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Неделя английского языка " Let's live in Peace and Friendship'

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Берсугурова Зейнеп Амировна 

№46 орта мектебі

Ақтөбе қаласы





«Let’s live in peace and friendship»

-What a happy day today?

-Day today.

-All the children dance and play.

-Dance and play.

-All the children are very gay.

-Very gay.

-Oh, the happy, happy day.Together: Happy day!

Leader 1: Good afternoonladies and gentlemen! We are glad to see you in our today’s party.Our today’s party is about Friendship.

Leader2:Friendship gives us dreams
 Friendship gives us nightmares
    Friendship gives us the courage to try 
      Friendship gives us the moment to be shy
         Friendship means a lot to me

Leader 1: Friends smile at you

 They like your face.

They want to be with you

Any old place.

       Let’s invite our teacherBersugurovaZeynep.

Leader 2: Let’s listen the poem Friends by the pupil’s from 5th form.

Leader 1: A friend is one of the nicest things you can have, and one of the best things you can be.

Leader 2: Friendship isn't a big thing - it's a million little things.

Leader 1: A true friend never gets in your way unless you happen to be going down.

Leader 2: Now, let’s listen and look the fairy tale “Turnip” by the pupil’s from 2nd


Leader 1: Friends makes a difference in your life, walks beside you, doesn’t give up on you… 

Leader 2: Yes, friends accepts you as you are, believes in “you”, calls you just to say “Hi”, forgives your mistakes.

Leader 1: Let’s listenthe sing song “Words” by Ramazankyzy Laura.

Leader 2: My Friend when I think of you.

I think of all that we've been through.

All the times we argue and fight,

I know deep inside that it isn't right.

Leader 1: Our friendship my dear friend,

we will have to the end.

Friends til the end is what we will be.

Someday we'll be together,

together you and me.

Leader 2: Let’s listen the English song “Black sheep ”.


Leader 1:Let’s listen the English Rhyme “The cat and the mouse” by the pupil’s from the 1st form.

Leader 2:Friendship is a hand to hold when things are so rough
Friendship is someone to laugh with not at you
Friendship is just knowing they are there
Friendship is very personal 
Friendship is all of these things and many more
This is are how I see friendship.

Leader 1: If love is all about the chase,

                  I would have run thousands of miles on end

If love is all about the hiding and seeking.

                  I would have lost count on where to seek.

Leader 2: Let’s listen to the poem “Friendship” by Edith Segal.Kaldybaeva


Leader 1: Sometimes we fight with all our might

                  And doors are seemed to close.

                  But in the end, friends again

                  And that’s what counts the most.

Leader 2:Through thick and thin, tested by time

                  Our friendship will never die

                  We might grow old, all secrets told

                  But we’ll be here, as time goes by.

Leader 1: Friendship is only everlasting feature in this world. Friends will try to find new ways to make you not to fall. Friends may notsave but theynever let you go to deep. 

Leader 2: Yes, of course. We all know that our friends are very important to us in our lives. And without close friends, all of our lives would be quite lonely and definitely not as fun.

Leader 1: Let’s look the dance by Anishova G and Bulekbayeva M.

Leader 2: Friendship is a thing for two

                 Three or four, even more

                 Like a song that’s made to sing

                Friendship is a doing thing.

Leader 1: Dear boys and girls! We’ll finish our English-Russian week and you saw our poems, our dance, our fairy tales. And we think that you took interesting materials from our English-Russian week, and we sure that our English week was very interesting for you. We are sure we shall meet again.

The dance:  «Buratino» by 5th form.



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