Инфоурок Английский язык КонспектыОткрытый урок в 6 классе "МОИ ОКРЕСТНОСТИ"

Открытый урок в 6 классе "МОИ ОКРЕСТНОСТИ"

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1) Организационный момент.  (1 минута)


Hello students. I am glad to see you! Sit down, please.

How are you today?


2) Постановка темы урока.      (1 минута)


Students, look at the slide, please. You can see some different pictures, but they are connected with one theme. Look at the next slide, there are two words. Think  and tell me what we are going to speak about today?


Yes, you are absolutely right! We will speak about neighbourhood.


    3) Лексическая и фонетическая разминка.   (2 минута)


So, now I want you to tell me the places which you see. 

What is it?....

(Table 1 student 2)…


-        It is….


Well done! Thanks. Now let’s pronounce these words once more. Repeat after me


4) Активизация речевой деятельности учащихся. 

            (2 минуты)


And now let’s speak more about places where we can buy some goods and products.

-        You are right, good job.


5) Групповая работа.                              (5 минут)


Students, you have got sheets of paper on your tables. Your task is to look at the slide and choose words according to your group.

Group number 1 – you need to find things which you can buy at the greengrocer's

Group number 2 – you need to find things which you can buy at the sports shop

Group number 3 – you need to find things which you can buy at the toy shop.

You have to discuss it in groups and write down your variants. Begin


Now, lets check.


6) Активизация навыков поискового чтения.         

 (3 минуты)


Well, if you look at the slide you will see the next task. You need to match word combinations for making sentences. You have 2 minutes.

Are you ready? Let’s check. Table 3, student number 2.


Thank you, well done!


7) Развитие навыков аудирования.                (3 минуты)


So, you are very clever students. And I think it wouldn’t difficult for you to do the next task. It is listening task. You have got sheets of paper with the task on your tables. Please, take them. You need to complete the missing places, while listening.  Are you ready to start? Ok…


You work is great! But I think you want to have a rest, don’t you?


Stand up please.


8) Физкультминутка.                (2 минута)


9) Активизация изученной ранее грамматики (предлоги места)                                   (5 минут)


When we speak about places and their location we usually use prepositions of place. Look at the slide and  read prepositions. Try to remember them.

Now say, what preposition is it?

Well, so now please make sentences using our vocabulary and prepositions of place.

Good job!


10) Поисковое чтение и письмо.                   (7 минут)


On your desks you have got sheets of paper with your next task. It is reading task. You have 2 minutes for reading and 5 minutes for answering the questions. You can do it in written form. Please, begin.

Very good.


11) Проектная работа.                                    (10 минут)


And now students, I can say that you know a lot of about neighbourhood, about different places, you can say where they are situated, what we can buy at them, you can use prepositions of places in your speech. You are very clever. And, at the end of our lesson I have a creative task for you. You need to make a project in your groups. You have got sheets of paper, markers, pictures on your desks. You can use it for making your own project of neighbouhood.

Your time is 7 minutes.  Be active!


12) Подведение итогов, рефлексия.              (2 минуты)


Students, you were so active, so clever at our lesson. Your work was interesting and good. Now, please evaluate your work.

If our lesson was interesting and useful for you, choose and show me «happy» smile

If you didn’t understand some things or it was sometimes difficult for you, choose «neutral» smile.

If you  didn’t like our lesson, choose «sad» smile

Now put up your smiles and show me. Thanks.

Now, marks. ____,____,____ got mark «5»


13) Домашнее задание                                (1 минута)


Our lesson is over. Thank you students! Goodbye!
















8. There is a huge bright house. Тhousands of Books live in it. 

2. There's a lot of money in this building.

11. It is the most favorite shop of children.

4. Fresh vegetables and fruits can be bought there.

7. When we are sick ,we go there to buy some medicine.

10. You can eat Delicious in this place.

12. If you like sports then you go there.

1. The postmen take the letters from there and deliver them to us.

5. You can buy everything in this shop.

6. You can buy newspapers and magazines there .

9. You can buy any pet in this shop .

3. Bread, rolls and cakes are sold there.



Задание для чтения


I live in a beautiful neighbourhood. There are a lot of shops and cafes around here. There is a post office next to the bank. Opposite the bank, there is the newsagent's. There is also a supermarket opposite the post office and a bus station behind the supermarket. Next to it there is the chemist's. Behind it, there is a library. Opposite the chemist's, there is my favourite coffee shop! I like my neighbourhood a lot.

1)   Where does Tony live?


He lives________________________________________________________.


2)   What does he have around there?


He has_________________________________________________________.


3)   What is situated right next to the bank?




4)   Where is the newsagent ‘s?




5)   What is opposite the post office?




6)   Where is the bus station?




7)   Where is Tony's favourite coffee shop?





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