Инфоурок Иностранные языки Другие методич. материалыОткрытый урок по английскому языку на тему "Present Perfect Continuous" (9 класс)

Открытый урок по английскому языку на тему "Present Perfect Continuous" (9 класс)

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Short term plan

Grade :   9  v             

Date: 14. 02.2017

Lesson 1

The theme of the lesson

Present Perfect Continuous


Creating conditions for self-realization in solving the problems in the course of the lesson. Learning a new grammatical time Present Perfect Continuous. Learning a new grammatical material with the use of critical thinking methods; motivate students to independent study of new material; use in class interdisciplinary connections and innovative technology- the combination of English classes and computer science; using of group work to develop collaborative learning skills.

Teaching  and expected results

at the end of the lesson the students should be able   use of critical thinking methods read the text and will know its meaning  new grammatical time Present Perfect Continuous with help of writing

Methods (the type of the lesson)

Individual work               

Group work.  Grade tasks. Warm-up.             

Main ideas

Pupils will work on the text-dialogue


- The text book, assessment papers

The courses

Teacher’s actions

Pupil’s actions


I. Motive. Organization  moment








Phonetic  work


To inform the students about the aim of the lesson. Congratulated and organized the class.     

TEACHER     Hello everybody! Today at our lesson we’re going to train new grammar tense. But I won’t tell you what tense it is. I want you to guess yourselves.

But first let’s try one by one to find the words to each letter of our phrases  “Speak English”. For example;s-swim, p-put,e-eat

Division into groups/ I hope you could find the necessary information/Now each of you should come up to the teacher’s table and choose the paper where will find the number of your group. So all the members of group sit on own place

Prepared to the lesson.

Divided into the groups.





Duty’s report






In orally


II.  Basic part. Realization .


 The new grammar tense. But I won’t tell you what tense it is. I want you to guess yourselves.

So, look at your cards. Try to open the brackets correctly.

       1. I (live) here for 10 years. 2. He (to work) at that company since last year.3. They ( learn) Chinese for three months 4. We (wait) for you since 12 o’clock! 5. Here you are at last! I ( to look) for you! 6. He is breathing hard because he ( to run). 7. Her hands are dirty. She ( to work) in the garden. 8. The grass is wet. It ( to rain). 9. Her eyes are red. She ( to cry).

What are signal words in these sentences? .What grammar tense did we use with the prepositions since/for? . But what actions does Present Perfect tense usually describe? When do we use prepositions since/for?. What grammar tense describes actions in progress?

Teacher : So, today we are dealing with tense that’s….. on the one hand connected with the past and may be even completed, and…. on the other hand, it may still continue

Teacher : Can you guess what the name of Grammar tense is? …… May be already completed and may still continue….. Right, Present Perfect Continuous. ( teacher writes down the theme on the blackboard)







Doing the tasks with group.


Read and  translate

















Answering the questions



Present Perfect usually describes actions that have already completed without pointing to exact time in past)

( We use the prepositions since/for when we want to point how long the action























Teacher : Ok. What is the first case? When do we use Present Perfect Continuous?

Teacher : Who can give an example ?

Teacher : What are the second case of usage this tense ?

Teacher : Who can give an example?

Today we are going to work with so called KWL table. “K” stands for “ Know”, “”W”- “want to know” and “L” means “ learnt”

So, let’s fill in the table. What do we know? ( Present perfect – action has completed; Present Continuous – action is happening now)

Teacher : What do we want to know? (If the action has completed or still continue? How it’s formed…)


Will write  and think

Group 1 : 2 cases.

Group 2 : We use Present Perfect Continuous to talk about situations which started in the past and still continue.

Group 3 : I have been doing the homework for three hours.

Group 1: We use Present Perfect Continuous to talk about the actions that have just stopped and may have a result in the present.

Group 2 : I am hot because I have been running.





I ( read) this book since the beginning of the summer. 2. Why are you red?- I (lie) in the sun. 3. Her voice was strange. She (to cry)? 4. What you ( to cook) all morning? 5. Sorry about the mess ! My husband ( paint) the house. 6. What text you (translate) since morning? 7. How long children (learn) English? 8. My brother (not play) football since he broke his arm. 9. How long he (watch) TV?- Since eight o’clock. 10. Oh, I (not tidy) my room for several weeks

1. I have be living here for five years. 2. Has you waiting for me since 3 o’clock?- Yes, I’ve. 3. Children have been watch TV since three hours! 4. How long they have been doing it? 4. Has Sally been working as a nurse for five years ? – Yes, Sally has. 5. They’ve been knowing each other for many years. 6. How long have your sister been training? 7. I haven’t been hearing from him since several months. 8. Andrew and Dan has been work together for last year. 9. You have been cooking for two hours?


I have been playing

We have been playing

You have been playing

You have been playing

He / she / it has been playing

They have been playing


Have I been playing?

Have we been playing?

Have you been playing?

Have you been playing?

Has he / she / it been playing?

Have they been playing?


I have not been playing

We have not been playing

You have not been playing

You have not been playing

He / she / it has not been playing

They have not been playing




III. Conclusion. 


 - Give  the home task

  - Give the marks

Answer the questions. Write the reflection.

Make up 10 sentences using present perfect continuous You all worked well at the lesson. You all get good marks.


Will write the homework on the diary

Will mark themselves



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