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Открытый урок "Современные проблемы экологии и защита окружающей среды"

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 в 7 классе

Современные проблемы экологии и защита окружающей среды



Практическая цель: учить детей видеть прекрасное, творить на земле добро и поддерживать чистоту.

Обучающая цель: обучение монологической и диалогической речи, аудирование, тренировка в чтении с извлечением полной информации.

Развивающая цель: развитие памяти, мышления, творческих способностей, умения выражать свои мысли.

Воспитательная цель: знакомство с культурой другой страны, экологическими организациями, воспитание любви к Земле, уважительного отношения к ней.


I Организационный момент.

- Good morning, children.

- Good morning, teacher.

- Sit down, please.


II. Речевая зарядка.

-Today we have our lesson. But the topic of our lesson you must say yourself. Now look at the blackboard and read the words from the board and find the odd word out:

1.to damage, to endanger, to destroy, to create.

2.radiation, destruction, environment, pollution.

3.rubbish, danger, dirty, conservation.

-What can you say about these words?

-These words are about ecology. And today we will say about ecology.


III. Введение темы.

-Well, the subject of today’s discussion is “ modern problems of ecology and environmental protection”.

This aims of our discussion are how to save the Earth and ecological problems. At the lesson we have to discuss:

1.Ecological problems.

2. Ecological organizations.

3. Save the Earth.

-Start discussion.

Our Earth is beautiful, but we have too many problems. Now, listen to the poem and answer the questions:

-What problems are mentioned in the poem?

- Good morning, Earth, how are you?

- Happy as long as the skies are blue.

- So why do you look so grey and black?

- Because of what they do in your industrial pack.

- What is happening, what do they do?

- They constantly pour out clouds of goo.

- How are you planning to fight them back?

- With radiating heat and ozone cracks,

- What should we change, do you have any clue?

- Stop cutting the trees and plug the tubes.

- What is your message, what shall I say?

- Start thinking ahead or you’ll die away.

-What problems are mentioned in the poem?

-This poem is about



IV. Проверка домашнего задания.


-         What other problems do you find and learn at home?


Air pollution.

Until about 150 years ago, the air was pure and clean.

Then people started building factories and driving cars, which added more pollution to the air.

         Today the air is so polluted that it is not always good to breathe. Everyone can help keep our air clean and safe. It  may be fun: you can plant a tree, some bushes, flowers.

Too much rubbish.

Modern doctors say, that there is a new illness – earth anxiety. What is it? It is anxiety or worry about environment. One of the main causes of worry is rubbish. Many years ago we used to throw things away and not think twice about it. But the facts are frightening.

Water pollution.

The planet Earth is mostly water. All life on Earth depends on this water. But we are not doing a very good job of keeping water clean. Rivers and oceans are polluted by oil, chemicals and toxic wastes. We need to save our water, to keep it clean and healthy to people, plants and animals will always have some to drink. Water means life.

The ozone hole.

Up in the sky there’s a layer of gas called ozone. It helps to protect our skin from harmful rays of the sun, but it lets the good rays come through. Now the ozone layer is being damaged by gases that people have made (halons). The gas floats up to the top of the atmosphere, and eats up the ozone.


Disappearing animals.

Every day, there are more people living on Earth. All these people need place to live. So they move to some wild places which are already homes for plants and wild animals, forests are cut down and wild areas are filled with houses. The means there is no place for the animals to live, they begin to disappear. Dinosaurs which lived on the Earth many millions of years ago are extinct now. That could happen to elephants, zebras, frogs, butterflies or goldfish… or other animals, if we are not careful.

-         So, let’s sum up and name the ecological problems.

-         The general opinion seems to be that we have many ecological problems in our Earth and in our Smolensk. Many people think about environment protection and they decide to group to the ecological organizations.


V. Тренировка учащихся в полилоге.

- What ecological organizations do you know?

Let’s imagine that the members of ecological organizations are here. The members of Green Peace, of W.W.F and L.E.G.

(рассказ об основании организации, их деятельности, цели и символе)


VI.Тренировка учащихся в аудировании с детальным извлечением информации.

-We have many problems in our life and in our fairy-tales. Now read the texts and help the characters of the tale answering the questions. Our tale names “ Kolobok and his Friends are in Trouble.”


Answer my questions.

I.                   Finish the sentences:

1.Kolobok-the-Roll goes to…

-The forest,

-the sea-shore,

the garden.

2. Ivanushka turned into the…




3. Gorynych-the- Dragon is ill, because he ate…

- the dirty grass,

-an ice-cream,

-an apple.

4. Baba Yaga cannot fly in her stupa, because…

- the air is clean,

-the air is dirty.


II.Correct what Alice says:

-Kolobok-the Roll goes to the garden to grow seeds.

-Ivanushka turned into a sheep.

-Gorynych-the- Dragon swam in the Dnieper.

- Baba Yaga can fly in her stupa.

-Kashey- the- Deathless likes the forest without trees.


VII. Итог урока.

VIII. Домашнее задание.


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в 7 классе

Современные проблемы экологии и защита окружающей среды

Практическая цель: учить детей видеть прекрасное, творить на земле добро и поддерживать чистоту.

Обучающая цель: обучение монологической и диалогической речи, аудирование, тренировка в чтении с извлечением полной информации.

Развивающая цель: развитие памяти, мышления, творческих способностей, умения выражать свои мысли.

Воспитательная цель: знакомство с культурой другой страны, экологическими организациями, воспитание любви к Земле, уважительного отношения к ней.

I Организационный момент.

- Good morning, children.

- Good morning, teacher.

- Sit down, please.

II. Речевая зарядка.

-Today we have our lesson. But the topic of our lesson you must say yourself. Now look at the blackboard and read the words from the board and find the odd word out:

1.to damage, to endanger, to destroy, to create.

2.radiation, destruction, environment, pollution.

3.rubbish, danger, dirty, conservation.

-What can you say about these words?

-These words are about ecology. And today we will say about ecology.

III. Введение темы.

-Well, the subject of today’s discussion is “ modern problems of ecology and environmental protection”.

This aims of our discussion are how to save the Earth and ecological problems. At the lesson we have to discuss:

1.Ecological problems.

2. Ecological organizations.

3. Save the Earth.

-Start discussion.

Our Earth is beautiful, but we have too many problems. Now, listen to the poem and answer the questions:

-What problems are mentioned in the poem?

- Good morning, Earth, how are you?

- Happy as long as the skies are blue.

- So why do you look so grey and black?

- Because of what they do in your industrial pack.

- What is happening, what do they do?

- They constantly pour out clouds of goo.

- How are you planning to fight them back?

- With radiating heat and ozone cracks,

- What should we change, do you have any clue?

- Stop cutting the trees and plug the tubes.

- What is your message, what shall I say?

- Start thinking ahead or you’ll die away.

-What problems are mentioned in the poem?

-This poem is about…

IV. Проверка домашнего задания.

  • What other problems do you find and learn at home?
  • So, let’s sum up and name the ecological problems.
  • The general opinion seems to be that we have many ecological problems in our Earth and in our Smolensk. Many people think about environment protection and they decide to group to the ecological organizations.

Air pollution.

Until about 150 years ago, the air was pure and clean.

Then people started building factories and driving cars, which added more pollution to the air.

Today the air is so polluted that it is not always good to breathe. Everyone can help keep our air clean and safe. Itmay be fun: you can plant a tree, some bushes, flowers.

Too much rubbish.

Modern doctors say, that there is a new illness – earth anxiety. What is it? It is anxiety or worry about environment. One of the main causes of worry is rubbish. Many years ago we used to throw things away and not think twice about it. But the facts are frightening.

Water pollution.

The planet Earth is mostly water. All life on Earth depends on this water. But we are not doing a very good job of keeping water clean. Rivers and oceans are polluted by oil, chemicals and toxic wastes. We need to save our water, to keep it clean and healthy to people, plants and animals will always have some to drink. Water means life.

The ozone hole.

Up in the sky there’s a layer of gas called ozone. It helps to protect our skin from harmful rays of the sun, but it lets the good rays come through. Now the ozone layer is being damaged by gases that people have made (halons). The gas floats up to the top of the atmosphere, and eats up the ozone.

Disappearing animals.

Every day, there are more people living on Earth. All these people need place to live. So they move to some wild places which are already homes for plants and wild animals, forests are cut down and wild areas are filled with houses. The means there is no place for the animals to live, they begin to disappear. Dinosaurs which lived on the Earth many millions of years ago are extinct now. That could happen to elephants, zebras, frogs, butterflies or goldfish… or other animals, if we are not careful.

V. Тренировка учащихся в полилоге.

- What ecological organizations do you know?

Let’s imagine that the members of ecological organizations are here. The members of Green Peace, of W.W.F and L.E.G.

(рассказ об основании организации, их деятельности, цели и символе)

VI.Тренировка учащихся в аудировании с детальным извлечением информации.

-We have many problems in our life and in our fairy-tales. Now read the texts and help the characters of the tale answering the questions. Our tale names “ Kolobok and his Friends are in Trouble.”

Answer my questions.

  • Finish the sentences:

1.Kolobok-the-Roll goes to…

-The forest,

-the sea-shore,

the garden.

2. Ivanushka turned into the…




3. Gorynych-the- Dragon is ill, because he ate…

- the dirty grass,

-an ice-cream,

-an apple.

4. Baba Yaga cannot fly in her stupa, because…

- the air is clean,

-the air is dirty.

II.Correct what Alice says:

-Kolobok-the Roll goes to the garden to grow seeds.

-Ivanushka turned into a sheep.

-Gorynych-the- Dragon swam in the Dnieper.

- Baba Yaga can fly in her stupa.

-Kashey- the- Deathless likes the forest without trees.

VII. Итог урока.

VIII. Домашнее задание.

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