out of it. If a passenger has any item which comes under customs restrictions he is asked to declare it. He is asked to name the item, stating its value and other particulars. The declaration is made either orally or in writing on a special form. The practice seems to vary in different countries. Upon payment of duty the traveller is given a receipt. As a rule personal effects are duty-free. Passing through the customs is obligatory.

Our train arrives at the frontier station in 20 minutes. The Guide distributes customs declarations to the passengers and helps them to fill them in. Every adult passenger must fill in and sign his customs declaration. The money, luggage and other things belonging to a passenger must be indicated in the customs declaration. After arrival of the train at the frontier station frontier guards check the passports. When the checking of the visas is over, all the passports are returned to the passengers. Customs officials check the customs declarations and the luggage. Passengers are allowed to leave the carriage when the customs inspection is over.

Usually a train stops at a frontier station for about 2 hours. Passenger can go and see the station building where the Intourist office, the customs, the post office, restaurant, newspaper and bookstalls are located.

The train will be taken to platform 2 after the change of wheels. The guide asks the passengers to come back to the carriage in time.


Words and word combination to memorize

customs regulations

to stipulate

articles, items

liable to duty



fixed quota

duty-free quota list


customs restrictions

a prohibited articles list


to come under customs restrictions

to declare

to state  value


 either … or


in writing

personal effects

to pass through the customs


the frontier station

a guide

to distribute

to fill in

to sign

to belong

to check

to be located

the change of wheels

таможенные правила



подлежать оплате пошлины



установленная квота

список предметов, разрешенных к беспошлинному вывозу

таможенные ограничения

список товаров, ввоз или вывоз которых запрещен

попадать под ограничения


заявить о стоимости

необходимые сведения

или … или



личные вещи

проходить таможенный досмотр


пограничная станция

проводник, пограничник







смена колесных пар


Dialogue 1

 A train arrives at the border. Passengers have  to pass through the customs. A porter enters one of the compartments and removes the luggage from rack…

- Is this all your luggage?

- Yes, that’s all I have here. But I have a trunk in the luggage-van.

- That’s all right. It will be taken to the customs-house.

The porter finds passenger’s wardrobe trunk in the customs-house and puts his two suit-cases down next to it. A customs inspector comes up to the passenger.

-         Have you anything to declare?

-         I am sorry but I don’t know what I am allowed.

-         Here is the Prohibited Articles List and the Duty-free quota List. Will you go through them carefully, please? I’ll attend to you in some five minutes. In five minutes’ time the inspector comes up to the passenger again. Well, have you anything to declare?

-         Nothing listed here, anyhow. I have some tobacco, though, for personal use.

 There’s a 100 per cent duty on tobacco over 300 grammes. I’ll trouble you to put it on the scales here.

A passenger gets out a tin of tobacco which tips the scales at 20 grammes.

- Well, you haven’t exceeded the quota, so that is duty-free. Would you mind opening the trunk.

- Of course not. Here you are.

A passenger opens his trunk. The customs inspector makes a thorough search and finally pulls passenger’s camera out.

- I’m sorry, but I’ll have to make you pay duty on this. We have restrictions on imported cameras.

- But this for my personal use.

- I’m sorry, but those are the regulations. You can either leave it in our care until you pay the duty or else make the payment on the spot and take the camera with you right now.

- All right then. I’ll pay the duty.

He pays and is given a receipt in return.


Words and word combination to memorize

to attend to

to make a thorough search

to be leave in care

in return

уделять внимание

производить тщательный осмотр

быть оставленным на хранение

в обмен


Dialogue 2

-         Well, what have you got in those suit-cases?

-         Nothing special. I have nothing but my personal effects there … Do you want me to open them?

-         No, it isn’t necessary. How much foreign currency are you carrying?

-         Only five dollars.

-         You may exchange it at the Currency Exchange Desk there.

 A customs officer takes out some stamps with the inscription “Customs Inspected” and pastes one on each suitcase.

-         What are those stamps for?

-         They are just to show that your luggage has been cleared by the Customs. Without that stamp no porter will handle it.

-         Oh, I see. Thank you.

The inspector walks off.


Words and word combination to memorize

currency exchange desk

to clear the luggage

пункт обмена валюты

производить таможенный досмотр багажа




Dialogue 3

-         Attention, please, we arrive at the frontier station in 15 minutes. Fill in the customs declaration, please. Please, tell me, in what language are you going to fill in the customs declarations?

-         I’ll fill the declaration in English. Mr. Guide, will you tell me what is the way to fill in the declaration?

-         Just read the declaration, everything is said there.

-         Thanks.  Mr. Guide, tell me, is an umbrella considered to be a piece of luggage?

-         Yes, it is.

-         I don’t know what is the way to indicate the currency in checks.

-         You should indicate the currency in checks separately.

-         One question more, is it necessary to indicate our wedding-rings?

-         Yes, it is if they are of precious metal.

-         Mr. Guide, what does it mean: Things belonging to third persons?

-         These are the things to be transmitted to somebody.

-         I have a diplomatic passport.

-         Then, it is not necessary for you to fill in the customs declaration.

-         Tell me, how long the train will stop at the frontier station?

-         Our train will stop here for about 2 hours. Pay attention to the following: Passengers are not allowed to go into town and to leave the carriage while the wheels are being change.

-          Please, hand in the slips.

-         We have no slips.

-         Please, take them and fill them in.

-         Give your currency for checking, please.

-         Where can I change the currency?

-         The exchange desk is at the station.


Words and word combination to memorize

the currency

to indicate


precious metal

to allow

a slip

the exchange desk


обозначать, отмечать

обручальное кольцо

благородный металл



пункт обмена


At the Terminus

Our fast through train Berlin-Moscow arrives in the capital of Russia – Moscow. Our train is coming into the station ten minutes ahead of schedule. It stops on Platform2. The porter will see to your luggage. You may have luggage taken either to a taxi or to a check-room.

 At the railway station you will find waiting-rooms, a restaurant, a post-office, telegraph, an Intourist office, the first-aid post, book-newspaper, souvenirs-stalls. You can book for any train at window number seven in the main hall of the station. At the Inquiry Office you will get all the information you need on the time of train arrival and departure, fares, the platform and the track and so on. Your train comes in or goes out.


Dialogue 1

-         Attention, please. Our train is coming into Platform 1, Track 2 of the Belorussky Terminus.

-         Excuse me, we are not late, are we?

-         No, we aren’t. We are actually five minutes ahead of schedule.

-         That’s all right.

-         See if you haven’t left anything behind. Do you need a porter?

-         Yes, I do. I’ve got heavy luggage.

-         I see. Porter, come up to Carriage 5.

-         Thank you. You’ve been very helpful.

-         Don’t mention it. That’s what we’re here for.












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