Инфоурок Английский язык Научные работыНАУЧНАЯ РАБОТА A step in the future 10 класс

НАУЧНАЯ РАБОТА A step in the future 10 класс

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Муниципальное бюджетное образовательное учреждение
средняя общеобразовательная школа №86

 имени контр-адмирала И.И.Вереникина


A step in the future

Выполнила ученица 10 класса «А»
Хаджи Анна

Научный руководитель:

Учитель иностранного языка

Акифьева Ольга Александровна




I.           Introduction

II.     The main body

III.      Conclusion

IV.   List of literature

V.        Apps





















I.         Introduction


Everyone says that youth is probably the best time of our life - that being young means love, friendship and romance, new discoveries and so on. The thing is youth is the time when a person is trying to find his place in the world. During this search he or she comes across different problems which are as important as those of the adults. I’d like to find out what problems the modern teenagers have.

Youth is also the most difficult time for making some very important decisions which will have influence on all our life. The topic “A step in the future” is really popular today among young people.

II.      The practical part


1.       The problems of teenagers:


1.1.         Conflicts with parents

During the teen years children often try to gain independence from their parents. They may push limits, break rules and overstep boundaries.

Teenagers want to decide on their own what music to listen, what clothes to wear, who to make friends with etc. Sometimes their choice doesn’t satisfy their parents’ expectations.

There are many different sources of conflict between teenagers and their parents such as dishonesty, smoking, messy room, grades.(App 1)

1.2.         Fear of loneliness

Teenagers often have low self-esteem; many of them are not satisfied with their appearance. Sometimes they have to deal with rudeness and intolerance of their coevals.

A lot of teenagers are afraid of loneliness. They want other people to appreciate them. That is why young people tend to join some groups or copy particular models of behaviour.

1.3.         The problem of coming into adulthood

Most teenagers see adult life as a life full of freedom, independence and great opportunities. Only very few of them realize how many responsibilities they would have. That is why most children in their teens want to come into adulthood as soon as possible.

But teenagers often get into trouble because for many of them being adult means staying out at night, trying “adult things” like smoking, drinking alcohol or taking drugs, making family etc. (App2)

1.4.         Physiological problems

During the teenage period the body undergoes a lot of changes. Teenagers usually grow very fast, and sometimes it causes clumsiness and poor coordination. Due to the hormonal changes a lot of young people have problems with their skin and hair. There are some medical recommendation for boys at the age of 2-20 (App 3)


1.5.         The problem of unequal opportunities

Children in their teens usually begin to see imperfection and injustice of the world. They realize that people may have unequal opportunities and unequal chances for success in life.

For example, some children think that they have less chance than their equals to do well in life, because their parents have low financial capacities, and that may cause feeling of disappointment and depressions.

2.       “A step in the future”

The youth is the period of time when people have to choose that profession they would like to do.

There are a lot of different professions (App4) and it is really hard to choose the one, which would be interesting for you and will help you earn your living. 

2.2.         What should you take into account? (App5)

All pupils should choose their future professions before leaving school and it is very important to them to do it in the proper way. But for it you wouldn’t enjoy your life in future. But choosing your future profession is not a simple matter and doing it you should take into account three main things: your abilities, your desire and the needs of our society. (App 10)

2.3.         What influences our choices?

Of course, school helps you to discover your special talents and forms your character. It encourages boys and girls to make serious choices of their future occupations. But not only school influences our choice.

Needless to say that parents and relatives can give us practical advice which is very helpful and valuable. But sometimes they insist that we should follow the traditions of the family, and the desire of our parents doesn’t occasionally coincide with ours. (App 11)

2.4.         What professions are the most popular today?

I love asking children what they want to be when they grow up because I’m still looking for ideas. My classmate Max and I had done a sociological research and had found out what professions are the most popular today. (Apps 6-9)

III.  Conclusion.

In spite of all the problems mentioned above, the choice of a future career has to be made. To make it easier for the young people, I had found some test (app 12) and professional advice:

ü It's best for the young man to start this process as early as possible, ideally in the tenth form. You should determine if you would like to continue in higher education, or to learn a trade and look for a job. It's up to the person to decide, but you should remember that to get more chances, you should strive for higher education which enables you to be qualified for skilled labour.

ü You should determine what you might like to study or major in at school. You might like to try some of career assessment tests to help with this step.

ü You will surely also get suggestions from family, friends, and high school teachers and guidance counsellors.

Taking everything into account I should say that teenagers have a really huge range of problems. Nevertheless, choosing a career is the most difficult step in the teenager’s life. Young man has to start this process as early as possible.

IV. List of literature

1.  Абрамова В.Е. Психическая регуляция нравственно-делового общения подростков: Автореф. дис. … канд. психол. наук. - М., 2001. - 29 с.

2.  Авдуевская (Белинская) Е.П., Баклушинский С.А. Особенности социализации подростка в условиях быстрых социальных изменений // Ценностно-нормативные ориентации старшеклассника. Труды по социологии образования. Том Ш. Выпуск IУ. - М., 1995. - С. 118-132.

3.  Беличева С.А. Сложный мир подростка. - Свердловск: Средне-Уральск. книжное изд-во, 1984. - 129 с.

4. http://www.kent.ac.uk/careers/Choosing/ChoosingCareer.htm


5. http://www.creative-wealthbuilding.com/choosing-a-career.html







V. Apps



Birthing children in teenagers’ families






8. Безымянный


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работу выполнила ученица 10 класса «А» Хаджи Анна

Научный руководитель:Учитель иностранного языка высшей квалификационной категории

Акифьева Ольга Александровна

Everyone says that youth is probably the best time of our life - that being young means love, friendship and romance, new discoveries and so on. The thing is youth is the time when a person is trying to find his place in the world.

Youth is also the most difficult time for making some very important decisions which will have influence on all our life. The topic “A step in the future” is really popular today among young people.

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