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My desk is a mess (5 класс)

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       Theme:  My  desk  is  a  mess!

   (Prepositions of place :  in, on , under , next to )


   Objectives :

1       To  enrich  the pupils’   knowledge  using  the  theme.

2.  To  develop  the  pupils’  abilities in listening, speaking, reading , and  refer pupils  to the  grammar  theme “Prepositions of place: in, on, under,next to”, helping  them  freely  express  their opinions  and  ideas

    3.  To  arouse  their interest  in  learning  English, to  wide their scope , to be always  tidy and active in  their life.  


     Visual aids :  

     interactive board,  tape recorder,  pictures,  balls,  a   box,   slides.    









                               The  Procedure  of  the  lesson


I. Warm – up :



T.:  Good  afternoon, boys  and  girls !

   -   How  do  you feel  yourselves ? ( OK , Well, Good )    Sit down  please !

   - Who  is  on duty ?   Is  anybody  absent  today ?   What  date  is it  today ?   What  day of  the  week  is  it   today?   What  season  is it  now ? 

  - So pupils,  are  you  ready  to start  our lesson ?

-  So  boys  and  girls  today  we’ll  speak  and  discuss  about  pupils  and  their  school  things. I  see  you  all  are  ready  for  the  lesson ! I  hope our  lesson will  be  interesting,  instructive  and  useful  for  you!  Now let’s  begin !



II. Speech  drill.


-Now  look  at  the  active board ! Listen  to  the  words  and  repeat  them  all  together! ( disc 1.38 )


rubber     -               өшіргіш

sweets    -                кәмпиттер

magazine -              журнал

socks       -              шұлықтар

homework  -           үй  тапсырмасы

chair        -              орындық

desk         -              парта

hand         -              қол

 books      -              кітаптар

pencil case   -          қаламсауыт

bag          -               сөмке

posters     -              плакаттар

hairbrush  -             тарақ


T.:  Look  at the   ex.1 on page 28  listen  to  the  words  once  more  and  find  these  things  in  the  picture ( disc 1.38 ), slide 1.


rubber  - e

sweets  -   g

magazine   - j

socks   -  l

homework –  k

chair  -   f

desk  -  b

hand  -  d

pencil  case  -  h

books  -  a

bag  -   c

posters  -  i

hairbrush  -  m


T.:  Well  done , pupils!



III. Presentation.

T.:  Let’s continue our  lesson! Look at  the  picture  and listen  to  the  dialogue  ex.2 on page 28.(disc 1.39) ,  slide 2 .       

T. : Listen  to  the dialogue  again and  name  the missing words .

books, desk, rubber, chair,  sweets, pencil case, homework, hand)



IY. Working  on  the  dialogue.  Ex.2 (b) on page 28


a)     read  the  text  and  answer  the  questions .


1)    What can you say about Molly ? ( She is Della’s friend,classmate)

2)    Can you guess  her  problem ? (Molly is a messy pupil)

3)    What’s   her  problem ? ( She can’t find her things)

4)    What about Della? ( Della is a tidy girl)


Y. Working on  the diagram.


So boys and girls let’s compare these two girls  and  complete this diagram.

Надпись: Della

Надпись: Molly                             angry                  tidy

                         messy           girls             good                                                                              

                       untidy         friends          active

                          lazy           mates          nice

                       inactive          pupils       friendly

Molly :  messy, untidy, angry, lazy, inactive.

Della :  tidy, active, good, friendly, nice.

Molly and Della :  pupils, girls, friends, classmates.

T.:  Yes, you  are  right!  They are very  different  but  they  are  both  girls, classmates, pupils  and  friends.

YI. Game

-Dear  pupils we  all  tired ,  let’s  play  the  game  and  relax. Come  here  and  make a circle.( Teacher throws a ball and names  Molly  or  Della , pupil  catches  it and  gives  adjectives of characters of the both girls)

Molly : messy, untidy, angry, lazy, inactive.

Della : tidy, active, good, friendly, nice.

T.: Thanks a  lot. We  have some  pleasure  time. Let’s continue our lesson!


YII.Working on the grammar : Prepositions of  place: on, in, under, next to.

( Teacher explains  with a box and a ball )

T.:  Look at  the  grammar table on page 28

-Where is the ball? It’s  in  the  box.

- Where is the pen ? It’s  on  the desk.

- Where is the rubber ? It’s  under   the  chair.

- Where is  the bag ? It’s  next  to the chair.


YIII.  Grammar  practice.

Exercise 4 (a) on page 29. Look at the picture  of  Molly’s  desk. Complete the  sentences with : in, on, under, next  to.

1.     Where are the books?   They’re   under   the  desk.

2.     Where  is the rubber ?   It’s  on   the  chair.

3.     Where  are  the  sweets?   They’re   in  the  pencil case.

4.     Where  is Molly’s  homework ?   It’s  in  Molly’s  hand.

5.     Where are  the  posters ?   They’re  on  the  wall.

6.     Where is  the hairbrush  ?  It’s  next to  the  chair.

-Now  listen and  check .(disc 1.40)  Well done, pupils !   


IX.  Sing  the  song :  My sister Jessie on page 98.


X .Conclusion. Giving marks.


XI.  Homework. Ex. 6 (a,b)  on page 29

 So  boys  and  girls  our lesson  is over! You were very active at  the lesson! Be always  tidy, friendly, and  active!  Thank  you for your  preparation, goodbye !

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