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“My native village Novoukolovo” Творческий конкурс по английскому языку для учащихся 5-7 классов «Интерактивная карта Белгородской области»

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Красненского района Белгородской области








My native village Novoukolovo



Творческий конкурс по  английскому языку

для учащихся 5-7 классов


«Интерактивная карта Белгородской области»





Выполнил учащийся 7 класса

Лытнев   Владислав,

учитель английского языка

 Саламахина Н.Н








Ноябрь 2012 г.

My native village Novoukolovo







          There are many beautiful cities and towns in the world. I would like to visit some of them, to see with my own eyes, which I have read or heard about. But I completely agree with the English proverb 'There's no place like home", because I also have a birthplace and I am proud of it.

        I live in a beautiful village not far from Krasnoye District. It is in the central part of Russia, in Belgorod region. My village is more than 400 years old. The first mention of  Novoukolovo can be found in the Russian chronicles dated back to 1600. At the end of the 16 century Ivan the Terrible wanted to defend the south-eastern border of our motherland.  In 1610 in a dense forest Kukolov was founded the first settlement.

        There are several versions of the origin of the word "Ukolovo", but the most interesting is  the story  about the first countryman  Psarev Vukol who lived in our village . Later his name and surname were transformed into "Zarevukolov" and then our village got the name Novoukolovo. Some lovers of the old times suppose that the name of our village came from the Old Slavonic word "kukolova" that means the cry of the cuckoo in the forest.


        Many years ago he life of peasants was very difficult. They worked from morning till night, but hadn't enough food to eat. Their houses were small and poor. But there were some rich families. They had large fields where poor peasants worked. The Great October Revolution changed a lot. The first kolkhoz "Bolshevik" was organized in1929. Before the Great Patriotic War the village was one of the richest villages in the region. The peasants lived much better.





          In 1941 the Great Patriotic War began. Hundreds of vol­unteers from our village fought at the different fronts. 579 of them gave their lives defending our Motherland. During the war the village was destroyed. There were no men. So women, elderly people and chil­dren began to rebuild the village. It was very difficult because there were no tractors or machines. But all the people worked with enthusiasm. Every year on the 18th of January we celebrate the liberation anniversary of our village from fascist Germany.

            There are some famous people in our village. One of them is Andrey Nikitovich Astanin. He is well known not in our region, but all over Russia. He was a Hero of the Great Patriotic war, a general-lieutenant. He had got many awards. In our school museum you can see some exhibits connected with the name of hero. One of the nicest streets of our village was named after .A.N. Astanin.




              From year to year our village becomes larger and nicer. In 1972 our new school was built. It is large and it has three floors. There are many different classrooms and a computer room in it. There is also a Library, a museum, a concert hall, a gymnasium and a dining-room in it. More than 260 pupils study in our school, and about 30 teach­ers work there. We like our school very much. One of the wonderful buildings in our village is the Kindergarten for 120 children.  The population of our village is more than 1100 people now.


           In the center of the village there is a large square with the monument to heroes of the Great Patriotic War. There is a post-office on the right. On the left there is a cafe. The House of Culture is not far from the square .It has got a big Library and a large hall, where you can see films and listen to concerts. Some­times the famous singers visit our village. In the evening young and old people go there and have a rest. There are many shops in it. The local hospitable is situated not far from the school.



             Now our village is very nice. There are many tresses and flowers on the streets of Novoukolovo. We have got many interesting traditions such as national art exhibitions, festivals of folk and modern songs.    Every year on the 10th   of November we celebrate the day of the village. It is a Christian holiday - the Birth of the Holy Paraskeva Friday. There are some events that arc typical on that day: fairs and flowers competi­tions. People dance, sing folk songs, cat Russian food (pirozhki,  blini, borshch, kvass) . Every year many guests from different countries visit our village on that day.


          I like my village.  I remember my grandmother's words. She asks me not to forget my origin, Russian traditions and our long and hard history. When I think of my Motherland, I imagine my village Novoukolovo as a tiny part of our vast country and I am proud of living in my native village. 


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My native village Novoukolovo







          There are many beautiful cities and towns in the world. I would like to visit some of them, to see with my own eyes, which I have read or heard about. But I completely agree with the English proverb 'There's no place like home", because I also have a birthplace and I am proud of it.

        I live in a beautiful village not far from Krasnoye District. It is in the central part of Russia, in Belgorod region. My village is more than 400 years old. The first mention of  Novoukolovo can be found in the Russian chronicles dated back to 1600. At the end of the 16 century Ivan the Terrible wanted to defend the south-eastern border of our motherland.  In 1610 in a dense forest Kukolov was founded the first settlement.

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